View Full Version : Raising some money for EG - Great RL FUN Items!

10-22-2007, 09:53 PM
Hey folks, Hope everyone is doing well!

I Just returned to the lands a couple of weeks ago, only a couple characters to start, but i really would like to go to EG, well this requires RL money, which i am rather low on at the moment. EG, in my past years, was always the one Pay event i splurged for, and i would love to go again this year especially to see all the fun new stuff that is coming out!

Hopefully, this is the right place to be posting such things and it is of course GS related as i'm trying to pay for a GS event. So, what are my items, you may ask.

Okay, so I sell this fun hobby really - its Sapphire Gravel. Basically its virgin mine gravel thats unsearched and you clean it and find genuine sapphires. The gravel comes from a Mine in Montana which basically produces every color of sapphire (Greens, blues, oranges, clears, purples, violets, yellows, and everything in between. Sapphires come in all colors, and are precious stones like Emeralds and Diamonds, NOT Semi-Precious stones.) AND Rubies, which are really the same mineral as sapphires, but red sapphires are called rubies.

Two pounds of mine rough gravel is shipped for 14 dollars even, since its heavy i ship in flat rate boxes so i will combine shipping (which is 4.60) for as much gravel as you want, and when i have to go up to the next box, i'll just charge that for shipping so you guys dont pay out the nose for shipping.

This is concentrated gravel, meaning big worthless rocks have been removed, but the gravel has NOT been searched through. I pulled out three table spoons to test quality and found a big lavender sapphire almost imediately. Its seriously hours of fun, i thought i'd get bored doing it but i never did. Its just super fun. Kids love it, because they come away with something that could potentially be worth alot of money. Or its a unique idea for a date night with your girl or guy, ya can then have the stones heat treated, cut and set into something special for him or her. Hell, if you find a nice stone, it could sell for quite a bit of money,. This mine recently had a big 17 ct. sapphire come out of it, gem facet quality - the stones are very lovely, and very worth it.

Because none of it has been searched through, i cant promise a stone will be in there - which i don't like. So what i'm doing is pulling a few stones from my own personal collection (from my own obsessive compulsive rock hounding, hehe.) and putting some of my own sapphires in each order just to ensure you get something nice. In other words, its a sure-strike.

I'll send cleaning instructions and some info on how to get your stones heat treated and cut if you want to do it with your orders.

I'll take paypal or Gifts of Adventure. If you have questions feel free to email me at sachiaiko@gmail.com or Instant message me on Sachiaiko for Yahoo AND AIM messangers.

I also have some of these up on ebay, so if you wanna purchase through ebay and up your feedback rating, thats cool too. This is a link to my items:


I do prefer gift of adventure payments over paypal, just cause it will be easier to get the money intime for EG, but paypal will be fine if its all you can do.

Seriously, this is a VERY Fun gift or activity for your kids, or for you to do WITH Your kids. They will light up to find the sapphires! Hell, im 26 and *I* light up to find the sapphires, hehe!

Anyhoot, if you dont want it, but know some one who would love it, send em my way cause i'd really really like to go to EG this year!

Be well folks
AIM: Sachiaiko
Yahoo: Sachiaiko
Email: Sachiaiko@gmail.com

10-22-2007, 10:27 PM

10-22-2007, 10:42 PM
I KNEW that some one would post that!! :laughs:

And yea, i did! LOTSA EMS!! :chortles: Seriously though, this is so fun. I love doing it, almost as much as playin gemstone. Almost. Its why i decided to start selling it. i bonded with my hopefully-soon-to-be-sister-in-law while we searched for gems, we had so much fun we decided to start an ebay business. Its been slow going, i really JUST got everything together and handled to start posting to ebay, so, we'll see how it does. :) I hope well. Pretty much a niche item though :)

10-22-2007, 10:58 PM
I am selling unsearched lots of sawdust from the only steam powered saw mill on the west coast! This stuff is INCREDIBLE! Guaranteed to have some sawdust, some sawdust, some sawdust and possibly even some sawdust! If you're really lucky, you'll find some sawdust! I will EVEN be adding sawdust from my own personal collection, to make sure there is saw dust in every order!

Some uses for the sawdust (once you figure out it's really just a box of worthless shit)

Throw it your friend's face to blind them permanently!
Rub down the family cat, giving it millions of infected splinters
Sprinkle it on puke!
Leave it in your dirty underwear and scare whoever does your laundry!
Sprinkle it on vomit!
Trick your friends into buying it!
... uh...
Sprinkle it on puke!
... uh...

SAWDUST! All natural! All fantastic!

Buy my sawdust!
And have a nice day!

10-22-2007, 11:04 PM
In all seriousness, my cousin had ten pounds of this crap delivered for her birthday party once... it was fun for a bit, but one of the parents happened to be a jeweler who laughed his ass off the entire time.

Stones lose roughly 80% of their mass being cut, you have very very little chance of finding anything of any significant value. Aside from that, it IS decent fun, just don't buy this stuff thinking you're going to strike it rich (and ruin your 4 year old's birthday party by telling her she isn't moving to the moon with her sapphire money)

10-22-2007, 11:06 PM
That'd seem to be a personal problem.


I think it's a cute idea...though I'm not sure the PC's the best marketplace. Might try to hit up more kid related stuff.

10-22-2007, 11:10 PM
I am selling unsearched lots of sawdust from the only steam powered saw mill on the west coast! This stuff is INCREDIBLE! Guaranteed to have some sawdust, some sawdust, some sawdust and possibly even some sawdust! If you're really lucky, you'll find some sawdust! I will EVEN be adding sawdust from my own personal collection, to make sure there is saw dust in every order!

