12-05-2003, 06:47 AM
In a heretofore unheard of rash of liberalist sentimentality, the town governments have made a few changes to the justice system. Dirty, rotten criminals will now have a higher likelihood of the judge sentencing them to incarceration instead of fines, and they'll have a longer time to retrieve their confiscated items from the constable's desk. Additionally, victims of these heinous malefactors will be able to drop the charges against the fiend from anywhere, even if their body still lies cold and lifeless from a heartless murder. (Using ACCUSE [person] DISMISS.) The judge noted, however, "They better hurry if they want to show mercy on the one that wronged them. Once my gavel hits the bench, I'm not changin' my ruling!"

To balance the liberalist side, a few harsher laws were also imposed. Harmful spells that were previously acceptable to be cast in town are now not. The constable's reach has also increased, and any dangerous activity is best done far from the city gate. Local law officials can be seen wandering far and wide, from right outside the town gate to the back of the boutique! Anonymous sources state that the lawmen are fervent that this is only to ensure the law is being upheld, and not for some odd, twisted pleasure.

Finally, local officials agreed that they are pondering future laws as they observe how the current laws are affecting the crime rate. They warn that future change could take place, based on their observations.