View Full Version : Customized player-forged mithglin longswords

12-19-2007, 03:20 PM
In my attempt to make the perfect mithglin longsword, I'm selling all my regular (+1 to AVD / +1% to DF) ones. I'll give a few options for customization.

It can be:

an elegant mithglin longsword
an elegant (color) mithglin longsword
an elegant (color)-hilted mithglin longsword
an elegant (wood)-hilted mithglin longsword
an elegant (metal)-hilted mithglin longsword

Choices in metals are:
bronze, steel, iron, mithril, or imflass

Choices in woods are:
monir, haon, oak, maoral, or maple

Choices in colors are:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, black, white, silver, silvery, gold, golden, ivory, ochre, sephia, and russet.

Some examples:
an elegant silver mithglin longsword
an elegant silver-hilted mithglin longsword
an elegant imflass-hilted mithglin longsword

etc etc etc.

As for the price...

I'll sell a standard 3x one for 35k.
I'll also have my wizard enchant one to 4x (will take approximately 2 weeks) for 125k.
I'll also sell in bulk (10+) 3x imflass-hilted longswords at 20k each.

As of right now, I have 38 potential blades that need a home, and will have more once I get rid of some of these.

12-21-2007, 10:07 AM
I've got 30 left... Let me know what you want!