View Full Version : TI wilds hunting question

11-15-2007, 01:03 PM
I was thinking of hunting on the basalt flats and volcanic slope area and i had a few questions before i made the long haul out there (ash hags, lava trolls, fire ogres, fire giants). I tried to look the critters up on krakiipedia and the only thing that i've found so far that seems nasty is the ash hag's fire storm. Does it crit kill or just give massive minors? Can you get rid of it like a gas cloud or anything? Is there anything else nasty out there?
and lastly, i don't want to go if the place is overhunted for some reason.

thanks in advance for the info!

11-15-2007, 01:17 PM
Ummmm. This is from what I could remember so the info may be a lil hazy.

The ash hags are really easy cuz they're the softest critters out there. Just kill 'em before they can cast. The fire storms/clouds that you speak of I don't really have much memory of them doing it cuz of the tactic I used in the previous sentence. Maybe someone else can shed more light on that, sorry I couldn't have been more help on that.

The biggest killer for my rogue out there was the stupid steam. It's an area effect thing, kinda like the gas in the stronghold bowels. You can't do anything about it but hope all it does is knock you down with no damage or minors at best. Resist elements, dexterity and no encumberance helps with the steam I believe.

Lava golems are a pain in the ass if you're not a warrior who trained in tackle. The critters at the basalt flats love to swarm, so the more people out there the more dangerous (and fun) it gets. That's about all I remember.

11-15-2007, 02:14 PM
Ugghh, random room steam vents? I don't have any experience with that but it sounds pretty nasty. Do they only go off if critters are in the room or is it like the sheruvian monestary where once in a while a torch will flare up and roast you a bit?
Is the trip to TI still only once every 8 hours?

The Ponzzz
11-15-2007, 02:22 PM
The random Steam-based ewave can trigger at any time. Seems like its once every 5 or so minutes, but I never did the mechanics about it. getting 602 can be a huge help. The creatures were given THWs not too long ago, and the area swarms like crazy. I loved the area, but its not for everyone. The steam attack can kill you pretty easily it seems.

11-15-2007, 02:36 PM
Oh yeah I forgot the critters got weapons, so they're even nastier (more fun). Yeah the steam is the one thing I got pissed off about. I could have 602 on my rogue and she'll be unencumbered and still instantly die from the steam.

11-15-2007, 03:45 PM
Ugghh, random room steam vents? I don't have any experience with that but it sounds pretty nasty. Do they only go off if critters are in the room or is it like the sheruvian monestary where once in a while a torch will flare up and roast you a bit?
Is the trip to TI still only once every 8 hours?
One thing I seem to remember about the steam (entirely just me suspecting) was that it was far less deadly/non-existant the closer to town... if you hang out in the southern portion of the basalt flats I don't believe you will get steamed that bad, the only times I can really remember being fatally steamed was in the northeastern corner... past the bridge.

11-15-2007, 03:56 PM
Hmm... i think i may look elsewhere. I'm not an expert on fun, but hunting in a place where you can randomly die from environmental effects seems pretty lame to me. I don't have access to ranger spells so it could get nasty.

Your group wanders west.
Steam vent flares up!
Steam removes your head from your shoulders!

a ghostly voice says "damn that was fun! lets do that again!"


too bad too, it was starting to seem like a lot of fun till the stupid steam thing came up.

11-15-2007, 03:57 PM

TI prefers to hunt with a submachine gun.

El Burro
11-15-2007, 03:59 PM
though that does happen it is not something that should keep you from one of the best hunting areas in the game.

Man up Outdrsyguy1

11-15-2007, 04:44 PM
It's not that frequent, I didn't hunt there too long, but I only got hit a handful of times, and I usually survived (as a wizard). It adds a little bit of flare because you know you can't walk around encumbered and there is that risk of "can I really break this mob up? What if I get steamed while breaking them up".

I didn't have them at the time, but steam resistance is pretty cheap to get, and last I knew Regyy likes the island so...