View Full Version : Reality in a Haze
11-21-2007, 11:24 PM
Each day begins the same.
I wake up about a half hour before my alarm clock due to a dream that is so surreal that I have to actually have to lie there for a few minutes in a feeble attempt to comprehend what I remember so vividly.
For example, this morning, I woke up thinking that I just witnessed a double murder while I was sitting on the front stairs of my apartment. I got a good look at the killer, and could probably go through one of those police sketch things to ID the phantasmal killer. The two murder victims were people who seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't place where I had seen them before, or how I had known them. It was very unsettling.
So that got me thinking... What other dreams have I had recently that threw myself into a loop recently?
Over the summer, I had a dream that I ordered a kit online and built a bi-plane. You know... Like the ones from World War I? So anyways... I build the thing in this abandoned construction site that I pass on the train every morning on my way to work. I enjoyed having that to cart me around instead of driving. Unfortunately, I end up crashing it shortly after my last takeoff. This time, I wake up late, and have to hurry to get ready and get to the train station. I didn't have time to wake up and absorb it all... I'm walking quickly to the train station, all pissed off that I'd crashed my method of transportation... So on the train, I'm looking for the crash site in the dream, only to realize, "WAKE UP STUPID! You don't have a Bi-plane!"
And this last one is the best one of them all...
I'm on a museum rooftop trying to break in (god knows why). I succeed in getting in, and the inside is like a wire mesh tunnel about 8 feet wide and 8 feet high. Well, as I'm going through this tunnel, I trip an alarm. I hear an announcement that the "Punjab Security Force" is coming to get me. So I make my way through the tunnels, and find an opening which leads to the main floor of the museum. I jump down, and hide behind a gigantic black marble column. The Punjab Security Force passes me by (which looks like something out of Battlestar Galactica), and I see tourists rapidly approaching... Luckily for me, there's the gorilla exhibit right in front of me. So I jump into that exhibit and try to blend in. I even start walking around like a gorilla. A young tourist even pointed at me saying, "Oh look! One of them is walking!"
Now... I ask myself, is all of this some kind of supernatural riddle that I have to solve, or is this just the product of an overactive eccentric creative mind?
Sean of the Thread
11-21-2007, 11:29 PM
I think you should turn to drinking.
My mind used to run wild with surreal dreams before I became an alcoholic.
11-22-2007, 12:47 AM
I think you should turn to drinking.
My mind used to run wild with surreal dreams before I became an alcoholic.
Now they all just blur together?
11-22-2007, 10:48 AM
just a few more years till 2012 then you can help me in my zombie fighting squad.
11-22-2007, 11:26 AM
What happens in 2012?!?!
11-22-2007, 11:29 AM
The zombocalypse, obviously.
Dwarven Empath
11-22-2007, 11:36 AM
I thought it was in 2112.
11-22-2007, 11:44 AM
Timewave zero is 2012, and IIRC it's December 21st or 20th.
You'll know it when you see it. :D
11-22-2007, 11:57 AM
12 21 2012, or or however you want to write it. The end of the Age of Aquarius.
11-23-2007, 10:55 AM
Thanksgiving nice. I had a wonderful time visiting my family, whom I haven't seen in more than 2 months. Dinner was great, and dessert was even better! Despite getting little more than 4 hours of sleep, I wasn't as tired as I expected to be.
So I leave around 11pm when everyone is asleep... I'm home by 11:40ish. I had to work today, so I planned on going to bed around 1ish to allow myself enough time to sleep. I futz around with my playlist for awhile deleting, adding, rearranging, etc. for about an hour.
1ish comes along, so I move from the computer to the couch and watch Law & Order hoping I'd fall asleep to it.
By now it's 3am, I go to my bed and try to sleep... And my body says "OH NO YOU DON'T!!!!" So I get up, and decide to go to my office and sleep there instead... I leave at about 4am, and arrive at about 4:40ish.
It was REALLY COLD in the office, and I just couldn't get comfortable on the couch... I bring out a space heater and plug it in, but to no avail... I'm either too hot or too cold. I check my blackberry, and it's now 6:30. Ugh...
I drift in and out of sleep from between 6:30 and 8:30 for maybe 20 minutes at a time... So I drag my ass off the couch and into my computer chair to start my day.
I'm the only one in the office today just so we have a body here to receive and sign for mail & packages, so it's not like my day is strenuous or anything. The problem is I'm starting to have auditory hallucinations. I'm not sure if it's because of the medication or being wiped out. Anywho... We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Maybe I'll force myself to stay up in hopes to reset my sleep schedule.
