11-29-2007, 06:53 PM
Want a Cleric or Empath but will concider other proffesions if a good deal. Doesn't matter race/gender/society looking for over level 60's. I am looking for a one with clean history and no enemies really, but I'll take what I can get to be honest. I prefer a account takeover as I'm not really interested in paying for a fee and want it on a separate account, but we can work something out. Not looking to spend over 500. Want a pretty good deal. Looking for people who want a "Fast Sale" for a cheap price.
PM me please.
(In PM please make sure you include: Race/gender/society/skills/stats/price and anything that comes with the character including Society Reset and Fixskill.)
PM me please.
(In PM please make sure you include: Race/gender/society/skills/stats/price and anything that comes with the character including Society Reset and Fixskill.)