View Full Version : Estrion's Darkstone Key

12-26-2007, 05:23 PM
a red laen key

The key is wrought from pure laen. Several layers of the sturdy material are visible along the sides, which jut out like small flags at irregular intervals. Carved into the top of the key is the sneering visage of Lord Estrion himself, surrounded by a faint green glow.

Estrion's Claedesbrim/Darkstone Key
Unlimited crossrealms teleport to Darkstone/Landing
4 permanent settings inside Darkstone Castle for each level (Red, Purple, Aqua, Yellow)
1 setting anywhere in Landing range (Green)

The sorcerer Estrion and the wizard Siarl attempted to use Darkstone as a base from which to launch a campaign to destroy Wehnimer's Landing. They called upon Sheru to assist them, but their magic experiments and unholy rituals backfired, creating the storm of mana that lingers above the Castle to this day. Sheru abandoned the pair, though the wicked harbingers who heralded his arrival were left behind. Estrion and Siarl then launched a failed attack on the Landing. Estrion was slain by Starsnuffer, while Siarl managed to escape. His whereabouts today are unknown.
Suddenly, Tsin is engulfed in a brilliant vortex of key multicolored light! The dazzling hues swirl in ever tighter circles for several moments, then rush away completely, carrying Tsin off in a shower of sparks!

A brilliant vortex of light appears from out of nowhere, and just as suddenly swirls away to reveal Tsin in its place.

Changing settings
>push key
You hear a faint *click* and the key is gradually enfolded by a faint green glow.

As Tsin adjusts his red laen key, it is gradually enfolded by a faint green glow.
Green - Settable to anywhere in landing range
>turn key
Suddenly, you are engulfed in a brilliant vortex of multicolored light! As the dazzling hues swirl in ever tighter circles, your surroundings gradually fade away.

Moments later, the vortex dissipates and you look around to see...

[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a small red-chested hawk that is flying around, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.

Red - DS1
[Castle Darkstone, Crypt]
The air is still and silent in this dimly-lit space. Several ornately carved stone coffins, probably containing dead ancestors of the castle's lords, lie under thick blankets of dust here. A thick, swirling mist blankets this room almost completely, only briefly wavering to reveal a dark stone monolith towering silently in the center of the room.
Obvious exits: up

Purple - DS2

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It is difficult to see here, due to a thick swirling mist that blankets this room entirely. Now and again it wavers just enough for you to see a dark stone monolith towering nearly to the ceiling. The iron bunks and other furnishings that may have once served to accommodate the guards are carelessly tossed to one corner of the room in order to make way for this mysterious artifact.
Obvious exits: out

Aqua - DS3

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The tunnel opens out into a roughly squarish chamber. On the far wall, a mummified body is shackled upside down, arms and legs spread. A post about as thick as your thumb and none too smooth is inserted in the mouth. Judging by the nasty stains and calcified globs on the post and the floor around it, it probably continues a ways beyond the throat. Positioned squarely in front of the figure is a towering dark stone monolith, shrouded in a thick mist.
Obvious exits: down

Yellow - DS4

[Darkstone, Outer Chamber]
Row upon row of iron manacles bolted securely into the ceiling still hold tightly to the remains of the poor souls trapped forever in this horrible place. Something about the floor catches your eye as you dodge to avoid the clattering, lifeless bodies. You also see a strange contraption with a massive stone crucible on it, a large pile of rubble covering most of the north wall and an immense iron door.
Obvious exits: none

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or bubbauno on AIM.


12-26-2007, 05:42 PM
Green - Settable to anywhere in landing range

Holy shit, when did they nerf the cross realm capability? That sucks :(

12-26-2007, 05:48 PM
It makes me sick to my stomach to see Tsin holding an item like this and actively merchanting it. =(

12-26-2007, 05:56 PM
It makes me sick to my stomach to see Tsin holding an item like this and actively merchanting it. =(

Considering it's been totally nerfed from it's former awesomness, who cares? Chances are he's going to take a loss on it because the GMs hate anything cool and/or fun.

