View Full Version : Altered skull ring & magic 8 ball

12-18-2007, 08:39 PM
Auction ends at 10pm tonight.

a shadowy crystal ball MB:750k
Magic 8 Ball

>turn ball
You turn the crystal ball upside-down, then flip it back over. The crimson liquid within the orb begins to churn and boil, the outer glass becoming hot to the touch.
Serpentine coils of silvery bubbles dance within the sphere, the tendrils twisting and writhing into recognizeable shapes. As you stare at your device, the words "Surely" take shape.
>turn ball
You turn the crystal ball upside-down, then flip it back over. The crimson liquid within the orb begins to churn and boil, the outer glass becoming hot to the touch.
Serpentine coils of silvery bubbles dance within the sphere, the tendrils twisting and writhing into recognizeable shapes. As you stare at your device, the words "It's vague" take shape.
>turn ball
You turn the crystal ball upside-down, then flip it back over. The crimson liquid within the orb begins to churn and boil, the outer glass becoming hot to the touch.
Serpentine coils of silvery bubbles dance within the sphere, the tendrils twisting and writhing into recognizeable shapes. As you stare at your device, the words "Slim and none" take shape.

More verbs and actions, too lazy to check .You get the point. I can post the rest if needed.

a carved fireleaf skull ring MB: 2 mil CB: 2.5 mil to Shalla TWICE BO: Humor me
>look at ring
You glance at your ring. Colored a deep gray-green, the skull ring is cut from a solid piece of fireleaf. Sinuous lines are etched into the surface of the ring, reinforcing its skeletal nature. Dabs of black paint added to the eye sockets, nose, and gaps between teeth create an illusion of a hollowed piece of jewelry. The fireleaf skull ring is surrounded by an ethereal haze. Peering within the swirling shadows, you see a pair of ghostly hands and other less identifiable objects.

Show: The skull ring is surrounded by an ethereal haze. Peering within the swirling shadows, you see a pair of ghostly hands and other less identifiable objects.
>You slide the ring onto your finger, where it pulses rhythmically for a moment.
Set it to the container of your choice:
>You wave your ring at the suede shoulder satchel and a ghostly hand snakes out and caresses the surface.
Lock it:
>A ghostly hand snakes from your ring and closes, then points mystically at your satchel.
From within you hear a grating click.
Unlock it:
>A ghostly hand snakes from your ring and points mystically at your suede shoulder satchel and you hear a grating click from within as it unlocks. The hand then pulls the flap open none too gently.

Sometimes it gets snippy after it unlocks...
>The skull ring begins to pulse rapidly as if attempting to get your attention, and suddenly the ghostly hands stretch out and grasp you by the ears, and pull your ear close to it. "I'm taking ten, so you are on your own, bub!
>A pair of ghostly hands appears for a moment, and then disappears. A howling wail mutters, "I'm on break! I dun care about your stupid snotrag, or toothpick of ultimate doom, or cloak colored vividly black and painted with sigils of doom and destruction! You are going to have to wait!

And unset it:
>You point your ring at an incarnadine suede shoulder satchel and a ghostly hand snakes out and dismisses it with a casual flick.

And some actions:

>You poke your skull ring hard. Suddenly, a ghostly hand stretches forth and delivers a pair of ringing slaps to each side of your head.
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes your temple.
*This created a minor head injury

>You bring your skull ring to your ear and listen carefully to it. From within the haze you hear a ghostly voice wail, "My soul has left this world! I go to the Everafter Help Desk for work, and now look at me! Only job I could find was to be bound within this ring as your stupid servant and open containers for you."

It then whispers, "I doubt you are smart enough to breathe and walk at the same time."
*The whisper line changes each time.

>You shake the hand wearing your ring on it and a ghostly hand stretches forth from it and shakes your other hand vigorously.
Needs to be reset. (90 days?)
Again, I can get all the zests if needed.

Email me if you have any interest:

12-18-2007, 08:43 PM
I'll bid 2 on the skull ring.

12-18-2007, 08:48 PM
Yea, those skull rings are sweet. I reckon there will be more than a couple bids.

12-18-2007, 08:53 PM
Heh, I don't care about the alter. It'll be nice for OTF.

12-18-2007, 09:01 PM
Not that I really care, but how would it help in OTF? Closing shit?

12-18-2007, 09:07 PM
Ithzir can't loot it from your container, nor can gremlocks, I'm told.

