View Full Version : Mentors, Again.

12-07-2003, 04:09 PM
Right, so I'm at this Mentor Meet and Greet thing for Sorcerers..and..geez.

I thought this Mentor stuff was suposed to be IC..this is insaine.

Also here: Lorekeeper Tierus, Nevra who is sitting, Lorekeeper Desorceri, Lorekeeper Shiril, Lotarius, Lorekeeper Deevareeree, Lorekeeper Avira who is sitting, Joraxel, Eredhen, Trigas, Minoan, Brillat who is sitting, Sursor, Tojgii, Drizzient who is sitting, Lord Voldermort, Lady Shilara, Dregnar, Kelestra who is sitting, Great Lord Thelan, Darkrain, Cery who is sitting, Mentor Eridal who is kneeling
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Drizzient appears less confident.
(Deevareeree BIG GROUP hug)

First off, She ain't even a Sorcerer. Secondly, Adredrin would not hug her..or let her hug him..who the hell is she?

-Adredrin. Bah!

12-07-2003, 04:20 PM
And the crappy announcements.

Guess what mentors, I don't want to see 15 lines suddenly pop up when I'm in the middle of hunting. I was in reivers, and this halfling and her mom come by. Now, to get into reivers, you have to into a volcano, through a crack, past warcats, then up a wall that, if you aren't skilled enough, will kill you.

So, not only was I jarred out of character for awhile...I had 14 lines of text suddenly pop up.

Something like:
Announcement: <event> will be starting in <number> minutes in the <place>.

Would be alot less disruptive AND not as jarring for as long.

12-07-2003, 04:25 PM
set accouncement on off options

everyone is happy

12-07-2003, 04:25 PM
I left right after that.

I can not believe I was such a fucking idiot I went to a mentor event

12-07-2003, 04:31 PM
Heh. She is obviously someone who does not know it is very risky to hug a bunch of sorcerers! :D

HarmNone would not do such a thing

12-07-2003, 04:33 PM
Thats funny, the message I saw for the mentors was horrible too.

I saw a roa'tar pop out of the ground with a dwarf riding its back. The Dwarf yelled out stuff about the Meet and Greet, then the roa'tar burried itself again..



12-07-2003, 04:36 PM
By the way, this is by no means an attack sent at all mentors. I happen to be good friends with a few different mentors. I just found that event..less then fun or enjoyable..so I walked.


12-07-2003, 04:38 PM
of course the moderator on simu's kiss my ass or dont post board removed my post about the entire event

12-07-2003, 04:39 PM
Repost here!

I wanna see :)


12-07-2003, 04:44 PM
"GS4-BRAUDEN@play.net" <GS4-BRAUDEN@play.net> wrote:
> Your message copied below has been removed from the
> Mentors/Order of Lore Keepers topic for flaming.
> The GemStone IV Forum has a family oriented
> atmosphere where people can exchange ideas and
> information without fear of being harassed or
> intimidated.
> It's important to us that you understand why this
> kind of posting is not acceptable. If you feel
> unclear about the guidelines for posting, please
> read the 10 hints for posting that are prominently
> displayed on our website. Our guidelines
> specifically request that members count to 10 and be
> kind when posting.
> If you have any questions about my action in
> removing your message, please don't hesitate to
> email me so we can clarify the issue to your
> satisfaction.
> Sincerely,
> Brauden
> ==== BEGIN COPY OF POST ====
> Forum: GemStone IV
> Category: Organizations and Societies
> Topic: Mentors/Order of Lore Keepers
> Msg#: 256
> Subject: I lied because I had to post this example
> of a mentor today
> I am not saying anything just providing the post. I
> left right after this because I was so angry that
> this happened.
> Also here: Lorekeeper Tierus, Nevra who is sitting,
> Lorekeeper Desorceri, Lorekeeper Shiril, Lotarius,
> Lorekeeper Deevareeree, Lorekeeper Avira who is
> sitting, Joraxel, Eredhen, Trigas, Minoan, Brillat
> who is sitting, Sursor, Tojgii, Drizzient who is
> sitting, Lord Voldermort, Lady Shilara, Dregnar,
> Kelestra who is sitting, Great Lord Thelan,
> Darkrain, Cery who is sitting, Mentor Eridal who is
> kneeling
> Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
> >
> Drizzient appears less confident.
> >
> (Deevareeree BIG GROUP hug)
> "The world needs anger. The world often continues to
> allow evil because it isn't angry enough."
> -Bede Jarrett
> ==== END COPY OF POST ====

12-07-2003, 04:45 PM
my response

No I dont understand.

