View Full Version : Siegery minis + Repairing case

12-10-2007, 07:13 PM
Selling as a set or separately:

a birds-eye maple case - repairing case for siegery minis

>cl case
You close a birds-eye maple case.
As you close the maple case, you hear a sharp metallic click followed by a mechanical whirring sound from deep within the case.

The faint, mechanical whirring within your maple case stops, followed by a soft click.

Minis: >l in case
In the maple case you see a well-muscled kilted warrior miniature, a crimson robed sorcerer miniature, a small obsidian-spired castle, a carved wooden trebuchet, a tiny leather-netted catapult, a diminutive drake-shaped ballista, a pointy-hatted bearded wizard miniature and a dark-haired pale warrior miniature.

I'll sell the case for 5m and the minis for 300k each or 2m for all, or I'll sell the whole set for 6.5m.

CB: 5m - TWICE

Send PM here or e-mail me or my wife at LadyLunaryna@yahoo.com