View Full Version : Amberain = crazy??

12-07-2003, 02:48 AM
Okay, someone tell me what I did wrong that made her act like that? I understand her not liking Gremblar, but there was NO REASON for her to get angry at me like that... at least, not in my opinion, anyway.
Only edited to take out other people at the table talking.

Gremblar joins your group.
You smile.
The handsome lad behind the bar casts a quick wink at one of the serving wenches.
Gremblar whispers to the group, "You lead. she won't invite me."
g amberain tab
You wave to the people seated at the Thrakling Table, hoping they will invite you and your group to sit with them.
Amberain waves at you and invites you and your group to come sit at her table.
>g amberain tab
You and your group head over to the Thrakling Table.
[Thrakling Table]
Tallow candles set in tin pans light this table, their heavy scent mingling with the smells of roasts and ales in the Inn's air. A moth, having fluttered too close to the flames, has fallen onto its back in one of the pans. Little thraklings are painted beside egg-shaped knot holes, as though they are emerging from their nest.
Also here: Lord Wolenthor, Great Lord Pridering who is sitting, Lavastene, Angtamin, Amberain who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You exclaim, "Hello!"
Amberain softly says, "Good eve."
Amberain smiles.
Gremblar says, "Salutations, all."
>'I'm interested in what you have for sale.
You say, "I'm interested in what you have for sale."
>hum happy
You hum happily to yourself.
Amberain nods.
Amberain shows you a low-slung beaded hipchain, which she is holding in her right hand. From a delicate jade leaf clasp designed to fasten over one hip, three strands of beautiful beads carved of amber, jade, yellow topaz and other semiprecious stones are strung to fall gracefully across and down the opposite hip in a cascade of delicate color. The beads are carved into fanciful tiny flowers, acorns, and bees. Upon the clasp rests a bumblebee of amber and onyx, and from it the ends of the bead strands dangle down ending in small jade leaf charms.

Gremblar glances at Amberain.
Gremblar whispers to the group, "Watch her flip out."
Amberain softly says, "This isnt in my manifest."
Gremblar coughs.
You nod.
Amberain softly says, "Keep yer eyes to yerself gremblar..er ye can leave de table."
Amberain glances at Gremblar.
>poke gremb
You poke Gremblar in the ribs.
Amberain removes a forest green locker manifest from in her leather purse.
You say, "Behave."
Amberain shows you her locker manifest.
<lots of stuff>
Gremblar says, "Hey now, I did nothing but glance your way when you were speaking. It is only polite to pay attention."
Amberain softly says, "Dont start lookin up my skirt again."
Amberain dusts off a short black leather skirt.
(Amberain covers her legs)
Gremblar says, "I have done no such thing. Nor have I ever."
Amberain softly says, "Sure..why did ye stare at me all night."
>gaze up
You gaze heavenward.
Gremblar says, "I do not know to what you are referring. But it is not important. Michiko is she who is here to see you. Not I."
Amberain softly says, "Then shut yer pie whole and let her talk."
Amberain nods to Gremblar.
>'There's nothing that interests me, unfortunately. Maybe if I was still in my emerald phase.... but thank you for letting me look.
You say, "There's nothing that interests me, unfortunately. Maybe if I was still in my emerald phase.... but thank you for letting me look."
>smile amber
You smile at Amberain.
>lean gremb
You lean softly against Gremblar.
Amberain softly says, "Course..anyone who is with gremblar needs to reavliate their taste."
You blink.
Gremblar smiles at Amberain.
>'Excuse me?
You ask, "Excuse me?"
>stare amber
You stare at Amberain.
Amberain softly says, "He stares at me constantly."
Amberain softly says, "He is mean to me."
>'He has nothing to do with my tastes...
You say, "He has nothing to do with my tastes..."
Lavastene says, "Amberain, I am surprised. That is all I can say."
Amberain softly says, "I can speak me opinions."
Amberain softly says, "Lava i dont know what ye suprised bout."
Gremblar says, "You are entitled to your opinion."
Amberain waves a hand at Gremblar, dismissing him indifferently.
Gremblar says, "However I would ask that you not judge others based upon how you feel about me."
Amberain softly says, "Since ye dont like anythin ye can both leave."
>'Let's go... I don't want to be dragged into this.
You say, "Let's go... I don't want to be dragged into this."
Gremblar nods to you.
Amberain softly says, "Ye cant afford anythin i have anyone mich."
[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
Loud and abusive noises emanate from behind the swinging kitchen doors, much to the laughing delight of some of the customers, and to the chagrin of others. Tapestries hanging from the walls depict soothing idyllic wildlife scenes. Hard wooden tables and chairs are placed evenly, allowing enough space for the cook and wait servants to pass. You also see some inviting tables and a cozy nook.
Also here: Tattebrook, Cadabash
Obvious exits: south, southwest
Gremblar followed.
You smirk.
Gremblar asks, "Did I mention that she's insane?"
You nod.

12-07-2003, 02:51 AM
Heh. Gremblar should have shut his pie hole and let you talk, but it sounds like she was overreacting.

Reavliate yoursefl, Michiko (snicker)... is that pronounced reav-li-ate?


12-07-2003, 03:09 AM
I just felt all warm and tingly after that. Makes me wanna look up my ex and punch her in the face. Thank god for prozac.

12-07-2003, 03:43 AM
Um if Gremblar knew she was gonna bitch at him, why the hell did he go to her table?

12-07-2003, 03:43 AM
I could go into a whole thing about Amberain, but there's a spot on the wall that needs staring at.

12-07-2003, 03:45 AM
as this is my first post to actually reply to.. that shit was funny. women have issues!!!!!!!!! but we still love em for one reason or another.

12-07-2003, 03:46 AM
Amberain belongs in a padded room.

12-07-2003, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I could go into a whole thing about Amberain, but there's a spot on the wall that needs staring at.

Well, since she's the paranoid type she might get jealous of the wall.

Moist Happenings
12-07-2003, 04:16 AM
Gremblar went because he was with Michiko in the first place, and despite the fact that Amberain never fails to flip out for some reason or another, i'm not going to change my RP.

12-07-2003, 04:44 AM
Heh... unfortunately, I've crossed Amberain too, and all I can say is that she makes Teeoncy look sane. Beware.

12-07-2003, 06:01 AM
You didn't do anything wrong other than overlook Gremblar's statement.

Gremblar whispers to the group, "You lead. she won't invite me."

She wigged because of Gremblar for some reason. Most likely there's more to it than you know.

I'm not defending her, in fact, she's on my list of people to not interact with.

Miss X
12-07-2003, 07:38 AM
Aww, Ive always found Amberain to be really sweet. I don't know her that well, but shes always been nice and non-crazy when Ive spoken to her.
However, I felt the same about Teooncy and look how that turned out......

12-07-2003, 09:57 AM
I assure you shes a nut... ive had a few run ins with her... aside form her warning me about 10 times and then she continues to insult me... shes a nut

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by peam]

12-07-2003, 10:01 AM
She may well be a nut but if Gremblar knew his presence was so unwanted there should be no surprise at the response to any who facilitated his entrance to her table I would think.

Reiterating, this does not in any way make her a nut or prove her not to be but simply says to me that in this case her becoming perterbed seemed understandable.

12-07-2003, 10:04 AM
OK, it's the GS boards, folder, Roleplaying, subfolder 'Conflict' first # of the thread (s) is 24726. Switches names, but it's short, and wont take long to read

12-07-2003, 10:41 AM
You incited it by bringing Gremblar to the table. Pretty simple really.

12-07-2003, 11:08 AM
Granted, but that was no reason for her to tell Michiko to shut her "pie whole" and that her tastes need to be "reavliated" for being with Gremblar. (Rather difficult to take her threats seriously when she can't even spell.) That was a little much. Asking that Gremblar leave was fine, but there was no reason to take it out on Michiko. I've never understood people who exclude others simply due to association.

12-07-2003, 12:00 PM
Heh I see you found that Simu boards thread, The? I thought you'd be amused.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 12:14 PM
some girls are nuts, and it's even worse when ya catch them at a bad time. all it takes is one little spark to light 'em off then BOOM. If you don't get outa there soon you'd wish you were dead.

Sneaking in a person who she didn't like didn't help, on top of it he was acting like an idiot, she shouldn't have gotten so pissed, but that's the nature of the beast.

edited.... C.Y.A.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Meos]

12-07-2003, 12:38 PM
There's no way to sneak someone in at tables.

You see exactly who's with them, and have to invite <person name> group to let the group come in.

12-07-2003, 12:47 PM
i usually don't get along with any women in the game...but there are a few. Of course, they're probably played by dudes.

12-07-2003, 12:58 PM
We get along, Chyrain. I think.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Artha
There's no way to sneak someone in at tables.

You see exactly who's with them, and have to invite <person name> group to let the group come in.

What if you're at a table, I try to go to the table with my group (includes person A), you invite me, and before my group ventures over there, person B joins my group. Would I still be able to join the table, and would Person B be included?

12-07-2003, 02:23 PM
You people DO realize this is a roleplaying game.. right? Not everyone has to be nice and sweet and huggy.

I didn't see anything that would make her OOC..

12-07-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You people DO realize this is a roleplaying game.. right? Not everyone has to be nice and sweet and huggy.

I didn't see anything that would make her OOC..

I know your right hon, but just last night a guy came to our table and insulted me, called me a half blood and said I needed a bath. I was so hurt and mad, because this has never happened to Myshel before that I was teary eyed. I was mad at Ardwen and our friends for not defending me fast enough. He was strickly rp and if I hadn't been so shocked and tongue tied I could have rp it out with him better. What can I say I'm a nut and we are playing it out in the game today, but last night I was soooo mad.

12-07-2003, 02:37 PM

12-07-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Amberain

Woo, so mad, she is speachless :P


12-07-2003, 02:38 PM
...yeah? :o

12-07-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Amberain

LMFAO.... nothing to say eh?

12-07-2003, 02:46 PM
What if you're at a table, I try to go to the table with my group (includes person A), you invite me, and before my group ventures over there, person B joins my group. Would I still be able to join the table, and would Person B be included?

Don't know. From the log, though, it doesn't look like that happened.

12-07-2003, 02:48 PM
g amberain tab
You wave to the people seated at the Thrakling Table, hoping they will invite you and your group to sit with them.
Amberain waves at you and invites you and your group to come sit at her table.
>g amberain tab
You and your group head over to the Thrakling Table.

It didn't. He was already in her group. She could have just invited Michiko if she really cared.

12-07-2003, 02:58 PM

I was told by my sister Leloo that Michiko thinks that I am crazy and it seems alot of other people do as well. Do I hate Gremblar ..yes without a doubt. I have been here for about 5 years and have learned alot.

I first met Gremblar in the park..he wouldnt stop staring at me..I asked him to stop..I told him if he hates me then jus kill me and get it over with..I should have jus invited Michiko to the table but I didnt know who was in her group.

Let me first explain..since Friday I have been in the ICU of the hopsital..I have a deathly genetic blood disorder..I currently have a clot and am hooked up to an IV pumping blood thinners into my body.

I should not have said Shut yer pie hole..I am not sure what drug they had put into my IV for my terrible pain...I apologize to whomever I said it too..

Lavastene was there because we were discussin somethin different..

You can all think I am crazy...Christophur did do the things that I posted on the boards and you all are more than welcome to go back and see how Stupid Christophur is..I got a lil carried away..but all in all it will be the last time I post when a GM tells me it might help out.

I come to the lands to seek peace and relaxation..to see my friends and family and work on my one and only soul. If people do not like me I dont care...

I just dont wanna possibly spending my last days with people who dont want me around...So since I now know how many people hate me..I have considered leaving the lands for good..against doctors advice..since I do have friends and family in the lands..He thinks it is a good way to still stay in touch and not get even more depressed..

Funny thing is...I am not a whore in the lands..And lots of ladies I know are..they even admit that they are dogs and stay on their knees all the time..to me that is crazy..Do I get on a board like this and say i think this person is crazy cause she screws any man that has 2 feet? No...Do I talk to christophur since de warn interaction ..no...I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. .Michiko knowin that gremblar and I had problems..since he told her ..should have told him to wait outside..seems she acted a lil crazy by tryin to create drama..in which she did..and I think Gremblar is crazy and so is Michiko..cause she would not have caused any problems by lettin him wait fer her..to me that is crazy...when all someone does is stare at you..it is a little creepy...Gremblar and I dont like each other..it is not a secret!

I dont want to leave the lands..but if no one appreciates me or my love for the lands or my love for my friends and family..then I have no reason to stick around..which makes me very sad.

But why would anyone of you care when you think I am crazy...

12-07-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
I was told by my sister Leloo that Michiko thinks that I am crazy

Well, I find that interesting, considering I haven't spoken to Leloo.

I should have jus invited Michiko to the table but I didnt know who was in her group.

It tells you who is the the person's group when they approach your table.

Let me first explain..since Friday I have been in the ICU of the hopsital..I have a deathly genetic blood disorder..I currently have a clot and am hooked up to an IV pumping blood thinners into my body.

I've never been to a hospital that allows "deathly" ill people access to computers, let alone ones with internet connections where they are allowed to play online games. Interesting.

I should not have said Shut yer pie hole..I am not sure what drug they had put into my IV for my terrible pain...I apologize to whomever I said it too..

If the drugs that you're on make you like that, then why were you in-game, selling stuff at a thrak table in the first place? And if I were you, I would find out whatever drugs you're on. If you actually are, that is.

So since I now know how many people hate me..I have considered leaving the lands for good..against doctors advice..since I do have friends and family in the lands..He thinks it is a good way to still stay in touch and not get even more depressed..

If one incident like this is going to make you act in such a manner... then you probably *should* be leaving the lands.

Funny thing is...I am not a whore in the lands..And lots of ladies I know are..they even admit that they are dogs and stay on their knees all the time..to me that is crazy..Do I get on a board like this and say i think this person is crazy cause she screws any man that has 2 feet? No...

...I have no idea where this came from. I never said anything about calling you a whore.

Michiko knowin that gremblar and I had problems..since he told her ..should have told him to wait outside..seems she acted a lil crazy by tryin to create drama..in which she did..and I think Gremblar is crazy and so is Michiko..cause she would not have caused any problems by lettin him wait fer her..

He could have waited, yes. But since your business was with me, and not him, I figured everything would be fine. I had no idea what the situation between you two was, so I wasn't trying to cause drama or problems like you claim I was.

I dont want to leave the lands..but if no one appreciates me or my love for the lands or my love for my friends and family..then I have no reason to stick around..which makes me very sad.

By all means, stay. I have nothing against you. I just think you're a little batty for getting on my case and talking shit to me for no reason other than Gremblar.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

12-07-2003, 03:30 PM
Replies to Edine...You dont need to point out posts for people to read..you are just as crazy as to tell people to call you The Edine..that is crazy. When I posted my private info on the boards I didnt know idiots like you would run around and spread more rumors..I was raped yes..Christophur molested me in the game..case is closed now and I dont need you to open a can of worms again..You dont like me and I dont like you ..can we keep it at that? Edine?

