View Full Version : 6x brigandine, heavily crit padded, 17lbs, spike flares

11-09-2007, 02:13 PM
Taking offers on:

Some black sigil-etched armor

- +30
- Heavily Crit Padded
- Lightened to 17 lbs (standard is 25)
- Spike Flares that activate on manuever attacks (usually do 20-35 damage and stun the critters)

Although hardly noticeable, the rigid armor has been pieced together with supple leather padding at each joint. Rubbed clean of any blemishes, the armor is deep black. Along the left breast are some archaic runes surrounding the image of a wolf paw. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Trades I'm looking for: Unique OHE's that are short-sword, longsword, or falchion based.

AIM - SteveThrock24

Best of luck!

~Kontii Slie'phox

11-15-2007, 11:54 PM

11-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Who altered that and/or put the spikes on for you? I ask because I was told I had to have "spikes" in my show description when I got mine done. Wondering if that policy has changed or if that was just the whim at the time.

11-16-2007, 05:03 PM
I got my FGB spiked without a mention in the show. I've sense incorporated it into the show, but it wasn't an issue at the time.

Oh but hey.. there were a couple merchants who were working on putting spikes only on things that already had them in the description or show.

11-16-2007, 11:13 PM
I had this altered at Ebon's, although the spikes have been on it for probably 5-6 months. They aren't in the show; however, they are in the inspect.

You carefully inspect some black sigil-etched armor.

Your careful inspection of some black sigil-etched armor allows you to conclude that it is rigid leather armor that covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head. You also notice that it is spiked.

You determine that you could wear the armor around your chest.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

11-16-2007, 11:13 PM
Snakestone (I think? Khaladon's armorer, anyway) put spikes on my brig at the FWI festival and there are no spikes mentioned anywhere in the base or show. I dunno if they've changed policy on this since July, but it wasn't an issue at all for me then.

11-17-2007, 12:41 AM
Actually, the policy may have changed from Anfelt when I got the spikes put on mine. Good to know for future armor alterations though.