View Full Version : Perfect Golvern Awl-Pike

11-01-2007, 05:58 PM
Just what it says, if you've got one of the slabs and want to work out something, drop me a line.


11-01-2007, 08:19 PM
My suggestion is to just get an awl-pike altered with some golvern on it and get it enchanted.

11-01-2007, 09:04 PM
Sorry Gordo... the likelihood of getting a 'perfect' while working golvern is really small. The costs would be counter productive. Most Forgers wont work on that basis simply because there are NO guarantees. While a 'superior' is extremely possible, a 'perfect' ... not so much. You pay for the weapon, and whatever quality pops out, thats what you're paying for. :(

PS: Anyone know what the RT's are working with Golvern?

11-01-2007, 10:22 PM
i think virlneus said it was a little shorter than vultite, i forget exactly.

and, for the uninitiated.

roughly 1/20% chance for a "best" blade/head piece (necesary for perfect)
roughly 1/20% chance for a "best" vise attempt

so, you have about a 1/20 chance of getting a superior, 1 in 400 for a perfect. Or something.

11-02-2007, 01:10 AM
How much Golvern would I need to have it altered?

11-02-2007, 01:45 AM
You'd need an idiot newbie GM (they're trained better these days) and not to get caught.

11-02-2007, 01:50 AM
I thought that if you took a weapon to a merchant that alters and you have the other metal on you that they can do that.

11-02-2007, 01:54 AM
i think virlneus said it was a little shorter than vultite, i forget exactly.

and, for the uninitiated.

roughly 1/20% chance for a "best" blade/head piece (necesary for perfect)
roughly 1/20% chance for a "best" vise attempt

so, you have about a 1/20 chance of getting a superior, 1 in 400 for a perfect. Or something.

At 6 pounds per pike, that's only 96 or so slabs...


11-02-2007, 01:55 AM
96 slabs.


11-02-2007, 01:56 AM
You'd need an idiot newbie GM (they're trained better these days) and not to get caught.

Note, he said some golvern on it, not construct it entirely from golvern.

You could get a golvern-edged blade or whatever. Wouldn't take much. Something as small as a ring for edging.

11-02-2007, 02:02 AM
FYI, you can get golvern in small amounts from some rogues if you want to use it in an alter

11-02-2007, 09:09 AM
I thought that if you took a weapon to a merchant that alters and you have the other metal on you that they can do that.
As already mentioned this is for the description, the GMs will not alter the base material to my knowledge, so it will always inspect as the original material.

When forging a perfect weapon does the hilt need to be made out of that material? Could someone create a perfect Golvern Awl-Pike blade... and then make maoral hilts until perfect and combine?

Edit: nevermind, mis-read... pefect "vise" attempt, not perfect "hilt" attempt.

Stanley Burrell
11-02-2007, 12:48 PM
Have these slabs remained mainly at hoarded status so far or does anyone know if somebody/anybody's forged a perfect weapon using one of the rarer slabs yet? Anyone gotten cracking yet? I think I'll wait until after the festival and go a little bit apeshit in the Forge, mebbe.

11-04-2007, 10:40 PM
>>My suggestion is to just get an awl-pike altered with some golvern on it and get it enchanted.

Advice seconded.

11-04-2007, 10:54 PM
Have these slabs remained mainly at hoarded status so far or does anyone know if somebody/anybody's forged a perfect weapon using one of the rarer slabs yet? Anyone gotten cracking yet? I think I'll wait until after the festival and go a little bit apeshit in the Forge, mebbe.

I had four golvern daggers made. None above elegant.

11-04-2007, 11:12 PM
As already mentioned this is for the description, the GMs will not alter the base material to my knowledge, so it will always inspect as the original material.

When forging a perfect weapon does the hilt need to be made out of that material? Could someone create a perfect Golvern Awl-Pike blade... and then make maoral hilts until perfect and combine?

Edit: nevermind, mis-read... pefect "vise" attempt, not perfect "hilt" attempt.

yes, just the blade has to be golvern. The hilt can be any material, the blade determines the properties.

Why you see so many maoral hilted running around.

I stocked up on Rowan blocks at the festival however :)

Stanley Burrell
11-05-2007, 07:14 AM
I had four golvern daggers made. None above elegant.

I think that there is a (small) modifier to either learning or best part completion based on the quality of the slab. I dunno how this would really tie into the new slabs though, but I am pretty darn certain that I remember a bonus to Ahas or Smiles (or both?) being mentioned with regard to slab quality. Maybe.