View Full Version : This is an example of the person suppose to be enforcing RP

12-06-2003, 04:16 PM
You see GameMaster Alyias Tinariand.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Halfling.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has piercing stormy grey eyes and ebon skin. He has waist length, fine silver hair worn in a single braid. He has an angular face, a sharp nose and dimpled cheeks.
He has a tattoo of the phrase, "There is no spoon.".
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some polished black leather boots, some black leather pants, a silver edged black leather belt, a billowing black silk shirt, a high collared black leather trenchcoat, some heavily tinted oval glasses, a GemStone IV pin, a persecuted halfling doll, a large bone key, a large sack, a large sack, a crystal amulet, a small black rose pin, and a neato watch.

12-06-2003, 04:21 PM
That's just sad. You could report it you know. I doubt it'll do any good but at least make a report.

12-06-2003, 04:22 PM
Dhe'nar halfling, eh? Riiiight.

12-06-2003, 04:23 PM
Supposedly if anyone issues a complaint about an item a Gm is wearing, they're required to remove it. Most of the stuff they have seems to be inside jokes. They're meant to enforce RP not demonstrate it, mind you. They are completely OOC entities in and of themselves.

12-06-2003, 04:44 PM
There is no GM.

12-06-2003, 04:53 PM
GMs are OOC by nature.

12-06-2003, 04:56 PM
I've seen that Dhe'nari Halfling around awhile now. And I commented with my Dhe'nari Cleric when I first saw him. It's unlikely to change, sadly.

Acolyte Kurili

12-06-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Considering that, as Artha pointed out, GM's are *completely* OOG to begin with, I see no reason for them to have to be IC. It would be different if that were a merchant character, or someone who is supposed to interact in an IC way, but for a GH or GM? It doesn't bother me personally.

I dont think GMs and GHs should enter the game in a OOC or OOG manner.

Everything in game should be IC.

If it cant be done IC then everything should be done in a consultation room.

12-06-2003, 06:46 PM
Tip: Set any string involving GameMaster/GameHost to transparent for the whole string...then if you need to assist, just take it out.

Dighn Darkbeam
12-06-2003, 07:14 PM
If Dighn ever saw that person he would be legally obligated to implode him with a disk full of plate armor. OOC or not.

12-06-2003, 07:18 PM
While I, too, would rather not see GMs or GHs poofing in and out of the game, it has been thus from the beginning. GMs have had, as part of their wardrobes, everything from fuzzy bunny slippers to wristwatches ever since I can remember. They are inherently OOG, and many of them are trying to inject a bit of humor into their costuming.

I would rather see all interactions with GHs or GMs done in a special consultation area. However, that has not been the case to date. Perhaps, with continued battering of feedback with complaints, that could be changed. Who knows?

HarmNone did not like this either

12-06-2003, 07:22 PM
All GM's should be human. And they should all wear one of the wardrobes given to new characters.

They are OOC entities. That doesn't mean they get to compound their OOC-ness to an infinite degree. There is no spoon? A Dhe'nar halfling? WTF. They should be trying to minimize their impact, not exacaberate it.

12-06-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
I dont think GMs and GHs should enter the game in a OOC or OOG manner.

Everything in game should be IC.

If it cant be done IC then everything should be done in a consultation room.

Heh. You are absolutely right. Everything in game SHOULD be IC. However, with the state of the game as it is, to think it will ever be so is a pipedream, I am afraid.

HarmNone would return if this could be a reality :)

12-06-2003, 11:38 PM
There's always Plat.




12-06-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
There's always Plat.




I agree with the snicker.

I have played Plat, in the three times I have played, almost a year.

It was more OOC than I see in Prime.

I will never play plat again because of Simu recreating Suroth and the flat out bull shit about monitoring and restricting character transfers and sales.

12-06-2003, 11:58 PM
Most assists seem to be done in the public. Many times, if the conversation isn't too OOC, and several people are experiencing the same problem, a lot of people benefit by the information shared. The time it takes out of your game is a few minutes and the service seems to be of value to the group. Most have the good sense to come in quietly, whisper, and move off quietly, which is a big change from earlier days.

GMs often do their referral work in a room out of the eye of the public, as I'm always seeing people disappear and reappear when they're done, and that's where they say they've been.

I for one love to look at the GMs, because I get a bit of insight about them and hopefully see a reflection of their humor. Their jobs seem to be fraught with a lot of negativity, why shouldn't they try to be amusing through their dress?