11-23-2007, 11:01 AM
And to make matters worse, I've been staring at this picture of Alizee that's conveniently posted next to my playlist... I don't know why I torture myself like this!!!!
11-23-2007, 11:29 AM
She's French. Just have a (probably not real) picture of her holding up those arms to reveal hairy pits.
She's French. Just have a (probably not real) picture of her holding up those arms to reveal hairy pits.
Mmmmmmm. Nope.
11-23-2007, 02:54 PM
That's why I said "probably not real".
11-23-2007, 03:36 PM
She'll be cute once she's old enough to vote.
11-23-2007, 04:23 PM
Date of Birth:21 August 1984, Ajaccio, Corsica, France
She's 23!
Sean of the Thread
11-23-2007, 04:46 PM
I love brunettes. Too bad she's french.
Are there any pictures where it actually looks like she has boobs?
Sean of the Thread
11-23-2007, 05:16 PM
That was going to be my first comment... where are her boobs.
But champagne glasses are nice some times. I just googled a topless pic of her and she definately is muffin sized. Nice nips tho.
11-23-2007, 05:32 PM
I forgot how super hot she was...
Izalude, how often do you have lucid dreams like those?
11-23-2007, 06:23 PM
I forgot how super hot she was...
Izalude, how often do you have lucid dreams like those?
When I can sleep and dream, then almost every time I get in a full sleep cycle. Right now, I'm out of my friggin mind because I'm running 5 hours of sleep over 3 days.
As for a Boob shot of Alizee... I think this may do.
Stanley Burrell
11-23-2007, 09:26 PM
When I can sleep and dream, then almost every time I get in a full sleep cycle. Right now, I'm out of my friggin mind because I'm running 5 hours of sleep over 3 days.
As for a Boob shot of Alizee... I think this may do.
That is retardedly airbrushed. It makes me think her real boobs are that much smaller.
TheE had to ruin the thread with pit hair commentary, bah.
Now, I'm going to have a lucid dream about evil patches of armpit hair entangling me in some kind of twelve day old unshaven, unshowered antiperspirant-caked, yet sweaty death.
I usually remember my dreams from the previous night right as I'm about to drift off the following night. I don't know why, so I'm just going to say hippocampus.
11-23-2007, 10:18 PM
Who cares about boob size...
11-23-2007, 10:52 PM
This thread just went up about 6 stars IMO.
wait, she's the night elf dance chick??
Some Rogue
11-23-2007, 11:44 PM
wait, she's the night elf dance chick??
11-24-2007, 12:27 AM
11-24-2007, 01:03 AM
It's amazing at how long I can just sit here and look at that picture Jayvn...
11-24-2007, 01:27 AM
I must be getting old, becauase I've never heard of her.
She's hot as fuck though.
11-24-2007, 01:50 AM
Night elf dance chick?
11-24-2007, 01:54 AM
WoW reference.
11-25-2007, 10:22 AM
I had the most awesome and terrifying dream last night... I'll elaborate once I can sort it out in my head.
11-25-2007, 11:36 AM
The dream starts out with work related stuff... I`m me working on making preparations for a ship not due for a few weeks for an important client. The Ship is going to a terminal that`s in a bad area.
I`m having money trouble, so my friend Pat and I move into an apartment in that same dangerous area.
Alberto, an ex scumbag roommate of mine appears all of a sudden with 2 russian girls. One has problem with her memory, and needs constant supervision. (IE. Like after 30 minutes, she doesn`t remember anything that happened.) Alberto and the other Russian girl disappear, leaving the one with memory problems.
3 japanese kids friends with Pat LOVE to ride their motorcycles all over. They come over my apartment, and play their Wii with Pat for the better part of a night. Because of their rowdy riding and constant wrecks, one kid ends up with a 500 repair bill on his motorcycle.
I`m tasked by my superiors to lead a local drug support group in the dangerous area that I now live in... I make many new diverse friends there.
My friends at support group are insistant upon going above and beyond what was asked of them... For example, one guy is asked to repair the fender of a truck, and instead of just doing that, he locates most of the body of the truck and assembles it. He feels he owes me some sort of debt that he needs to repay.
I prepare a gate List for Support Group to get to the terminal, so that one member wouldn`t get in trouble with the police for entering the terminal illegally. Eventually, I learn that my vessel is going to be handled by another agent, and because I`d done so much work on it, it gets me into some trouble at work.
