View Full Version : White Ora Slabs
10-29-2007, 04:42 PM
Any interest in a white ora slab?
MB 500,000
BO 2,000,000
Some Rogue
10-29-2007, 05:10 PM
LOL, I got one too and some tool was trying to buy it for 17k from me.
Well they do seem to be pretty common. Not 17k common though.
10-29-2007, 06:54 PM
I'm not entirely sure how the slab market is going to pan out. Playershop's lowest listing was 10 million this morning. I got appraisals at 1.5m to 2m.
I blew close to 5 million earlier today and hit a handful of the random flaring metals, white ora, vaalin and thats about it.
10-29-2007, 07:54 PM
If you want the cost of your slabs to go up, you need to encourage more people to buy forged weapons and hope that the gms make it worthwhile forging in magic metals other than for aesthetic reasons.
Otherwise, I don't think people will be willing to commission perfect weapons that cost over 5mil.
Anyway good luck on your sale.
10-29-2007, 08:10 PM
lets be honest.. White ora is purely for RP purposes. it's only uncommon, and the slabs are 2x, sancted in the hands of the clergy. I honestly don't know if the slabs imbue flares of any kind to their resultant weapons, but I doubt it. Its basically pretty ora.. and ora is available fairly cheap in the forges. I'm collecting white ora for the single purpose of a perfect white ora forging hammer as an RP issue only.
No-ones going to commission a perfect ora weapon when they can have one of the litterally hundreds of Iashas floating around that are 4x and flared.
Furthermore.. neither white ora slabs, nor the weapons that come from them can be 'unlocked' to 4x and have gobs of scripts. That was purely an aspect of Iashas weapons, and has no bearing in this situation. White ora gives a 2x weapon thats sancted... thats it.
Now.. who is going to pay a million+ silvers for that?
10-29-2007, 08:30 PM
I don't disagree that forging slabs are pretty blah on a whole. There seems to be a huge discrepancy between perceived and true value with a few of them.
For a lousy 100k silvers though, its more effort than its worth for me to find a buyer and move it than it is to simply throw it in a well and forget it existed.
10-29-2007, 11:58 PM
or you could give them to me like a few other folks have.. *whistle*
10-30-2007, 01:19 AM
Wow huge post about how they suck, and then you want it for free?
10-30-2007, 01:26 AM
Wow huge post about how they suck, and then you want it for free?
Yeah she's not a greedy bitch or anything.
10-30-2007, 01:27 AM
Yeesh, I dunno if I'd call her a "bitch" for that, i mean, its not like she said anything mean about anyone
10-30-2007, 01:33 AM
Yeesh, I dunno if I'd call her a "bitch" for that, i mean, its not like she said anything mean about anyone
I would put the emphasis more on greedy, but i'm happy with my statement. It's not like you have to be mean to someone to be a bitch, anyway.
10-30-2007, 02:46 AM
I'm not the person saying they gonna throw 'em in the well now was I?
Spite or otherwise... if they AREN'T going to help you, if you can't use them, and NO-ONE is going to pay the kind of prices you're hoping for.. why NOT give them to me... as its not like I'm going to sell them. I'm going to use em to make a perfect white ora forging hammer, purely for RP reasons.
now.. if I had said up front "yer a noob... gimme!"... THAT would make me a greedy bitch... but she's the one being silly... talking about throwing em in the well.
Hell, I wouldn't even WANT them if people hadn't driven me into forging for myself with their completely insane pricing. But They did... I do.. and I love forging.. so NYAH NYAH *rasppppppphthththth*
Besides.. I was being a wise-ass.. it was a kind of a joke... hence the *whistle*
10-30-2007, 03:56 AM
I'm not the person saying they gonna throw 'em in the well now was I?
now.. if I had said up front "yer a noob... gimme!"... THAT would make me a greedy bitch... but she's the one being silly... talking about throwing em in the well.
He wasn't being silly talking about throwing them in the well. He paid for them, he spent the time to get them... so he can pretty much do whatever he wants with them. Not giving them to you so you can make something for yourself doesn't make him silly.
If you want forging slabs, buy a ticket to EG and spend the money and time to get them yourself.
