View Full Version : New cell phone headset

12-18-2007, 03:32 PM
A Japanese company (http://search.breitbart.com/q?s=) Tuesday unveiled a new device that will allow people "speak" through their ear so they can use their mobile telephones in noisy places.

The device -- named "e-Mimi-kun" (good ear boy) -- doubles as an earphone and a microphone by detecting air vibrations inside the ear, developer NS-ELEX Co. said.

The earpiece and an accompanying device can be connected to a mobile phone (http://search.breitbart.com/q?s=), or wirelessly to a Bluetooth handset, so that users no longer have to cover their mouths when speaking in a loud environment, the company said.

Exterior noise is reduced six-fold by the earpiece, it said, while a chip developed by Sanyo Electric for the accompanying device reduces sound levels (http://search.breitbart.com/q?s=) ten-fold, it added.

NS-ELEX believes the product would be useful for people working in places such as factories, restaurants and amusement parks (http://search.breitbart.com/q?s=).



I wonder how audible it is on the other end.

My biggest complaint with bluetooth and other headsets is that the microphone boom is not powerful enough to be heard when speaking softly or in loud areas.

12-18-2007, 03:35 PM
How about you just not talk in the supermarket or mall, you ego maniac? Needing to be on the phone all the time...pft.

/runs away

12-18-2007, 03:40 PM

I wonder how audible it is on the other end.

My biggest complaint with bluetooth and other headsets is that the microphone boom is not powerful enough to be heard when speaking softly or in loud areas.

Yeah. I guess I'm low-tech. When I need quiet and privacy- I go somewhere quiet or private. If it's urgent or an emergency- I fucking yell into the phone if I have to.

I see people, wandering around in public with a distant look in their eyes arguing into their blue tooth headsets (which if their hair is long can be difficult to see) and I always think "except for that headset... they're behaving just like a psychotic." Maybe instead of expensive treatments, we should just give all the schizos broken blue tooth headsets.

12-18-2007, 03:43 PM
Sometimes it's necessary... like trying to find your buddy at Grand Central, etc.

Upstate, it's not that big of a necessity.

12-18-2007, 03:46 PM
Sometimes it's necessary... like trying to find your buddy at Grand Central, etc.

Upstate, it's not that big of a necessity.

Yeah. Sometimes I have to use it to locate people in the city etc. Then I just fucking yell "Where are you?"

12-18-2007, 04:29 PM
It's amazing how one of the most innovative and crucial technoligical products of our lifetime can be one of the most annoying.

One would think that with an ear piece people would move along a bit quicker with one less distraction ... but no. They stroll along in the grocery store like lost chattery zombies. Even at the checkout you get stuck behind one of them that has to pause between putting something on the belt and talking.

They step out in front of moving cars oblivious to the fact that they were inches away from becoming road pizza, let alone causing an accident.

They're in movie theatres, restaurants, the bank ... even in a public bathroom. You can't escape it outside of your own home it seems. Worse is that most of it is hen gossip.

A few weeks ago I was in Chicago with my daughter. We got aboard the L from O' Hare and were the only two in the car. Two stops later I couldn't hear myself think. About 15-20 people in two stop ... not a single person talking to each other ... everyone on the phone.

The saddest part in all of this is that the people you want to use a damn headset don't. You can afford the payments on a new SUV, but you can't afford a fucking headset so as not to turn your vehicle into a two ton bullet.

I think the cell phone is great, as well as all the nifty innovations that come with it ... it's just technology gone awry and over the top.

12-18-2007, 04:57 PM
You forgot to include the pic from the article.

12-18-2007, 05:49 PM
You forgot to include the pic from the article.

That's special Fred.

12-18-2007, 05:59 PM
Try using around 3000 minutes per month (excluding nights, weekends, and the 5 people I can call for free <3 Tmobile) and tell me that something like this isn't awesome for people who's phones have to be glued to their ear for a living.

12-18-2007, 06:04 PM
Thanks Methais, I'm slipping. The pic is actually funny too.

For those who cry foul about talking in quite places... well, think about this:

1. Try talking in an airport with a conventional set, not happening, and you cant exactly step outside.

2. (Most importantly) I like to be able to talk softly when I"m on my cell and not locked away in my office or in my car, BECAUSE, I dont like having 100+ people overhear my conversation, especially when you have to scream into the pathetic excuse for a mic that some headsets provide.

What I'd really like to see is a headset that will just let you listen and think the response and have it broadcast over the headset, sans any talking whatsoever. Scary huh? Only downside is that you'll have to police your thoughts a lot closer.

12-19-2007, 08:16 AM
It's not necessarily crying foul, it's just me not understanding what is so important that you have to talk to someone right then and there instead of saying you'll talk to them at a better time? What situation occurs that you can't wait, is all I'm asking.

12-19-2007, 09:02 AM
It's not necessarily crying foul, it's just me not understanding what is so important that you have to talk to someone right then and there instead of saying you'll talk to them at a better time? What situation occurs that you can't wait, is all I'm asking.

I can imagine circumstances that require immediate phone contact- but I think those situations come up FAR, FAR less often than people behave.

Of course, my perspective on phones began with my grandfather. When I was a boy, I remember him doing his crossword puzzle while the phone rang on less than 8' away (this was before answering machines). My Nana would pester him to answer it and he would growl, "When the phone company sends ME a check every month then I'll answer it every time it rings- until then it's for MY convenience."

I realize that some people have jobs that require them to be in constant contact- but the reality is that most people don't have anything that important to talk about.

In the summertime my neighbor's son likes to sit on his porch and use his PTT feature for 30 minute conversations. Just love listening to BOTH sides of his bullshit interspersed with loud sysbeeps. People in the mall and market are blathering in real-time about groceries, children and gossip. Let's not even discuss movies. It's just noise pollution.

I'm glad that there's a headset that people can be LESS noisy with- but in all honesty, I'd prefer people just grow-up and be more polite.

12-19-2007, 09:03 AM
Only downside is that you'll have to police your thoughts a lot closer.


"Hey mom, yea i'm on my way home from the airport right now"

"Holy shit, look at those titties"

"mom? No.. I wasn't talking to you"



"I didn't mean that either!"

12-19-2007, 09:56 AM
Now it'll be even harder to tell if someone is just arguing with themselves or not.
And personally, when mobiles first came out I used to hold it to my ear and talk about closing deals, and 'erasing' people, out loud while in queues etc.

Also becouse people are seen talking to themselves (on blu-tooth of course) all the time now, I don't feel embarrassed when someone on the street catches me openly talking to myself and don'thave to suddenly make it into a song or a cough. :)

Stanley Burrell
12-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Such a shame they didn't go with glowing orange for the helmut model. Generic neon yellow is for people who work construction and people who should work construction.

12-19-2007, 10:37 AM

"Hey mom, yea i'm on my way home from the airport right now"

"Holy shit, look at those titties"

"mom? No.. I wasn't talking to you"



"I didn't mean that either!"