What part of my cutting and pasting was flaming?

12-07-2003, 04:47 PM
oh yes..of course. Pointing out a mentor being dumb is flaming! Course!

12-07-2003, 04:48 PM
Ugh. I see no "flaming" there. I guess they pulled it because a character name was mentioned. I know they have always been touchy about that.

HarmNone thinks pulling this post was a bit over-zealous

12-07-2003, 04:49 PM
That right there makes me SO glad they're getting no money this month.

From me, that is.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Tayre]

12-07-2003, 04:51 PM
this is something that happened earlier today.

Augie squeakily asks, "Are ye here to meet with the warriors as well?"
You say, "Not if your involved."

12-07-2003, 04:52 PM

-Adredrin, who seconds that remark.

12-07-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
I left right after that.

I can not believe I was such a fucking idiot I went to a mentor event


Heh, I just wanted to use that emitcon!

Anyways, *I* had fun seeing you there. Come to the rogues and I'll make sure Evelith licks your cheek or something entirely inappropriate. Sloppy, slobbery smooches, coming right up!!

Oo, and free gropes. Free gropes, yes yes.


12-07-2003, 07:06 PM
Just to touch on what someone said earlier, mentoring is not always in-character. My character is ME while she's mentoring, because she doesn't give half a shit about new people, but I do.

That said, I'm not really liking the hug.


12-07-2003, 11:10 PM
(Deevareeree BIG GROUP hug)

Not to mention it's written out like she's fucking retarded. Shouldn't it be something like:

(Deevareeree gives a BIG GROUP hug)

[Voln : Haashek] Hugs to super Deevareeree!

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Methais]

12-07-2003, 11:42 PM
Or at the very least, learn some grammar.

12-08-2003, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Methais
(Deevareeree BIG GROUP hug)

Not to mention it's written out like she's fucking retarded. Shouldn't it be something like:

(Deevareeree gives a BIG GROUP hug)

[Voln : Haashek] Hugs to super Deevareeree!

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Methais]

Man. Methais, you never cease to make me laugh.

*note this is about as close as you'll see me to get to sucking somebody's dick.

12-08-2003, 02:23 AM
ee ee ee

Really, where you expecting much less?

12-08-2003, 07:12 AM
Theotherjohn, you missed a really interesting discussion!

You know, I didn't answer the door because there are only about 5 warrior mentors, and three of us were there..so Augie did our door running, which I really appreciated.

I wish you had at least given it a chance.

I just want to clarify about our meet and greets..they are not all in character, they are inside our manor for the express purpose of, if we decide to go ooc for the discussion, it's okay, that is what that manor is for.

And Dee means well, and she's a very sweet girl.;)


12-08-2003, 08:18 AM
I don't think anyone has questioned this person's character or intent. It has nothing to do with whether she is a nice person or not. The fact that she abused mechanics, whether it be OOC or not makes people wonder if that's the type of thing she would do out of the OOC discussion.

12-13-2003, 09:28 PM
I think I'm pretty reasonable, as a whole, about seeing both sides of an issue, but I must admit that seeing this thread stung a bit. I won't disagree with the assertion that the action in question was not in good taste. However, it's not my job or place to speak to personal complaints about a Mentor. I would like to address some of the other concerns that this thread has risen.

Speaking as a Mentor with just about a season's experience now (note that I didn't say that I was 'seasoned') I can tell you all that the Mentors put a lot of time into our events. Our auctions alone took up hours of planning, design, and execution time.

The Meet and Greets are a little less time-consuming, but nonetheless they are run by human beings putting in unpaid time trying to make the game better for novices and experienced adventurers alike. Meet and Greets are, by necessity, Out of Character in nature, as thinly veiling comments about in-game formulas and training in a weak shroud of ICness would serve only as an affection. I will note that we abide by the same rules as other groups about OOC behavior, hosting all of this OOCness in a restricted area in the Silverwood room set.

Finally, about the nature of this thread. I'm reminded of some old adage about bees, honey, and vinegar.

