View Full Version : eahnor slab?

11-08-2007, 02:20 PM

11-08-2007, 02:52 PM
No eahnor slabs were released at EG. It wasn't in the randomizer.

The Ponzzz
11-08-2007, 02:53 PM
Uhh, yes it was. Three slabs are in Platinum... And I'm pretty sure one went out in Prime. Unless that was an error and it was caught fast...

11-08-2007, 02:59 PM
Wow, only one went out in Prime?

11-08-2007, 03:17 PM
I've got a couple vaalorn. You could just pretend. :)

The Ponzzz
11-08-2007, 03:21 PM
Wow, only one went out in Prime?

At least one, yes.

11-08-2007, 04:00 PM
This are snippets from the #EbonGate chat from Saturday and Sunday

As of Saturday, the second to last day, Varulv stated that no eahnor had gone out.

He did not include any eahnor in the final tallies he posted on the message boards.

He never came out and said, "No eahnor was released in prime", but I haven't heard of anyone pulling it and it wasn't listed in any tally. Who told you they pulled eahnor?

[14:32] Varulv: 21,896 slabs have gone out at a total of 372,232,000 silvers. Of those, 4392 were bronze.
[14:32] Lothwyn: Varulv cheats.
[14:32] Bill: gah
[14:32] Varulv: heh
[14:33] scrimsilver: wonder how many golverns went out.
[14:33] Bill: yea, there's a question!
[14:33] scrimsilver: nudge nudge
[14:33] Varulv: 10 so far.
[14:33] Bill: those are miserable odds.
[14:33] scrimsilver: geez
[14:33] Bill: :-p
[14:33] scrimsilver: yeah
[14:33] scrimsilver: god
[14:33] Delonkin: How many Eonake went out?
[14:33] scrimsilver: I saw three go out in the beginning though
[14:33] Savage: well look on the brightside at least they get to have a treasure bath...
[14:34] scrimsilver: 1 in 2,000
[14:34] scrimsilver: better than the lottery
[14:34] Bill: yea, like a Dragon cave
[14:34] Varulv: 50 eonake.
[14:34] Bill: ooh
[14:34] scrimsilver: goodbye expensive eonake prices.
[14:34] Bill: Varulv mauls the resale market on eonake.
[14:34] Varulv: that one hit the cap, tho, like I posted.
[14:34] scrimsilver: oh so it's done.
[14:34] Delonkin: That's not too bad, then.
[14:34] scrimsilver: yeah
[14:35] Becca: did eahnor go out?
[14:35] Bob: lot of rolaren ones?
[14:35] Becca: or was that a mistake in plat too?
[14:35] scrimsilver: yeah is there an eahnor?
[14:35] scrimsilver: or a coraseine or something? anything super special?
[14:35] Varulv: no eahnor went out
[14:35] Talesavo: was eahnor supposed to go out?
[14:35] scrimsilver: is there anything super rare inside?
[14:35] Varulv: coraesine cannot go out
[14:35] scrimsilver: like 1 in 20,000?
[14:35] Varulv: golvern is the rarest
[14:35] Bill: who the hell would be stupid enough to forge with coraesine?
[14:35] Savage: A coraseine was on the boards as going out as a mistake that was rectified but dunno how accurate that is
[14:35] scrimsilver: coraesine came out in plat I heard
[14:35] scrimsilver: as a bug or something
[14:35] Rox_: heard there was one in plat?
[14:35] Savage: yeah
[14:35] Varulv: yah
[14:35] Varulv: was a bug
[14:35] Rox_: ah
[14:36] scrimsilver: did you compensate the guy?
[14:36] Feholies: coraesine forging hammer
[14:36] Varulv: misnamed a drakar slab
[14:36] Feholies: alot of sore thumbs
[14:36] Rox_: how many rolaren so far?
[14:36] Savage: heckuva bug
[14:36] Rox_: heh
[14:36] scrimsilver: if I got coraesine, and you were like, sorry you lose
[14:36] scrimsilver: I'd be SO angry
[14:36] Bill: you need a super powered Faendryl to forge coraesine.
[14:36] sylph: eh
[14:36] sylph: it's plat
[14:36] Varulv: well, it was my error
[14:36] scrimsilver: I'd hate to be on the latter end of that conversation Var
[14:36] Savage: reminds me did tehy pull the Eahnor Estocs out of Blades?
[14:36] scrimsilver: man I'd be yelling so loud
[14:36] Savage: didnt see em
[14:36] Becca: you mixed up coraesine and drakar?
[14:37] Talesavo: simple mistake, they are similarly spelled
[14:37] Varulv: it was a math error
[14:37] Varulv: I have a list of number -> name
[14:37] Becca: you know, if you fix the alchemy luck talismans to help luck while forging
[14:37] Varulv: and put the wrong number
[14:37] Becca: I will forgive you for math errorring
[14:37] Lothwyn: Yes, the eahnor estocs was pulled before Prime's EG.
[14:37] Feholies: you don;t add up the ones that are left over, you cary them to the next place
[14:37] Savage: theres a role generator per dig I'm guessing and the listings are itemized by numbers... someone fat finger it?
[14:37] Rox_: grumble
[14:38] Savage: ahh we dont get cheap Eahnor eh
[14:38] Varulv: only a couple went out, I offered to swap them for a functional drakar slab or let them keep the coraesine as a souvenir. there's no way to make it work in the forges, tho.
[14:38] Becca: and Mario picked drakar???
[14:38] Becca: I am going to smack him
[14:38] scrimsilver: That's not so bad.
[14:38] Knotsin: yeah a souvinir slab, i would take it
[14:38] Cristalia: I'd keep the coraesine slab and use it for alters
[14:38] Feholies: wait a few years and sell it to a newb
[14:38] Knotsin: can we get a few here for souvinirs?
[14:39] scrimsilver: I would demand silver compensation
[14:39] scrimsilver: and probably yell a whole bunch. lol.
[14:39] Bob: youd get the old cant use it in alters thing probably
[14:39] Varulv: 17,000 silvers, the price of one slab. :)

