View Full Version : Bag of Random Crap from Woot

10-25-2007, 09:53 PM
Have anyone else here ever managed to snag one of these mystery bags from Woot? I just got one today by sheer luck and it appears to be the bees knees to all the people who post there, but I'm not expecting much. Anything else usually worth it from Woot or is it basically just a wal-mart clearance outlet?

10-25-2007, 11:26 PM
I've, to date, gotten two "bag of craps" and FAILED at least six times. Hate that their server crashes before you can buy!

First one was a goofy pink hello kitty backpack (just a severed kitty head you put stuff in) with a talking bottle opener, some wireless headphones and a fucked up little frog statue thing that beeps when water gets near it.

Second one was a rather decent leather laptop bag with a USB missile launcher (uses a camera and you target it from your PC to fire 4 nerf arrows) a cute little monkey keychain and a box of earplugs...

Friend of mine got a little 20" LCD flatscreen (not sure what else or what bag it came in)... and one of my coworkers claims he got an actual laptop, but I'm pretty sure he was bullshitting

I've heard tale of people getting 72 inch big screen TVs, but that could just be BS as well.

10-26-2007, 12:40 AM

Stanley Burrell
10-26-2007, 12:44 AM
Someone got me a toy monkey wearing a little leather pilot's helmet on Woot.
You fling it across the room by grappling its arms between two fingers (it has a long elastic cord between the two that peeks out) and, when it flies into objects, it shrieks and howls when it bangs into stuff.

Its cape says woot! And in finer print, reads below as "One day, one deal - woot.com"

I am imagining if there was ever an object that needed to be placed on clearance immediately, it would be my monkey. That sentence sounded a bit weird.

10-26-2007, 01:09 AM
Someone got me a toy monkey wearing a little leather pilot's helmet on Woot.
You fling it across the room by grappling its arms between two fingers (it has a long elastic cord between the two that peeks out) and, when it flies into objects, it shrieks and howls when it bangs into stuff.

Its cape says woot! And in finer print, reads below as "One day, one deal - woot.com"

I am imagining if there was ever an object that needed to be placed on clearance immediately, it would be my monkey. That sentence sounded a bit weird.

Those monkeys actually first got released at the end of a woot off, and were such a smash hit they actually ended up on ebay for several hundred dollars IIRC... if you have one of each color (I believe there are four colors right now) it is said you can control the universe.

Stanley Burrell
10-26-2007, 01:21 AM
Those monkeys actually first got released at the end of a woot off, and were such a smash hit they actually ended up on ebay for several hundred dollars IIRC... if you have one of each color (I believe there are four colors right now) it is said you can control the universe.

For some reason, this is actually (and sadly) true, it seems.

I'm'a bring my monkey on the Antique Roadshow. What's that you've got there? A Ming vase? HAH! Eat monkey, heathen artificers.

My God, that'd be sexy.

10-26-2007, 01:34 AM
HEADLINE: "$2.99 (+$5 shipping) screaming howler woot monkey destroys $7,000,000,000,000 ceremonial urn containing the ashes of BUDDHA HIMSELF!"

Ahem... you may now return to your regularly scheduled viewing.

10-26-2007, 05:34 PM
Heh, if I get a LeakFrog, USB Missile Launcher, or a Woot monkey, I'll consider it an $8 well spent. Although a 20" LCD or a DVD player would be nice too. But I bet it will be a box of recycled floppy disks, a set of junky headphones, and a rubber stamp. I'll post whatever it is when it gets here.

I think I'm addicted to Woot now too goddamnit, so I'll probably get one of those probably spyware infested woot monitoring programs.

10-26-2007, 06:55 PM
V. To paraphrase Stephen Stills, shalt thou not get the crap you want, want the crap you get.


10-26-2007, 07:26 PM

I think I'm addicted to Woot now too goddamnit, so I'll probably get one of those probably spyware infested woot monitoring programs.

Addicted... do you have three browsers opened at midnight each to night so you can see the latest woot.com, shirt.woot.com and sellout.woot.com as quickly as humanly possible? Do you debate calling in sick on woot-off day? Do you put on a screaming monkey t-shirt and jump into bed going "WOOOOOOOOT!" after you have just wooted?

I'm not addicted...

Leakfrog? Is that what it's called? Never understood what it was even good for until my mother's basement flooded... which is where it lives now (much the conversation piece for anyone who goes into the basement)

"Why is there a small cylindrical frog sitting the center of your basement?"
"My son put him there because thats where the water starts collecting when it floods"

10-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Shit...I didn't even know about sellout.woot.com! Now I'll have to go there too!