Besides.. I was being a wise-ass.. it was a kind of a joke... hence the *whistle*
And you say it was kind of a joke... but that's exactly the thing. You weren't joking, you sincerely want any slab someone will give you. You only *whistle* or *giggle* or whatever so when someone calls you on being greedy, you can say, oh well I WAS JUST JOKING?!?!?!
I'll say it again. You want slabs? Spend the fucking money like everyone else and go get them yourself. Don't ask for handouts after you knock the same exact slabs in the seller's auction.
10-30-2007, 04:48 AM
He wasn't being silly talking about throwing them in the well. He paid for them, he spent the time to get them... so he can pretty much do whatever he wants with them. Not giving them to you so you can make something for yourself doesn't make him silly.
Yeah... about that... I said 'silly', because 'spiteful asshole' seemed unnecessarily harsh, as well as possibly unwarranted. It might very well be that he actually believes he's going to get 3, 4, 5, or 8m silvers for one of them.. I really don't know WHAT he really believes. I just have a REALLY good idea of how the market is going to react when folks find out just HOW much of which slabs went out. At no point did I think HE was making a joke or otherwise being goofy.
If you want forging slabs, buy a ticket to EG and spend the money and time to get them yourself.
Um.. I did and I did... here's the deal on that. I spent a fair amount of my silvers at the slab maker.. sure. Heres the hitch. I watched dumbshits SO DESPERATE to corner the market on Golvern, Rolaren & Eonake slabs (as if they were going to be falling out of the godamn sky once you were done masturbating to the mental image of rolling around in all the silvers you were going to make... and I mean 'you' as in the people who behaved this way), that they spent LITERALLY tens of millions of silvers in their pursuit. So... your buying hundreds upon hundreds of slabs.. no-body has locker space for that kind of material.. so what did they DO? They threw ALL of it in the slab well.
With the help of some friends.. I managed to fill 6 lockers with slabs. Vultite, Imflass, Ora, Mithril, Invar, Gornar, Zorchair, Faenor, Rhimar, Vaalorn, Razern and Kelyn... it was ALL going in the well, because buyers only wanted the Eonake, the Rolaren, and the Golvern. But not just that.. they were in such a rush that they were throwing the raw ore they just bought into the well also! I kept count.. 63 chunks of ore I rescued from the well!! WTF??
Some people got it into their heads that white ora was 4x... others though that, while it was 2x, it could be 'unlocked'. Neither is the case. Its 2x and sancted... thats it.
So.. when I asked folks if they had slabs they didn't want, and they are looking at dropping 3 or 4 MORE million into the slab maker... yeah... handing off all that 'crap' suddenly sounds like a good idea. If they need something forged from any of it in the future.. they know I'm happy to do it. When they found out white ora wasn't super eonake, most folks didn't want IT either. I've made it clear, I'm not reselling the white ora.. its for my hammer I want to make.
And you say it was kind of a joke... but that's exactly the thing. You weren't joking, you sincerely want any slab someone will give you. You only *whistle* or *giggle* or whatever so when someone calls you on being greedy, you can say, oh well I WAS JUST JOKING?!?!?!
I'll say it again. You want slabs? Spend the fucking money like everyone else and go get them yourself. Don't ask for handouts after you knock the same exact slabs in the seller's auction.
Yeah.. it was KIND of a joke.. as in being a sarcastic wise-ass. Will I accept more slabs? You're god damn right I will. I love to forge, and this gives me plenty of material to work with for as far as I can conceive needing it. But I've got FAR less of white ora then I would like.. because I know JUST how screwed up the random event generator for successful parts in the forge can be. Ive gotten perfects from my very first blade, handle, and vise tries.. and like now, I'm on my 15th slab of Vultite and all I can get are superiors. Yeah... luck is fickle. so i stay the fuck away from DB and stick to the forge. I like to try and hedge my bets in he forge by having a lot in reserve should I need it.
Why should I pay for something that people really ARE throwing away, just because its not what they had in mind? Guess what? the white ora ISN'T what they had in mind.. its NOT the cash cow they're hoping for, and I would rather they give it to me and let me put it to good use rather then get all fucking pouty and toss it in the well.