12-07-2003, 03:30 PM
What is it with crazy girls using .... all the time when they type their posts?

Anyway, I am sick and tired of people using their health problems as an excuse to wig out on people and be shitty to people. If you are unable to interact with people in a civilized manner because you are sick then by all means, keep to yourself. It will save you the embarassment of having to explain why you behaved in an ill manner and it will save the victims annoyance or hurt feelings. That sounds logical yes?

According to the log Gremblar didnt do or say anything but glance at you. That's when the conflict started. Since he only glanced, then why not be the mature person and simply ignore it.

Michiko appeared to be very calm and friendly towards you until you got nasty with her. You were pissed she didn't want your crap is what it looked like to me, not just because she brought Gremblar.

My characters have seen the way Amberain treats people, and yeah she can be a nutcase. I learned fast not to have anything to do with her just by seeing for myself that she is a bitch. Which is fine to RP a bitch, you just have to be willing to accept what comes with doing that.

12-07-2003, 03:36 PM
... my god.

12-07-2003, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
... my god.

I know what you are thinking. No not all women are nuts! I swear we aren't damn it! Just that most of the crazy ones like to play GS, I guess!


12-07-2003, 03:41 PM


12-07-2003, 03:41 PM
Michiko..yes family members in the lands know I am currently in the hospital..and I do have a blood clot..You should have never brought that idiot gremblar to the table..he is mean to me and he even told you that their might be trouble. Michiko..I think you get pleasure gettin off on other peoples pain..and that is sad...I am in the lands to make friends so my days in the hospital..guess you jus dont make enough money to have your own room and assess to a computer while you are in the hospital. If you do not believe me then I will have someone who lives in Atlanta call Piedmont and ask if I am here..I wouldnt lie..If everyone wants me to leave the lands I will..Right now..I have to get more blood drawn....You have no sympathy..I was rp'ing..I already apologized to you about the pie hole thing and you cant accept it...then I wont sink to your level and yes my sister leloo ...syberus's wife told me where to go and look...In my book Michiko you are a bitch..you have no sympathy...perhaps I shouldnt be on late at night after I receive my pain meds...You shouldnt question my health..since all my family in the lands knows where I am...I dont know what else to say currently..I am not crazy just very sick of people making rude comments about me..when you took one conversation and turned it into a whole amberain bashing. I dont know you except that you are friends with Gremblar..This isnt worth my time..Honetly..I will leave the lands if you continue to spread rumors..that goes to edine and callin me crazy dosent help. Guess you dont know what it feels like to not know when you will die cause you arent in the hospital...I wish I wasnt..ask anyone in my family..er anyone in Gems..any officer and they will tell you..Thank you fer makin my day a little more shitty.

12-07-2003, 03:42 PM
wtf, you're all wackos.

12-07-2003, 03:44 PM
...why are you 'threatening' people who probably would be glad to see you 'leave the lands' with leaving the lands?

12-07-2003, 03:50 PM
IF you are sick, does that give you a excuse to be a whining bitch. Sorry, just because you are "sick" doesn't give you the right to be a bitch. Granted Gremblar was being a jackass, however you don't need to be a whining bitch to everyone. If you are going to be like that, don't play Gemstone.

12-07-2003, 03:51 PM
kinda watching from the sidelines here .. but can i ask exactly what rumors she was spreading?

12-07-2003, 03:53 PM
Being sick doesn't really give you the right to say the things you're saying and its not an excuse for how you behaved in game. If you're trying to make friends because you're sick going off on somebody isn't a good way to start. You're bringing the extra stress on yourself by reacting the way you did and have in the past. Maybe you do need to leave gemstone but don't blame people for having a negative reaction to you based upon your behaviors and interaction with them. This is a situation you've basically brought upon yourself.

12-07-2003, 03:56 PM
You should have never brought that idiot gremblar to the table..he is mean to me and he even told you that their might be trouble.

maybe its just me but Grembler never told Michiko that you two dont get along. All Grembler said was that you wouldn't invite him. With the 'new' table system that could just be result of you not paying attention at the time.

Michiko..I think you get pleasure gettin off on other peoples pain..and that is sad

I love when people stretch for arguments to make someone else look bad.

You have no sympathy..I was rp'ing

wait, i thought it all ended up that way because of the drugs you were on?

I am not crazy just very sick of people making rude comments about me

hmm, you assume that michiko enjoys seeing you suffer, call her a bitch, and thats just out of game. In game she seemed to act fairly reasonable if you ask me.

Just my thoughts but you might want to figure out one story and stick with it. We understand you are sick, I personally feel sorry for you the person that you must go through it. Nobody should be so unfortionate, but if you continue to escilate conflicts to this degree then you might as well take up reading to prevent social interaction.

12-07-2003, 03:57 PM
::buys a ticket to whacko land:: To Amberrain From Khaitiff Have fun and dont come back. Love the PC Family.

Psycho Bitch from Hell who thinks her sickness will win some sympathy points and gives her an excuse to be a bitch...not buying it and I rather enjoy watching your pain I think I'll buy something off of you and come stare at your legs in a lewd manner while making gestures with my hands....come here hot momma!

12-07-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
Michiko..I think you get pleasure gettin off on other peoples pain..

Aww, damn. You caught me. I spend all my days, just trying to make life worse for people like you.

guess you jus dont make enough money to have your own room and assess to a computer while you are in the hospital.

Actually, no. The last time I was in a hospital for something related to ME (and not visiting a family member, etc.) was when I was born.

If you do not believe me then I will have someone who lives in Atlanta call Piedmont and ask if I am here..I wouldnt lie..

I could honestly care less if you are or not.

You have no sympathy..I was rp'ing..I already apologized to you about the pie hole thing and you cant accept it...then I wont sink to your level and yes my sister leloo ...syberus's wife told me where to go and look...In my book Michiko you are a bitch..you have no sympathy...

Once again, I (OOG) could care less about the pie-hole thing, and Michiko isn't the sort of person to let petty insults bother her. Sorry. And out of curiosity, what level am I on that you don't want to sink to?

Do I even need to mention that technically, Michiko is Leloo's niece? Is there a reason you keep mentioning family ties? Because (once again!) I could care less, and so could Michiko. If you think I'm a bitch than whatever... feel free to think that.

I am not crazy just very sick of people making rude comments about me..when you took one conversation and turned it into a whole amberain bashing.

I did no such thing. I merely posted the conversation, and said: "Okay, someone tell me what I did wrong that made her act like that? I understand her not liking Gremblar, but there was NO REASON for her to get angry at me like that... at least, not in my opinion, anyway." If you can find some Amberain-bashing in that, then, well... apparently I *was* bashing you. But as far as I can tell, there's not bashing in that at all.

This isnt worth my time..Honetly..I will leave the lands if you continue to spread rumors..

What rumors? :?:

Guess you dont know what it feels like to not know when you will die cause you arent in the hospital...

What the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? If you're so close to dying, then I suggest you get your ass off the computer, drop your petty insult-flinging argument and make the most out of what you've got. I know I would.

12-07-2003, 04:00 PM
On another note I must say. Amberain you remind me of Gracy, Xulia, Teeoncy and Amberlyn all rolled up into one fucked up person.

Edited to Add Teeoncy and correct spelling of Xulia

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Khaitiff]

12-07-2003, 04:07 PM
Amberain, A few pointers.

Paragraphs, they make a world of difference.

Live by your own standards. You don't like people "talking" about you when they don't know you. You calling Michiko names is the exact same thing you demand not to happen. So do us all a favor and Shut the Hell up. Kthx.


12-07-2003, 04:07 PM
Since when do deathly ill people smoke weed for recreational purposes?

Edited to elaborate a little more.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by JustMe]

12-07-2003, 04:15 PM
You don't know me! I'll do what I want!

12-07-2003, 04:17 PM
OK, as a resident of the Atlanta area until recently, I did call Piedmont Hospital. Phone # (404) 605-5000 for any interested.

And yes, laptops are allowed to be brought by patients, and access I assume is dial-up, since the gentleman I talked to said the phone could be used for internet.

That in NO WAY excuses someone for not being able to interact with others, whether it be here on PC or in GS by using illness as a reason. I'm sure there are several people in PC, and I know a lot in GS who are very ill, and GS is a good way to keep them occupied and connected. Just dont be using it as an excuse for bad behaviour. In my opinion, of course.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 04:19 PM
If you're so concerned about being in your death bed, what the hell are you worrying about the game and being here for?! Get well, woman! If I was in ICU, the LAST thing I would concern myself with is my two-dimensional character in a game that most people will forget within a week and would do everything to get better. Get your priorities straight first before judging other people.

12-07-2003, 04:20 PM
Wow. Interesting to know, thank you Kurili. Around here, you try to get internet hook up in a hospital, and they would laugh their ass off. Like a private hospital is going to pay tons of money to set up a network system in their rooms. heh.


12-07-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
If you're so concerned about being in your death bed, what the hell are you worrying about the game and being here for?! Get well, woman! If I was in ICU, the LAST thing I would concern myself with is my two-dimensional character in a game that most people will forget within a week and would do everything to get better. Get your priorities straight first before judging other people.

I was thinking the same thing. Last thing I'd be doing is playing GS. I'd be trying to spend time with my family members..never know when your going to bite it. If it is some rare, and deadly illness..


12-07-2003, 04:22 PM
I made a point of speaking to Amberain in the game today. She seems very nice, actually. I do not think the boards are an appropriate place to air your painful and private matters, but I think it was a cry for support. If she is indeed in the nightmare she claims to be living, she needs support.

Alot of people come to play this game for different reasons. Some of us come because we're ugly and we want to pretend to be ridiculously beautiful supermodels. Some of us play because we're quiet and shy and the game allows us to be loud and well-loved. Some of us play because we've had something horrible happen in our lives and interacting with people face-to-face is painful and a text-based medium is the only form of interaction that feels safe. Some of us play because it's freakin' fun.

Give her a break.

First, to clarify, you can have an internet connectiion in the hospital.

Second, if you -know beforehand- that you are bringing a 'friend' to an area where they have a direct conflict with someone in that area -eh. Suck it up. That's just inviting drama. From the log, it seems he went specifically to cause problems. Now, granted, that's not a bad thing. IC conflict is nummy! Just don't act so suprised when the backlash smacks you in the face.


12-07-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Evelith
Second, if you -know beforehand- that you are bringing a 'friend' to an area where they have a direct conflict with someone in that area -eh. Suck it up. That's just inviting drama. From the log, it seems he went specifically to cause problems. Now, granted, that's not a bad thing. IC conflict is nummy! Just don't act so suprised when the backlash smacks you in the face.

Did you miss the part where I said I had no idea there was such a big conflict between the two of them? All he said was that I had to lead, because she wouldn't invite him. If I had known that they were going to bicker, then I obviously wouldn't have brought him. I wasn't trying to "invite drama," nor do I think IC conflict is "nummy." Thanks.

12-07-2003, 04:28 PM
Everyone in the ICU has their "own room". It is the nature of Intensive Care Units. The people there are in critical or grave condition, and require close monitoring. Once a person is well enough to play computer games, that person is normally transferred out of the ICU.

Now, if you are indeed ill, and what happens in GemStone is causing you this much angst, I would think your physician would encourage you to avoid the game altogether. Those who are critically ill need rest, not increased stress.

I normally would not speak to this issue at all; however, I see more and more instances of people bringing their illnesses into play to turn disagreements. Whether or not you are ill has no bearing on your behavior. If you cannot deal with people without the encounter becoming problematic, you should not be playing. If you are on strong pain medications, you should not be playing. If you are ill to the point that you require admission to ICU, you SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING. Hospitals that I am aware of do not allow such things to be done in an Intensive Care Unit.

Remember, Amberrain, we reap what we sow. If you treat others badly, you can expect them to call you on your behavior. That is life.


Moist Happenings
12-07-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
You didn't do anything wrong other than overlook Gremblar's statement.

Gremblar whispers to the group, "You lead. she won't invite me."

She wigged because of Gremblar for some reason. Most likely there's more to it than you know.

I'm not defending her, in fact, she's on my list of people to not interact with.

Well, no, actually that's pretty much all there is to it. She just flipped out at me in the park one day for no reason. I had never seen her before, and I wasn't interacting with her previously. Every time since then she's managed to flip out at me.

Moist Happenings
12-07-2003, 04:38 PM
And Amberain, after reading this entire thread:

I've been mean to you?

I have in my logs nearly every confrontation that i've ever had with you. You've flipped out at me for interacting with your character in any way on a number of occassions and threatened me with Viollentmoon in whispers, who might I add, said that I should kill you.

I'll politely request that you produce some sort of log that shows me "being mean to you", and post it here, or send it to me in a u2u.

I'll spare everyone the pain of reading my other logs because I chalked everything up to it being your RP. And i'm fine with that.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Neff]

12-07-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Did you miss the part where I said I had no idea there was such a big conflict between the two of them? All he said was that I had to lead, because she wouldn't invite him. If I had known that they were going to bicker, then I obviously wouldn't have brought him. I wasn't trying to "invite drama," nor do I think IC conflict is "nummy." Thanks.

Wow, it just seemed so obvious.

Just out of curiousity, why don't you think IC conflict is nummy? You didn't have fun with Alexiel last night? Jolena was so poised, yet so funny, and I saw your character add quite a bit of flavor to the situation. IC conflict is just that- In Character. It really shouldn't bother the player. (Not that I think you have an issue distinguishing yourself from Michiko..from your posts, it would seem otherwise.)


12-07-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Evelith
out of curiousity, why don't you think IC conflict is nummy? You didn't have fun with Alexiel last night? Jolena was so poised, yet so funny, and I saw your character add quite a bit of flavor to the situation.

From an OOG view, I think IC conflict is amusing. It's people arguing over a bunch of text. Sometimes it can add to a person's RP, but in most cases... I've seen that that isn't the case. IG, Michiko tries to stay out of conflict as well- not because of how I see it OOG, but because that's how she is. Unless you manage to *really* piss her off, that is. She has better things to do than to waste her time arguing or fighting with people.

The thing with Alexiel last night was mostly her just backing up Jolena, who is Michiko's IG older sister. Though she wouldn't admit it, Michiko looks up to Jolena... so when Jolena was whispering to Michiko about wanting to kill Alexiel, natually Michiko supported her, but didn't get involved other than commenting here and there. ...you can imagine her shock when she came back, and you two were looking for clothes together, and *not* fighting.

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

12-07-2003, 05:05 PM
I wish I could claim to be Lexi, but I can't! I saw a bunch of what happened while I was watching everyone get their purty hairs done, and the player sent me the log of what happened when Jolena spoke with her outside. -Hysterical- I thought it was awesome. Lexi wiped her snots on Evelith's cloak once, and I thought I was going to die from laughing. She's a nasty little bugger, but fun.