[Edited because apparently one drink is too much when you forget dinner.]

[Edited on 12-7-2003 by Caramia]

12-07-2003, 12:37 AM
I haven't liked what I've heard about the OOC-ness in Plat. I have a friend that played that was IMing me stuff about a shield being made at the Plat version of Anfelt, and it was all having to do with a certain GM (or rather, the person behind that GM) as a gift for the GM or something.

Yes, it's a tight-knit community, but GMs ARE OOC and I don't like how much they are recognized and integrated into plat. Which is why I don't play it, if the people who do play like it, that's good for them.


12-07-2003, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I haven't liked what I've heard about the OOC-ness in Plat. I have a friend that played that was IMing me stuff about a shield being made at the Plat version of Anfelt, and it was all having to do with a certain GM (or rather, the person behind that GM) as a gift for the GM or something.

Yes, it's a tight-knit community, but GMs ARE OOC and I don't like how much they are recognized and integrated into plat. Which is why I don't play it, if the people who do play like it, that's good for them.


Your talking about me again, Damnit!

-Adredrin :bouncy:

12-07-2003, 02:23 AM
You know it, babe.

Stay away from me with that fucking needle.


12-07-2003, 02:29 AM
I've seen Alyias..

I smirked when I read his description. Soroth didn't see a thing.

The Cat In The Hat
12-09-2003, 06:32 PM
There's a GM that has hello Kitty stuff too... I think it's rather funny. They're not supposed to be "in character"


12-10-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
There's a GM that has hello Kitty stuff too... I think it's rather funny. They're not supposed to be "in character"


It's shit like that that makes me want to just yell. I wouldn't though, nor do I find anything funny about it. I believe that they are supposed to be ic in as many respects as possible. If someone else wasn't, everyone would jump the gun and bitch.

The Cat In The Hat
12-10-2003, 02:05 AM
While that may be true they are not part of the roll play environment, I personally think that they need to be invisable when they come to answer an assist. Or something. if they could be invisable to everyone BUT the one that assisted that would be nice =) or maybe they should whisk you away. An assist isn't in character, why should a GM be?


*Edited to add

Go ahead and yell. :bouncy:

[Edited on 12-10-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-11-2003, 08:16 AM
GMs are, by definition, OOC. The rules of the game state you're supposed to stay IC. Whenever a GM shows up in the game, they're violating the rules, thus encouraging others to do the same.

While I have to admit enjoying the hell out of rare visits from Stump years ago, it still detracted from the roleplay.

There's no reason why a staff member would ever need to show up *visible* in any "live" part of the game.

If you have a bug that's making it hard for you to move or pass through a room or something, they could show up *invisible* and "send" you information, with you reporting up what the trouble is.

In fact, there's no reason why the coders can't add a target toggle for reports. So when a GM is communicating with you through sends, you can "report Kaladan" or "report Whatley" followed by the message, and that way the rest of the staff won't have to see odd reports from players who aren't talking to them.

When you're done with the issue, the GM you were talking to can simply turn the target toggle off, and that way HE won't be bothered by anyone who continues to send reports about something that's already dealt with.

I don't think there's any reason why people have to be able to see who they're talking to when dealing with a staff member. If you know who it is, and you're able to communicate, what's the diff? Since report is also an OOC mechanism, you could insert <grin> or <pout> or <whine> or <gripe> or <wink> to your sentence, and no one will think badly of it. The only people who will see it are you and the GM you're communicating with.

I realize GS isn't a roleplaying game. It's an adventure hack-n-slash with roleplaying allowed. But it doesn't benefit the players by making a complete mockery of any semblence of roleplay by having GMs poof in and out like they do.

12-11-2003, 04:14 PM
From what I hear, all Gm's see all sends AND reports, so it's not really beneficial to report TO a specific GM. Although in some cases, I'm sure a GM would disagree with me.

12-11-2003, 06:20 PM
GMs are, by definition, OOC. The rules of the game state you're supposed to stay IC. Whenever a GM shows up in the game, they're violating the rules, thus encouraging others to do the same.

Since GMs are OOC and generally work the game behind the scenes or through an NPC, then GMs in their GM persona are not a part of the game, and they are not violating any rules. That might be your opinion however, Roberta, which you're more than welcome to.

If GMs were IC and were being OOC in the game, then that would be violating policy. I do trust that if Simutronics wanted their GMs to be IC, they would be in dress, speech, and demeanor.