And I'M the one who's a greedy bitch? I'm not the one who bought something I can't even use, in the hopes of making a profit I'll never see
10-30-2007, 10:29 AM
well...if you can enchant this white ore to 4x or 7x...what's to keep you from one day taking a superior (perfect, if you spent a fortune and were lucky) to brother Iasha for unlocking?
10-30-2007, 10:31 AM
Because you can't unlock white ora.. unlocking had nothing to do with white ora... it was Iasha's creation that you were unlocking. And you can't enchant white ora with a player character, only premium points or merchant service. And Iasha was Khaladon.. so it isn't likely anyones going to be coming back to unlock Iasha weapons
10-30-2007, 10:32 AM
well...if you can enchant this white ore to 4x or 7x...what's to keep you from one day taking a superior (perfect, if you spent a fortune and were lucky) to brother Iasha for unlocking?
If I'm not mistaken, Iasha died a grizzly death at Khaladon's departure.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong (as I usually am).
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-30-2007, 10:40 AM
Just for the record, the only reason I'm playing the random game with the ore is to find a golvern slab (for me). I'm just too cheap to let all the other raw material go to waste, so I keep running to my locker and filling em up.
Personally, when I start to forge I think it'll be great, having all that material. I saw someone just dropping everything except eonake, rolaren and golvern, like said above, which to me is nuts.
I've only found one kelyn too, which saddens me, cause I love kelyn.
10-30-2007, 11:21 AM
I put this slab up for sale for two reasons. 1) To see if I could recoup some coins I was blowing in my search for golvern, razern, eahnor and 2) to verify if slab price checks I was getting was off or not.
I make more silvers hunting in 15 minutes than I would get off the effort of trying to move a sales for a 100k slab. Combined with smelting the ore, my time is more valuable than that. Obviously, since no one is bidding, the slab isn't worth selling. What I do with it at this point isn't really anyone else's concern.
10-30-2007, 11:33 AM
I love kelyn.
Me too... I'd love me a Kelyn weapon... no idea what I'd want, but I sure would like one. Are there handaxe glyphs?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-30-2007, 12:58 PM
Me too... I'd love me a Kelyn weapon... no idea what I'd want, but I sure would like one. Are there handaxe glyphs?
Yep, there are. Rhys forged me a handaxe at last years ebons I think it was, and I got it enchanted up to 7x. One of my favorite weapons, and it's just "run of the mill" 7x blessable forged.
10-30-2007, 04:37 PM
are we certain that it can't be further enchanted, like rolaren or golvern slabs? after all, it's not like it has flares.
10-30-2007, 04:50 PM
Summertime's long, useless, greedy, cunttastic post
Let me make this super clear, so you can understand.
The smelter is there for ANYONE who chooses to use it. The slabs THEY receive with THEIR time and money is just that - THEIRS. If they choose to keep the good things they find, it doesn't make them greedy, like you seem to think. Who the fuck in this game doesn't care about silvers? There is shit wrong with spending silvers to make silvers. If they throw shit in the well by the smelter, then awesome, you can get your grubby little hands all over them. I personally was throwing everything from vultite on down and invar in there, and I had no issues with anyone wanting to take them. To me, it was not worth the locker space.
Let me make my real point though. You do NOT have some sort of innate right to whatever comes out of the smelter because you are a forger, or whatever you've been deluding yourself into thinking. You have ZERO right to Kitsun's slabs or anyone elses. If anyone else is stupid enough to give your greedy ass their leftovers, then that's their right and their issue. But don't you dare come off and act like you DESERVE everyone's unwanted slabs. Especially after you troll in Kitsun's thread just to devalue his slabs, and then greedily ask for handouts. That's a super cunt move, and you are a damn cunt.
Oh and, I know how you IM'd Kitsun and gave him permission to throw the slabs down the well, trying to be all buddybuddy with him so he'd just fork them over to you. That's even lower. You really are stretching the limits of the word conniving and greedy, aren't you? As if Kit would be DUMB enough to give you shit after you shit on his thread, and call him pouty.
Dumb bitch. :)
10-30-2007, 04:58 PM
are we certain that it can't be further enchanted, like rolaren or golvern slabs? after all, it's not like it has flares.
