View Full Version : Lil help please
12-06-2003, 04:13 PM
Could anyone here help me get my CS to its absolute maximum . . .
Ill post my stats and trains too but I have to have . .
4 armour use
41 shield and edged
and at least 5 trains in physical fitness.
He is 39 trains
armor = 4
shield =41
edged =41
phys fitness =8
spell aim =82
harness power =73
climb =11
ME =30
MS =20
SC =51
training points left =41 phys \ 2 mnt
As you can see . .
I have no Idea how to do this. .
I dont care about MIU or Scroll reading . .
I dont need demonology or Necro yet but will do some other time I guess .
So , help or advice on how to maximise my CS while keeping 430 and 120 would be nice . . . but ya might know better :smilegrin:
12-06-2003, 11:11 PM
Alright well your CS as a Sorcerer is based on a number of things. I'm not trying to be a jackass or assume you're stupid, but i'm going to cover all bases in case there's something you didn't know. Firstly your Aura and Wisdom bonus are a factor to your CS. While the formula isn't exact, it will get you close to your CS
Level *3 + (aura bonus+wisdom bonus/2) + Known spells in Sorcerer circle up to your current level + minor elemental spells known/3 (always round up, even when the decimal is .3) + minor spirit spells known/3 those are up to 2/3 your level. So if you're 60, you can have 40 minor spells before you start to get diminishing returns. You also start to only get .5 per Sorc rank over your level and eventually that gets lower after a poitn as well. Then add targetting bonus and you're set... so while that's confusing let me use my CS as an example.
81*3+(25+25/2) +81 +(41/3) + (54/3) + (20/9) + 25 = 409
409 is exactly correct.
Now as far as how to make your CS the highest for your level.... Max your Aura and Wisdom rolls. Having more than your level in Sorcerer spells is an option, however in the long wrong having minor elemental ranks is the best since your bonus to 425 is directly related to minor elemental spell ranks known. So if you're 39, I'd have 39 or 40 Sorcerer ranks, the 20 spirit ranks you have, and as many elemental ranks as you can have. The bonus to 425 and 430 caps at 74 ranks of elemental. At that point it's your choice as to whether you want to overtrain sorcerer circle a lot for diminishing returns to your CS or if you want to trian in spirit since it will help your DS. Personally at 100, I will have 100 Sorcerer spells, 74 Elemental and 126 spirit spells (fully trippled). It will give me a high CS and an excellent defense. That's probably all the information you wanted and more...
12-07-2003, 05:36 AM
Excellent . . thankyou for your advice, which I will use fully.
thanks also for replying. :D
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