Sunday morning:

[12:04] *** Varulv has joined #EbonGate.
[12:04] Tep: Blake! Quick! Tell me! Is there a math error preventing eahnor from popping out of the slabs?!
[12:05] Varulv: no
[12:05] Bill_Eorginian_Love_Slave: and that breastplate is sold
[12:05] Tep: Bleh and bleh
[12:05] Tep: I haven't seen eahnor pop y et.
[12:05] Lothwyn: you lose
[12:05] Tep: KILLING ME
[12:05] Tep: I don't want to dump 30 million in it for a slim chance
[12:05] Lothwyn: dump dump dump
[12:05] Tep: Bleh
[12:05] Lothwyn: Two hours left!
[12:05] Lothwyn: BUY EVERYTHING!
[12:05] Azaton: has any eahnor gone out?
[12:28] Varulv: tsk. guess that golvern will have to sit in the slab roulette for next year.
[12:29] Azaton: There is still 1 more golvern?
[12:29] Tep: Tell us what's still left in the slabber!
[12:29] Varulv: more than one
[12:30] Varulv: I can neither confirm nor deny the eahnor.
[12:31] Varulv: or rolaren.
[12:31] Tep: Much hate for you
[12:33] Varulv: 114 drakar, 144 rhimar
[12:33] Varulv: so far

[13:32] Bety: Any golvern left in there?
[13:32] Becca: Tep just pulled one
[13:32] SlabMasterTep: I pulled one last hour
[13:32] SlabMasterTep: so maybe
[13:32] scrimsilver: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG
[13:32] Bety: Very nice. Congrats
[13:33] Varulv: more than one golvern remain
[13:33] Becca: and eahnor?
[13:33] Azaton: there is no eahnor!
[13:33] Varulv: all I'm giving updates on is golvern
[13:34] SlabMasterTep: What I heard is that no eahnor had gone out yet.
[13:34] SlabMasterTep: I hadn't heard that there was no eahnor period.

[13:41] Varulv: golvern just went out.
[13:41] SlabMasterTep: Yeah
[13:41] Becca: quail is so small
[13:41] Varulv: (in Plat)
[13:43] Varulv: fwiw, my PC hasn't managed to get any golvern or eahnor either. :-p

[14:09] Varulv: 411.7M, final.

The Ponzzz
11-08-2007, 04:05 PM
I was told via tinychat, someone IMed me and asked how many eahnor went out in Plat. And I said 3, and they said, SHIT, only one in prime! I forget who. Someone in tinychat though...

And Myke, Daulken and someone else all managed to pull an eahnor. But on day one when the error happened.

As per the drakar, no I kept the 25lbs of coraesine just to keep in my locker. But I need V to fix it so it's not buggy.

11-08-2007, 05:04 PM
So why are they releasing golvern and not eahnor?