Everyone's different. If you don't want to get involved in the daily portions of As Elanthia Turns, that's totally cool. I, on the other hand, live for it. I love me some conflict. I always try to make sure that the other person is up for the ride, though. I'm not here to ruin anyone's gameplay.


<smacks herself back on topic>

You had an emerald phase? What's with women and clothes?!?! (err, that's kinda on topic, right?)

12-07-2003, 05:26 PM
DAMN... yall have issues. Stop using your mouse this instant, turn off your computer, get the fuck up and enjoy life for a minute. All this anomosity over a simple gesture, a piercing glance. Seems a bit absurd.

12-07-2003, 05:27 PM
But what a glance it was!

12-07-2003, 05:28 PM
Im an urchin.. thats disturbing.

12-07-2003, 05:31 PM
you rocked her world with just a glance... thats really something.

12-07-2003, 05:34 PM
I am nuts cause I call myself The Edine?
well ::shrugs::
And amberain I would not point out things like that post unless i did not believe you and felt that you were lieing about it to get attention, and that is how it appears to me

Our last encounter was what gave me the idea that you are well... not all there for lack of a better way to put it... you warned and insulted me because i was throwing fruit at somebody in the stocks... after your warning of me you continued to insult me non-stop for a good 30min afterwords which you were completely ignored except for my reminding you that you warned me and that means we should not interact anymore
so my idea was you were either very young or there were other issues
I was pointed to the thred about you by somebody here not thinging i would find it intresting, but i was bored so i read it and have come to the decision that you are lacking something

sob stories do not get you far when people don't know you personaly... there will be a few who are taken in by them... I am not one of them, I will judge you by your actions in relation to me and so far you are in negitive standing.

12-07-2003, 05:54 PM

I have to say, I think the story about the hospital is a nice touch to get a plea of sympathy, but if you're that ill you shouldn't be wasting your time on trival things.

You can call all the hospitals you want, but I have never seen them allow a laptap or any other high-tech in an ICU or CCU area. Think of the machinery so easily affected in there! They don't even like to hook up phones.

A friend of mine recently died of acute renal failure. She was on the list for a donation and in and out of ICU several times. She often begged the doctors to let her have a laptap, so she could be in touch with us, but it wasn't allowed. Phone calls could only come during visiting hours, when her family was there, otherwise it was disconnected and removed. And this was at a fairly prestigous hospital too, John Hopkins.

If people in the ICU are well enough to play games on the Internet and raise their blood pressures by having arguments over some stupid GLANCE in a game, then perhaps the ICU ward isn't where they should be.

I also don't buy the fact that meds change your behavior to something you are not or make you say something you wouldn't normally say. Call me jaded, call me cynical, Amberain, but given that Spun Girl said she's heard you tell women to close their legs so you don't have to deal with the fish smell leads me to believe telling someone to shut their pie hole is typical speech.

If you are that sick, then here is my suggestion. Remember that GS4 is a GAME. It's not life. It's not important. Use it for fun, use it to stay connected with your friends. And stop sweating the small stuff, like someone staring or glancing or glaring at you. Ignore it and add quality to your life.

12-07-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Sorry, just because you are "sick" doesn't give you the right to be a bitch.

She has the right to be a bitch whether she is sick or not....


12-07-2003, 06:10 PM
For the record, I must have missed that she was in ICU, and I did not ask about a computer in ICU. I cant quite believe that myself, actually.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 06:16 PM
Alright, just as I finished posting that, my computer froze, so I took it as a sign and called Piedmont Hospital back while it rebooted.

AT NO TIME are computers allowed in ICU. Friends and family may have laptops in the waiting room, and patients may have them in the rooms, but never in ICU.

Sorry about the oversight.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 06:18 PM
Oh dear, Amberain is just plain crazy with a touch of delusion..... BooYa!

12-07-2003, 06:19 PM
hmm somebody lied

12-07-2003, 06:20 PM
I really am glad I am a guy and care more about engines and guns and shit more than such petty nonesense. BTW, a male human gave birth a few months back.

12-07-2003, 06:25 PM
But Stray dear, engines and guns and shit would be very off-topic here I'm afraid.

Acolyte Kurili

12-07-2003, 06:29 PM
Shame girl bitching isn't eh?

12-07-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
BTW, a male human gave birth a few months back.

Am I reading that right?

12-07-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo

Originally posted by StrayRogue
BTW, a male human gave birth a few months back.

Am I reading that right?

To be more specific a six year old boy gave birth to his own twin brother.

12-07-2003, 06:39 PM
...I say open a new thread just to discuss that StrayRogue...

12-07-2003, 06:40 PM
Nah. I am enjoying reading pointless bickering.

12-07-2003, 06:51 PM
Thred Hijacker!

12-07-2003, 07:02 PM
Somebody lied? Call the paramedics because I'm going into shock. I'll be posting at y'all from the ICU to let you know how I'm doing.


12-07-2003, 07:04 PM
you know that is NUMBER 2 that I have sniffed out first teeoncy second amberain WHOS NEXT!

12-07-2003, 08:31 PM
Since always.

12-07-2003, 09:05 PM
http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&category=5&topic=5&message=3 674

Thought you'd enjoy reading this, Michiko..and pass it along to Jolena!

12-07-2003, 09:07 PM
I think a better nick name for The Edine is The Sniffer.

If I were dying and in the ICU the last thing on my mind would be a stupid text game, thats for damn sure. I would be too weak and wanting to sleep and when I am awake I'd rather be spending my last dying moments with my family.

I sure as hell wouldn't take more time out of my short life posting on a message board either, while trying to defend my text character just because someone stares or glanced at me. It seems really really absurd. Hell, come to think of it, a friend of mine died of leukemia and all he wanted to do was spend every minute of his life trying to accomplish something and help other people. A person who is actually dying tend to appreciate everything life has to offer more than the regular healthy person does. They don't waste thier precious time in a freaking game, freaking out about their insignificant character.

12-07-2003, 11:46 PM
When I was in the hospital ..piedmont to be exact..in the ICU ..no they did not allow computers..but now I have been moved to the fifth floor..room 522..and I am now safe and not on my death bed..due to lots of anti-coagulants in my veins. I do have a computer connection..so whomever called Piedmont call again..ask ..email me at malacai420@aol.com and I will give you my name..they will tell you I am in the hospital ..
Fuck you Michiko..point blank! I dont give a flying fuck if anyone of you dont like me...I roleplay..and yes I roleplay a bitch sometimes and most the time I am very nice...

Depends what day and time you get me..Leloo would love to talk to you about blood disorders..been suffering from mine for 4 years and my lifetime to come..

This all started out with one lil bitch making a comment that she didnt like me..like I care...I was thinking about leaving the lands..but I am happy with my family and friends and so far none of you who dont like me or dont socialize with me has hurt me.

I could go alot more into detail but it isnt worth it...Michiko isnt worth it..and Gremblar isnt worth it..I could explain what happened when I met Gremblar but I wont stoop to his level...You all can believe the one sided story..

I am not using my excuse of being laid up in Piedmont Hospital in room 522 as an excuse..I apologized to you Michiko for tellin you to shut yer pie hole! And you cant even accept an apology...so now I dont care Shut yer fucking pie hole..you turned something very innocent into a huge deal that is nothing..I think that you just needed some attention...and I admitted I wanted more friends..seems I wont get any...cept for a couple of kind people who seemed to really care...Thank you for those people with kind words and bite me to everyone else..

If I want to roleplay hating Michiko I will..now I dont have to pretend I can just act normal cause I do really hate her.

Being in the lands puts me at ease and i dont need to explain myself beyond that...

Perhaps I am crazy..but not in rl..I roleplay someone who is crazy and my parents and family in the landin all admit that we are an insane family...

I dont care...For the person who lives in Atlanta and called Piedmont..please call and ask who is in room 522 on the fifth floor...got outta ICU way before i posted since you cant have connections in ICU rooms..but in regular rooms you can...

Start raggin on someone else and leave me alone as you did before..and I will never talk to Michiko again nor will I speak to Gremblar...and everyone else who dosent wanna be my friend please email me so i can befriend you in cold and highlight you in red..so I know to ignore you..and you can continue to ignore me..

If you wish to keep slamming me ...feel free too..
I dont care...I wasnt asking for sympathy..I just thought someone would want to talk to me since I am sick. Some of those who were nice in these boards i will contact ..the others lets jus leave them how it was...ignore me..and I will ignore you!

12-07-2003, 11:52 PM
I meant Lady Daina to contact me on blood disorders....

The exact name of my rare genetic blood disorder is:
Hypercoaguable state secondary to homozygous prothrombin gene mutation,post phelebitic syndrome in lower extremity.

Would love for you to email me since no one here cares..
My email is malacai420@aol.com..I would love to talk to someone who has somethin like I do..

12-07-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
as this is my first post to actually reply to.. that shit was funny. women have issues!!!!!!!!! but we still love em for one reason or another.

Its called titties.

12-07-2003, 11:59 PM
.......I feel dumber after reading all of that

12-08-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
.......I feel dumber after reading all of that

What do you call a dumb jock that feels dumber? :?:

12-08-2003, 12:07 AM

12-08-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Amberain
Fuck you Michiko..point blank!

Why, thank you.

This all started out with one lil bitch making a comment that she didnt like me..like I care...

You obviously do care, since you keep on bringing it up.

I could go alot more into detail but it isnt worth it...Michiko isnt worth it..

Uhm... then why do you keep commenting about it?

I apologized to you Michiko for tellin you to shut yer pie hole! And you cant even accept an apology...so now I dont care Shut yer fucking pie hole..you turned something very innocent into a huge deal that is nothing..

I think you have you and me confused.

I think that you just needed some attention...

See above statement.

and I admitted I wanted more friends..

You certainly picked the wrong way to go about it...

If I want to roleplay hating Michiko I will..now I dont have to pretend I can just act normal cause I do really hate her.

You hate my character because she brought someone to your table? Okay. Fine by me. Don't expect her to care, though. Like I said earlier... I have better things to worry about than something as stupid as this. ;)

Start raggin on someone else and leave me alone as you did before..and I will never talk to Michiko again

Sounds good to me. Let's start now, shall we?

12-08-2003, 12:44 AM
Um, if you don't care...

Why do you keep on posting?

That is all.

12-08-2003, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by Amberain
Let me first explain..since Friday I have been in the ICU of the hopsital..I have a deathly genetic blood disorder..I currently have a clot and am hooked up to an IV pumping blood thinners into my body.

Okay, Amberain. Let us take a look at what you said in the above paragraph. You did not say I WAS in the ICU. You said you had BEEN in the ICU since Friday. This is more than just a bit misleading. It makes you appear to be a liar, since almost anybody is aware that no computers are going to be allowed in an Intensive Care Unit.

Yet, you give the impression that you are laying in an ICU bed, near death, playing a computer game. Then, when people call you on it, you get angry at them. This really does not make a lot of sense.

You need to realize that you are just as responsible for the position you find yourself in as are the people who have posted in this thread. It is up to you to make sure that the message you convey here is true, and the message you actually wish to convey. It does not do to put all the blame on others when you are just as culpable as anyone.


12-08-2003, 02:23 AM
I feel sorry for whoever is in room 522 even if it is Amberain's player.


12-08-2003, 02:35 AM
I feel sorry for people who use .... to complete a paragraph instead of normal fucking punctuation like everyone else.

Amberain = the new Teeoncy!


12-08-2003, 03:19 AM
Amberain is worse than Teeoncy, trust me on that. I've had run in's with both of them and Amberain wins by far. I really wish I didn't delete my logs, you people would have a field day reading classic Amberain moments.

12-08-2003, 06:25 AM
Is it time to bring out the mud pits?

12-08-2003, 08:38 AM
I sort of cringe every time I see a topic go further than 2 pages.

Keep to the topic at hand. You know who you are.

12-08-2003, 08:54 AM
that comeing from a certifed wack job
sorry im done

12-08-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Kurili
We get along, Chyrain. I think.

Acolyte Kurili

yes. you're right, we do. I love my wichy.

and blah blah blah to the rest of this thread.

12-08-2003, 11:55 AM

Acolyte Kurili

12-08-2003, 12:43 PM
::snicker:: this is too funny.

12-08-2003, 12:45 PM
Who the fuck is Teeoncy

This all started Michiko with you posting and then continuing..I started in the ICU friday morning..not on computer there..then I got switched to the room I am in now..I was in danger of dying and I wasnt using the internet then but now I am bored and lying here listening to all of your shit..

If I wanna roleplay a bitch just let me do it...you all act like you are queens.

As for the person who called Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta..please ask to speak to room 522 and I can prove who I am..

I dont want sympathy ...but Michiko I keep responding cause everytime I check back someone else has said something bad about me..And of course if I say something about you..you reply as well..so ...I have already asked someone to close this thread..I about sick of it...

I have done well my whole life in Gemstone without you people who hate me..and I can continue to have a good life without you all as well..

If you keep responding then I am gonna keep it going as well...until the fucking thread is closed!

[Refrain from the personal attacks ~Tsa`ah]

[Edited on 12-9-2003 by Tsa`ah]

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 12:49 PM
Um..Amberain, not to point out the obvious or anything, but insulting people blindly like you just did to half of the people who posted in this thread is probably what gets you into situations like this in the first place.

12-08-2003, 12:51 PM
I don't really think anyone hates you. I mean, we don't even really know you. You just got caught making shit up, and instead of getting embarrassed you got mad. Which is reasonable, I think, because I do that sometimes.
But you need to quit talking shit to these girls. They don't really take kind to fakes and phonies around here, which is what you've made yourself out to be. You're just making it worse on yourself.


12-08-2003, 12:56 PM
I do not disbelieve that you are in Piedmont Hospital at this time, using a laptop. I would dare say, few PC members do disbelieve that. What caused concern was what I missed in the beginning, that it seemed you were saying you were in ICU on a computer.

I'm sure you're where you say you are, and I do wish you a speedy recovery. Illness is no fun, I know. I'm doing the Doctor Shuffle myself right now.

Acolyte Kurili

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
I'm sure you're where you say you are, and I do wish you a speedy recovery. Illness is no fun, I know. I'm doing the Doctor Shuffle myself right now.

Acolyte Kurili

The Doctor Shuffle? Is that anything like the macarena? If so then COOL. If not then: Get well soon.

12-08-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
If I wanna roleplay a bitch just let me do it...you all act like you are queens..

That quote would be all fine and dandy if you ROLEPLAYED a bitch. But here's the thing, you don't roleplay. You're nice and sweet untill someone does something or says something that isn't exactly what you want to hear and then you become a bitch. You continue to act like a 14 year old saying immature comments, throwing stupid insults and just being a random idiot. If you could seperate yourself from Amberain and roleplay I'd agree with you, but from your end, there is no roleplaying what so ever.

