View Full Version : New Warrior

11-15-2007, 03:34 AM
Can someone give me some pointers and reccomendations on stat placement for a brand new warrior, going the Dwarf route, and I'm not sure what to put where because I don't want to hurt my Guild skills when I get there.

11-15-2007, 11:47 AM
Guild skills are going to be aggravating at the start regardless of stats.

There are three general min/max philosophies regarding stats:
1) Have nearly-maxxed stats at cap.
2) Have max TPs at cap.
3) Forget cap, max prime stats at level 0 and relax.

The actual differences between these plans (especially the first two) is not noticeable. Especially as a warrior, you'll have more TPs than you know what to do with pretty quickly.

I would recommend you read the play.net description of the stats and go from there.