View Full Version : Morphing Ventriloquist Puppet

11-13-2007, 04:09 PM
Ventriloquist Puppet is able to change into all current races, all professions except the paladin, and most of their alternative titles.

Verbs that can be used with the puppet.
Beam Chuckle Glare Hug Look Turn Rub
Punish Frown Grin Kiss Nod Wave Pinch
Bow Glance Laugh Punch Slap Whisper Shake
Syntax for whisper: WHISPER PUPPET [TEXT]

PRICE: MB: 3.5M BO:5M PM Offers!

Notes: I think I funned him out. Awesome puppet, I like that no one can see you do it unless you fail to pitch your voice right (Happens every now and then). Finally had one and sad to say I'm already bored of'em. Also a question for those of you who have one. Have you assisted about getting Paladin added in there?

RUB [Changes Profession]
>rub puppet
You dress your puppet up to look like a sylvankind sorcerer puppet!

PINCH [Changes Race]
>pinch puppet
You pinch a sylvankind sorcerer puppet, changing and moving the features around. When you finish, the puppet now looks like a dark elf sorcerer puppet!

RUB [Changes Profession Title]
>shake puppet
You shake up a dark elf enervator puppet making it a blur. When you quit, it is transformed into a dark elf soulslayer puppet!

WHISPER [Makes him say whatever you want]
>whis puppet I'm a real boy!
A dark elf soulslayer puppet exclaims, "I'm a real boy!"

Other Actions:
>nod puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet nods its little head.

>bow puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet waves a miniature bloodwood wand around dramatically before bowing.

>beam puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet beams at everyone, including you!

>wave puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet waves its little hands frantically.

>grin puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet lets out a big toothy grin.

>punish puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet snickers and bops you on the head!

>frown puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet droops its little face into a frown.

>chuckle puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet chuckles.

>glance puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet glances at your lips curiously.

>laugh puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet laughs.

>hug puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet snuggles up to you for a hug.

>kiss puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet leans over to give you a peck on the cheek.

>slap puppet
You slap a dark elf soulslayer puppet so hard that its head pops off! You quickly scoop up the head and plop it back on to the body.

>turn puppet
A dark elf soulslayer puppet lets out a malicious laugh right before its head spins around.

>glare puppet ((3rd person shows the puppet glaring at holder))
A dark elf soulslayer puppet glares at you.

And as a side note, this is a pretty good reference of how everything works should you purchase any other puppet and are curious how things work.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
11-13-2007, 07:03 PM
If you can get me a positive answer on the success rate issues with these damned things, I'd fall for you faster than Lindsay Lohan and meth-laced gummy bears. (Or Barry Bonds and HGH, for you sports fans... the rest of you, just insert a not-quite-funny, obvious joke involving your favorite not-favorite person, and their largest guilty pleasure)

11-13-2007, 09:42 PM
I'm sorry, success rate issues?

I fail maybe once every 35-40 lines.

And when you do mess up, it just simply says you mess up, message is still relayed and it has 3 extra exclamation marks after whatever it is you typed.

Hope that answers your question, if not, feel free to PM me with your concern.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
11-14-2007, 11:21 AM
bleh, never been able to get exact answers on this. Is the success roll determined by anything? Modified by anything? Aside from the mods for being a gnome setting it to 100% success, there HAS to be something else to modify it. Randomly slipping up makes this useless for any serious roleplay.

11-20-2007, 12:32 PM
So no more little shark assassin? ::cackle::

Shen Ye's Player