View Full Version : Adamantium Bastard Sword

12-01-2007, 03:40 PM
For Sale, From the Auction.

Has a chance to automatically disarm people attacking you, on a parry. 99/999 forging. Can be further enchanted (from +17 or +18?) and can have flares/weighting/etc added to it.

Looking for 400 dollars, highest offer in the next few days gets it. Basically, I'll sell flat out if someone offers more than that.

Contact: MykePro@yahoo.com
Or, via AIM: PhantasmMeum (Even if I do not appear to be online, I ghost. The IM will still go through)

Sean of the Thread
12-01-2007, 03:42 PM

12-01-2007, 03:44 PM

Sean of the Thread
12-01-2007, 03:44 PM

12-01-2007, 03:59 PM
Highest offer *over* 400.

12-01-2007, 04:58 PM

12-01-2007, 05:08 PM

12-01-2007, 05:10 PM
Oh snap!

12-02-2007, 12:50 AM
Could the spamming of the unserious bids stop? I actually need to sell this, and they're fairly pointless.

12-02-2007, 03:26 AM
consider them free bumps!

12-02-2007, 05:02 AM
Could the spamming of the unserious bids stop? I actually need to sell this, and they're fairly pointless.

Kind of like this post from back in January?

Normally, I'd never sell this, but to be honest, following a tragedy within the family, I'm in dire need of the extra money to help make accomodations in the current situation.

Then there was another post saying you needed it for an engagement ring in March. Then there was the post in April... You've been selling this, overpriced, for a year and have made like 10 threads about it. I don't care what you want to sell it for or how long you take but no need to be Tsinly about it and act like "IT'LL BE GONE 2MORROW I REALLY NEED TO SELL" to get anxious people to bite on your overpriced goods.

12-02-2007, 05:15 AM
"Then there was another post saying you needed it for an engagement ring in March. Then there was the post in April... You've been selling this, overpriced, for a year and have made like 10 threads about it. I don't care what you want to sell it for or how long you take but no need to be Tsinly about it and act like "IT'LL BE GONE 2MORROW I REALLY NEED TO SELL" to get anxious people to bite on your overpriced goods."

I've never said it'll sell fast. I say, "I -need to sell it fast-." Ask around from the other stuff I've sold. I never push people into bidding with urgency, or any of that shit. My life doesn't revolve around Gemstone, definately not prime, so when I need some cash, I come here and sell a few things. This just happens to be the one I have a price I won't drop below on, so it hasn't sold. The only times it comes up for sale are when something comes up in my life.

I got engaged in March, forgive me for wanting to get the best ring I could for the love of my life. Get out of your basement, you might meet someone you want to go the extra mile for. Then my grandmother died, leaving my mother and 3 aunts with bills that were almost too steep for them to handle and because I loved my grandmother, I wanted to cover the fees of her headstone. And now? Now due to Khaladon's firing, I really just don't give a shit about Gemstone and could use the money for Christmas.

When/Why I sell my items is frankly none of your fucking business? Don't want it? Don't buy it. But don't paint me out to be some fucking evil scammer because I don't merchant often, and when I do sell an item I'm particularly fond of, I set a bare minimum price I won't go below. You can sell your own shit for whatever price you want for it, you don't see me trolling your threads like some dickbag with too much free time.

It might be gone tomorrow, it might not. Each time I've posted on it, the price has dropped a good 25 bucks regardless of whether the markets trending up or not. I know what I paid to get it, forgive me for not handing it off to someone else because you disagree with what I'd like to get for it.

In summation: The fact you chose to quote my grandmothers death like it was a scam to sell a cyber item just shows what a worthless troll you are. Get a fucking life. Jesus.

12-02-2007, 12:13 PM

Stop complaining, consider it a free bump

12-02-2007, 12:15 PM

12-02-2007, 12:15 PM
Would you take $117.05 and a couple rubles?

And believe me, I enjoy kicking a dead horse as much as anyone!

Sean of the Thread
12-02-2007, 12:22 PM
$25 on your granny.

12-02-2007, 01:17 PM
Would you take $117.05 and a couple rubles

I swear my eyes read that as "a couple rubbers" at first...

I wonder if anyone would buy used ones?

12-02-2007, 01:48 PM
$25 on your granny.

Lame :club:

12-02-2007, 01:56 PM

Stop complaining, consider it a free bump



12-02-2007, 02:55 PM
might want to mention the level requirement for swinging that blade. it's stupidly high, as i recall.

12-02-2007, 03:57 PM
65 or 68 from when my friend owned it. About the same as zelnorn.

The Ponzzz
12-02-2007, 04:03 PM
65 is correct.

The guy in Plat that owns it got his up to 8x and has the blessing (705) flares I believe.

12-02-2007, 05:16 PM

12-02-2007, 05:18 PM

That puts me back up top! :)

12-02-2007, 05:23 PM
65 is correct.

