View Full Version : 325 your thoughts?
we touched on this in the gettin' to you know ya thread but i was curious for you clerics out there what are your opinions of 325? do you like it? hate it? like the imbed function? hate the tiers? love the tiers? just curious to see what your opinions are and how and if you use the spell.
personally like i said before i can't find any real function for the tiers but having an imbed spell isnt bad i know i help a few friends out by imbeding things like airwall and 303. but it is sort of agitating to waste good gems to use it. all in all it gets a C from me.
12-10-2003, 03:17 PM
I've only seen 325 used. I haven't actually used it myself.
I blew up a box and had a friend change the slab of silver into a gold slab. It increased the value of the slab 10 fold.
Outside of this and what Tijay mentioned, I don't really see this a useful spell. I also give it a C.
12-10-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Zeyrin
I've only seen 325 used. I haven't actually used it myself.
I blew up a box and had a friend change the slab of silver into a gold slab. It increased the value of the slab 10 fold.
Outside of this and what Tijay mentioned, I don't really see this a useful spell. I also give it a C.
Isn't there other uses for the spell? I heard something about a 'holy gernade' type effect. Anyone try that?
there are 4 tiers right now
silver to gold
brimestone (holy gernade)
and chrism
12-10-2003, 03:26 PM
I like the normal imbedding part although I find very limited use in it.
As for the tiers, I deem them utterly worthless (read: north worth the time/mana/cost investment) aside perhaps from the one that improves recovery of friendly dead people. I haven't tested that one yet though.
I give the tiers a D- and the imbed a C.
you cant really test chrism until DR pts are turned on.
12-10-2003, 03:42 PM
I thought it only increased spirit and mana recovery? I must have misread it then. You're saying it affects DR points?
[Edited on 12-10-2003 by Adhara]
325 · Holy Receptacle [HOLYRECEPTACLE]
Duration: Immediate
Type: Utility
Calling upon the power and favor of her chosen deity, a cleric will be able to infuse holy magic into gems. These gems can then be called upon to grant certain powers and effects to those whom the deity deems worthy.
Along with the ability to bless their spells into gems, Clerics will be able to bless deity powers into gems. This is more restrictive and takes much more skill than normal spell blessing. Currently, there are 5 common blessing spells available to Clerics. The tiers are as follows:
1. Silver to Gold
This spell enables a player to transform a solid silver object to a gold object upon a successful attempt. The primary target for this ability is the silver slabs created from vaporizing a treasure box full of coins. Players may also use this gem on silver wands to create golden wands. This gem is useable by everyone and has 1 to 3 charges max.
Requirements: Blessing Lore 25 skill/5 ranks, Religion Lore 50 skill/10 ranks, Gem Value >= 1.
2. Brimstone
Once thrown or tossed in a room, a gem imbued with this spell will attempt to strike creatures in the room. This is dependent upon the character¿s skill, the gem value, and the level of the creatures in the room. The gem is useable by everyone and has 1 charge.
Requirements: Summoning Lore 25 skill/5 ranks, Blessing Lore 25 skill/5 ranks, Religion Lore 70 skill/15 ranks, and Gem Value >=1001.
3. Nexus
This spell imbues a gem with the power of transporting the Cleric and companions to a preset location. The Cleric will set a bind location by tapping the gem in the desired destination room, and then activates the gem by rubbing it. This form of transportation must adhere to the same area restrictions as a gold ring would. The chance of creating a successful Nexus portal depends on the skill of the user along with the value of the gem. The difficulty becomes harder if the room that the Cleric is teleporting from contains hostile creatures. The gem is only useable by Clerics and has 1 charge.
Requirements: Summoning Lore 50 skill/10 ranks, Blessing Lore 25 skill/5 ranks, Religion Lore 90 skill/20 ranks, and Gem Value >=2001.