12-26-2007, 06:05 PM
More tedium, Less fun!! :)

Drunken Durfin
12-26-2007, 06:18 PM
It makes me sick to my stomach to see Tsin holding an item like this and actively merchanting it. =(

You should see the stuff that he is not selling.

12-26-2007, 07:20 PM
you should see the things hes wearing....thats what makes me sick to my stomach.

not because of who he is or how good they are, but because they all look hideous.

something something golvern something pulsing something something glowing something trimmed in golvern WITH BULGING VEINS

12-26-2007, 07:23 PM
100% ^^^^

Chaotic Tempo
12-26-2007, 09:35 PM
You can hate the man, but you've got the give him credit for being essentially the GS4 curator. He has some of the most awesome artifacts in the games history, managing them and keeping them in existence AND away from the medling, nofunzone hands of GMs with "reality" complexes.

Go Tsin Go!

12-26-2007, 09:47 PM
You can hate the man, but you've got the give him credit for being essentially the GS4 curator. He has some of the most awesome artifacts in the games history, managing them and keeping them in existence AND away from the medling, nofunzone hands of GMs with "reality" complexes.

Go Tsin Go!

Nothing against Tsin, but.....keeping them away from the medling, nofunzone hands of GMs with "reality" complexes? That would explain why half of his items have been nerfed, such as the Darkstone key he's selling in another thread, right?

something something golvern something pulsing something something glowing something trimmed in golvern WITH BULGING VEINS

My cock looks just like that. The bulging veins anyway :lol:

12-26-2007, 09:54 PM
3 items nerfed out of the 1000+ that i've owned is hardly half.. The last time that happened was like 5 or 6 years ago and they have nerfed pretty much everything they wanted to by now.

Chaotic Tempo
12-26-2007, 10:16 PM
Oooh, das sum troof BOMBZ!

>Chaotic Tempo gazes into his diamond studded platinum clock necklace, examining his teeth in its reflection.

12-26-2007, 10:17 PM
3 items nerfed out of the 1000+ that i've owned is hardly half.. The last time that happened was like 5 or 6 years ago and they have nerfed pretty much everything they wanted to by now.

Because you are a GM and all, you know everything they're going to nerf.

12-26-2007, 10:49 PM
3 items nerfed out of the 1000+ that i've owned is hardly half.. The last time that happened was like 5 or 6 years ago and they have nerfed pretty much everything they wanted to by now.

Yes, because when I said "half", I meant that to be an exact number, since I know exactly every single item you've owned and have been keeping tabs on whether or not they've been nerfed, depsite me not playing GS for years, and wasn't just making an exaggeration of how gay the GMs are these days or anything.

Be less serious about GS.

The Lost Player
12-27-2007, 02:20 AM
Oooh, das sum troof BOMBZ!

>Chaotic Tempo gazes into his diamond studded platinum clock necklace, examining his teeth in its reflection.

I hope he is paying you to suck his cock.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
12-27-2007, 03:37 AM
Two posts in and he's already going to town on someone he knows nothing about! Mefinks he'll fit in well here. w00t w00t!

The Lost Player
12-27-2007, 03:57 AM
Two posts in and he's already going to town on someone he knows nothing about! Mefinks he'll fit in well here. w00t w00t!

Excuse me?

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
12-27-2007, 08:29 AM
It's a good thing! It means we like you! Or, err, something like that. YAY YOU!

12-29-2007, 01:26 PM
It makes me sick to my stomach to see Tsin holding an item like this and actively merchanting it. =(
Animate Dead Wand for Sale! I promise to never part with it, unless the price is right! ;P

Sean of the Thread
12-29-2007, 02:15 PM
Man without cross realms this really became a big pile of shit.

I'll start the bidding at 250k

12-29-2007, 02:55 PM
tsin are you looking for trade only or will silver work... in either case what's your price point?

