View Full Version : new computer wow noob

12-23-2007, 08:20 PM
So.. I got monies for going to school unexpectedly and decided to use some for a new comp..since my old one was... old.
went from
598 Mhz; 386 ram; 14 gigs split between 2 hdd's; 17 inch used to hell monitor;basically a monster that was able to handle gemstone...
the new <3 system
amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 4000+, 2 gigs of ram, 320 gig hdd, and the sexy sexy 19 in. widescreen.
and my christmas present is the wow box set, so i'm on bloodfurnace now :)
the only thing I could have wished for more was the 22 in. widescreen for sale next to it =D
the downside was it wont let me post on pc for some reason :( had to use the wifes laptop... anyone use vista and have issues posting? it gave me an internal error 404 page when I clicked submit post or preview post.

12-23-2007, 08:41 PM
nice rig

12-23-2007, 09:38 PM
Don't play alliance.

12-23-2007, 09:54 PM
Horde Dunemaul.

12-23-2007, 10:12 PM
Is dunemaul pvp?

12-23-2007, 10:25 PM
Yes it is.

12-24-2007, 02:51 AM
I've been playing with the idea of trying WoW out. Downloaded the trial version but haven't had a chance to give a go yet.

Can someone tell me why everyone hates Alliance so much? Not just here but I've heard the same thing on other forums when a discussion about WoW comes up. Just wondering what the big deal is.

12-24-2007, 04:06 AM
Horde Dunemaul.

Are you playing again?

12-24-2007, 04:31 AM
I've been playing with the idea of trying WoW out. Downloaded the trial version but haven't had a chance to give a go yet.

Can someone tell me why everyone hates Alliance so much? Not just here but I've heard the same thing on other forums when a discussion about WoW comes up. Just wondering what the big deal is.

They're gay and are played by 8-year-olds. And they suck at pvp. And night elves are fags.

12-24-2007, 04:54 AM
I play alliance on Dunemaul and am neither 8 years old nor a cigarette.

Actually, with the introduction of blood elves to the horde, I would say that things have pretty much levelled out.

Having both horde and alliance on Dunemaul, I can say with an air of authority that you face the same issues (pugs that dont listen...etc) on both sides. It's actually quite funny listening to people complaining that people on the other side have these mysterious scripts/hacks that give the other faction an unfair advantage, when in reality it is just that the other person was that much quicker than they.

In terms of alliance sucking at PvP, the racials for the horde characters are built for PvP and give them a good advantage. Take them away and I would say that you have sucky players across the board. The amount of players that are good at PvP are fairly limited, IMO.

12-24-2007, 04:42 PM
Winning in a battleground is a roll of the dice. More often then not, the horde are gonna win the roll. But not that much more. Being as awesome as me helps a team out too.

12-24-2007, 04:52 PM
Holy shit it's Meos.

Do you still play with Kalishar and Linor?

12-24-2007, 04:59 PM
I play alliance on Dunemaul and am neither 8 years old nor a cigarette.

Actually, with the introduction of blood elves to the horde, I would say that things have pretty much levelled out.

Having both horde and alliance on Dunemaul, I can say with an air of authority that you face the same issues (pugs that dont listen...etc) on both sides. It's actually quite funny listening to people complaining that people on the other side have these mysterious scripts/hacks that give the other faction an unfair advantage, when in reality it is just that the other person was that much quicker than they.

In terms of alliance sucking at PvP, the racials for the horde characters are built for PvP and give them a good advantage. Take them away and I would say that you have sucky players across the board. The amount of players that are good at PvP are fairly limited, IMO.

I have a 70 gnome mage and a 70 undead mage, and the majority of pug BGs I play on Horde, we win, and the majority of pug BGs I play on alliance, we lose. At best the racials are situational, and both factions have plenty of useless racials. Escape Artist is just as awesome as WoTF I think, it just depends on what class you're fighting at the time. Overall I'd say most of the racials in the game aren't that great for pvp. WoTF, EA, and the orc passive stun resist racial are great. The rest are kinda meh across the board except perception, which is good vs. 2 classes.

Overall I think blaming losses on racials doesn't exactly hold much water. Yeah, Horde has 1 or 2 more useful pvp racials than alliance, but it's usually not going to determine whether you win or lose. Kind of like how Horde used to bitch about Alliance having an advantage in PvE due to fear ward and stone form and whatever else, yet most of the world first kills were accomplished by Horde guilds, despite their supposed disadvantage.

12-24-2007, 05:28 PM
I have a 70 gnome mage and a 70 undead mage, and the majority of pug BGs I play on Horde, we win, and the majority of pug BGs I play on alliance, we lose. At best the racials are situational, and both factions have plenty of useless racials. Escape Artist is just as awesome as WoTF I think, it just depends on what class you're fighting at the time. Overall I'd say most of the racials in the game aren't that great for pvp. WoTF, EA, and the orc passive stun resist racial are great. The rest are kinda meh across the board except perception, which is good vs. 2 classes.

Overall I think blaming losses on racials doesn't exactly hold much water. Yeah, Horde has 1 or 2 more useful pvp racials than alliance, but it's usually not going to determine whether you win or lose. Kind of like how Horde used to bitch about Alliance having an advantage in PvE due to fear ward and stone form and whatever else, yet most of the world first kills were accomplished by Horde guilds, despite their supposed disadvantage.