4. Chrism
This spell imbues a gem with two different abilities. Firstly, when used as a pre-resurrection ritual, the gem must be waved over the body of the corpse by a Cleric. Upon resurrection the previously dead player will have an enhanced rate of recovery to their health, mana and spirit pools. Also, the Death Recovery penalty will be lessened by a certain percentage. Secondly, when used upon the living, the gem has the power to bestow the ability for other players to enter a state of meditation like Clerics, Empaths and Savants. They will receive an enhanced rate of recovery to their health, mana and spirit pools as well. This only lasts for a set amount of time and will only work in rooms where one can meditate. The gem is only useable by Clerics and has 1 charge.
Requirements: Summoning Lore 70 skill/15 ranks, Blessing Lore 50 skill/10 ranks, Religion Lore 105 skill/25 ranks, and Gem Value >=3001.
5: TBD
Failure rate of blessing a spell into a gem from the all three of their spell lists is decreased by training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings.
12-10-2003, 04:06 PM
I like the imbed function of 325, I can turn my cheap gems into bravery items that my wizard can use. Not having to spend 1k a sip is always nice in my book. That and I can give out 313 for the maneuver bonus or 303 is nice too. For personal use, the imbed part is WAY useless.
The tiers are pretty bad. Silver to gold only yields like 15% increase if you factor the slab AND gem cost in, considering I've never seen a silver to gold gem last more than a single rub. I don't think pumping up blessing lore is worth this...
Brimstone is probably beyond worthless. The mana investment, the gem AND it costs mana when you toss it. If anyone wants to see some snippets I'll toss em up later but I mean it when I say its worthless. For the mana cost you'd be better off trying any other spell in your arsenal.
Nexus is just redundant. Most clerics that have 325 will already have fog. Being able to pinpoint an exact spot is cute but not worth 5,000 silver and the chance of failure.
Chrism may be the tier system's saving grace but then again, you can't use it on yourself anyway.
the nexus failure can be nasty too .. leaving you hurt and manaless unless that was downtweaked since i failed in beta.
12-10-2003, 07:30 PM
I think it sucks.
I have 25 ranks in all my lores and you mean to tell me I bound a shaman for a bard to toss the holy bomb and it did a whole 1 point of damage? I think I would've felt better if the bugger had dodged the gem.
As for the silver to gold tier, I rubbed that gem on a slab and it didn't do anything but shake.
Good idea but I think they could've done better.
12-10-2003, 07:58 PM
For Silver to Gold, the gem has to be worth more than the slab of silver. Cute little detail they neglect to mention ANYWHERE. You need a gem worth like 3150 to work on a silver wand too. Although why you would even consider doing that is beyond me. The gold wand created doesn't seem to be dupable.
12-10-2003, 08:53 PM
I hate how I'm supposed to kiss ass to a bard to be able to make my own gems.
Screw that, I made one once, that's it. I haven't even tested it beyond imbedding 202 in one gem.
12-10-2003, 09:24 PM
You don't need a bard to find the orb gems. Just cast 325 at all your rocks during downtime. It is mana intensive, anyone under 50ish might have a better time just saving gems and finding a bard.
I personally don't find BILLIONS of gems to check so this method works for me.
12-10-2003, 10:43 PM
I'd rather cast 330 than 325
Originally posted by EmpressBtch
I have 25 ranks in all my lores and you mean to tell me I bound a shaman for a bard to toss the holy bomb and it did a whole 1 point of damage? I think I would've felt better if the bugger had dodged the gem.
As for the silver to gold tier, I rubbed that gem on a slab and it didn't do anything but shake.
shamans absorb heat so im not suprised your holy gernade didnt do anything to it.
your gem for silver to gold has to be worth more then the slab.
12-11-2003, 02:27 AM
I bless gems for my friends and family in game, they usually help keep me supplied on gems. Married to a Bard so it helps. I bless 202, 103, 303, 313, and 211 for them....but the only real use I have found for that spell myself is this:
>prep 325
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Holy Receptacle spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast pear
You gesture at a tiny grey pearl.