Oh, and apparently one of the BOCs in August some people scored fucking Nintendo Wiis. I could definately go for one of those.

10-26-2007, 10:53 PM
Shit...I didn't even know about sellout.woot.com! Now I'll have to go there too!

Oh, and apparently one of the BOCs in August some people scored fucking Nintendo Wiis. I could definately go for one of those.

For your lack of dedication to "Teh Woot" you will receive a box of placebo sugar bills, a nasty dose of the where-did-it-all-go-wrongsies and six (count them, SIX) severed goat hooves, all in a mighty morphin' power ranger's plastic lunchbox (pink ranger edition)


11-07-2007, 06:10 PM
Got my BOC today:

1 Red Snakdaddy Wing Tray
1 Red Backpack
2 Ipod Mini Iguy
3 Logitech Easyfit connectors
1 LED keychain

Eh...worth the 8 bucks just about.

I shot a (really dark) video and posted it to youtube of the unsealing because I'm a total nerd.


Sean of the Thread
11-07-2007, 06:22 PM

I want a bag of crap now.

11-16-2007, 06:20 PM
2 for 2 on Bags of Random Crap! I just scored another one!

11-16-2007, 07:32 PM
bad flashes of amunet mystery boxes.

btw monkeys are awesome.

stan :aww:

Stanley Burrell
11-17-2007, 04:31 PM
bad flashes of amunet mystery boxes.

btw monkeys are awesome.

stan :aww:

::FLUSTER:: Emoticon.

And now, google image results of marmosets:




Stanley Burrell
11-17-2007, 04:32 PM
Evil Closet Monkey. As a ridiculously manly buffer medium. Because even if I post fluffy marmosets, I is hardcore yo:


05-09-2008, 08:37 PM
Reviving this long dead thread to state I finally got in on my first Bag of Crap offering today.

Just managed to get lucky this time I guess instead of the usual server too busy or sold out messages.

Now it just sucks that I have to wait for it. I hate waiting.

Stanley Burrell
05-09-2008, 10:42 PM
This thread reminds me to play with my monkey.

05-23-2008, 08:30 PM
My Bag of Crap finally arrived today. I think I made out alright for my 3 dollars:

My contents are as follows:
Limited Edition Woot Beer Bucket 179/2000
3 each Lite Up USB-USB Cables
2 each GE Weather Stations
3 each Black & Decker USB Power Adapters
1 each Random White Earbuds


05-23-2008, 10:05 PM
Woot beer bucket? Awesome! That beats my light up fake spidermen I got in my last BOC hands down.

I can't wait until I actually get another BOC.

05-24-2008, 08:43 PM
Woot beer bucket? Awesome! That beats my light up fake spidermen I got in my last BOC hands down.

I can't wait until I actually get another BOC.

Yeah the Beer Bucket is a pretty nice score. It's got the big Bag of Crap question mark on one side and the woot name on the other. The numbering tag is on the bottom. It's your typical galvanized steel bucket with a handle and all.

However, there was a VERY nice score this time around.

For a dollar, you pretty much can't go wrong with a Bag of Crap anyways, but this guy definately came out okay.

He posted a picture where he got his bucket, some wierd random old book, a Blackberry and a letter on Woot stationary saying his third item wouldn't fit in the box and was shipping seperately.


Dude is lucky as hell.

Stanley Burrell
05-24-2008, 08:52 PM

05-25-2008, 09:16 AM
They've done amazing things like that just about once every four or so BOCs. Back a year or so ago they put Nintendo Wiis in about 100 of the BOCs and made a ton of people permanent addicts (to the point that they've developed BOC purchasing applets that theoretically give you a better chance at the BOC than with normal methods [which is a bunch of crap as I was able to get stuff without too much effort just refreshing the page]).

I honestly am happy with whatever I get because of the amusement of it being totally random. Although, one guy also got that note of the item being too heavy to fit and it ended up being a crate of 100000 galvanized machine screws. I would have been pissed to get that, just because of the annoyance of getting rid of it.

War Angel
05-25-2008, 09:42 AM
So ... when do the BOC usually list? Does the Woot of the day change during the day? When's the best time to watch for it?

05-25-2008, 12:48 PM
Woot sells 1 single item each day until either it sells out, or tomorrow rolls around.

Every now and then they do what they call a woot-off. That means as soon as they sell an item out, a new one comes up. There may be 10 of an item and they sell out in seconds and move to the next. Or there may be 10,000 of an item and it takes hours to sell out.

