View Full Version : The Market... as of late

12-09-2007, 11:17 AM
Anyone else getting the feeling the market is really down for some reason. Just recently got a 8x longsword for 7 mil flat, and a got a bid (not won yet) in for a 10x buckler for 16.5 mil.

I've seen some FGB go for as low as 5 mil. And, character sales judging from these forums , are really down.

Actually, let me clarify the low to upper middle end market is really down. I can't comment on the ultra high end items (50 mil +) that circulate around.

12-09-2007, 11:27 AM
Seems that way to me as well, dunno.

12-09-2007, 11:35 AM
I think the market is down on padded armor because of the availability of padding thorugh premium points and increased inventories now available in general.

10x items (shields/ohe weapons) are still high as compared to a few years ago when they were going for 12m.

I think the market on items 8x and above will also see a correction once more enchanting potions are made available that can go past 7x. There is availability for people to enchant past 7x using premie points; however, I've seen more instances of armor being padded/enchanted and sold for profit than weapons weighted or enchanted because of the universal usage of armor vs. weapon types.

I'm no expert of course.

12-09-2007, 11:49 AM

12-09-2007, 12:22 PM
It's all Khaladon's fault.

12-09-2007, 01:36 PM
I've been looking for a 10x buckler forever :(

12-09-2007, 06:59 PM
If you consider that things tend to go on sale at Christmas time and with the addition of premium points and crit value fluxuation, the market is following fairly normal trends.
Sometimes things take a while to have an impact. For example, consider what the market for padded platemail did several months after paladins were released. I suspect a similiar downturn if they ever impliment hiding/ambush penalities to heavy armor.

12-09-2007, 07:01 PM
Yeah, it's the PPs that are lowering prices. And that's fine.

Can't comment on characters, but maybe those prices are dropping.

12-09-2007, 07:13 PM
I wait till people have been away gambling in Reno than buy their shit when they're skint.

12-09-2007, 07:19 PM
If you consider that things tend to go on sale at Christmas time and with the addition of premium points and crit value fluxuation, the market is following fairly normal trends.
Sometimes things take a while to have an impact. For example, consider what the market for padded platemail did several months after paladins were released. I suspect a similiar downturn if they ever impliment hiding/ambush penalities to heavy armor.

At this time last year, I was selling coins at $14-15 per fairly quickly.

12-09-2007, 07:20 PM
Where'd you find that 10x buckler?

12-09-2007, 07:27 PM
At this time last year, I was selling coins at $14-15 per fairly quickly.

And the cost of items was considerably lower as well. I would say the relative value is the same.

The Ponzzz
12-09-2007, 07:36 PM
This is all supply and demand. The supply of both coins and items are high and the demand is low.

The reason for coins being so low are due to two things: Abundence and everyone under cutting the lowest to SELL FAST!!!!

There are plenty of ways this can be reversed. One would be a large flux of new players that are long term players, or another is less high end items sold at merchants. Also, a serious drain on coins that has never been done before.