Anyone notice lately that Game Hosts are showing up quietly and whispering, so that their impact is minimal in game? Things have changed, so the old complaints have become sort of stale. And I believe as I said in a previous post, for those not paying attention, GMs spirit people away 9 times out of 10, also lessening their OOC impact on the game.

If a momentary disruption is going to derail your roleplay, that's unfortunate. I generally continue in their presence, ignoring them if they aren't there for me, or I wait for them to leave.

Yes, we all know that you prefer Inferno's method for handling OOC situations, but apparently Simutronics has it's reason for not following that model, as they certainly have the talent to create the area and code it.

In reporting bugs and such, I have found that many GMs do chose to fix it remotely or while invisible and whispering to me to try things. The only time they showed up and were in physical form was when I reported something odd about a shop during Ebon Gate and they were duplicating my actions.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Caramia]

12-11-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Caramia

Anyone notice lately that Game Hosts are showing up quietly and whispering, so that their impact is minimal in game? Things have changed, so the old complaints have become sort of stale. And I believe as I said in a previous post, for those not paying attention, GMs spirit people away 9 times out of 10, also lessening their OOC impact on the game.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Caramia]

again like so many posts from you, you are making things up. That is why no one pays attention to you.

First thing a host does is say outloud, I am blah blah how may i help you?.

12-11-2003, 07:30 PM
in game tonight maybe 4 minutes and see this. So yeah the hosts are whispering a lot now

Behind the rack and are startled to see all manner of precious gems, ora and mein jewelry, and sacks of coins piled on the floor. Tempted to help yourself, thinking a missing sack might go unnoticed, the narrow exit and the pawnbroker in the outer room make you reconsider.
Also here: GameHost Khana, Lord Aenir who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Aenir thoughtfully says, "Drakes, dragons..."
Aenir waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
>rub cry amul
Khana says, "Not exactly my area there."
You rub a crystal amulet.
You feel your mind open up to the world around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Aenir snaps his fingers.

Khana says, "Maybe they'll come back on a quest-type thing, who knows."
Aenir snickers.

Khana says, "I doubt they'll ever be romping around normally though."
Khana smiles.

Khana says, "There is eventual plans for all the cities..."

Khana says, "But they are very very eventual."
Khana chuckles.

Speaking thoughtfully in Sylvankind, Aenir says something you don't understand.

Khana says, "I think Ta'Faendryl might be next."
Aenir swoons.
Aenir gibbers incoherently.

Khana says, "But that's still eventually too."
Khana asks, "Did you have any other questions for me?"
Khana smiles.
Aenir thoughtfully says, "Nah...I won't keep ya anymore with my dementia."
Khana grins.

Khana exclaims, "Okay, good luck with the sheathe thing then!"
Khana waves.
Khana vanishes in a puff of smoke!

12-12-2003, 12:06 AM
I haven't made up anything. I didn't say each and every time, as you assumed and interpreted.

I said "Anyone notice lately that Game Hosts are showing up quietly and whispering, so that their impact is minimal in game?" That doesn't mean all of them, that doesn't mean everytime. That means it's a start, and I think a start is what everyone wanted.

Perhaps I should have clarified things for you by saying they've become a bit more considerate when popping into a room where there are a good many people, like at a merchant or other big event where it IS distracting.

If there are just one or two people in the room, and the room is more or less private, I don't think it's that big a deal for them to say hello aloud.

12-12-2003, 12:07 AM
As for no one believing me, I've been proven right here many more times than I've been proven wrong ;)

12-12-2003, 11:43 AM
Garr actually hasnt been around lately, and he missed his wedding.

12-12-2003, 12:05 PM
I think they should be one extreme or another. The whole middle ground thing should go.

Either do things in complete whispers/counsultation lounge...

Or come down with hello-kitty shields and large rubber penis hoop earings.

Either of these extremes would be acceptable to me.

I think what TOJ is asking for is some consistency.

I understand his beef.

12-12-2003, 02:31 PM
I always feel like they should keep things private between the person who called... unless of course there is another roleplayer involved. It just keeps things in perspective and prevents being blatantly OOC to have a consultation lounge also.

12-12-2003, 06:07 PM
I agree with the request for consistency, longshot. In all things GM-ly. Sometimes they have to use discretion, sure, but I think it happens now more often than it should.

On an off-topic note, Garr missed his wedding!??! Maybe he ran off with Echinacea and her bodice! Was it a GM wedding?