Sean of the Thread
12-29-2007, 02:56 PM
tsin are you looking for trade only or will silver work... in either case what's your price point?

Rofl @ asking Tsin for a price point.

"How much you got?... got you a reaaaal nice deal today!"

12-29-2007, 02:59 PM
have to start somewhere? besides I could use a good laugh about now.

12-29-2007, 03:09 PM
''I sell Aston Martins'' :lol: What a cocksucker.

12-29-2007, 06:56 PM
Animate Dead Wand for Sale! I promise to never part with it, unless the price is right! ;P

I wanted that damn wand.

12-29-2007, 10:22 PM
you and me both, as the last one went for around 100m I think, actualy getting it will be unlikely.

12-29-2007, 10:31 PM
Last one?

I thought there was only one?

12-29-2007, 10:40 PM
Unless Siarl's key was somehow found without anyone knowing then there is only one.

12-29-2007, 10:56 PM
Talking about the animate dead wand, not the DS keys.

12-30-2007, 03:44 AM
heh, there two wands that I know of.

12-31-2007, 02:47 PM
2.5 sorta, if you count that undead rattle thing (which was way before AD was ever released, even though it's buggy as hell). That was fun stuff. Neimanz had it last I heard, if he's even still around.

01-01-2008, 06:33 PM
Heh... my joke failed miserably I see... Jesse was bitching about Tsin "actively merchanting" a real cool item, when not that long ago he did the exact same thing with something he supposedly was "never" going to part with, his AD wand. This rather annoyed me too, considering I helped convince the winner of it at the EG auction to sell it to him for a relatively low price when I could have easily bought it myself and resold it for the same ridiculous profit he got, or recommend they sell it on the open market. A mistake I shall not make again.

In anycase, since someone seemed to be wondering. Evarin bought Jesse's wand, I am the original and current (and always, unless I quit or it gets nerfed) owner of the other one.

01-01-2008, 06:50 PM
2.5 sorta, if you count that undead rattle thing (which was way before AD was ever released, even though it's buggy as hell). That was fun stuff. Neimanz had it last I heard, if he's even still around.

Isn't that the rattle Tayvin's selling a few posts over?

01-01-2008, 06:56 PM
Isn't that the rattle Tayvin's selling a few posts over?

I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it. But the info he gave was pretty scarce too. The price seemed pretty low too.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-01-2008, 07:27 PM
Fuck you bitches, do I look like a sorcerer? I don't even know why I bought the POS. Has neat scripts though! (it's not the animated dead one, no - it disquises demons without having to learn the illusion skill)

01-01-2008, 07:31 PM
That's not it then. This one basically you could resurrect a dead critter and it would be a "zombie" <critter>. Like a zombie troll king. And you could have a whole army of them as long as the rattle had charges.

01-02-2008, 04:05 AM
That's not it then. This one basically you could resurrect a dead critter and it would be a "zombie" <critter>. Like a zombie troll king. And you could have a whole army of them as long as the rattle had charges.

It's mine now, as it should have always been. I'd love any notes you had on it though Methais, I know you played with it quite a bit when you owned it.


01-02-2008, 04:38 AM
Not much to tell really. You wave it over a corpse to add charges to it, more is added with higher level critters. More charges are consumed when animating a higher level critter, point rattle at it to keep it "fueled" as it'll die off eventually if you don't. But it's buggy and sometimes they just die anyway.

Stuff you animate won't keep their weapons I don't think, which sucks since they can only attack with their fists I think. It's been a while. But you can animate as many things at once as you want as long as it has charges.

Unfortunately they can be killed pretty easy too if I remember right, but it's funny the reactions you'll get when you show up in the park and a few seconds later you see something like:

A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.
A zombie massive troll king just arrived.

01-02-2008, 06:15 PM
Well I learned 2 things I didn't know just from that small snippet. I was trying to get it fixed/replaced but that fell through, at least for now. Thanks Methais.

The Undead Warrior