12-18-2007, 09:09 PM
What I thought. Will go once-twice-sold.

12-19-2007, 02:51 PM
Ithzir can't loot it from your container, nor can gremlocks, I'm told.

How does this work? Does this effect all your closeable containers the same?
Maken them so they cannot be stolen from?
Or is this one of the items you can ADD to a container as a lock?

Player of Morrff

The Ponzzz
12-19-2007, 03:10 PM
The skull rings take 90 days to clear the attunement. I'm still waiting for mine to clear.

12-19-2007, 03:24 PM
Ithzir can't loot it from your container, nor can gremlocks, I'm told.

Unless they recently changed it.... I believe they do. I've had haste amulets stolen a bunch of times. Also have had a mage rechargeable pin taken but they took that off my dead body.

They do have a trick though, if you find a player Item on a creature it will come with a sack as well. Small amulets like my haste ones always ended up in the sack. Weapons and such won't be in the sack but there will be a sack dropped with it. Sack isn't anything special just helps you know its a player item I guess.

12-20-2007, 06:17 PM
forgot to bump. Last chance on the ring

12-20-2007, 07:16 PM
forgot to bump. Last chance on the ring

Was going to possibly toss a higher bid out there, but no one answered my questions

Player of Morrff

12-20-2007, 07:20 PM
One container.

12-20-2007, 08:55 PM
Sorry, I'm an idiot. One container, you can change which containter at anytime. Only one at a time though.

12-20-2007, 08:59 PM

Show: The skull ring is surrounded by an ethereal haze. Peering within the swirling shadows, you see a pair of ghostly hands and other less identifiable objects.
>You slide the ring onto your finger, where it pulses rhythmically for a moment.
Set it to the container of your choice:
>You wave your ring at the suede shoulder satchel and a ghostly hand snakes out and caresses the surface.
Lock it:
>A ghostly hand snakes from your ring and closes, then points mystically at your satchel.
From within you hear a grating click.
Unlock it:
>A ghostly hand snakes from your ring and points mystically at your suede shoulder satchel and you hear a grating click from within as it unlocks. The hand then pulls the flap open none too gently.

Sometimes it gets snippy after it unlocks...
>The skull ring begins to pulse rapidly as if attempting to get your attention, and suddenly the ghostly hands stretch out and grasp you by the ears, and pull your ear close to it. "I'm taking ten, so you are on your own, bub!
>A pair of ghostly hands appears for a moment, and then disappears. A howling wail mutters, "I'm on break! I dun care about your stupid snotrag, or toothpick of ultimate doom, or cloak colored vividly black and painted with sigils of doom and destruction! You are going to have to wait!

And unset it:
>You point your ring at an incarnadine suede shoulder satchel and a ghostly hand snakes out and dismisses it with a casual flick.

And some actions:

>You poke your skull ring hard. Suddenly, a ghostly hand stretches forth and delivers a pair of ringing slaps to each side of your head.
... 5 points of damage!
Blow grazes your temple.
*This created a minor head injury

>You bring your skull ring to your ear and listen carefully to it. From within the haze you hear a ghostly voice wail, "My soul has left this world! I go to the Everafter Help Desk for work, and now look at me! Only job I could find was to be bound within this ring as your stupid servant and open containers for you."

It then whispers, "I doubt you are smart enough to breathe and walk at the same time."
*The whisper line changes each time.

>You shake the hand wearing your ring on it and a ghostly hand stretches forth from it and shakes your other hand vigorously.

12-20-2007, 11:56 PM
2.1 to Lord Nelek. Please keep it to 2.5, 3 etc.

12-21-2007, 07:58 AM

The Ponzzz
12-21-2007, 12:49 PM
Just wanted to update you on my ring. I got in mine in October and tried wearing it the day I bought it. I was then told about the 90 days timer.

Today, I tried to wear it...

You remove a skull ring from in your leather harness.
>wear ring
As you try to slide a skull ring on your finger, a ghostly wail errupts from within. A ghostly hand stretches forth and grasps the ring, then hurls it to the ground.

So has to be at least 90 days.

12-21-2007, 11:28 PM

12-22-2007, 04:25 PM
bump. Will end at 10pm tonight.

12-22-2007, 09:03 PM
Hey if you're in game tonight, I can meet you at Landing Bank for the Blood ring, anytime.Thanks.