Comments like "I can not believe I was such a fucking idiot I went to a mentor event" don't help us make things better. In fact, they only serve to preemptively turn others off to the person who makes them. When I see lewd and purposeless comments like that, my first instinct is to ignore their maker completely. With that established, if you (a general 'you') could tell us exactly what you do or do not like about Mentor events, we'd be a lot better served. I've heard the argument, as relates to this, that there's no impetus to follow the aforementioned suggestion. If something bothered me enough to complain, but I was vehemently opposed to doing anything that might soothe or repair the perceived problem, I'd probably question my motives. So, is this thread to help us improve or is it just to vent?

I'd like it to be the latter.

I'll finish with an appeal. Please post here if you have suggestions or helpful critiques about what we Mentors do. I kind of hope no one else will foul what could be a productive thread up with more lewdness and blanket anger. As previously mentioned, you can also e-mail GS4-Mindra@play.net with these suggestions.

I also offer something else. If you really do have something that you're absolutely furious about, that you want to fix but you think no one's willing to listen, that you're pretty sure will gain you no more notice than a polite chain letter, e-mail it to me at miloro1@hotmail.com or instant message me on AOL at GSTierus . Please make the title of any e-mails obvious, for example, GEMSTONE IV MENTOR COMPLAINT in all capital letters.

I can't promise you that we'll ever fix all the problems in the Mentor society, or that we'll even be open to your suggestions--sometimes, there are reasons why things just can't be done. However, you have my word that if you e-mail me, I'll either explain to you as best I can why it's implausible or argue the case where it needs to be argued. Either way, I do resolve to let people know what you folks are thinking. I don't like seeing you folks angry any more than you do.


12-13-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Orendis

Comments like "I can not believe I was such a fucking idiot I went to a mentor event" don't help us make things better. In fact, they only serve to preemptively turn others off to the person who makes them. When I see lewd and purposeless comments like that, my first instinct is to ignore their maker completely. With that established, if you (a general 'you') could tell us exactly what you do or do not like about Mentor events, we'd be a lot better served.

you can address me directly here.

I was a fucking idiot for attending an event that lets Augie become a mentor.

Seeing (Deevareeree BIG GROUP hug) just made me realize it.

I do not like Augie as a mentor

There is no need to tell you what is wrong with Deevareereereerererereee use of act

12-13-2003, 09:53 PM
What I don't understand, John, is how you can judge what kind of event it was if you didn't even take the time to attend because you couldn't get past the fact that Augie is a mentor.

Please, tell me what it is that gives you the impression that everything we do is wrong because Augie is a mentor?


12-13-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane

Please, tell me what it is that gives you the impression that everything we do is wrong because Augie is a mentor?


It is not just Augie a mentor. It is also the actions of the other mentors such as the hug.

Also in the past I have seen Lissa abuse the teleportation ability.

the application states : A demonstrated history of consistent Role-Playing together with the ability to remain in character even in stressful situations.

There is no way Augie fits the above.

example: I am brand new to the game. I want a mentor to come teach me how to role play.

Guess who comes to answer... Noodle, Buzzario, Deevareeree. wow awesome RP names. What a great start the mentors are to with this new person.

So yes I think the entire group needs to rethink what it is currently doing.

12-13-2003, 11:06 PM
I now know of SEVERAL mentors who have abused their teleportation ability. While 3 or 4 of these are only stories ive heard, they did come from reliable sources.
I HAVE SEEN 3 or 4 more mentors abuse this ability with my own eyes. I have sent emails to the higher ups, both in the mentors and on the GS staff. But nothing, maybe a slap on the wrist. However after i complained about 2 of these poeple i continue to see them abuse the ability.
Mentors are nothing more than con artists. They have convinced the GMs to give them abilities in exchange for doing something a good number of us have been doing for years for nothing.
I help people everyday, its basicly all i do, thats what is fun for me. Do i get anything special? Can i even get into the mentors? no, cause its a little group of people who wont allow their power to be ruined. Its a scam!
If they really want to help others, take away any special treatment and abilities they get and see who stays. Those are the real mentors, not a huge list of people who only put in the minimum amount of time so they can fog back and forth to different towns for whatever reasons.
In closing: Fuck the Mentors!

12-13-2003, 11:12 PM
I am curious. Some of you have said that some mentors are abusing the transport ability. How, exactly, are they abusing it, and how do you know for sure?

HarmNone, the curious

12-13-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I am curious. Some of you have said that some mentors are abusing the transport ability. How, exactly, are they abusing it, and how do you know for sure?

