View Full Version : Sintik is my BITCH
12-09-2003, 01:35 AM
You say, "Step out and I'll show you how godly you are."
> grin
You grin.
You hear someone chuckling.
> prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
> wait
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Caernoth smirks.
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
You feel less drained.
Cringcrang just arrived.
Cringcrang just went through a narrow opening.
> 'ok
You say, "Ok."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Gremblar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gremblar gestures at you.
An invisible force guides you.
Gremblar hoots.
Camri stares off into space.
Sintik nods to you.
Gremblar exclaims, "Get'm!"
> channel sin
You channel at Sintik.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Sintik.
CS: +277 - TD: +223 + CvA: +14 + d100: +91 - -5 == +164
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze violently swirls around the Sintik, scorching the skin of Sintik.
Sintik is hit for 361 points of damage!
* Sintik drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Sintik.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Sintik.
The bright luminescence fades from around Sintik.
Sintik glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Sintik.
A nearby townsman hurries off screaming, "Zeyrin has committed murder!"
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Sintik just bit the dust!
Drakam turns to you and cheers!
Arreglo cackles!
Gerbill's jaw drops.
Sintik did indeed nail me earlier. I, however, melted. Who's my Bitch? Sintik.
12-09-2003, 01:39 AM
Sintik gets owned by empaths and clerics.
12-09-2003, 01:40 AM
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Sintik nods to you.
I LET you kill me. You didn't let me kill you, I just did it.
12-09-2003, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Sintik nods to you.
I LET you kill me. You didn't let me kill you, I just did it.
You're still my bitch...face it
Originally posted by Gemstone101
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Sintik nods to you.
I LET you kill me. You didn't let me kill you, I just did it.
prep 109
since his bane CS is fairly low im assuming he has some spells in other circles and can ward you.
12-09-2003, 01:43 AM
Alright. Tomorrow will play "first one to 10 kills wins."
12-09-2003, 01:45 AM
<<<since his bane CS is fairly low im assuming he has some spells in other circles and can ward you.>>
That only works on a stupid wizard. I have 3 seconds to recast invisibilty before he can bane me. He was doing that for awhile and he gave up because I would just go back into invisibilty. Being a voln cleric and me being a COL wizard with 11 spirit. He'll run out of mana first.
Originally posted by Gemstone101
<<<since his bane CS is fairly low im assuming he has some spells in other circles and can ward you.>>
That only works on a stupid wizard. I have 3 seconds to recast invisibilty before he can bane me. He was doing that for awhile and he gave up because I would just go back into invisibilty. Being a voln cleric and me being a COL wizard with 11 spirit. He'll run out of mana first.
depends deeds are cheap and not really necessary right now ... symbol of mana is his friend
12-09-2003, 01:48 AM
He's not a Voln cleric, btw.
12-09-2003, 01:50 AM
That's true. However if I wanted to kill him I would. I can just estrike him when he dispells my invisibilty. If I didn't let him kill me, he never would have.
He still only dispells my invis about 1 out of 4 casts so he'd still run out first probably. Unless he's got a LOT of deeds. (which he doesn't.)
12-09-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by Snapp
He's not a Voln cleric, btw.
Still. He's still to drunk to figure out that I was invisible 3 seconds before he was trying to bane me. You really think he could figure out how to type "sign of wracking"
12-09-2003, 01:56 AM
Dear lord man, your ego is something else. This was posted as a joke. Give it up already.
12-09-2003, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by Zeyrin
Dear lord man, your ego is something else. This was posted as a joke. Give it up already.
I know it was, at least I would hope so.
12-09-2003, 02:00 AM
I have a sense of don't.
12-09-2003, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Zeyrin
I have a sense of don't.
Nope. :(
12-09-2003, 02:05 AM
LOL, get over it already.
12-09-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Zeyrin
LOL, get over it already.
Not until I kill you 10 times tomorrow so I can post "ZEYRIN IS MY BITCH!"
12-09-2003, 02:10 AM
If that will make you.....little member....feel bigger, then go for it
12-09-2003, 03:30 AM
Sintik, you sound really lame.
Let it go.
12-09-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Zeyrin
> channel sin
You channel at Sintik.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Sintik.
CS: +277 - TD: +223 + CvA: +14 + d100: +91 - -5 == +164
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze violently swirls around the Sintik, scorching the skin of Sintik.
Sintik is hit for 361 points of damage!
164 endroll results in 361 points of damage? I need to roll up a cleric. (yes, I realize it was channeled)
Originally posted by Wezas
164 endroll results in 361 points of damage? I need to roll up a cleric. (yes, I realize it was channeled)
its not that it was channeled ... its that he infused the cast
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
12-09-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by Wezas
164 endroll results in 361 points of damage? I need to roll up a cleric. (yes, I realize it was channeled)
its not that it was channeled ... its that he infused the cast
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
Do you know if bone shatter works the same way?
12-09-2003, 10:55 AM
If it does, I haven't seen it do that. We just get a lucky crit once in a while. Clerics get crits.. and those infused mana casts.