I'm not a queen, I am a princess, ask Edine. Hehe. :saint:

12-08-2003, 01:00 PM
Oh my god. This thread keeps on getting worse and worse.

I'm sorry.

On the plus side, it makes me laugh hysterically whenever I read it.

12-08-2003, 01:05 PM
its making my posting here all the more entertaining..

although god forgive me if Amberrain really is sick..then I wish you well. If your not, then ... ill pray for you..


12-08-2003, 01:06 PM
Thanks Neff. I think it is like the macarena in a way :-)

And Darkelfvold- do you not know that name must not be mentioned? Not Amberain, hers can be. Must be more careful please.

Acolyte Kurili

12-08-2003, 01:10 PM
this shit just gets more and more interesting.. ok, didnt see that in the rules I just NOTICED that someone else mentioned it, hence my doing so.

Good lookin out

12-08-2003, 01:46 PM
All I can say is Fuck all of you...I even told what my genetic blood disorder was...and people backed off a lil then. I am always nice ,.Michiko is the bitch who started this,.I can handle being called a bitch..

Please call and ask if I am here where I say I am...I wouldnt lie about having a potentially life threatening disease..and to everyone who thinks I would Fuck you too..

I didnt do anythin until Michiko..she isnt as nice as everyone thinks..came and opened her fucking pie hole..I am not roleplaying ..I am being honest..her pie whole is her mouth..and when someone replies to her post er anyone else's post..dont you think I am gonna respond..Duh!

I am a good rp'er in the lands..I dont fuck all the men there..perhaps I can flirt real well but I am not a whore like Laressa or Michiko...or any of the ladies of the night..
Perhaps cause I wont give it up is what makes men mad..

I am in here gettin my blood drawn every fucking 4 hours and none of you believe I am in the hospital...You really know how to hurt someone's feelings...Michiko could have come to me before she posted and caused all this shit ..when I am stressed already and said I want an apology and I would have given her one..but now I dont see one that she deserves..

Can we try and close this thread on our own cause if you write shit about me..I will continue this thread until Kranar closes it himself...
In the meantime..Go to hell all of you ...I am not askin fer sympathy..just a little understanding..and right now I am pissed off...as you can tell

So...either someone call me here to prove that I am not lying er accept that I am at Piedmont hospital..and yes Michiko we can have hookups to the internet if you have a laptop..they dont provide you with one..
Damn..sometimes I wonder why I even try..

12-08-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
I am always nice ,.Michiko is the bitch who started this,.I can handle being called a bitch..

I already said that your petty insults don't bother me. But feel free to keep spouting off whatever you think about me... it doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

I am a good rp'er in the lands..I dont fuck all the men there..perhaps I can flirt real well but I am not a whore like Laressa or Michiko...or any of the ladies of the night..

You can insult my character all you want as well, but those who know her know otherwise.

Michiko could have come to me before she posted and caused all this shit ..when I am stressed already and said I want an apology and I would have given her one..but now I dont see one that she deserves..

I never asked for an apology.

Can we try and close this thread on our own cause if you write shit about me..I will continue this thread until Kranar closes it himself...

Can you do me a favor and show me where I "wrote shit" about you? Because I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
I am always nice

I refer you to this:

All I can say is Fuck all of you...

And this:

but I am not a whore like Laressa or Michik

Oh and this:

nd Spungirl you look like you belong in middle school..Chelle you look like a tramp by yer cartoon of what you wished you looked like.

Continuing on with this:

Chelle the only thing is you are probably a drag queen in real life..

So might I ask how you consider yourself "always nice"?

Oh I nearly forgot:

Gremblar says, "I do not know to what you are referring. But it is not important. Michiko is she who is here to see you. Not I."
Amberain softly says, "Then shut yer pie whole and let her talk."

Amberain softly says, "Course..anyone who is with gremblar needs to reavliate their taste.

12-08-2003, 02:17 PM
Hey, leave her alone, she's a good RPer because she doesn't fuck all the men in GS. lmao. Thanks for that laugh Amberain, you really told us all now!

12-08-2003, 02:28 PM
Amberain softly says, "Course..anyone who is with gremblar needs to reavliate their taste. >>>>

She got 1 thing right.

12-08-2003, 02:29 PM
yeah.. theres always 2 sides to every story. Also, ole girl might be a nut but this is a public forum and crazy or not, I would reply too if someone was talking about something my character did. also, come to think of it.. you KNOW the girl is crazy.. YET this post was made ::busts out in laughter::

12-08-2003, 02:32 PM
she's always nice...

but i thought she said that she roleplayed a bitch?

I need to sit down and plan an event where people can come and learn how to flame GS-style.

There will be no, "I'm a bitch...but I'm always nice" comments coming from my graduates, oh no. There will be no, "At least I'm not a whore like all of you, neener neener neener" comebacks. It will be a strict disciplined course which will bring the best out of all flame-worthy situations.

And it's about damn time someone did something about it!

12-08-2003, 03:12 PM
sign me up! actually I have no discipline..might need to be tamed first.

12-08-2003, 03:19 PM
Uh huh..Amberain, I think you need more of those "chill" pills. Ring the nurse.


12-08-2003, 03:42 PM
Hey Amberain, guess what? I don't care if you're in the hospital or in the penthouse, you're still behaving like an idiot.

What you're not getting is the fact that your health is not an excuse for your behavior. First you say that you're ill, and on drugs, and blah blah, so please excuse your behavior. Then you go on and on about you'll roleplay a bitch if you damn well please.

Personally attacking myself, Chelle, or anyone else on this board based on our avatars isn't going to get you anywhere. If it's possible, it's just lowered my opinion of you even more.

Maybe once you're out of the hospital for your blood disease, you should get your head checked.


[Edited on 12-8-2003 by SpunGirl]

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
yeah.. theres always 2 sides to every story. Also, ole girl might be a nut but this is a public forum and crazy or not, I would reply too if someone was talking about something my character did. also, come to think of it.. you KNOW the girl is crazy.. YET this post was made ::busts out in laughter::

If you want, I can post the logs of all my previous encounters with Amberain when I get home. That should show you her side of it fairly accurately.

12-08-2003, 03:59 PM
Naaa... ive seen enough. LOL you have all made my day.

And I shall try heavily to avoid crazy women in the game. ::add's her name to the list::

12-08-2003, 04:09 PM
you know dumber does not even start to expalin myself after the latest rounds of insultes we have moved to now i feel "more" "stupider" after reading all of this

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 04:11 PM
Don't make me lower myself to Tayre-like levels, Edine. I swear i'll do it..


<3 Edine


12-08-2003, 04:18 PM
Neff, if you post a bunch of Amberain logs, I may have to kill you myself! :lol:

HarmNone is hunting for the whomping stick

Moist Happenings
12-08-2003, 04:22 PM
::cower:: I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean it it won't happen again please don't tell my pa. He'll surely give me a whoopin'.

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Neff]

12-08-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Neff
::cower:: I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean it it won't happen again please don't tell my pa. He'll surely give me a whoopin'.

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Neff]

Hee! You are off the hook unless I see a whole string of Amberain "goodness"! :D

HarmNone will refrain for the moment

12-08-2003, 04:33 PM

12-08-2003, 04:45 PM
Truly, Harmnone and Edine are the Yin and Yang of the PC.

12-08-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Truly, Harmnone and Edine are the Yin and Yang of the PC.

Heh. You may have something there! :D

HarmNone, the Yang

12-08-2003, 04:55 PM
*Exhales slowly and tries to focus*

Okay.. Amberain..first off I would like to offer my condolences on your illness. I have a medically disabled child and have cancer as well so I understand the stresses and ups and downs of being sick. Now.. that being said, I have a few things I would like to point out to you.

First of all, Michiko is my characters sister in game.. and I have been around her for about 2 years or more now rping. She is not now nor has she ever been a 'whore'. For you to make baseless and hateful comments like that, you have to realize just lowered my opinion of your behavior greatly. On that same topic, making rude and baseless insults such as you did regarding spungirl and Chelle is on that same line of crudeness and also lowers my opinion of your behavior greatly.

While I realize that being sick, taking medications that can alter your mood and coherentness is a factor in your responses, you must realize surely that the way you post and the things you say to these folks on a "public" forum board is being taken as a childish and insulting. If you wish to insult someone's character in Gemstone or the actual player on these boards then you *should* in all reality have a basis for it. As that was the only interaction you had with Michiko that night I seriously don't think you can say you have knowledge of her 'Whoring' ways in the game. And as you don't know any of us that post on these forums in a personal sense at all nor us you, you can't really say whether or not we are bitches, drag queens or children.

Secondly, from what I saw of the log that was posted of your interaction with Gremblar and Michiko..yes you had a right to be upset and react the way you did to Gremblar. Up until he glanced at you I didn't see you responding to his presence at all. *however* that being said, Michiko was a lady and dignified completely until you insulted her taste due to her being in the company of someone your character detests. Now..that view of her only came out of your mouth AFTER she declined to purchase any of your items and rather politely I might add, told you so. At that point, you became insulting towards her and obviously gave her cause to be upset. If you wish to roleplay that you don't care for her due to her involvement with Gremblar, fine. But have some basis for it beforehand. Don't start in on her because she declines to purchase your items and THEN start insulting her for her involvement with Gremblar and tell all of us that it was because she was being a 'bitch' or that she brought him to your table. When she waved to you to invite her, you saw her and Gremblar in her group. That is a fact. Whether or not you chose to acknowledge that is up to you. But please.. have some facts in your reasoning for why you treated her as you did.

All that being said, I wish you the best in your recovery from your disease.

12-08-2003, 05:13 PM
Amberain, you really should read Jolena's post a few times and then think about how you are behaving.

Secondly, this all didn't start when someone made a thread here about your character. It started when you insulted someone who was being completly polite and nice to you. Do you not understand that? Fine be mad at Gremblar, but don't take it out on Michiko. Besides all he did was glance. Big freaking deal.

Lastly, you seriously need to learn to distinguish yourself from your character. We were only referring to the way your character treats others. Why you had to bring personal issues into it is beyond me. Unless you think you ARE Amberain? If that's the case you need some serious mental attention.

And if you want to RP a bitch then fine. You had better be able to accept people aren't going to like bitches. Obviously. And I hope it's only RP, but since you are posting as yourself here on the boards then... that is just really sad.

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Chelle]

12-08-2003, 05:27 PM
I am somewhat at fault for this I did bring her player into the situation

12-08-2003, 06:05 PM
Amberain please do us all a favor and just shut the hell up. No one wants to read about your petty bullshit......................... Was that right? I forgot sometimes how you're supposed to format posts to people like her so she can understand........................

.....Michiko.....is......not.....a......whore..... .and.....no....one.....likes.....you.....

Honestly my brain is numb after reading this thread with all your insistant bullshit and lies. Feel free to highlight my name or whatever badass thing it is you do to get back at us cool folks that are trying supress you and keep you down.

Edited to point out I realize I used a blanket statement and it may not be correct, I'm sure someone somewhere probably tolerates your existance, that is all

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Syberus]

[Personal attacks ... refrain ~Tsa`ah]

[Edited on 12-9-2003 by Tsa`ah]

Weedmage Princess
12-08-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
I am a good rp'er in the lands..I dont fuck all the men there..perhaps I can flirt real well but I am not a whore like Laressa or Michiko...or any of the ladies of the night..
Perhaps cause I wont give it up is what makes men mad..

:::blows the whistle:::

Amberain, far be it from me to call people on blantant falsehoods if I see it...BUT! :saint:

I knew your name looked familiar, I couldn't place it at first..THEN I SUDDENLY REMEMBERED!!! A buddy of mine showed me this site...it wasn't exactly a Anti-Gemstone website (like MPoD's) but..along those lines. And there was a section where what was referred to as "known frequent participaters of cybering" people had LOGS posted and guess who was featured in one of the logs? That's right, YOU! I don't remember the name of the person you were with, but..it was in your private home I believe, the person said it was his first time (so I think one of the subtitles was "Amberain shows so and so how it's done" blah blah) , the guy had a ..less than creative name..and you were mad and telling him it's rude to be on the amulet while cybering with you.

Just so I make it clear...I'm not knocking you for cybering or whatever. Ain't my cuppa tea, but if that's your thing...hey, whatever works. HOWEVER, you really shouldn't be throwing around terms like "slut" and "whore" and saying "I don't give it up" when uh..you are featured on WEBSITES doing exactly that. It kinda sends your credibility straight down the shitter.

I'm not reading all these pages again, so if someone would be kind enough to correct me if I'm wrong...didn't she say early on she was playing on a laptop in ICU? Now is the story changing?

And thirdly...hey, LOTS OF SANE, NORMAL people use "..." It's widely used. Just like your emoticons. I personally love the ... so please let's not make that the mark of insanity, please!!!

12-08-2003, 06:38 PM

You know Weedie I had forgotten all about that log. I remember reading it on that website too. LOL now that is funny, that had totally slipped my mind. Thanks for reminding us. By the way does that website still exist? I don't remember the addy, but it was a very funny website.

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Chelle]

12-08-2003, 06:49 PM
She is/was married with Excalibreak, a big moron that was annoying with his "Next to beg spells will make me 525 the park" attitude.

I can't find that website, a lot of those are now dead, don't know why

Weedmage Princess
12-08-2003, 06:57 PM
Haha Chelle I don't know! I did a search on Yahoo with a few phrases and things I remembered seeing on the site, but to no avail.

My friend who sent me the link initially...she's bought a new computer since and no longer has the link. I'm sure though that there's someone here who's seen it other than just us. At the time, I think the site was pretty infamous and the link was passed around lots. Someone will have it.

12-08-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
In the meantime..Go to hell all of you ...I am not askin fer sympathy..just a little understanding...

I just wanted to add that this is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards.


12-08-2003, 09:16 PM
I'm not even going to touch on the inconsistencies of Amberain's sposed blood disease.

First off, I want to know what kind of 'blood disease' this is that causes 'blood clots' that doctors don't take seriously enough to put you in surgery to remove, or that blood thinners wouldn't zap to kingdom come within fifteen to twenty minutes of being in your system.

You should talk to your attending physician, because they don't seem to be doing a very good job of treating you, if what you say is the truth.

If you've got such a horrible blood disease, you 1. wouldn't be on the computer, because blood clots are very nasty, and the doctors wouldn't let your ass out of bed for fear of dislodging the thing.

And getting your blood pressure up over an online game is probably not so good either, your doctor ought to yank your 'hospital sanctioned' computer right out of your little paws.

By the way, THC is a vasodilator, you don't want to smoke that. It could kill you. Blood clots and all.

12-08-2003, 09:41 PM
Well, I won't touch on what's been posted here already, since others have done so quite well.

However, I will agree with the title of the thread, Amberain is crazy. Although personally, I attribute it to stupidity and sluttiness, rather than insanity.