The guy in Plat that owns it got his up to 8x and has the blessing (705) flares I believe.

fucking plat

Sean of the Thread
12-02-2007, 07:48 PM
400.00 Pesos

12-02-2007, 08:11 PM
$25 on your granny.

someone really needs to beat your ass

Sean of the Thread
12-02-2007, 10:08 PM
someone really needs to beat your ass

You stepping up?

12-02-2007, 10:40 PM
you paying for the plane ticket?

12-03-2007, 02:36 AM
I'd totally forgotten about the level requirement. Thanks Mario, and yeah, he's right, It is level 65, and later on I'll log in and get the weight.

If I were less lazy, I'd use my own points and augment it some, but I'll probly just save those for whatever weapon I replace this with. If I bother to, I really haven't played much since the Nalfein crowd all quit for the most part.

If Plat ever picks up in the post-Khaladon slump, I'll probly just play that, but Gemstone's been going steadily downhill for a long time now. Hell, look at the market, everythings worth dick compared to like a year ago.

12-03-2007, 03:20 AM
When/Why I sell my items is frankly none of your fucking business? Don't want it? Don't buy it. But don't paint me out to be some fucking evil scammer because I don't merchant often, and when I do sell an item I'm particularly fond of, I set a bare minimum price I won't go below

This is a public forum, therefore anything you post up here can be made my business at my discretion. I haven't the slightest problem with you selling things for whatever reason you want, be it personal or not. That being said, every post you've made about this item and a couple others have all had various reasons to make it seem like the item/items would be gone very soon. This is a cheesy tactic and if you don't want to be called out on it post on the officials; Emeradan will protect you there.

12-04-2007, 01:55 AM
"This is a cheesy tactic and if you don't want to be called out on it post on the officials; Emeradan will protect you there."

Look dipshit, Look back. I only sell things for a matter of a few days, I don't act like it's going to sell fast, I state that it's only for sale for a limited time. I go months on end between when I sell shit, and most times I don't intend to come back and sell the items at all.

It's not a "cheesy tactic" to not intend to stick around these shithole forums where assholes like you troll for reasons to jump out and be a douchebag to complete strangers. I want to sell the shit and be done with it, I don't want to hang around here for a month seeing if people are interested. At the same token, I don't want to just tank the value of my goods for the sake of being done with it either.

So find someone else to troll and bitch about, I didn't do a damn thing wrong, nothing but make the mistake of posting in a forum where losers with no life who actually read these forums just for the sake of being a dickbag aren't moderated.

12-04-2007, 02:24 AM

12-04-2007, 04:36 AM
Tossing out generalized statements isn't going to win you over.

Sean of the Thread
12-04-2007, 07:51 AM
What's the buy out on granny?

12-04-2007, 12:13 PM
Who killed Wolverine?

12-04-2007, 05:22 PM
What's the buy out on granny?

a plane ticket from jersey to tampa :)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-04-2007, 05:31 PM
You know, just an observation but -- Anyone ever notice that when a seller goes postal on these boards, it never works out for them?

12-04-2007, 05:36 PM
Someone's gonna put your granny up too Suppa, if you keep pointing out the obvious to Goinggone.

Sean of the Thread
12-04-2007, 06:10 PM
a plane ticket from jersey to tampa :)

I wouldn't waste your time champ. But I'm sure you could find one for $70 or so if you really wanted to get hurt.

So back on topic.. price on granny?

12-04-2007, 06:16 PM
... and I get accused of being the troll.

12-04-2007, 06:19 PM
el oh el.

This selling thread has more free bumps than any in recent memory.

Sean of the Thread
12-04-2007, 06:28 PM
el oh el.

This selling thread has more free bumps than any in recent memory.

What can I say I'm a nice guy.

12-05-2007, 12:05 PM
Don't feel bad Drew, you clearly waste far too much time on these forums, so you should know by now, there's room for more than one troll. Really, 90% of the posts made to these forums are trolls.

You'd think you could smell your own.

12-05-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm severely disappointed my Wolverine joke was ignored.

Stanley Burrell
12-05-2007, 12:13 PM
peam, that shit was the bomb.

12-05-2007, 12:14 PM

12-05-2007, 03:50 PM
400 forints.

It helps if you make fun of the market in threads where you're selling something for a high price I hear.

12-07-2007, 03:11 AM
Unless someones a proud member of these forums and a pro-troll advocate, I doubt they'll take much offense. It's the sort of anti-forum sentiment that only is offensive to the trolls who know they're just here to be a piece of shit.

And it's funny when they come out of the wood work on account of it, eh? It's like a troll-shaped pinata.

Realistically, I don't give much of a crap how it comes across, if someone wants the weapon, they want the weapon, not my friendship. If noone wants it? That's fine, I use it on the rare occasion I play.

The whole logic of your reply is hinged on me giving a crap about the forum community here. Really, this place is the means to an end. I don't hang out in the other folders, making buddies with like-minded individuals. I'm here to sell something, pretty cut and dry..

EDIT: Felt it worth pointing out in the wake of that point, that it's only even worth replying out of 2 am boredom and the free bumps.

Swordz 4 Sale! 400 dollah. Me love you long ti-- err. Not that last part.