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by Wezas
164 endroll results in 361 points of damage? I need to roll up a cleric. (yes, I realize it was channeled)
its not that it was channeled ... its that he infused the cast
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
Do you know if bone shatter works the same way?
i doubt it...
this is a typical cast of bane on a like leveled creature stance off hand hand channeled..
>prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
>chann mast
You channel at a stone mastiff.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a stone mastiff.
CS: +315 - TD: +233 + CvA: +25 + d100: +91 == +198
Warding failed!
The violet haze chaotically swirls around the mastiff, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself!
The stone mastiff is hit for 104 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
The stone mastiff's fingers burn and explode leaving blackened stumps!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
and this is the max damage for bane..
>prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
>chann giant
You channel at a stone giant.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a stone giant.
CS: +315 - TD: +219 + CvA: +25 + d100: +86 == +207
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze chaotically swirls around the giant, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself!
The stone giant is hit for 400 points of damage!
The stone giant rumbles in agony as she teeters for a moment, then falls directly at you!
With a quick leap to the side, you narrowly avoid being crushed as the stone giant lands with a thundering crash!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
The stone giant shudders and goes still.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
and even though this is way off topic from making sintik someones bitch .. training in religion lore helps with your infusions.
12-09-2003, 11:41 AM
Hey Tijay..
Do you have to use the verb infuse prior to casting bane/smite or is it just based on your training? I have a little cleric around 30ish that I haven't even brought out yet in GS4. Any tips?
check your u2u's or you can IM me at tijay2000
but back on topic .. who else made sintik their bitch lately.
12-09-2003, 11:58 AM
Edit: Tijay kindly pointed out that my info was outdated so I removed it.
[Edited on 12-9-2003 by Adhara]
Moist Happenings
12-09-2003, 12:28 PM
Zeyrin you wasted 17 of my mana and I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU
12-09-2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by Gemstone101
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Sintik nods to you.
I LET you kill me. You didn't let me kill you, I just did it.
prep 109
since his bane CS is fairly low im assuming he has some spells in other circles and can ward you.
I didn't have any spells or signs or even the symbol for my giftbox.
Originally posted by Zeyrin
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by Gemstone101
The voice of Sintik says, "You get one shot."
The voice of Sintik says, "If you kill me great, if not, you just go back to being stupid."
Sintik fades into visibility.
Sintik nods to you.
I LET you kill me. You didn't let me kill you, I just did it.
prep 109
since his bane CS is fairly low im assuming he has some spells in other circles and can ward you.
I didn't have any spells or signs or even the symbol for my giftbox.
spells and signs add to your TD not your CS .. if you read my post i was sayin you have the CS to ward Sintik. in addition the games down but im pretty sure your booster is int and log which dont boost your CS but i dont wear mine so i cant check till the games up.
12-09-2003, 02:03 PM
My bad, I reread what you posted. Trying to read posts and chatting on AIM isn't working to well.
12-09-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Zeyrin
> channel sin
You channel at Sintik.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Sintik.
CS: +277 - TD: +223 + CvA: +14 + d100: +91 - -5 == +164
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze violently swirls around the Sintik, scorching the skin of Sintik.
Sintik is hit for 361 points of damage!
164 endroll results in 361 points of damage? I need to roll up a cleric. (yes, I realize it was channeled)
You channel at a great stag.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a great stag.
CS: +77 - TD: +39 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +156
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze rapidly swirls around the stag, sparking with pockets of chaotic, plasma energy.
The great stag is hit for 205 points of damage!
The great stag collapses to the ground, emits a final sigh, and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
and my cleric is only 13 trains
12-10-2003, 03:08 AM
so, stags are only 16
12-10-2003, 03:36 AM
I think the point LazyBard was trying to emphasize was the sheer amount of damage the spell is able to deal irregardless of level. Typically if you infuse and your endroll isn't a 101, whatever your hitting will die.
12-10-2003, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by Kitsun
I think the point LazyBard was trying to emphasize was the sheer amount of damage the spell is able to deal irregardless of level. Typically if you infuse and your endroll isn't a 101, whatever your hitting will die.
thats what I was showing being my cleric is so much younger then tijay's
12-10-2003, 05:49 AM
I'm still waiting for a Zeyrin is my BITCH thread.
12-10-2003, 11:20 AM
Thanks Tijay, my next deed will be in your honor.
12-10-2003, 12:25 PM
What's the difference between channeling and casting 302?
12-10-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
I'm still waiting for a Zeyrin is my BITCH thread.
Eh, I haven't been playing much since I missed 3 days of work due to a snowstorm so I'm so far behind right now. I haven't had time to play or read the boards at work and won't be able to until I get everything up to date. However I promise you if Zeyrin is on when I get home from work tonight I'll have the "Zeyrin is my bitch" thread by end of the day.
12-10-2003, 01:09 PM
channeling improves damage and adds a hard RT, I believe
channeling gives you the open hand casting bonus other wise you dont get it.
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