I'll illustrate. I wish I'd kept the log, but I remember most of what happened, just not the exact words. Amberain was using the statue in the Small Park in Landing as a hoochie grinding pole, flipping up her skirt and showing off da' boobs.

When my character dared to show distaste for such a display in public, Amberain accused MY character of being a slut. That takes care of the slutty acting.

As for the stupidity... she kept using the ACT command to say stuff. Like: (Amberain (name) is a slut) Repeatedly. Not just a typo. I can't believe someone's been in Gemstone for as long as I know she has, and still doesn't know how to correctly use the ACT verb. I can only assume it's stupidity.

So yeah. I agree.

12-08-2003, 09:44 PM
Gods..if I saw that..I woulda begged some empath to gouge my eyes out with a dull, frozen spoon.


12-08-2003, 11:01 PM
Lastly, you seriously need to learn to distinguish yourself from your character. We were only referring to the way your character treats others. Why you had to bring personal issues into it is beyond me. Unless you think you ARE Amberain? If that's the case you need some serious mental attention.

One wonders.

So, to sum up:
Lie #1 -- Said she was on the computer while in the ICU, then the very same hospital she was staying at said they were not allowed there.

Lie #2 -- Said the meds were affecting her and she wouldn't normally tell people to shut their pie hole or be otherwise rude, and yet... 4 pages later she's done so several times.

Lie # 3 -- She's normally a nice person, and yet, she's made some pretty horrid and inappropriate personal attacks on several people here. Shall we call things as they are? Amberain, you mentioned something about your real life that didn't seem genuine and has been proven not to be true. You, in essence, opened yourself up to be exposed -- and in return you try to deflect by insulting people?

Additionally, she's insulted drag queens and children that attend middle school!

P.S. I'm inclined to believe the statue story. I believe she's made crude comments about women like the one Spun alluded to. And I believe there are some howlingly hilarious logs out there that would illustrate all this and more.

12-09-2003, 02:22 AM
Yet again I'm forced to do my job.

Refrain from personal attacks. Character attacks are fine. Know what side of the line you need to be on.

There is a topic, I'm sure of it. What character is played by who is not the topic, unless it pertains to the characters mentioned in the first post of this thread.

12-09-2003, 05:36 AM
Amberain has mysteriously disappeared. Want to take bets? She either

a) got her computer taken by the doctors, or
b) punched out the screen of her home computer in anger that no one was agreeing with her.


Weedmage Princess
12-09-2003, 06:15 AM

12-09-2003, 06:25 AM
/dies laughing


12-09-2003, 06:30 AM
maybe she's beating the crap out of an ATM, because she's frustrated.

12-09-2003, 11:19 AM
No. She's releasing the army of twelve flunkies. We're all doomed!

The Cat In The Hat
12-09-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
and yes Michiko we can have hookups to the internet if you have a laptop..they dont provide you with one..

I have to say, this is true. A good friend of mine in GS has been hospitalized for a while now and she's still playing from a laptop.


*Sheesh I cant spell! Edited!

[Edited on 12-9-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-09-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
I have to say, this is true. A good friend of mine in GS has been hospitalized for a while now and she's still playing from a laptop.


Is she in an ICU ward? We've already posted here several times that electronics aren't allowed in ICU. And if she's well enough to play on the computer, she's not in ICU.

12-09-2003, 10:47 PM
Oh man that picture is hilarious.

Amberain, please explain again why you are still posting if you don't care what everyone thinks or says about you?

Oh and way to contradict yourself about being "nice" and then insulting Michiko, and Chelle when they did nothing to provoke it. You slammed Chelle about her friggen Avatar for Christ's sake. Way to go. And then you continuously slam Michiko when her post is simply asking a question about you being unstable.

Way to answer her question. <wink>

I'm sure that if I post enough you'll start calling me a bitch and whore too?

12-10-2003, 04:02 PM
You all just obviously sleep with everyone in game.


See? She doesn't even have to be here.

12-10-2003, 06:20 PM

First off let me tell you..I never said I was on my computer in the ICU..I said I had it with me..I was moved to a regular room Friday night and therefore since I have laptop I was able to connect online.

For all those who dont believe that I was there..please feel free to call Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and ask who was in room 522 Friday night thru Tuesday morning.

Someone cant remember who..said that blood clots are so serious I shouldnt have been on my computer cause you shouldnt sit at a desk..well I didnt..I was in bedrest and had the laptop in my lap.
You can also contact my Hemotologist..Dr. Perry Ballard on Collier Road in Atlanta and he can prove to all you people who dont believe I have a blood disease.

People who are under the age of 18 shoudnt read the boards cause Chelle's fake picture of herself is enough to make this a smut site.

There is one log I know that exists of myself.,.it was about 4 years ago..in the year of 1999..It involved Sinji and my home yes..he pretended he liked me..I did something with him that I will never do again..and he made a log of it and sent it do loralai and Delialily. If you wanna post that..you cant do it here cause it is not for middle school kids. It was the biggest mistake of my life besides posting here ..I should have just let Michiko have her say..and ignored the boards.

I assisted last night and spoke with a Gameost..they told me while this web page is not linked to Simutronics..if any of you bring this subject into the game..all they have to do is read yer posts and dont know what will happen to you..since this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

I still dont undertand why only Syberus and Jolena could state who they were..is everyone else like Spungirl, neff,Chelle..what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

You dont have to believe I have a genetic blood disorder but I do...
I will state what it is again...and then you can all put your tails between your legs:

It is called Hypercoagulable state secondary to homzygous prothrombin gene muation, post phelebetic blood disease. I give myself injections of a blood thinner once a day so my blood wont clot and I wont get bloodclots..It just so happened..I know have to give myselgf two shots of this medicine a day now to stay alive and out of the hospital.

I was fine before this thread started...I wasnt friends with any of you before and it wont affect me in the present or future..since you all hate me and I all hate you..

Michiko could have taken me aside and told me she didnt appreciate me tellin her to shut up...not make a thread that makes her look like she has never done anythin wrong in her life..

Be a real woman and man and post yer in the lands name with yer post..instead of actin like a coward and not posting yer name..

You may all believe what you like..
You can also find another post of my god wedding to excalibreak who is and has been my ex husband for about two years now..Jypsie has it posted in her library.

I cant take anymore of this..so I wont reply anymore..but if any of this goes into the lands then you will be talking to a gamehost er master...they said I didnt...

12-10-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Amberain

People who are under the age of 18 shoudnt read the boards cause Chelle's fake picture of herself is enough to make this a smut site.

If you wanna post that..you cant do it here cause it is not for middle school kids.

I assisted last night and spoke with a Gameost..

1. Its a fucking webpage with no disclaimer about content being for those 18 and over so fuck off its a damn Avatar and just that.

2. We can damn well post whatever the fuck we want. So fuck off twice.

3. If it doesnt effect you so then why bother with the assist? Lame ass fuckstain. So in closing, Fuck off three times and sold! Go lie down in a ditch already and do us a favor and stay hidden.

12-10-2003, 06:29 PM
...since this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

I still dont undertand why only Syberus and Jolena could state who they were..is everyone else like Spungirl, neff,Chelle..what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

Hypocritical much?

12-10-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

if any of this goes into the lands then you will be talking to a gamehost er master

Listen. I don't know you. But it is very naughty to put these three statements in the same post. Also, being overly aggressive and making sweeping generalizations about the people here is not going to convince anyone to alter their perceptions of you. Fibbing is also a bad way to start things off. Just trying to help you out if you decide to continue posting here or for that matter anywhere else. :)

12-10-2003, 06:36 PM
I assisted last night and spoke with a Gameost.they told me while this web page is not linked to Simutronics..if any of you bring this subject into the game..all they have to do is read yer posts and dont know what will happen to you..since this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

Wait you want us to post our names though so you can interact with us differently in game because of these boards? Sweet logic you have there buddy, I wish you didn't think I was a slut or something now :( I realize that it's human nature to get defensive when someone says something critical of you. but to be quite honest you proved every point Michiko could have made and more by your replies here. You're nice but you make fun of people? Why do you keep telling us to call Atlanta anyway. Who gives a shit if you were in the hospital. I mean yea that sucks and I'm glad you're ok.. but jesus christ you act like no one else has problems and health concerns. So since you're nice, I'll be nice too and tell you to F.O.D, have a nice day

Editted because I can't spell

[Edited on 12-10-2003 by Syberus]

12-10-2003, 06:50 PM
Amberain, please pay attention to your U2U messages.

12-10-2003, 06:58 PM
Chelle, I'd like to say that I like your avatar. It doesn't show anything objectionable. I've seen more skin on that Rosie Perez-voiced native in the cartoon movie The Road to El Dorado (love that character!) Which, of course, had a G rating.

Amberain is just grasping at straws.

12-10-2003, 07:35 PM
LOL DCSL!!! I just finished watching that movie, it was great!

P.S. Get off Chelle and Michi's back, k thx.

12-10-2003, 07:58 PM
Just for Amberain I will give some examples of what it is to take the boards into game...

Hashum killing Chadj for something said on the boards is taking it into game.
Confronting someone because of the boards is taking it into game.
Changing your behavior towards another person due to the boards and not an event IG is taking the boards into game...
And basically discussing the boards IG is taking the boards IG.

12-10-2003, 08:23 PM
Yes and an example of violence would be...

Someone using a small sack holding a broken doorknob and a chipped brick to repeatedly bash your sisters head in till the good gooey center comes forth.

12-10-2003, 08:35 PM
cookoo cookoo

12-10-2003, 09:02 PM
you can befriend me in cold, c hances are you'll never meet me anyway.

12-10-2003, 09:25 PM
People who are under the age of 18 shoudnt read the boards cause Chelle's fake picture of herself is enough to make this a smut site.

So... what are you doing here, then, if that's the way you feel? Not enough homework to do?

The smut comment is kind of funny coming from someone who has a mouth like a fisherman, supposedly makes vulgar comments, and reportedly has cybered in GS3. Hello pot, nice glass house you live in.

By the way, no doctor or hospital will give out patient informationto strangers, so telling us to call this and that won't really prove anything. The point is... don't use your condition to excuse your behavior. There are people living much more tenuous lives that are more at risk than you, and they know better than to use it like a crutch to excuse unacceptable behavior.

Hypercoagulable state secondary is not the name of a blood disease, it's a condition that occurs as a result of one or several factors, which could include malignant disease, as well as other reasons. And it's actually secondary hypercoagulable state. Additional causes can be:

* immobility
* obesity
* congestive cardiac failure
* oestrogens
* oral contraceptive pill
* nephrotic syndrome
* antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
* myeloproliferative disease
* thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura

And please, as much as people would like to make a personal attack on Amberain's player, based on any of the above, refrain from making assumptions just to get in a dig. It's still serious enough that it's not a laughing matter.

An underlying factor that the above can be attributed to, in inheritable cases, is actually known as prothrombin G20210A gene mutation -- which a predisposition, not a disease.

The proper name and spelling of your "disease" is actually post-phlebitic syndrome, which is not really a disease, but the healing process that occurs AFTER a deep vein thrombosis episode. The recommendation to keep such from happening includes avoiding standing or sitting for long hours at a time (like in front of the computer).

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Caramia]

Weedmage Princess
12-10-2003, 10:54 PM
They allow laptop hookups in some hospitals :x


[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

12-10-2003, 11:17 PM

12-10-2003, 11:40 PM
Wow, not only are you a total head case, but you're dumber than a pile of bricks too.

What a perfect little package..tied up in a nice jacket with buckling straps on the back.

Great pic by the way, Weed...cracks me up each time I see both of them.

12-11-2003, 01:23 AM
Wow, this thread is still going? Heh.

Sure, you can befriend me cold..I've had my in game name posted every time. No skin off my ass. Hell, I've been NICE to you in game while this was going on. Heh. Guess that just shows I'm a better RP'er :)


12-11-2003, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by DCSL
Chelle, I'd like to say that I like your avatar. It doesn't show anything objectionable. I've seen more skin on that Rosie Perez-voiced native in the cartoon movie The Road to El Dorado (love that character!) Which, of course, had a G rating.

Amberain is just grasping at straws.

It almost sounds like she's jealous of how a cartoon looks. <snickers> Why is that being brought up over and over?

Please tell me that isn't the only doctor you see. I sense you might could use another kind of doctor also. Sorry you are sick. Get help.


12-11-2003, 05:00 AM
Sure they allow laptops in hospitals, but she FIRST said she was in the ICU, then she said she never said she was using it in the ICU and was now in a regular room, and now she says she's out of the hospital. They do not allow laptops or any other kind of high-tech gadget in ICU!

12-11-2003, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by DCSL
Chelle, I'd like to say that I like your avatar. It doesn't show anything objectionable. I've seen more skin on that Rosie Perez-voiced native in the cartoon movie The Road to El Dorado (love that character!) Which, of course, had a G rating.

Amberain is just grasping at straws.

Thanks! :D I just thought it was cute.

Uh Amberain, mind telling me what the flying chilibean fuck my Avatar has to do with anything?

It is a cartoon. That is all. I doubt anyone wishes to look like a cartoon, and I am comfortable with the way I look in real life, thanks.

So please quit obsessing over my avatar, ya freakin nutbag! :lol:

Those straightjacket pics are hilarious! Very fitting I must say.

12-11-2003, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Sure they allow laptops in hospitals, but she FIRST said she was in the ICU, then she said she never said she was using it in the ICU and was now in a regular room, and now she says she's out of the hospital. They do not allow laptops or any other kind of high-tech gadget in ICU!

I know we can go back and read what she wrote the first time. Yep it's still there. So she can't really deny what she said.

12-11-2003, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Amberain
Please post yer inde lands names with yer messages

Hahaha, the first time you take an OOC issue from here into the game you're violating a Simu Policy. Would you like to be reprimanded by a GM or GH?

First off let me tell you..I never said I was on my computer in the ICU..I said I had it with me..I was moved to a regular room Friday night and therefore since I have laptop I was able to connect online.

No you implied it when you said "I'm in ICU" while you were happily typing away on your computer.

For all those who dont believe that I was there..please feel free to call Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and ask who was in room 522 Friday night thru Tuesday morning.

Okay, you were in the hospital, big deal. I've been there a few times. That doesn't give you the right to become an idiot.

People who are under the age of 18 shoudnt read the boards cause Chelle's fake picture of herself is enough to make this a smut site.

Damn, that picture is fake? I really thought it was her. No really, I did! Please, slap yourself twice for that comment.

There is one log I know that exists of myself.,.it was about 4 years ago..in the year of 1999..It involved Sinji and my home yes..he pretended he liked me..I did something with him that I will never do again....BLAH BLAH.... If you wanna post that..you cant do it here cause it is not for middle school kids. It was the biggest mistake of my life besides posting here ..I should have just let Michiko have her say..and ignored the boards.