HarmNone, the curious

the reason I know for sure is my ranger was at the choco shop in Illistim having a conversation with Panthyrr

My sorc (benefiter of talking with Panthyrr)was hunting in the rift.

one minute lissa is doing her stupid choco crap at the shop and the next instance she is healing the people that is resting with me at the rift and the following instance she is back at the choco shop

12-13-2003, 11:24 PM
For what it's worth, most of the people I know who are mentors, as well as myself are not in it for any benefit.

But no amount of defending helps, so I am just going to keep quiet, again. I can't argue it all over.


12-13-2003, 11:26 PM
Ish. Okay. I feel you have enough common sense to know for sure that she did not have the time to get from the chocolate shop to the rift! :D Therefore, there is certainly no mistaking the abuse of power there. Thanks for sharing that, although it is not something I find myself glad to know. I am sure those who are honest, helpful mentors feel the same way. :(

HarmNone is disappointed

12-14-2003, 03:57 AM
Mentors can't teleport back and forth to the rift, sorry. The teleport ability is only workable to Silverwood Manor courtyards and to novices in certain situations.

Unless Panthyrr was a novice Lissa was specifically assigned to help out, she couldn't have ported to him, back to the rift, and to the shop again. You're either lying or hallucinating.

Maybe your attitude problem is the reason you can't get into the mentors.


12-14-2003, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Mentors can't teleport back and forth to the rift, sorry. The teleport ability is only workable to Silverwood Manor courtyards and to novices in certain situations.

Unless Panthyrr was a novice Lissa was specifically assigned to help out, she couldn't have ported to him, back to the rift, and to the shop again. You're either lying or hallucinating.

Maybe your attitude problem is the reason you can't get into the mentors.


I think what he means is that said person was in EN, then only a few min later in the Rift, which would take a LOT longer then a few min to do. As it stands, it only takes a couple of min to get from icemule to the rift, but I'm sure most people know how long the trip is from EN to Icemule.


12-14-2003, 05:23 AM
Let's not make assumptions here, especially since Spun is right about mentor abilities.

Lissa owns a cross-realm transportation device that can conceiveably move her back and forth between Rift to Ta'Illistim. This is more likely what she used than what conspiracy theorists here imagine. More black helicopters.

If you have serious accusations, send them to the GM in charge.

12-14-2003, 05:49 AM
The rogues M&G was ace. Very in character as well. However, I'm not liking (again) what I hear in regards to the things mentioned above.

12-14-2003, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
That right there makes me SO glad they're getting no money this month.

From me, that is.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Tayre]


12-14-2003, 07:57 AM
The meet and greets aren't supposed to be in character necessarily. They are for discussion about the profession, some of the roleplay aspects, and also discussions about ooc things too. That's why we do them inside the manor.


12-14-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl

Maybe your attitude problem is the reason you can't get into the mentors.


What part of my bitching about some mentors gave you the idea I wanted to be a mentor?

I want changes to the mentor group not become a part of it.

I prefer having a choice of whom I help

12-14-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Ilvane
That's why we do them inside the manor.

I am not saying some of you dont do good things. I mention by name the ones I feel do not.

Speaking of doing things in the manor so it can be OOC. Perhaps we should create a new thread to discuss if you log in should everything be in character or when is it acceptable to be OOC.

12-14-2003, 08:04 PM
Sorry, TOJ, that last remark wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Fate Clown or whoever that was bitching about how he couldn't even get into the group.

I didn't really clarify that well enough.


12-15-2003, 08:29 AM
Ok, i have had a mentor use the fog to get to Ta'illistim, locate me and a friend to get spells, then use the mentor fog to go back to Teras or Solhaven (cant remember which) to hunt. This happened TO ME. There is no "heard it from someone" or anything along those lines, i saw this happen. I reported it to several people, and nothing happened.
As for my "shitty attitude" and why i cant get into the mentors, i dont see how you could make that call, cause youve never even met me, or talked to me. youve seen at best a handful of posts from me, on a uncencored board. Not really the right material to be making a judgement call on.
In gemstone, my record is a sclean as can be, ive never had a mouth soaping, never cause any trouble, ive never even had my thoughtnet taken away. Im a perfect candidate for the mentors.

12-15-2003, 12:16 PM
If you are not willing to believe that mentors are monitored and complaints are looked into, then nothing anyone says will change your mind - the "favortism" toward mentors has been debated for years.

It has been said more than once - send your complaints to GS3-Mindra@play.net, you can also copy GS3-Brauden (her boss) and SIMU-Melissa (his boss). However, if you believe that it's a grand conspiracy why even bother, I doubt you would take a GMs word.