During a wootoff there will usually be 1 or sometimes 2 bags of crap offered up and they usually do sell out in seconds. That's the best time to try and score one. I think they do sometimes sell the Bag of Crap as a regular item but unless you stay up for the item reset, which I think is at 1am Mountain time, you aren't going to get it.

The wootoffs seem to happen about once every couple months. You can tell if one is going on because there will be flashing lights and a progress bar underneath the item for sale.

War Angel
05-25-2008, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the info grenthor. :)

05-25-2008, 01:46 PM
I'd be so excited if I got 100000 screws in the mail.

05-25-2008, 02:17 PM
So this random bag of crap just happens every once and awhile? Today it looks like it was a computer for 299.00. I still don't get this. I am going to look into it more starting.......now

05-25-2008, 03:29 PM
I love Woot. 5x optical zoom 12 MP digital camera with a host of options for $99.99? Hellz yeah. I have yet to get a Banjo of Consternation, though. ;_; I am the captain of the failboat, I am afraid.

05-25-2008, 04:10 PM
I'll make sure to post here the next time a woot off rolls around.

I will warn you, it will pay to have made an account and everything now for the woot-offs that happen later, so if you think you want a BOC, make an account today. When we say sells out in seconds...it is literally accurate. 5-10 seconds tops...and don't use Firefox for it. For some reason my Firefox quit working after several hundred refreshes during a woot-off, but IE kept cranking regardless.

Another good (well...I guess good) thing about woot is 5$ shipping regardless of the weight of the item. So, if you buy a Dyson or something heavy, it will still only cost 5$ to ship.

I will say that a lot of stuff there is Refurbished and is buyer beware. I snagged a pressure washer that was refurbished and it worked for about five seconds before dying. I'm still trying to find someone locally who works on small engines to see if they can fix it.

Stanley Burrell
05-25-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm only wearing a pair of boxers, with a dangerously exposing penii slit, so, naturally, I'll probably have to go fling my woot! Monkey into things before I shower for dinner.

I mean, c'mon.

06-19-2008, 01:07 AM
As promised, a woot off is going on right now at www.woot.com

Get your caffeine pills ready and your overdraft protection (especially if you were a fucking moron like me and spent $1400 on Ebay to take advantage of the crazy deals yesterday). There may be a BOC in this one, there might not, it could be sold at any point.

06-19-2008, 03:44 AM
As promised, a woot off is going on right now at www.woot.com (http://www.woot.com)

Get your caffeine pills ready and your overdraft protection (especially if you were a fucking moron like me and spent $1400 on Ebay to take advantage of the crazy deals yesterday). There may be a BOC in this one, there might not, it could be sold at any point.

Grrrr...why couldn't this have gone on yesterday when I had a day off hah. Cats just woke me up and I checked before I was gonna head to bed and now I may just have to sit up a bit heh.

:heart: the woot off.

Stanley Burrell
06-19-2008, 05:39 AM
This is like waiting outside on a rainy day wearing a bright yellow pancho for Zelda on the Nintendo 64.

Stanley Burrell
06-19-2008, 05:48 AM
I am really not certain what I was trying to get at with that analogy, but, like all things, I referenced Zelda, so I should get e-points for that. Somehow.

06-19-2008, 10:49 PM
I admit, I bought 2 sets of the Reservoir Dogs shot glasses. lol

06-19-2008, 10:51 PM
I would have bought those if I had seen them, nothing else has really caught my eye except the RC jet, but I just bought a RC plane on ThingFling.

06-19-2008, 10:52 PM
Woot-off is still going, the bag of crap hasn't gone on sale yet if there is one for this woot-off. Now it's stuck on a shitty digital picture frame if anyone is interested.

06-20-2008, 07:13 PM
While back i told my Mom about woot. She has been watching the wootoff. She bought an air purifier.

I did not get a bag of crap but my freaking Mom did dammit.

Stanley Burrell
06-20-2008, 09:08 PM
While back i told my Mom about woot. She has been watching the wootoff. She bought an air purifier.

I did not get a bag of crap but my freaking Mom did dammit.

That is the most depressing thing I have ever read in my entire life.

06-20-2008, 09:19 PM
I got a random bag today..wooot! I'll let you guys know when I get it.


Stanley Burrell
06-20-2008, 09:23 PM
This is like, when you bought a pack of Legends after Mirage was just released.

I love that new card smell. Good job, Angela. I feel bad for that one guy who's mom got a woot! thing but he didn't. That's like when my mom beat my Tetris score. Omg.