You can't enchant sancted items.. not eonake, and not white ora.
10-30-2007, 05:01 PM
are we certain that it can't be further enchanted, like rolaren or golvern slabs? after all, it's not like it has flares.
Well, the problem is with it being sanctified. Sanctified weapons can not be enchanted by player mages. Premium points, sure. NPC enchanters, maybe. But players get the big no.
10-30-2007, 05:10 PM
Let me make this super clear, so you can understand.
The smelter is there for ANYONE who chooses to use it. The slabs THEY receive with THEIR time and money is just that - THEIRS. If they choose to keep the good things they find, it doesn't make them greedy, like you seem to think. Who the fuck in this game doesn't care about silvers? There is shit wrong with spending silvers to make silvers. If they throw shit in the well by the smelter, then awesome, you can get your grubby little hands all over them. I personally was throwing everything from vultite on down and invar in there, and I had no issues with anyone wanting to take them. To me, it was not worth the locker space.
Let me make my real point though. You do NOT have some sort of innate right to whatever comes out of the smelter because you are a forger, or whatever you've been deluding yourself into thinking. You have ZERO right to Kitsun's slabs or anyone elses. If anyone else is stupid enough to give your greedy ass their leftovers, then that's their right and their issue. But don't you dare come off and act like you DESERVE everyone's unwanted slabs. Especially after you troll in Kitsun's thread just to devalue his slabs, and then greedily ask for handouts. That's a super cunt move, and you are a damn cunt.
Oh and, I know how you IM'd Kitsun and gave him permission to throw the slabs down the well, trying to be all buddybuddy with him so he'd just fork them over to you. That's even lower. You really are stretching the limits of the word conniving and greedy, aren't you? As if Kit would be DUMB enough to give you shit after you shit on his thread, and call him pouty.
Dumb bitch. :)
1) was never about any 'innate right' to anything... I don't know where you're flatulent brain got that idea.. or why your clinging to it like a poodle with an old sock.
2) you seem to enjoy repeating virtually everying I say, ignoring it was my point to begin with.
3) Kitsun doesn't need my permission for jack shit, and I seriously doubt he wants it, OR requires your protection. I was apologizing for his thread turning into the 'diethx has a wild hair up his ass and feels the need to vent in an obtuse and largely misdirected fashion" thread.
My point was plain and simple.. if it doesn't sell.. I would like to use it... how that turned into your crusade against me corrupting his ability to think for himself, I'll hopefully never know.
Oh... and in keeping with the apparent theme of our conversation...
go fuck yourself twice... just in case you can't get THAT right the first time either.
10-30-2007, 05:12 PM
3) Kitsun doesn't need my permission for jack shit, and I seriously doubt he wants it, OR requires your protection. I was apologizing for his thread turning into the 'diethx has a wild hair up his ass and feels the need to vent in an obtuse and largely misdirected fashion" thread.
You should have been apologizing for being a greedy, trolling bitch. Face it, you shoved your foot in your mouth. Don't try and pretend you didn't say what you did, and you didn't mean what you did. That just makes you look even more stupid.
Dumb bitch :)
10-30-2007, 05:18 PM
Seriously, you two should just make out... maybe take a shower together. Just throwing that out there.
Highly entertaining.
That being said, please give me all your silver. I will argue that I do in fact deserve it more than you do. For one, I'm smarter... People like me, and I am in fact a scholar.
10-30-2007, 05:19 PM
Seriously, you two should just make out... maybe take a shower together. Just throwing that out there.
I'd sooner stab myself in the neck with something sharp.
Or maybe I should stab you in the neck with something sharp for suggesting such a vile situation :P
10-30-2007, 05:22 PM
Your internet snarkiness knows no bounds sir I am duly mollified and fear for my safety... Verily.
I made it a point to use 'verily' in my 100th post... I hope it is well received. For two hundred I am considering forsooth, apropos, and schadenfreude
10-30-2007, 05:30 PM
I bid 105k!
10-30-2007, 05:37 PM
Your internet snarkiness knows no bounds sir I am duly mollified and fear for my safety... Verily.