Moist Happenings
12-15-2003, 12:25 PM
You three. Yeah you. You know which three i'm talking about. Make Aurien kick some rogues out so Opalina and I can come back.

EDIT: Grammar

[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Neff]

12-15-2003, 12:35 PM
As someone who attended the Sorcerer Meet and Greet it wasnt all that bad. No one even payed attention to Deveereee and that crazy action she performed.. and it was *kind of* fun, maybe having my fiance there made it better. But, I guess I had no complaints.

What we have to realize is that in essence it is a game, so nothing will be perfect. These are human beings behind these characters and they dont always make the best decisions when it comes to how we think the game should be played.

12-15-2003, 01:19 PM
<<Please, tell me what it is that gives you the impression that everything we do is wrong because Augie is a mentor?>>

Ever hear the term "icing on the cake"?

It could be worse though...they could be GameHosts, which would mean eventually they'd be GMs <groan>.

<<Lissa owns a cross-realm transportation device that can conceiveably move her back and forth between Rift to Ta'Illistim.>>

And what exactly is this item that can conceiveably move her back and forth from Rift to Ta'Illistim? Happen to know the description and how it works? Most cross realm items only go one way, and the only ones that I know of that actually work with EN towns are Ciston's crystal ball and the Darkstone key which Tsin owns now....both which are slated to be nerfed....the key is gonna turn into a one way teleport to Darkstone from anywhere (instead of how it is now, which is like a cross realm gold ring with one half set to Darkstone), and the crystal ball (works basically like a cross realm 116/225 item) I think is gonna be limited to 4x a day.

I'm not saying she doesn't own a cross realm item, but I'm curious about it now.

[Edited on 12-16-2003 by Methais]

12-15-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Askip
If you are not willing to believe that mentors are monitored and complaints are looked into, then nothing anyone says will change your mind - the "favortism" toward mentors has been debated for years.

It has been said more than once - send your complaints to GS3-Mindra@play.net, you can also copy GS3-Brauden (her boss) and SIMU-Melissa (his boss). However, if you believe that it's a grand conspiracy why even bother, I doubt you would take a GMs word.

Who are you addressing this post to?

This thread is not about favortism on my part. I dont care bout favortism. They should get some perk for what they do.

My opinion of Augie etc is documented in this thread.

Mel has always taken time out of her schedule to respond so there is no conspiracy (that I know of. Simu is evil so there is always that possiblity they are planning against me)

12-15-2003, 05:56 PM
Most people like Methias who have these one of a kind special abilities items, know what other items are out there. Because they may add it to their collectioin one day, perhaps. So it's best to be sure you know what you are talking about if you're going to claim someone has something uber, like that. And don't just assume it and say it cus one of these guys call you on it.

12-15-2003, 06:57 PM
Lissa quite proudly won the item from Ciston as the result of a bet. If you think I made up the fact that she owns some "uber thing", YOU go ask her what it is and what are the capabilities.

I'm not that curious or concerned about dispelling some groundless conspiracy theory just because some of you have some bug up your butt about mentors.

Mentors are monitored, abuses are handled, you know where to report them if you see them happening. Blah blah blah, maybe if it keeps getting repeated, it will sink in.

There are no black helicopters.

12-15-2003, 07:27 PM
Having spoken at length with someone I know who was a Mentor, I have come to understand that there are many restrictions on Mentors. The incident of a Mentor going from EN to the Rift was, in all probability, the result of using a special implement rather than abusing Mentor capabilities. As I understand it, there is a pretty close watch kept on when and how fogging capability is used.

Now, as to some of the choices of people to mentor newcomers, I would definitely agree that there have been some chosen that cause me to lift an eyebrow. Hopefully, more care will be used in future.


12-15-2003, 08:56 PM
<<Lissa quite proudly won the item from Ciston as the result of a bet. If you think I made up the fact that she owns some "uber thing", YOU go ask her what it is and what are the capabilities.>>

Hey I'm just curious as to how her item works is all. I really don't give a rat's ass what she does with her mentor abilities. I'm more interested in the item.

12-16-2003, 10:13 AM
<< Who are you addressing this post to? >>

Not you, TOJ - directed at the "fuck the mentors" poster, and the horse he rode in on.


