View Full Version : The Kite Runner

12-08-2007, 07:45 AM
Read this book a while back and found it to be most excellent.
Looking forward to the film.


Stanley Burrell
12-08-2007, 07:50 AM
That became cinematic quickly.

If they do a Da Vinci Code on this, it will be sad. It's directed by the same dude who made "Stay" so it won't be a sucky rendition, I have predicted.

12-08-2007, 12:04 PM
It seemed overly sentimental to me.

I tend not to like books which are about one small, human story in the midst of a large, colossal human fuck up. I get distracted by the fuck up, and I'm like, "WHO CARES THAT HE CAUGHT THE FUCKING KITE, HE LIVES IN A WAR ZONE."

But I'm an abstract, large picture kind of guy.