A quick prayer acknowledged by a soft glow within the grey pearl establishes a spiritual bond between yourself and the gem.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>bless 301 in pearl using wave for 30 charges
You concentrate on funneling your power into the pearl.
You call upon the favor of Eonak ...
You manage to successfully place 20 charges of the Prayer of Holding when it begins to overheat, so you stop.
saves a bunch of mana while hunting, but other then that <shrug>
has anyone even tried the chrism portion of the gem? that can report back on it? anyone try it in beta to see if there was an approx % of DR pt reduction from it?
12-12-2003, 07:32 AM
Crap idea. They've tried to give Clerics a pure utility spell similar to Scroll Infuse, Enchant etc. Note most of the spell casting professions saw a spell like this. 640 for example. To me, the entire idea seems utterly stretched, kind of like "Shit, we need a utility spell for clerics really quick, what can we do?"
If it was at all useful, everyone would be using it.
12-12-2003, 07:51 AM
So, clerics can basically imbed now? I can get a gem with bravery, heroism, even zealot in it?
12-12-2003, 07:52 AM
If only it was that useful. You can't imbed spells into them, just the four functions mentioned above.
actually stray hes right you can imbed those spells you just need to make sure its an orb gem.
however some spells you cannot you cannot imbed herosim and sanctuary for example.
12-12-2003, 10:56 AM
Really? Well that aspect has a use then.
12-13-2003, 03:18 PM
here's my take on 325:
The imbed function is useful for friends, certainly.
The common tier blessings have their uses. I haven't found nexus or brimstone to be worthwhile.
Silver to gold, for converting slabs, is not worth it in my opinion. Since the orb gem has to be worth more than the silver slab, it's just not worth the effort.
Silver to gold wands IS something I find useful. Like a lot of clerics, I'm now doubled in spell aim, and gold wands are pretty effective. I find a lot more silver wands than gold, so converting them into gold works pretty well for me. I usually get two rubs from an emerald when doing silver to gold.
Supposedly, there's a third use for silver to gold. Not sure what it is.
Chrism is potentially the best use, but we really won't know until DR gets turned on. Being able to save your friends some DR (or them saving you some) sounds pretty nice.
12-22-2003, 11:48 AM
I usually get two rubs from an emerald when doing silver to gold.
So you can take 2k worth of silver wands and turn them into 4k worth of gold wands, plus lose a 5k gem. Yay.
I have tried to dupe the gold wands after making them but someone told me they couldnt be duped. If so its even worse.
You could sell your two silver wands for 4k if you had them both duped, and buy two gold wands for 4k then dupe them into 4 gold wands.
Or, spend 5k on an emerald, mana, the two silver wands and end up with 2 gold wands.
The spell blows, the only thing it saves you is time but with a price tag of mana and silver. Its only saving grace will be Chrism and DR points but we'll see how much it actually helps.
12-22-2003, 11:50 AM
Heck, sell the emerald at the gem shopfor 5k and buy two gold wands for 2k apiece and your still making 1k more than you would if you changed your original two silver wands. Plus you can sell the silver wands!
No matter how you look at it, you lose working on wands.
The spell sucks orb gems are to far and few between for it to be usefull unless you own a bard.
12-22-2003, 02:03 PM
<shudders violently at the thought of Edine owning a bard>
01-08-2004, 01:33 AM
I find this spell to be somewhat interesting. Possibly a few adjustments to be made, pleased to see the new occurences.
Do not have much time left to fiddle around though. Very pleased with the new sparks of creativity. Well deserved on the GMs part.
01-08-2004, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
The spell sucks orb gems are to far and few between for it to be usefull unless you own a bard.
Actually I don't own a bard but I've been able to find my own orb gems. 325 at every rock you dig up. I tend to do it at the end of the day. I script through a cloakful of maybe 40-60 gems and find a about 10-15 orbs.
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