12-28-2003, 01:08 PM
>throw snow at augie
Your invisibilty fails.
You line up your shot and let the rounded snowball fly!
The rounded snowball hits Augie in the face! Nice shot!
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Rocksand laughs!
You snicker.
Rocksand cackles!
Augie traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Augie gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Augie.

There are screams of terror as townspeople frantically try to scramble out of the way of the wave. A mother snatches up her young child just in time for both to be knocked to the ground by the onslaught. You hear other voices shouting, "Someone help us!"

Neferio is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Noxley is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
You are buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Your invisibility fails.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Synyatar is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Vanir is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Treeaswinds is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Dimbat is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Araika is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Kazzara suddenly appears as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Ridamir is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Kkian is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Uffu is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Rocksand is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Kilacien is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Tinsley is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Eythan is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Miblin is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Lunatick is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Shirkon is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Gelowyn is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Eavath is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Selvan is forced out of hiding by the dark ethereal waves.
Nexas is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Jemiquist is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Rocksand blinks.
Araika mutters something better left unheard.
Rocksand slowly says, "Evil."
Gelowyn laughs!
Augie leaps from hiding to attack!
Augie swings an emerald tipped tart-cutter at you!
AS: +303 vs DS: +46 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +100 = +392
... and hits for 110 points of damage!
Blast to your hand sends fingers flying in various directions.
You are stunned for 4 rounds!
Cosgrave says, "Nice."
Kazzara traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Kazzara gestures.
Kazzara suddenly disappears.
Noxley says, "Eesh."

A number of deputies charge in, led by the town constable.

With great ease, the town constable grabs Augie and shackles her wrists.

"Ah-ha! The boys at Helga's said I might find something interesting here," says the town constable.
The town constable then drags her off.
Araika stands up.
Kkian stands up.
Kkian just tried to pull a woodland tiger.
Noxley stands up.
Rocksand slowly says, "Good."
Rocksand stands up.
Tinsley stands up.
You are still stunned.
Araika shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Kkian affectionately scratches the tiger's neck.
Eavath says, "Cool."
Rocksand nods.
Tinsley sits down.
Kilacien smiles at Tinsley.
Uffu stands up.
Vanir carefully inspects his dark leather satchel.
Kkian gazes admiringly at a woodland tiger.
Rocksand slowly says, "Abuse of power."
You smirk.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You have a completely severed right hand.

Area Health per Round
Right hand 1

Maximum Health Points: 132
Remaining Health Points: 22
You are feeling faint.

Maximum Spirit Points: 11
Remaining Spirit Points: 11

Maximum Stamina Points: 43
Remaining Stamina Points: 43

You say, "Now if I bleed to death she goes in for murder too."
Araika giggles at you!

12-28-2003, 01:10 PM
You deserved it.

12-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Why do I wonder if there was more to this than you just throwing a snowball?


12-28-2003, 07:09 PM
It was just a snowball fight that got out of hand. I hit her twice, and then she did that.

12-28-2003, 07:29 PM
And this is what noobs are going to see our mentors acting like. No wonder this game has turned to such shit.

Way to go Augie!

And am I the only one that hates that stupid ass retarded tart cutter that Augie acts like it's the holy grail?

12-28-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Methais
And this is what noobs are going to see our mentors acting like. No wonder this game has turned to such shit.

Way to go Augie!

And am I the only one that hates that stupid ass retarded tart cutter that Augie acts like it's the holy grail?

Only thing worse than her stupid shit items is how she is a mentor but is to stupid to change tone from squeaky

12-28-2003, 07:31 PM
anyone wanna itchy her then implode?


12-28-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Methais
And this is what noobs are going to see our mentors acting like. No wonder this game has turned to such shit.

Way to go Augie!

And am I the only one that hates that stupid ass retarded tart cutter that Augie acts like it's the holy grail?

Speaking from the point of view of someone that used to frequent merchants when she was running around...


I hate her roleplay which seems scripted after you've seen her do the same song and dance act in front of EVERY merchant.

While I appreciate consistent roleplay. Her style is SO in-your-face you can't avoid it. She would start yelling, screaming and causing an annoyance until she was the center of attention. If only weapon fire worked on PC's, I'd keep casting it until it would go up in smoke.

12-29-2003, 12:42 AM
That's cute for a mentor.

12-29-2003, 02:25 AM
Remind me how this woman became a mentor again?

12-29-2003, 02:40 AM
Or how Adyr and Gerbill became mentors as well. Gerbill spends his life being annoying in the cul-de-sac. There's a nice role model for the youth of Elanthia.