Too bad the others didn't log it, and please, stop lying with your "only once" I know someone else you've done the dirty with in a private room with although they'll never come here and say anything about it.

I assisted last night and spoke with a Gameost..they told me while this web page is not linked to Simutronics..if any of you bring this subject into the game..all they have to do is read yer posts and dont know what will happen to you..since this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

But wait, didn't YOU want OUR names?

I still dont undertand why only Syberus and Jolena could state who they were..

It's really simple, you didn't ask, most the people already know who the others are.

is everyone else like Spungirl, neff,Chelle..what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

Oh wait, YOU want to bring it IG and make an issue of it without getting in trouble, but if someone else does you're going to whine to a GM? Classic.

You dont have to believe I have a genetic blood disorder but I do...
I will state what it is again...and then you can all put your tails between your legs:

I don't really care if you're sick or not, it doesn't give you an excuse to act the way you do.

so my blood wont clot and I wont get bloodclots


I was fine before this thread started...I wasnt friends with any of you before and it wont affect me in the present or future..since you all hate me and I all hate you..

Hate is such a strong word, I don't hate you... I just really have a strong dislike of you. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Michiko could have taken me aside and told me she didnt appreciate me tellin her to shut up

She could have, but if I think about all the interactions I've had with you, it wouldn't have done a damn bit of good. Although the log she would have posted would have a lot more "classic Amberain" moments.

Be a real woman and man and post yer in the lands name with yer post..instead of actin like a coward and not posting yer name..

Read previous statements.

I cant take anymore of this..so I wont reply anymore..but if any of this goes into the lands then you will be talking to a gamehost er master...they said I didnt...

There you go with this whole "I can do it but you can't" logic.

As for Amberain I'll give you three thumbs down... :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by JustMe]

12-11-2003, 09:06 AM
So what you're saying Amberlain, is that you have thrombosis. It's a blood-clotting disorder which can result in embellisms. I had an embellism once, when I broke my leg, arm, collarbone, and three ribs in a car accident. A couple of days hooked up to a breathing machine and regular doses of aspirin (every 4 hours combined with morphine) cleared it right up.

Regardless, I read your previous post explaining your opinion on things. I also read a few other posts explaining other peoples' opinions on things.

I would suggest to you, and to everyone else, to stop "roleplaying" yourselves. You are NOT a citizen of Elanthia. You are NOT a half-elf, or a giant, or a human sorcerer, or a ranger. You're not. Honest injun. You're a human being who lives somewhere with other human beings, with no real interaction with halflings or wizards who cast minor fire at kobolds for shits and giggles.

When you form relationships in Gemstone, you're not forming relationships with people in the real world. You're not falling in love with a real person. In fact, YOU aren't falling in love with anyone. Your character is. Your fictitional character that exists only through the internet in a text media with cheesy graphics as an option.

When you decide you dislike someone, ask yourself, is it ME who's disliking this fictitional character? Or is it my choice to have my character dislike them? You say you want friends. Is it YOU who wants friends? If so, get the fuck offline and find yourself some friends. Gemstone is fiction babe. It's not real. Even though real people drive the story along, they're not there. They're somewhere else. Behind the anonymity of their computers.

Hell, if you or anyone else thinks I'm really like I present myself here on this forum, then I would submit you're all totally whacked and need meds. In fact, I'm not even all that much like I present myself in IM. What you're reading here are just words. Nothing more, nothing less. I present them to you how I was taught to present them to you, using various writing techniques inspired by assorted authors such as David and Leigh Eddings and R. E. Heinlein.

My (sometimes) acerbic wit here is mostly a flagrant ripoff of these great writers, because I admire their prose. When I say "I eat my young," do you REALLY believe that? Or do you recognize instead that I am simply not predisposed to motherhood and utilize clever retort to explain it?

Honestly people. The whole bunch of you. Stop taking everything so personally. Even if it's meant personally. It's fiction. All of it. From the game, to here, the moment you log onto the internet and enter a forum in which you're interacting with other peoples' text, you're dealing with fiction.

12-11-2003, 09:23 AM
I'm just as much as a bitch and smartass here as I am in "real life." If you cross me the wrong way, you see that side of me... if you don't you'd think I was a complete sweetheart. :lol:

12-11-2003, 09:24 AM
Ummm...I am sure that most of us are well aware of that, Bestatte. There are some few, I would think, who have trouble delineating their real lives from their fantasy lives, but they are not the norm.

HarmNone, one of the "whole bunch"

12-11-2003, 10:30 AM
Sorry about that. I'll clarify so no one else needs to feel defensive:

The whole bunch of you who are taking personal issue with other peoples' roleplay choices - or lack thereof. Those who aren't taking issue with it need not apply.


12-11-2003, 11:18 AM
wow.. is she even responding anymore?

12-11-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Sorry about that. I'll clarify so no one else needs to feel defensive:

The whole bunch of you who are taking personal issue with other peoples' roleplay choices - or lack thereof. Those who aren't taking issue with it need not apply.


Much better, thanks.

Believe me, if there is anything I do not feel it is defensive. However, I have seen enough problems created around here, through people making blanket statements like the one you made, to know for sure that I do not want to see anymore!

The English language allows us great latitude through which to make our meanings clear. Yet, somehow, it seems that misunderstandings continue to occur. If I can nip but one in the bud, it will be a victory as far as I am concerned. :)

HarmNone, who sees no need to defend

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 02:06 PM
no, down payment!!

The Cat In The Hat
12-11-2003, 02:15 PM
Amberain, a log...

This happened today when we were waiting for Yartan to show up. What a tool.

* I forgot to add that I edited out all the other people that werent involved.


Amberain softly says, "Merchant and yer name."

You shake your head.
Amberain smiles.

You say, "It's premium start."

Amberain softly says, "No it isnt."

Amberain softly says, "Premium start tells you when ye joined premium."

You look at Amberain and shake your head.

Amberain nods to you.

You say, "If you're four winds it will tell you in addition to that, when your last 4 month alter was."

Amberain softly says, "Ye try it if ye dont believe."

You say, "Merchant name will tell you if you are not 4 winds."

You quietly whisper to Amberain, "I asked khaladon flat out, I had it explained."

Amberain whispers, ""so did i..i have had plenty of alterations and since when i joined in 99 as in premium start merchant tells you if you can get an item done with de 4 month rule."

You quietly whisper to Amberain, "Ok, you're right I have no idea what im talking about."

Amberain nods to you.

You laugh out loud!

Amberain whispers, ""wont argue with ye there on this one."

You quietly whisper to Amberain, "You dont know what sarcasm is do ya darlin?"

Amberain whispers, ""ye de one who had it wrong..i was agreein with you."

Amberain whispers, ""do ye know what bein wrong means?"

You quietly whisper to Amberain, "Im not going to say anything because it would be a personal attack on your character, Im above that."

Amberain whispers, ""go ahead if ye can dish it i can take it..but you better be ready to reap the consequences."

Amberain glances at you.

You chortle.

You wave a hand at Amberain, dismissing her indifferently.

Amberain is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

You fall to the ground laughing hysterically!

You say, "Amber you cast me a warning look because I refuse to talk to you further? Thats sad."

Amberain softly says, "Ye cant take what i dish out."

Amberain softly says, "You were wrong and wont admit it."

You say, "You're an idiot darlin."

Amberain softly says, "Ye cant talk to me anymore."

You say, "I just did."

You nod to Amberain.

You say, "That was unwaranted."

You say, "You cant warn someone just because they disagree with you."

>Amberain softly says, "I jus did a warn interaction with you..please do not talk to me."

>You laugh at Amberain!

You say, "You warned me because I disagreed with you, thats dumb."

You say, "And wont hold up."

>Amberain softly says, "No i did cause ye got made that i was sarcastic to you." (Did I act MAD? ROFL)

You stare at nothing in particular.

(Then a minute later)

>Suddenly, there is a puff of smoke and a blinding flash of light as Rosalynn arrives to answer Amberain's assist.

>You quietly whisper to Rosalynn, "Since you're here please tell amber she can not warn interaction me because of a difference of opinion?"

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-11-2003, 02:30 PM
Poor Rosalyn. She would probably sooner put her hand in a garbage disposal than have to deal with situations like this. Sometimes, I really do feel for the poor GameHosts and GameMasters. They must be gluttons for punishment. :(


Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 02:32 PM
This is why there needs to be a MENTOR SLAY function.

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 02:34 PM
:::wanders off to look for more straight jacket pics:::

12-11-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Neff
This is why there needs to be a MENTOR SLAY function.

Precisely the reason I could never have been a Mentor. I would have run out of places to hide the damned bodies! :D

HarmNone would have lost patience

The Cat In The Hat
12-11-2003, 02:37 PM
Well... on the chance that *I* was what that tool assisted over I whispered that, didnt get a response but I didnt expect one since the poor dear was there for Amber.

OMG Amberain's not a mentor is she? Sheesh... Isn't there a screening process?


12-11-2003, 02:39 PM
I just want to say that I still find all her responses highly amusing.

Amberain: You know my character's name, obviously. Go ahead and befriend Michiko cold, both her *and* I could honestly care less. :rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 02:39 PM
Gah! Please, please, please tell me that Amberain is NOT a mentor! Some people are particularly fitted to that "calling". Some are particularly NOT fitted!

HarmNone is sweating this one ;)

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 02:40 PM
No. She's not a mentor. That'd be the day I quit gemstone.

12-11-2003, 02:43 PM
I never got annoyed with Amberain.. I just find her as good entertainment. Just ask Camri.

12-11-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Amberain
It is called Hypercoagulable state secondary to homzygous prothrombin gene muation, post phelebetic blood disease. I give myself injections of a blood thinner once a day so my blood wont clot and I wont get bloodclots..It just so happened..I know have to give myselgf two shots of this medicine a day now to stay alive and out of the hospital.

So how much for the silk-covered shield?

Don't clot out on me before you get a chance to sell it.

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 02:47 PM
I have just one more thing to say...well..that is before I say several other things, i'm sure.

::rubs his thumb and forefinger together:: hear that, Amberain?

12-11-2003, 03:21 PM
Wow, she's pretty amusing. People like that need to turn off the computer for awhile and take a few steps back.

*IT IS A G-A-M-E* :)

Life is what happens after you type 'exit'.

The Cat In The Hat
12-11-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by GemstoneFan
Life is what happens after you type 'exit'.

I love that! Im gonna have to quote you :bouncy:


12-11-2003, 04:32 PM
That is a cool quote.

12-11-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Amberain

I still dont undertand why only Syberus and Jolena could state who they were..is everyone else like Spungirl, neff,Chelle..what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

I am the Park Bandit. If you wish to find out which character... just go to the park in the landing with your pockets bulging with fine gems and expensive ruby amulets. I'll let you in on my highly confidential secret. No one will have to know but you and I.

12-11-2003, 04:41 PM
Oh guess I better tell who my charater is so she can be cold to me! :lol: It's Ivyleigh hun.

Also I stole some silvers from you and a green sapphire a while back.

Don't worry Park Bandit she doesn't close her containers or bank her coins.

12-11-2003, 06:00 PM
That is the most childish, most pathetic abuse of warn interaction that I have seen to date! She thinks dishing it out is using that command? Me thinks the one who "can't take what she dishes out" is Amberain.

12-11-2003, 06:05 PM
Wow this thread is great .. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

12-11-2003, 11:27 PM
All brought to you by the sniffer of The Edine name sombody crazy and they will come

12-12-2003, 05:56 AM
She's gone again, boo-hoo. She's SO funny. Amberain gets the Player's Corner Comdey Post of the Year Award.

Amberain.. NO ONE CARES IF YOU HAVE A BLOOD DISEASE. The only thing that could possibly excuse your wacky behavior is some kind of brain tumor.

And don't get me started on your "Ye de one..." speech. Is that how you roleplay or something?


12-12-2003, 11:16 AM

12-01-2009, 03:30 AM

First off let me tell you..I never said I was on my computer in the ICU..I said I had it with me..I was moved to a regular room Friday night and therefore since I have laptop I was able to connect online.

For all those who dont believe that I was there..please feel free to call Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and ask who was in room 522 Friday night thru Tuesday morning.

Someone cant remember who..said that blood clots are so serious I shouldnt have been on my computer cause you shouldnt sit at a desk..well I didnt..I was in bedrest and had the laptop in my lap.
You can also contact my Hemotologist..Dr. Perry Ballard on Collier Road in Atlanta and he can prove to all you people who dont believe I have a blood disease.

People who are under the age of 18 shoudnt read the boards cause Chelle's fake picture of herself is enough to make this a smut site.

There is one log I know that exists of myself.,.it was about 4 years ago..in the year of 1999..It involved Sinji and my home yes..he pretended he liked me..I did something with him that I will never do again..and he made a log of it and sent it do loralai and Delialily. If you wanna post that..you cant do it here cause it is not for middle school kids. It was the biggest mistake of my life besides posting here ..I should have just let Michiko have her say..and ignored the boards.

I assisted last night and spoke with a Gameost..they told me while this web page is not linked to Simutronics..if any of you bring this subject into the game..all they have to do is read yer posts and dont know what will happen to you..since this is just supposed to stay on the boards.

I still dont undertand why only Syberus and Jolena could state who they were..is everyone else like Spungirl, neff,Chelle..what is yer in lands name..I would love to be able to highlight your name so I know to befriend all of you in cold.

You dont have to believe I have a genetic blood disorder but I do...
I will state what it is again...and then you can all put your tails between your legs:

It is called Hypercoagulable state secondary to homzygous prothrombin gene muation, post phelebetic blood disease. I give myself injections of a blood thinner once a day so my blood wont clot and I wont get bloodclots..It just so happened..I know have to give myselgf two shots of this medicine a day now to stay alive and out of the hospital.

I was fine before this thread started...I wasnt friends with any of you before and it wont affect me in the present or future..since you all hate me and I all hate you..

Michiko could have taken me aside and told me she didnt appreciate me tellin her to shut up...not make a thread that makes her look like she has never done anythin wrong in her life..

Be a real woman and man and post yer in the lands name with yer post..instead of actin like a coward and not posting yer name..

You may all believe what you like..
You can also find another post of my god wedding to excalibreak who is and has been my ex husband for about two years now..Jypsie has it posted in her library.

I cant take anymore of this..so I wont reply anymore..but if any of this goes into the lands then you will be talking to a gamehost er master...they said I didnt...
:club: Dang People Lay Off :club:

For the record, she is right about the blood clot thing. My brother just got out of the ICU/Hospital for the same thing. Only difference is he had a clot in his lungs and his heart started to swell. Heprin is the name of the injected drug, and it is pretty nasty stuff. Chances are she is on that stuff, atleast in pill form, for life.

In the hospital, she would have been in bed the entire time. Yes, what she had was serious, could have major complications, and another clot would just make things worse. Yes, being at a desk all day can cause more blood clots...that is true, but with Heprin runny through her veins the Doctors aren't too worried about blood clots forming...it is just that potent.