06-20-2008, 09:24 PM
I've been watching most of the day today, and I just happened to click in and boom, the bag was there...I got one, then told my friend who got nothing but server errors..I got lucky!

We'll see what crap I get..lol

06-20-2008, 09:31 PM
Ended up getting the 37" Vizio LCDHDTV last night. Love Woot :)

06-20-2008, 09:35 PM
The 37" Vizio is probably my least favorite television ever, next to any Olevia. I'm so sorry.

So I looked it up. Apparently it was refurbished for $580. That's the 2007 model, too. You kind of got fucked, tbh.

06-20-2008, 09:42 PM
The 37" Vizio is probably my least favorite television ever, next to any Olevia. I'm so sorry.

So I looked it up. Apparently it was refurbished for $580. That's the 2007 model, too. You kind of got fucked, tbh.

Meh... life goes on.

06-20-2008, 09:44 PM
Not sure why the hate for Vizio. They get really high reviews and usually are the best low priced flat panels out there. It was a dam good deal. I've been saying all day that if I had been watching when that came up I would have bought one.

06-20-2008, 09:53 PM
They look like shit. I don't know who's giving them high reviews, but it's definitely not someone who is watching the Vizio next to a Samsung.

I'll definitely agree that they're the best of the cheap shit, though. They're not inherently bad televisions (the 37" model looks worse than the others though, for some reason), but they're so bad comparatively.

But again, it's an old TV and it's refurbished, that's just retarded.

07-29-2008, 01:13 AM
Another Woot Off right now, get yer no doz on

07-30-2008, 08:34 PM
So this was a very odd, disturbing and random item to pop up on the wootoff. the writeup is pretty funny too.


02-19-2009, 06:13 PM
Currently wooting off.

02-19-2009, 06:19 PM
I keep waiting for stupid cheap booklights. I barely missed them the other day. :(

02-19-2009, 06:33 PM
bag of crap is up, but woot's servers are about to explode

02-19-2009, 06:34 PM
Totally missed it.

02-19-2009, 06:35 PM
"Human Touch Blue Personal Hand Massager"

I did get a nice 12 Megapixel camera once though.

02-19-2009, 06:41 PM
Totally missed it.

I started trying as soon as it showed up and I never even got to the IWantOne page.

02-19-2009, 06:44 PM
OMFG LOL! I read woot.com just for the descriptions sometimes. Like this one:

Dear Woot,
I read your site all the time, but I never thought anything like this would happen to me! I was just sitting in a diner, waiting for my onion rings, when the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen sat down next to me. I said hello, and she waved her cigarette in response. Then she looked me up and down. I didn’t even know what to say!

After a few seconds, she leaned in real close and asked me if I had five bucks. When I said yes, she asked me if I wanted to go in the back and give her a pearl necklace. Thankfully, I was carrying a Hikari 17.5” Japanese Cultured “Akoya” Salt Water Pearl Necklace that I’d found at your site! Who says it’s a waste of time to check it out every day?

The lady seemed really sophisticated, so I knew she’d enjoy the AA Quality Class Japanese Cultured Akoya Saltwater Pearls. And I was certain that the white pearls with rose overtones and mostly pink body color were going to look really great on her. She asked if I had protection and I was able say yes because of the well designed Silk Thread that had knots between each pearl, protecting them in case of an accident. I couldn’t believe it was working out so well! I gave her five bucks and we went to the back of the diner.

Once we got to the booth, I handed her the Hikari 17.5” Japanese Cultured “Akoya” Salt Water Pearl Necklace and she was so surprised. I guess that’s because she wasn’t expecting a necklace with a 14 Karat White Gold Fish Hook Filigree Clasp. She tried to tell me I misunderstood her meaning, but I wasn’t hearing any of that nonsense. I’m a man of the world, after all! I read woot.com every day! I’m hep to the score!

I have to say, those moments in the diner were something I’ll always remember. I don’t know if it will ever happen again, but a fella can always dream, can’t he? Rest assured, I’m buying another Hikari 17.5” Japanese Cultured “Akoya” Salt Water Pearl Necklace just in case. And maybe next time… I’ll need two together!

Oyster Lover

02-19-2009, 06:45 PM
How 'bout that guy a year-or-so back that got a bag of crap with (I don't remember the details exactly) Panasonic's first 100 or 120" plasma TV inside?

That must make the reciever flip the hell out.

05-15-2009, 08:12 PM
Sweet. Scored a Bag of Crap today. Now just have to wait for craptastic smartpost shipping to get it here.