12-29-2003, 03:07 AM
I'm waiting for the posts on how I became a Mentor to start up.


12-29-2003, 03:13 AM
ALthough my personal feelings often clash with you Delyorik, you can keep a cool head while in an argument. You look at things logically and attack a problem or situation logically without getting emotional. You don't annoy the hell out of people just for the sake of doing it. You don't go out looking for fights.

I could go on, but I think you got the idea.

I think the Mentor organization as a whole is a good thing. I have alot of respect for Thaxius, Bevan, Ilvane, Delyorik, Aramina, Lyricaen, Siwas, Palooka, and Rilven. My personal feelings however, is that there are a few bad apples who are mentors. Augie is one of them due to her being blatantly OOC on a regular basis.

12-29-2003, 10:19 AM
respect me as a mentor, dammit.

12-29-2003, 11:12 AM
I don't know you, so I don't have any opinion of you one way or another.

12-29-2003, 01:29 PM
<<If only weapon fire worked on PC's, I'd keep casting it until it would go up in smoke.>>

It does work on PCs. It still won't get you very far though. It doesn't make weapons shatter (You're thinking of Vibration Chant I think), but it will grant you the satisfaction of seeing her die.

There was hope once though....I was one of the people she spammed down her buddy list calling for help cause a critter had her tart curtter. Finally I saw light at the end of the tunnel.....then a few minutes later she told me someone got it back for her. :(

I wish that stupid thing was still in Dissipate's hands, then it wouldn't be around.

Would be funny if she accidentally handed it to someone instead of the item in her left hand, then they refused to give it back. I'd pay to see her freaking out. I guarantee she would leave everything remotely IC at the door.

Anyone wanna make an easy million silvers? :P

1m to the first sorc that curses it out of her hand and implodes it and posts a log of the huge tantrum she throws. Mwuahahahaha!

<<Augie is one of them due to her being blatantly OOC on a regular basis.>>

I've never heard of anyone becoming a mentor cause such a huge uproar from people, even on the official boards.

I'm surprised she hasn't been removed yet, especially when she does shit like in Izalude's post.

I can recall at least one time on the amunet (before she was a mentor, but still...) when out of nowhere (probably after arguing iwth someone in private thoughts for a while), Augie sent out a thought along the lines of:


It wasn't those exact words most likely, but it was still one of those lame ass "Don't interact with me or I'll report you!" things, and in nice big fat capital letters, which have "NOOB" written all over them.

Not to mention she can be frequently seen sporting around a small team of zombies (Daliana and Capium, her empath/cleric combo come to mind).

I used to send in mentor applications, but once I noticed just how many idiots they have in there, I gave up.

It seems that the only requirement to becoming a mentor isn't not being OOC or not having your head up your ass, but having a clean record.

I'm surprised she had a clean enough record to inducted in the first place.

Has a mentor ever been kicked out of the society?

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Methais]

12-29-2003, 02:00 PM
>>Has a mentor ever been kicked out of the society?

If they have, it would likely be in the face of evidence supporting their lack of compliance with set rules for the society. It would also not be high on the list of broadcasting for both mentors and past mentors.

12-29-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Or how Adyr and Gerbill became mentors as well. Gerbill spends his life being annoying in the cul-de-sac. There's a nice role model for the youth of Elanthia.

And you are? You obviously haven't interacted with me much if you think I'm such a horrible role model for the youth of Elanthia. My character is arrogant, conceited, and racist.. but when mentoring, I play myself.. an overly helpful and generous person. Learn who the person is before talking about them. Thanks.

Moist Happenings
12-29-2003, 02:27 PM
I'm going to have to concur with Gerbill on his above statement.

12-29-2003, 11:44 PM
Gerbill, the comment was based on the majority of the interaction had and witnessed hanging around the cul-de-sac.

It's fine and dandy to be helpful when working as a mentor, but when the people you mentor see your character elsewhere acting out, they learn from that too, because you wear that mentor role for them 100% of the time you are in the game.

That includes other mentors as well, just so you don't think I'm singling you out.

You might think Gerbill is coming across as arrogant, others see the cul-de-sac (and now the crypt, too) as being a place where non-roleplaying pissing contests happen because people are bored.

12-30-2003, 12:49 AM
Simu needs to hurry up with GS: The Fallen.

Except call it...

93m5t0n3: teh 133t