For the Love of God why are you people being so cruel? She is someone you should probably empathise with! In the very least act somewhat civil and not kick someone who is down on their luck.

I realize some of you may have issues with her. That is great! You are entitled to it! Ignore her, do not interact with her, and act like an adult. Stop with the catty remarks! That is something you do in middle school!

For the LOVE OF GOD act like civil people. Just because this is a freaking game on the internet, it doesn't mean you can act like little squabbling children trying to create a pecking order out on the play ground.

Bottom Line Put on your big boy pants and act like an adult

Sean of the Thread
12-01-2009, 03:34 AM

12-01-2009, 07:32 AM
huh bumping a 6 year old thread I wonder if that's a record.

12-01-2009, 07:46 AM
:club: Dang People Lay Off :club:

For the record, she is right about the blood clot thing. My brother just got out of the ICU/Hospital for the same thing. Only difference is he had a clot in his lungs and his heart started to swell. Heprin is the name of the injected drug, and it is pretty nasty stuff. Chances are she is on that stuff, atleast in pill form, for life.

In the hospital, she would have been in bed the entire time. Yes, what she had was serious, could have major complications, and another clot would just make things worse. Yes, being at a desk all day can cause more blood clots...that is true, but with Heprin runny through her veins the Doctors aren't too worried about blood clots forming...it is just that potent.

For the Love of God why are you people being so cruel? She is someone you should probably empathise with! In the very least act somewhat civil and not kick someone who is down on their luck.

I realize some of you may have issues with her. That is great! You are entitled to it! Ignore her, do not interact with her, and act like an adult. Stop with the catty remarks! That is something you do in middle school!

For the LOVE OF GOD act like civil people. Just because this is a freaking game on the internet, it doesn't mean you can act like little squabbling children trying to create a pecking order out on the play ground.

Bottom Line Put on your big boy pants and act like an adult

Blah blah blah sob story blah blah talking down to people you don't know blah blah act civil blah blah petty insults

Nice blinders on that high horse.

To quote Les Grossman "Now I want you to take a step back... and literally fuck your own face!"

12-01-2009, 08:30 AM
Somebody tell the bot it forgot it's hyperlinks

12-01-2009, 08:37 AM
:club: Dang People Lay Off :club:

For the record, she is right about the blood clot thing. My brother just got out of the ICU/Hospital for the same thing. Only difference is he had a clot in his lungs and his heart started to swell. Heprin is the name of the injected drug, and it is pretty nasty stuff. Chances are she is on that stuff, atleast in pill form, for life.

In the hospital, she would have been in bed the entire time. Yes, what she had was serious, could have major complications, and another clot would just make things worse. Yes, being at a desk all day can cause more blood clots...that is true, but with Heprin runny through her veins the Doctors aren't too worried about blood clots forming...it is just that potent.

For the Love of God why are you people being so cruel? She is someone you should probably empathise with! In the very least act somewhat civil and not kick someone who is down on their luck.

I realize some of you may have issues with her. That is great! You are entitled to it! Ignore her, do not interact with her, and act like an adult. Stop with the catty remarks! That is something you do in middle school!

For the LOVE OF GOD act like civil people. Just because this is a freaking game on the internet, it doesn't mean you can act like little squabbling children trying to create a pecking order out on the play ground.

Bottom Line Put on your big boy pants and act like an adult

Holy shit.. you do realize that you did more harm than good here, right?

L2Forum imo.

12-01-2009, 11:08 AM
6 year old thread Necromancy? LOL.

12-01-2009, 11:36 AM
epic bump, lolz.

12-01-2009, 11:44 AM
:club: Dang People Lay Off :club:

For the record, she is right about the blood clot thing. My brother just got out of the ICU/Hospital for the same thing. Only difference is he had a clot in his lungs and his heart started to swell. Heprin is the name of the injected drug, and it is pretty nasty stuff. Chances are she is on that stuff, atleast in pill form, for life.

In the hospital, she would have been in bed the entire time. Yes, what she had was serious, could have major complications, and another clot would just make things worse. Yes, being at a desk all day can cause more blood clots...that is true, but with Heprin runny through her veins the Doctors aren't too worried about blood clots forming...it is just that potent.

For the Love of God why are you people being so cruel? She is someone you should probably empathise with! In the very least act somewhat civil and not kick someone who is down on their luck.

I realize some of you may have issues with her. That is great! You are entitled to it! Ignore her, do not interact with her, and act like an adult. Stop with the catty remarks! That is something you do in middle school!

For the LOVE OF GOD act like civil people. Just because this is a freaking game on the internet, it doesn't mean you can act like little squabbling children trying to create a pecking order out on the play ground.

Bottom Line Put on your big boy pants and act like an adult


12-01-2009, 12:01 PM

12-01-2009, 01:09 PM
Gads that name still brings out a shiver.


12-01-2009, 04:06 PM
Methais vs. ElvenFury

WINNER: ElvenFury

12-01-2009, 06:45 PM
Oh my bad lol, yeah guess i am just a retard...new to playerscorner...how do i know where the age of a post is...lol don't threads get deleted? Is it normal for most people to just rag on others here? LMAO Sorry about the thread bump...I didn't know. Also, I'm not with one of her charaters no...but she seems nice enough. As for troll...i guess you will never know :)

12-01-2009, 06:45 PM
The top left corner above the name of the poster.

12-01-2009, 06:46 PM
Is it normal for most people to just rag on others here?

Naaa, that never happens....

12-01-2009, 07:59 PM
Oh my bad lol, yeah guess i am just a retard...new to playerscorner...how do i know where the age of a post is...lol don't threads get deleted? Is it normal for most people to just rag on others here? LMAO Sorry about the thread bump...I didn't know. Also, I'm not with one of her charaters no...but she seems nice enough. As for troll...i guess you will never know :)

Did you know that play.net has its own forums?

12-01-2009, 09:36 PM
don't threads get deleted?Nothing gets deleted.

You fuck up and people will pull shit out from 10 years ago to use against you ;)

12-02-2009, 07:30 AM
Oh my bad lol, yeah guess i am just a retard...new to playerscorner...how do i know where the age of a post is...lol don't threads get deleted? Is it normal for most people to just rag on others here? LMAO Sorry about the thread bump...I didn't know. Also, I'm not with one of her charaters no...but she seems nice enough. As for troll...i guess you will never know :)I call bullshit on claiming ignorance about the date. This thread was 6 years old. You had to specifically search for this thread deep within the mounds of complaint threads to even find this mess. There is no way you just happened to come across it if you really are new. I think you're just stirring shit on purpose.

12-02-2009, 09:43 AM
I call bullshit on claiming ignorance about the date. This thread was 6 years old. You had to specifically search for this thread deep within the mounds of complaint threads to even find this mess. There is no way you just happened to come across it if you really are new. I think you're just stirring shit on purpose.



12-02-2009, 10:01 AM
I call bullshit on claiming ignorance about the date. This thread was 6 years old. You had to specifically search for this thread deep within the mounds of complaint threads to even find this mess. There is no way you just happened to come across it if you really are new. I think you're just stirring shit on purpose.

Not if he just searched "Gremblar" or another name that is in that thread. Amberain is probably too broad a search.. since she is mentioned on these forums a few times.

12-02-2009, 10:03 AM
Nothing gets deleted.

You fuck up and people will pull shit out from 10 years ago to use against you ;)

These forums were not around 10 years ago.. so please, stop with the hyperbole.


12-02-2009, 11:36 AM
Not if he just searched "Gremblar" or another name that is in that thread. Amberain is probably too broad a search.. since she is mentioned on these forums a few times.
Still had to search it out. :)

12-02-2009, 12:55 PM
Still had to search it out. :)

True.. but it's not difficult at all and you certainly don't have to dig far for it.

I don't know the poster that bumped this thread.. but I can see how it may have been on accident as I've done the same thing before.

11-01-2010, 10:22 AM

11-01-2010, 10:25 AM
I was going to just start a new thread with this, then thought keeping the stupidity all in one place might be better. This is from last night in Darcharius's workshop in EG, after he stayed once his raffle was drawn and worked for ten people or so after saying he'd possibly only work for five.

Amberain scoots over next to Goldeath.

Speaking quietly to Dacharius, Demyse says, "You have a good evening. Perhaps, next I'll have something done."

Dacharius darkly says, "I bid you all, good evening."

Speaking softly to Dacharius, Ranad says, "Your time is appreciated."

Goldeath darkly says, "I want a return."

Dacharius fades into the chair and vanishes.

Amberain gasps.

Amberain softly says, "This is nuts."

Amberain glances at Angeliqe.

Amberain softly says, "Can you believe this insanity."

Goldeath darkly says, "I can't beleive I just spent silver on this junk."

Speaking quietly to Amberain, Angeliqe says, "Now what."

Amberain softly says, "Junk now he leaves."

Ranad glances at Goldeath.

Amberain softly says, "He is inpatient."

Ranad glances at Amberain.

Amberain softly says, "Well so am i damn it."

Amberain glances at Ranad.

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "Oh this is getting entertaining."

(OOC) BBB's player whispers to the group, "Yeah, i'm waiting."

Goldeath starts chortling.

Ranil says, "Consider yourself lucky."

[A Certain Affliction, Nook]
This cramped space is not quite big enough to be a full room. A crooked bench made of uncomfortably hard wood rests against one wall while a big padded chair sits caddy corner. A flickering candle has melted down onto a small spindly wooden workbench that encroaches on the personal space of the chair.
Also here: Great Lady Amberain who is sitting, High Lord Goldeath who is sitting, Angeliqe, Ranil, Gwaelimir, Fremie, Vivaldi, Wrayl, High Lady Rohese, Lady Lysistrata, Ranad, Corlyne, Maleisse, Cappyn, Isolyn, Laphrael
Obvious exits: out

Amberain softly asks, "Lucky for what?"

Ranil says, "Least you didnt' have to pay for that."

Amberain softly asks, "This is lucky?"

(OOC) CCC's player whispers to the group, "Drama-a-llama!"

Ranil adopts an agreeable expression.

Ranad softly says, "Yes, it is."

Amberain softly says, "I did pay for this."

Amberain taps a rusty black iron ankle shackle dangling a broken chain, which is in her left hand.

Ranil laughs at Amberain!

Amberain softly says, "I paid for this shackle."

Speaking softly to Amberain, Ranad says, "Someone took the time to craft a ware that you paid for in return. There is no lack of luck in that."

Amberain softly says, "And i wanted to give it to my fiancee on our wedding night."

Amberain softly says, "And i wanted it engraved."

Angeliqe laughs at Amberain!

You see Great Lady Amberain.
She appears to be a Human.
She is tall and appears to be young and robust. She has a shimmer of silver on her eyelids, beautifully holly green-outlined sultry, thickly-lashed violet eyes and tanned skin. She has waist length, lustrous honey-blonde hair that falls in thick, silky lengths down to vibrant violet-tipped ends. She has a delicate face, a freckled nose and a narrow waist. She has full, glossy raspberry stained lips.
She has a series of vultite rings beaded with black deathstones in her left eyebrow, a tiny silver-set stud chiseled from swirling purple thunderstone in her lip, a twining honeysuckle tattoo on her wrist, a frosted tart tattoo on her thigh, a thorny emerald green vine tattoo sinuously twisting around her thigh bearing vivid violet flowers, and a deep red rose tattoo on her waist.
She has minor cuts and bruises on her chest.
She is holding a rusty black iron ankle shackle dangling a broken chain in her left hand.
She is wearing a bent conical blue hat embroidered with silver stars, a large stacked mass of dark lor and solid silver bangles, a crystal amulet, a strapless black leather dress trimmed along the thigh-length hem with sparkling black diamonds, some thigh-high black gossamer stockings topped with ruffled lace, a hemp purse, a violet weapon harness, a large knotworked hemp backpack, some ornate black golvern plate, a simple woven hemp pouch clasped with a shadowy violet amethyst butterfly, a skull-shaped bone pin, a sturdy woven hemp satchel, an etched copper oak leaf pin, a dragon's-tear ruby engagement ring, a thick gold ring, and some black spike-heeled boots.

You blink at Amberain.

Amberain softly says, "But the old merchant there went to bed."

You laugh out loud!

Speaking softly to Amberain, Ranad says, "I will say this; If you need to give a shackle to your partner, you are doing it very, very wrong."

Ranad nods slowly to Amberain.

Amberain softly says, "The last merchant wouldnt put us on the list because i went out to buy one of her items."

Amberain softly says, "I mean are these people mad."

Lysistrata looks thoughtfully at Amberain.

Amberain softly asks, "He engraved for what 12 people?"

Speaking softly to Amberain, Ranad asks, "What, precisely, are you complaining about?"

Amberain stands up.

Amberain just opened a large knotworked hemp backpack.

Amberain carefully examines her iron ankle shackle.

Amberain softly says, "Thank god it only weighs 2 pounts."

Amberain put a rusty black iron ankle shackle dangling a broken chain in her knotworked hemp backpack.
Amberain just closed a large knotworked hemp backpack.

Amberain snuggles Goldeath, who responds by cradling an arm around her.
Amberain sighs.

(OOC) BBB's player whispers to the group, "Okay, moving on?"

Amberain softly asks, "Do they sell alcoholic beverages somewhere here?"

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "I want to see the price of said manacle on the way out."

(OOC) DDD's player whispers to the group, "I don't get to stay and irritate her to an impossible level of irrationality?"

Dacharius suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Dacharius drops a raffle table.
Dacharius dusts off a raffle table.

(OOC) EEE's player whispers to the group, "Amberain whispers, ""sorry jus frustrated."."

Dacharius bows.

Amberain softly asks, "What is the prize i wonder?"

Speaking softly to Dacharius, Ranad says, "Welcome back."

Amberain softly asks, "The other shackle?"

Maleisse looks at Amberain blankly, at a loss to express herself.

Speaking quietly to Amberain, Angeliqe asks, "A dead pet?"

Amberain softly asks, "To the one i bought?"

(OOC) EEE's player whispers to the group, "OMG. She's CRAZY."

Dacharius darkly says, "You have strong words for one who wishes to give 'junk' to their fiancee."

Dacharius chuckles.

Speaking softly to Amberain, Ranad says, "You know, you may ask him to return your purchase now, since you seem quite unhappy with it."

Amberain softly says, "He was going to shackle me on our wedding night."

Amberain nods to Dacharius.

Amberain softly says, "Too bad it couldnt be engraved."

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "Someone plz log this."

Dacharius darkly says, "Yes, too bad."

Ranad takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

(OOC) BBB's player whispers to the group, "Consider it lulzed."

Fremie says, "I doubt engravings would be on either of your minds."

Fremie grins.

(OOC) FFF's player whispers to the group, "I don't know how to log in stormbwhahahahahaha."