Cant say I blamed losing on racials. That's the only difference I can see between the factions, in the main.

I only do BGs from time to time now, but I win more than I lose. I guess the difference between my PUG BGs and yours is that I am doing them as a healer. That's primarily the difference between winning and losing BGs as far as I can see. Throw a few heals in and it makes the world of difference. I get in PUG BG's and when we start to win, pugs start sounding surprised, and yet for me it is something that happens more than not. We get people in our BG talking about losing 15 BGs in a trot. I havent done that since the old style honour grinds when I was pugging solo against farming teams.

12-24-2007, 06:37 PM
I guess the difference between my PUG BGs and yours is that I am doing them as a healer. That's primarily the difference between winning and losing BGs as far as I can see. Throw a few heals in and it makes the world of difference.

Yeah that's most likely the reason, since in most pugs, EVERYONE thinks they're dps, even holy priests and resto druids.

Before Ritual of Refreshment came out, I'd often have conversations like this:

Healing class: water plz
Me: Are you here to heal?
Healing class: No I'm dps
Me: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v99/zeonzumdeikun/Worf_notagain.gif

12-26-2007, 09:51 AM
Cant say I blamed losing on racials. That's the only difference I can see between the factions, in the main.

I only do BGs from time to time now, but I win more than I lose. I guess the difference between my PUG BGs and yours is that I am doing them as a healer. That's primarily the difference between winning and losing BGs as far as I can see. Throw a few heals in and it makes the world of difference. I get in PUG BG's and when we start to win, pugs start sounding surprised, and yet for me it is something that happens more than not. We get people in our BG talking about losing 15 BGs in a trot. I havent done that since the old style honour grinds when I was pugging solo against farming teams.

Alliance have pretty good racials for pvp (don't forget Stoneform and the nice priest racials), but yeah, racials don't make THAT much of a difference in BGs. Maybe in a specific 1v1/2v2 encounter, but not a BG as a whole.

I agree, the main issue is healing and suggest that the second most important is guarding. You can sometimes overcome a lack of either/both by zerging, but not always.

There have been times when I'm the only healer in a BG and/or one of the only ones guarding. I've even hit (and stayed at) the top of the AV heal meters just in the first 3 minutes of the rush from the cave to Balinda, SH GY, and then capping/guarding IW bunker. AB is horrible too, no one guards and the ones who do are semi-AFK (flags/bunkers are the new cave). In EotS, Horde in our battlegroup haven't realized you need to do more than hold two towers; either get a third or get flags. Oh, and in both AB and EotS, it's WAY too easy to pull people from the flags for a stealthy type to cap.

I've been real bored with my Horde toons lately so maybe I'll try Alliance to see how bad it really is. I can't imagine it's any worse than Barrens chat. I'll probably go PvE this time since I avoid PvP outside of BGs.

It's actually quite funny listening to people complaining that people on the other side have these mysterious scripts/hacks that give the other faction an unfair advantage, when in reality it is just that the other person was that much quicker than they.
While I'm the first to admit I suck at PvP, I do occasionally run into rogues (always seem to be NE rogues) in AV who blink around my screen while everyone else is moving normally, I figure they have to be using some sort of hack. I have a good connection and rarely lag.

12-26-2007, 12:54 PM
I agree, the main issue is healing and suggest that the second most important is guarding. You can sometimes overcome a lack of either/both by zerging, but not always.

Horde seem to be far superior at zerging than alliance. No idea why.

AB is horrible too, no one guards and the ones who do are semi-AFK (flags/bunkers are the new cave).

That's not new though. I cant even begin to count the amount of times I have capped a flag with people stood there "guarding it".

I dont know if you were on the server when Warpig was around. He was a really shitty rogue that capped a ton of flags in AB by being ridiculously obvious and just walking up to the flag amongst a ton of horde. Sometimes he got away with it. He taught me that people watching flags are not necessarily watching.

Here's my video I made of Warpig, just to show what he was best at (i.e. nothing)


In EotS, Horde in our battlegroup haven't realized you need to do more than hold two towers; either get a third or get flags. Oh, and in both AB and EotS, it's WAY too easy to pull people from the flags for a stealthy type to cap.

That's my specialty.

While I'm the first to admit I suck at PvP, I do occasionally run into rogues (always seem to be NE rogues) in AV who blink around my screen while everyone else is moving normally, I figure they have to be using some sort of hack. I have a good connection and rarely lag.

That could be anything down to them having lag, server lag or the tried and trusted printscreen method of roguecraft.

12-26-2007, 01:04 PM
The music in that video just made it 478209x much better to watch.

12-26-2007, 01:32 PM
Can someone tell me why everyone hates Alliance so much? Not just here but I've heard the same thing on other forums when a discussion about WoW comes up. Just wondering what the big deal is.


That video never gets old.

12-26-2007, 01:58 PM

The Ponzzz
12-26-2007, 02:30 PM

That video never gets old.


12-26-2007, 03:00 PM
Fuck the Alliance! Who wants to be a fucking gnome?!?

12-26-2007, 03:03 PM
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12-26-2007, 04:47 PM
It's been scientifically proven that pedophiles prefer to play gnomes.