I made it a point to use 'verily' in my 100th post... I hope it is well received. For two hundred I am considering forsooth, apropos, and schadenfreude
10-30-2007, 06:01 PM
lets be honest.. White ora is purely for RP purposes. it's only uncommon, and the slabs are 2x, sancted in the hands of the clergy. I honestly don't know if the slabs imbue flares of any kind to their resultant weapons, but I doubt it. Its basically pretty ora.. and ora is available fairly cheap in the forges. I'm collecting white ora for the single purpose of a perfect white ora forging hammer as an RP issue only.
No-ones going to commission a perfect ora weapon when they can have one of the litterally hundreds of Iashas floating around that are 4x and flared.
Furthermore.. neither white ora slabs, nor the weapons that come from them can be 'unlocked' to 4x and have gobs of scripts. That was purely an aspect of Iashas weapons, and has no bearing in this situation. White ora gives a 2x weapon thats sancted... thats it.
Now.. who is going to pay a million+ silvers for that?
Just thought I would quote this... Summertime I understand where you are coming from in that yes if you're going to use it it's better than it being thrown in the well, but you certainly did come into this thread and attempt to devalue Kit's item (which was just a fishing expedition to see if it's even worth marketting). I think it's great that you're fishing out the tossed slabs, which inturn will bring the materials into the market as usable items (with luck) and potentially bring down the price of forged weapons, but in nearly every post about forging/forged items you attempt to really devalue them and then make requests to purchase/receive items at cost of their mechanical value without regard to "demand/rarity" value.
And Diethx is a chick... I've made the mistake of calling her a him.
10-30-2007, 06:17 PM
And Diethx is a chick... I've made the mistake of calling her a him.
You say that like I bit your head off for doing so! :P
Nah it happens, I have a manly handle I guess.
10-30-2007, 07:21 PM
Nah it happens, I have a manly handle I guess.
I would suggest upping your estrogen supplements.. *runs and hides*
10-30-2007, 07:49 PM
I would suggest upping your estrogen supplements.. *runs and hides*
I would suggest being less of a greedy, cunttastic bitch. *doesn't run and hide, because i'm not a pussy*
10-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Just thought I would quote this... Summertime I understand where you are coming from in that yes if you're going to use it it's better than it being thrown in the well, but you certainly did come into this thread and attempt to devalue Kit's item (which was just a fishing expedition to see if it's even worth marketting). I think it's great that you're fishing out the tossed slabs, which inturn will bring the materials into the market as usable items (with luck) and potentially bring down the price of forged weapons, but in nearly every post about forging/forged items you attempt to really devalue them and then make requests to purchase/receive items at cost of their mechanical value without regard to "demand/rarity" value.
And Diethx is a chick... I've made the mistake of calling her a him.
x2 on the angle.
I don't think Summ ran into a huge wtf with me til the second post in this thread. People often discuss the relative worth of items in auction threads. What the hell though? For free? When garrots first came out (before garroting was released), they sold them on the spitfire and nobody knew what they were. When the system went live, they went for millions.
Obviously, if a person has an item, they know they can sit on it, well it, or give it away, so it's not going to be perceived well to give them those (self-explanatory) options. Duh.
Stanley Burrell
10-30-2007, 10:29 PM
Even though I want to speak out against white ora slabs in hope of somehow making an effort to bring down their market value for my own purposes..:
Forging a sancted +6% DF (and extra AvD for those hell-bent on minute AS differences) weapon = fucking awesome.
And you definitely can get sancted weapons flared if the price is right, of course, just throw a bit of 1608 and you've got your "unlocked" Iasha plasma.
Ultimately, perfect forging a sanctified slab into an already high DF weapon, hooking it up with weighting, and placing it in the hands of the properly trained cleric could rock so hard it makes my head spin like the first time I played Starfox.
I kind of hope if ever there is a mining/smelting venture for Artisan skills, that maybe 0x silver slabs could drop, but that they would be sancted. I always sort of thought of silver as being sancted against undead. Very few weapons inspect as it (silver) though. Too bad you can't forge clouded box slabs.
Anyway, they are worth nothing to negative, so put them up for reeeal cheap in your player shop, but shout me a holler first, aite? :spin:
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