View Full Version : Ebon Gate 07: Quests and Puzzles

10-25-2007, 08:28 PM
This thread will serve as a location to ask questions about the quests and puzzles relating to Ebon Gate 07. I will post information as to both topics as I come across it.

Here is the information already on the PC concerning the maps used to locate merchants on the festival grounds: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=27549

See also the thread concerning noteworthy items: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=28027

10-25-2007, 08:33 PM
Quick note on the map. After you turn in all your gems you have to wait roughly 24 HOURS before receiving the orb. So, if you put it off to the last minute like I did, make sure you take care of it tonight.

10-25-2007, 08:36 PM
Here are the scripts I have seen listed on the officials for the map:

>read my map
Moving your map around, you attempt to read the small words. A faint shimmering overcomes the vellum then fades.

>gaze my map
You notice that a spot on your map is pulsing, but it quickly fades.

>roll my map
You roll your map into a tight tube and slip a slender piece of rawhide around it.

>unwrap my map
You slips the piece of rawhide binding your map off and unroll it for easy reading.

>wave my map
Certain that you know where you are going, you wave your map and point to a spot on it for emphasis.

>peer my map
You peer intently at your map and try to decide where to go.

10-25-2007, 11:06 PM
>unwrap my map
You slips the piece of rawhide binding your map off and unroll it for easy reading.

If you haven't bugged it already, there's an extra "s" on slip there...

10-25-2007, 11:35 PM
It was bugged in the post I pulled that messaging from.

10-26-2007, 12:49 AM
Compliments of the Officials. Last year I accidently posted a link to people's private chat on the boards. I think in this instance I am safe.

There is an IRC chatroom channel set up for Ebon Gate on irc.resequenced.net, channel #EbonGate. You can use your favorite IRC client or you can use the CGI client at http://www.resequenced.net/gs4/irc/. Personally, I recommend using a client, but the website is there if you don't want to install any software.

-Andy, Divid's
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10-26-2007, 08:40 AM
More information on the chat, this time from Naos. I am glad this is being semi-official. Takes a lot of pressure of people to find the "real" chat.

I will be hosting an unofficial chat room for this year's Ebon Gate event on my IRC server as I have in the past.

I will simply ask that anyone who decides to participate be mindful of their words and actions, and treat any others with the respect and courtesy they would expect.

The channel will be set as moderated (unable to speak) until roughly an hour or so before the festival opens on Friday evening.

The channel will also be set to disallow nickname changes while in the channel (the server will tell you that you cannot change your nickname while banned on the channel; this is normal) unless you connect via the web client and have a GemStoner nickname provided as a default. This is an attempt to keep a modicum of sanity while chatting. Please select a nickname and stick with it. If you really need to change it, you can /PART the channel and /JOIN to return once you've changed your nickname.


A web-based client is available for use at http://www.resequenced.net/gs4/irc/ and is set up to default to the #EbonGate channel. This client is notoriously dodgey, so don't be surprised if it is entirely unreliable.

My suggestion is to use a dedicated IRC client to access the server and channel. Windows users has mIRC (http://www.mirc.com/) as an option, while Mac OS X and Linux users have X-Chat (http://www.xchat.org/) available. Users of the Firefox (and other Mozilla-based) web browser also have the option of using ChatZilla! (http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/), which is an IRC client plugin for the browser. Some instant messaging applications (such as Trillian) also offer the option of connecting to IRC networks.

The necessary information for connecting via a stand-alone client is as follows:

Server: irc.resequenced.net
Port: 6667
Channel: #EbonGate

Most IRC clients handle connections using the /SERVER command (i.e. /server irc.resequenced.net 6667) and allow you to join channels using the /JOIN command. (i.e. /join #ebongate)

Use the /NICK command to select a nickname for yourself before joining the channel. (Most people use either their character name, or their real name.)


10-26-2007, 08:43 AM
Nothing beat As' Ebon's Chat rooms. It was actually worth going to the event just for that reason alone.

10-26-2007, 01:54 PM
Seriously. Asmodea had the best chat rooms.