Amberain softly says, "I jus wanted it engraved."

Lysistrata murmurs, "Entitlement."

Amberain softly says, "He said he was inpatient."

(OOC) FFF's player whispers to the group, "Okay, specialized merchant or not. This guy is awesome."

Amberain softly says, "Everyone is entitled to be inpatient."

Amberain shrugs.

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "Lololol."

(OOC) EEE's player whispers to the group, "Inpatient is killing me."

Amberain softly says, "Others have been sayin ya are selling junk too."

Speaking softly to Amberain, Ranad says, "I believe that people are entitled to be many things. IMpatient, patient, and anything in between."

Amberain softly says, "Not jus me."

(OOC) EEE's player whispers to the group, "If I were the merchant, I'd strike her dead and give her something to really complain about."

(OOC) BBB's player whispers to the group, "I'd much rather be outpatient so i could get on with my life?"

Amberain agrees with Ranad.

You blink.

(OOC) GGG's player whispers to the group, "Straightjacket + manacle = cuckoo."

(OOC) FFF's player whispers to the group, "OMG I CANT BREATHE, laughing so hard."

Amberain softly says, "Very true."

Ranad looks thoughtfully at Dacharius.

Amberain softly says, "I mean a corkscrew for 140k."

Speaking softly to Dacharius, Ranad asks, "May I ask what your wares cost?"

Dacharius darkly says, "It is a fine lockpick, actually."

Amberain softly says, "Must be made outta pure gold."

Amberain adds Goldeath to her group.

Amberain softly says, "And my fiancee bought me a ball and chain as a wedding gift."

Dacharius darkly exclaims, "Now, if you all recall... I said I would spin for five, and I did. I also said I would possibly spin more, and I did. I also said I will return, and I will. But now, I must go. Enjoy your evenings!"

Amberain softly asks, "Sir do you know what other nights you will be back to do engraving on your utems and other items?"

Amberain glances at Dacharius.

Dacharius points at some raffle tickets on a raffle table.

Dacharius nods to Amberain.

You see High Lord Goldeath Darkonnen the Champion.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Araime Clan.
He is very tall and appears to be in the prime of life. He has silver-flecked golden eyes and golden brown skin. He has short, straight golden brown hair streaked with silver. He has a clean-shaven face, a classical nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a Wehnimer's promissory note in his right hand.
He is wearing a heavy iron ball and chain with an ankle cuff, a golden spidersilk dragon mask with piercing sapphire eyes, a golden wheat sheaf-shaped amulet, a delicate gold medallion, a gold-bound sleek onyx amulet, a gold-edged supple suede neckpouch clasped with a topaz sun, a gold-trimmed blue spidersilk greatcloak, a golden eel pin, a skull-shaped bone pin, a platinum-bound steel badge, some golden spidersilk gloves stitched with fine silver spidersilk, a golden imflass weapons harness, a golden spidersilk knapsack embellished with a pattern of stylized golden suns, a golden spidersilk backpack embroidered with a soaring silver dragon, some polished spiked golden rolaren plate embossed with a ferocious fire-breathing silver dragon, a tarnished brass bracer inset with fractured agate crescents, a tarnished brass bracer inset with fractured agate crescents, a polished gold ring, a wide platinum engagement band inlaid with a dragon-shaped sunstone, a pouch-lined golden imflass greatbelt, a golden spidersilk gem pouch, a red-trimmed black silk harness, a gold-tooled spidersilk sack, some fluidly draping golden spidersilk pantaloons, a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit, a golden lion skin ankle sheath inlaid with dragon-cut diamonds, and a pair of golden polished leather half-boots.

Dacharius darkly says, "Then."

You are now speaking Common.

(OOC) BBB's player whispers to the group, "I totally thought she said 'engraving on your uterus'."

Amberain softly says, "So nice."

Speaking sincerely to Goldeath, you say, "You have my pity."

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "She can't spell uterus."

Amberain softly says, "Then i hope i wont be here."

Amberain nods to Dacharius.

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "Or pronounce it."

Great Lady Amberain's group just went out.

There's a second part to this that came about fifteen minutes later, once her slow brain processed that something insulting about her was said to her fiance and she went hunting me down to 'ask me a question' about it. I'll get that up in a minute.

11-01-2010, 10:39 AM
She left out the homage to the other complaints threads that followed directly after:

(OOC) EEE's player whispers to the group, "Gonna engrave your cervix with my dick print."

(OOC) DDD's player whispers to the group, "Afk dying."

(OOC) AAA's player whispers to the group, "NNGH."

11-01-2010, 10:58 AM
Makes me sad to see such awesome plate armor go to waste on a mouth breather.

11-01-2010, 11:02 AM
Here's part 2, about.. 15-20 minutes later. When I told my friend to tell Amberain where I was so she could just come talk to me in person, I figured that like a normal, intelligent person she'd be able to look at an EG map, arrive, bitch a bit, and then shut the hell up before the merchant was scheduled to show up at 11. Silly me.

[Idolatry, Shop]
More torches, none burning enough to sufficiently light the space, line the slightly dingier walls of this second-floor room. A hulking modwir armoire is shoved awkwardly against the curved wall opposite the staircase, and a large copper-edged table dominates the center of the room. You also see a small vellum sign.
Also here: Gwaelimir, Vivaldi, High Lady Rohese, Lady Lysistrata, Ranad, Corlyne, Maleisse, Cappyn, Isolyn, Laphrael, Sir Metadi, Kateerina, Teegan, Great Lady Anjel, Kitana, Kristabel, Great Lord Elrodin, Lydara, Delicieuse, Jadzara
Obvious exits: none

(OOC) You whisper, "Hahaha. X just said Amberrain's looking for me." to your group.

(OOC) A's player whispers to the group, "Why?"

(OOC) You whisper, "Probably because on her way out I told Goldeath I pitied him." to your group.

(OOC) You whisper, "I told him to tell her he saw me here." to your group.

(OOC) B's player whispers to the group, "She gonna cut you so bad it's gonna be like...DAAAAMN you got cut, bitch."

(OOC) You whisper, "So maybe she'll come here and start more lulzy drama." to your group.

(OOC) A's player whispers to the group, "I can't wait."

(OOC) C's player whispers to the group, "Excellent."

(OOC) You whisper, "Hahha, amberain's all 'I don't know how to get here, I just want to ask her one question about something she said to someone'." to your group.

(OOC) You whisper, "He's giving her directions." to your group.

Aydan takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

Speaking slowly to you, Aydan mutters, "The hell did you do to get this woman's ire?"

You blink.

You ask, "Which, exactly?"

Speaking to you, Cappyn exclaims, "What did you do!"

Aydan says, "The one screaming about something you said to her fiance."

Speaking blandly to Cappyn, you say, "I'm entirely innocent."

You briefly conceal your face with your jade and silk fan, coyly looking past the triad of blades set within it.

Cappyn chuckles to herself.

Metadi says, "Right. I think e'en I do that better."

Speaking softly to you, Ranad says, "It seems like you make so very many friends, so quickly."

Aydan says, "And apparently she can't understand simple directions, because I'm trying to tell her how to get here and she can't figure it out."

Speaking to Aydan, you say, "I've no idea."

Speaking to Ranad, Cappyn explains, "And that's what happens when you offer your fiance a manacle on their wedding night."

You say, "Oh, that woman."

Ranad leans softly against Cappyn.

You say, "I told her fiance I pitied him."

Aydan gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

You say, "Apparently it took her this long to realize I meant it was because of her."

Speaking to Ranad, Cappyn says, "The lesson here is one, don't get married and, two, give manacles before hand."

Aydan says, "Incoming."

You say, "Mm."

Maleisse looks at you with concern.

For the briefest of moments, Maleisse's glance alights on the staircase.

Sir Cryheart's group just arrived.

You look at Maleisse and shake your head.

Metadi nods in agreement to Cappyn.

Cryheart says, "Here."

[Idolatry, Shop]
More torches, none burning enough to sufficiently light the space, line the slightly dingier walls of this second-floor room. A hulking modwir armoire is shoved awkwardly against the curved wall opposite the staircase, and a large copper-edged table dominates the center of the room. You also see a small vellum sign.
Also here: Greganth, Kerl, Lord Aubery, Lady Arwen, Karibeth, Great Lady Amberain, Sir Cryheart, Ana, Alexys, Sir Aydan, Gwaelimir, Vivaldi, High Lady Rohese, Lady Lysistrata, Ranad, Corlyne, Maleisse, Cappyn, Isolyn, Laphrael, Sir Metadi, Kateerina, Teegan, Great Lady Anjel, Kitana, Kristabel, Great Lord Elrodin, Lydara, Delicieuse, Jadzara
Obvious exits: none

Cryheart nods to Amberain.

Amberain curtsies to Cryheart.

Amberain softly says, "Thank you."

Cryheart bows to Amberain.

Maleisse furrows her brow.

Speaking to Cappyn, Metadi says, "Jes' stick with plain auld rope. It's better, anyway."

Metadi waves to Cryheart.

Amberain whispers, ""i need to ask you something."

You calmly ask, "Yes, what?"

Amberain whispers, ""why did you jus tell my fiancee you pityed him."

Amberain glances at you.

You say, "Do speak up, I can't hear you."

You cock your head at Amberain.

Amberain softly asks, "Do you have somethin wrong with yer hearing?"

You say, "I told him I pitied him because he's your fiance. If you really had to seek me out to ASK me that.."

Amberain glances at you.

You say, "No, I just don't want you standing that close."

Velai smiles briefly.

Speaking softly to Metadi, Kateerina asks, "Rope?"

Amberain softly says, "I asked for you to use yer amulet."

Ranad looks thoughtfully at you.

You say, "I don't carry them."

Amberain softly says, "But you are too stupid to get one."

You feel like this is more of a showroom than a workroom. You wonder if this is where work will be done. Probably not.

Ranad glances at Amberain.

Cryheart blinks.

Amberain softly says, "Well i pity you cause you do not know me."

(OOC) You whisper, "We are so in the wrong room." to your group.

(OOC) R's player whispers to the group, "This is perfect."

You say, "I do not consider that cause for pity."

(OOC) C's player whispers to the group, "Passage I think."

Amberain softly says, "And you are judging people by not knowing others."

[Idolatry, Workroom]
The ceiling of this top-floor room is comprised of ill-fitting slats of wood, most of which look rotted and ready to collapse at any moment. By contrast, the room itself is cozy and well-appointed. A curved haon table, low to the ground, offers refreshments within easy reach of a fluffy rabbit fur rug and a pile of oversized, soft velvet pillows. Next to the passage, a large fireplace is carved into the tower wall, the warmth from the flames chasing out the chill. You also see the Karibeth disk, the fiery red Arwen disk, the yellow Phungoman disk, a grey wolf that is sitting, the fiery red Phenar disk, the Amberleia disk and the Ghrayce disk.
Also here: Maleisse, Lady Lysistrata, Greganth, Lord Aubery, Lady Arwen, Karibeth, Great Lady Amberain, Sir Cryheart, Corlyne, Kerl, Laphrael, High Lord Avantos, Ascaris, High Lord Aneris, Phungoman, Jennora, Angellos, Phenar, Avalera, Amberleia, Sir Yarx who is sitting, Xanith who is sitting, Lady Varucca, High Lord Murkshev who is sitting, Ghrayce who is sitting
Obvious exits: none

Amberain softly says, "You listen to others."

Amberain softly says, "And believe them."

Amberain softly says, "You dont know me."

Amberain softly says, "Nor will you ever know me."

You ask, "Whyever would I want to know you?"

Diakice says, "Good evening."

Amberain softly says, "You stupid bitch."

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Varucca stares at Amberain.

Cappyn raises an eyebrow in Amberain's direction.

Speaking to Amberain, Diakice says, "If you insist on using that kind of language, I'll kindly ask you to leave my workroom."

Speaking calmly to Amberain, you say, "I stand by what I said."

You turn away from Amberain, ignoring her.

Diakice says, "If I can have everyone's attention for a moment, please."

Diakice smiles.

Amberain softly says, "As do i."

Ranad gazes in amusement at Amberain.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Diakice.

Amberain softly says, "You listen to others."

Amberain softly says, "You dont make decisions of yer own."

Amberain softly says, "Your a follower."

Amberain softly says, "Not a leader."

Speaking to Diakice, you say, "Please, go on."

Amberain softly says, "You know what i say is true."

Amberain softly says, "I pity you."

Ranad glances at Amberain.

Ranad touches one finger to his lips.

Ranad winks at Amberain.

Amberain softly says, "For you will never know what it is to truly know someone."

Kateerina softly says, "Goddess."

Xanith asks, "Remember that time I was really confused?"

You stare at nothing in particular.

Xanith says, "Yeah, that's now."

Amberain softly says, "I pity you for being born."

Varucca stares off into space.

With exaggerated slowness you take a deep breath, then pinch the bridge of your nose.

Kateerina softly says, "Shh."

Amberain softly asks, "Now how the hell do i get out of this room?"

(OOC) You whisper, "And this is why crash helmets are important, children." to your group.

11-01-2010, 11:29 AM
Hahahaha OMG hahahaha.

I approve of these logs. I remember one of my characters being introduced to her years back, my character was Faendryl and didn't like humans and Amberain was ready to kill her over not speaking in common.

Its kind of sad to see she hasn't changed any.

Thanks for the laughs.

Gnome Rage
11-01-2010, 11:33 AM
Oh man. I'm going to be late for class because I stuck around to read that whole thing. It was so worth it.

11-01-2010, 12:24 PM
Best night of EG so far, you can't beat a good drama-a-llama for pre-merchant entertainment.

11-01-2010, 12:26 PM
Amberain softly says, "Well i pity you cause you do not know me."

Ego much?

11-01-2010, 12:42 PM
That log is full of win. And Derp. Derp & Win.

11-01-2010, 01:36 PM
That log is full of win. And Derp. Derp & Win.


I am SOOO sorry I let myself leave to go to bed (darned work) and missed this. Thank you for posting. Gads, one thing you can say for her, she's consistent. Ewww.

11-01-2010, 04:42 PM
You say, "Do speak up, I can't hear you."

Amberain softly asks, "Do you have somethin wrong with yer hearing?"

You say, "No, I just don't want you standing that close."

Best part of the log, imo. :lol:

11-01-2010, 09:18 PM
It cracks me up when all the crazies (Amberain, Gracy, Emislity, etc.) go OMG U DONT NO ME FOLLOWER!!!111111!

Your reputation precedes you. Having logs is like having video footage. If I saw a video of a chick going totally psycho, I wouldn't jump in line to befriend them. It's not just what people say, it's what they can prove you said/did.

She acts like people avoid her because of rumors and opinions. Not that there could be something wrong with her. Just like every other psycho around.

11-01-2010, 11:15 PM
lol , all that needed was a report and a ban and it woudlve been my prime char all over again