However... All of this somehow leads to a pedophile discovery in the higher end of the shipping company Owners. A prominent cop's mother deeply involved.
Now my friends from support group are murdered by a prominent cop, one by one who has been harassing me ever since I started working on that ship. He hides their deaths by showing that they overdosed. A member from the group gives me a list of everyone that was murdered.
One retired cop helps me expose the corrupt cop. He does so by using leverage he knows regarding one key member of the support group. (IE. Soandso would never do that, here`s why, and here`s how you prove it...)
In fear of me exposing the cop, I'm awarded a rather large settlement from the shipping company run by the cop`s mother. Cop's mother blames me for ruining her family. I divide the money amongst the survivors of the support group in order for them to have a better life. All were among very low income families that have never been on the right side of the law. We completely restore the truck and give it to one member of the support group. Over time, all but myself are murdered or die mysteriously.
I hear my friends within the support group talk about a reality TV show about people with one kind of superpower. All of these are deeply flawed people, with issues of their own. The show doesn`t focus on their superpower, but the human aspect of dealing with it.
There`s a French girl, who`s name started with an É that was voted off in Season 1. Her superpower of bending space & time takes a toll on her. She leaves bloody footprints when she teleports from place to place, including half footprints when she`s in the middle of a shift. My cousin is good friends with the French Girl, and asks me to help find her. Bloody footprints are located near my cousin`s house.
I mistakenly show that this firehouse is property of an Indian guy rather than the French girl`s family. The Indian later leads a holy journey to Beijing with a group of people.
I learn that the French girl who somehow made it to the past. She and her family were captured by ancient Peruvians.
I discover a timeship that was a closely guarded secret within my company. I use it to locate the missing French girl in Ancient Peru. Unfortunately, somehow I`m beaten to the area by WWII era Soviets and Germans. They form an alliance in WWII because of my screwup with the Indian and the French Girl`s family (Don`t ask me how). Germans capture the timeship (which looks like a soviet submarine) and plan to reverse-engineer it.
I make it back to present day with the French girl, and her family. I`m at a Mall (which is in the middle of the woods) with my cousin and the French Girl. I`m given an hour alone with them until the French girl is taken by my superiors. Superiors advise me that the timeline is so screwed up because of my doings, that they have no possible way to restore it. They can`t use the French Girl to teleport them back so we can fix everything. Once the deadline was up, I`m thrown into the brig of a ship.
Somehow, I learn that I can't die, except if killed by a bullet that was prepared a certain way. Weirdly enough, I figure out that my death would undo everything, and return the timeline to normal, somehow further exposing the corrupt cop`s mother. In the end, I'm killed by my best friend in the brig of a ship to fix all of my mistakes. I had a wife and kid.
Just before I'm shot in the head, I hear the words, 'All of this has happened before... And it will happen again...'
Then I wake up. All I can say is WTF?!
11-25-2007, 11:46 AM
I just dream about boobies :(
11-25-2007, 11:50 AM
I just dream about boobies :(
I wish I just dreamt about boobies...
11-25-2007, 03:37 PM
have you tried valium?
11-25-2007, 04:38 PM
Can't say I have.
Benadryl is known to interrupt REM sleep, where dreams usually occurr.
I'm not a huge advocate for taking medication for purposes otherwise intended (especially without the direction of a physician), but this might help you with some of your issues in the short term.
Long term prevention of REM sleep is kinda bad for you though.
Just a thought.
Stanley Burrell
11-25-2007, 05:08 PM
Somebody tell me.
Why it feels more real when I dream than when I am awake?
How can I know if my senses are lying?
::Peace Orchestra's "Who Am I?"::
11-25-2007, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend interrupting REM sleep, could become a bad habit for you and detrimental in the long-term
11-25-2007, 07:00 PM
Battlestar Razor was pretty awesome, though.
11-26-2007, 11:30 AM
You were Mind-Fucked by E.T.
Sean of the Thread
11-26-2007, 11:37 AM
I think your daddy touched your pee pee when you were young.
12-13-2007, 02:01 PM
So... I had a dream about a flock of penguins having a small refuge near my grandparents house last night. Everyone wanted them wiped out, save for me who was trying to protect them. I even tried taking one for a pet, but I couldn't exactly hide the fact that I was keeping a penguin...
I guess having a penguin as a familiar in game rubbed off on me somehow.
12-29-2007, 02:43 PM
Kill the Penguins! Slaughter them all!!!
Sean of the Thread
12-29-2007, 02:54 PM
Doooobie doooobie dooooooooo
12-29-2007, 03:02 PM
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