Some uses for the sawdust (once you figure out it's really just a box of worthless shit)

Throw it your friend's face to blind them permanently!
Rub down the family cat, giving it millions of infected splinters
Sprinkle it on puke!
Leave it in your dirty underwear and scare whoever does your laundry!
Sprinkle it on vomit!
Trick your friends into buying it!
... uh...
Sprinkle it on puke!
... uh...

SAWDUST! All natural! All fantastic!

Buy my sawdust!
And have a nice day!

I just sat here for a full two minutes laughing my ass off. :rofl:

The Ponzzz
10-22-2007, 11:46 PM


10-22-2007, 11:54 PM
Yeah you wont be likely to strike it rich, but you can polish the stones and make em look pretty, put them in a tumbler and they can look decent.

I spent a $100 bucks on this crap a few years back when I sold out of Gemstone the last time...

Expensive aquarium rocks!

10-23-2007, 12:34 AM


hahaha you'll feel like a fighter jet made of biceps!
when god gives you lemons FIND A NEW GOD!

10-23-2007, 01:49 AM

Sean of the Thread
10-23-2007, 02:31 AM


I <3 CollegeHumor.com

10-23-2007, 02:41 AM
Your baby will run abnormally fast...like a KENYAN!!! :rofl:

10-23-2007, 02:41 AM
Hey people we need to keep this thread on topic. no more posting about anything except for POWER THIRST!

The Ponzzz
10-23-2007, 03:12 AM
Yea sorry, I sort of derailed the topic here... I blame Lomoriond with his sawdust post.

10-23-2007, 03:14 AM
Hehe, i dunno, I have found a few stones about 5+ cts each, and while its not likely to bring big bucks, you could CERTAINLY cut and set a stone for a childs birthday, spend a whole bunch of fun time with family.

I dunno, maybe i'm easily amused, but man have i had a good time doing this. :grins: And yea, Players corner may not be the best market for it, but i figured maybe som eone else like me was into doing stuff like this. I also got bags of unsearched sunstone (Dont sell that though, i'd have to drive to oregon with a TRUCK and bring it back in the bed of it, which... yea no.) and i found TONS of beautiful sunstones, i was shocked at how rich the sunstones were, and they are really rare, Oregons the only place you can find that particular stone (thus far) and its really very beautiful.

But i'm a rock hound, when i lived in PA i drove all over the place looking for places to find gems :grins an blushes: I loved it, found a few nice things on top of it.

Truth is, some places sell much better gravel then otehrs. Its not really 80 percent of the stone ya loose, but ya do loose a good amount in faceting (and of course it can depend on the shape of the rough stone if it lends itself to cutting. I have looked into doing this too, i love creative stuff, but i couldnt afford the equipment so i decided to stick with my bag o' rocks. heh) and while i have found a few stones definately worth some money, i wouldnt bother selling em, i'd much rather have em set and wear them, or give em to some one i love. My brother found a HUGE very clean sapphire, gah, i mean huge, i dunno how many cts, but it was really big, and like two others just a hair smaller then that one, and i am pretty sure he's gettin em cut for his girlfriend.

In other words, far more worth it for the fun you have finding them. Kinda like those damned pinatas in Gemstone, fun, and you always hear that you could get an altering ticket or a rare item but i have never seen anyone who DID get those things, and tons of people love those pinatas (me included, lol) and sometimes its just about having fun smashing em, or searching through em, or watching your little girl find a purple sapphire and explaining that not all sapphires are blue, then can be a whole rainbow of colors. Sometimes the experience is far more important, and far more FUN then the end result. :grins:

But i love my sapphires, don know what i'ma do with em, but i love searching fer em.

But if you guys DO know some one who'd like this, please do send em my way, i reeeally wanna go to EG, hehe.

Be well :)

10-23-2007, 09:27 AM
Serious question: Is this the mine up from York? Near Hauser lake? Off Favorite Gulch Road? ;)

10-23-2007, 09:55 AM
Hey people we need to keep this thread on topic. no more posting about anything except for POWER THIRST!

Now in flavors like manana, fizz-bitch... and GUN!

Truth is, some places sell much better gravel then otehrs. Its not really 80 percent of the stone ya loose, but ya do loose a good amount in faceting

Some places sell you a bag of gravel with scraps from a cutting house... maybe a little sawdust!

80% gem loss is about industry standard... many jewelers will claim only 50%, but they're just being generous at their own ability, and you'd need a very decent rough starting out.

Again, I'm not saying DON'T DO THIS, cause it CAN be fun... just realize $14 worth of scratch tickets will give you a better chance of getting any money back.

Serious question: Is this the mine up from York? Near Hauser lake? Off Favorite Gulch Road?

I thought it was from a mine in Montana... which confused me why she was getting it from Oregon and selling it in Washington. My sawdust only comes from legitimately grown oregon trees! Cut down by manly lumberjacks who eat beef jerky and drink powerthirst from a can! FOUR HUNDRED BABIES!

10-23-2007, 11:52 AM
I thought it was from a mine in Montana...

York, Montana silly...

10-23-2007, 04:41 PM
Serious question: Is this the mine up from York? Near Hauser lake? Off Favorite Gulch Road? ;)

Nope, its a Montana mine. They do have some great stuff come out of this mine. Montana Sapphires can be really beautiful. :smiles:

Stanley Burrell
10-23-2007, 05:07 PM

For some reason, I am certain that Jim Cramer drinks this.

10-23-2007, 06:20 PM
Nope, its a Montana mine. They do have some great stuff come out of this mine. Montana Sapphires can be really beautiful. :smiles:

Reread my last post....York, Montana...I know they are Montana sapphires, that why I asked which mine it was, the one near York?

And the reason I ask is because I spent a good deal of my childhood at that one. My parents owned land just down the road. Yes, Montana sapphires are beautiful, I still have several good ones, and a bag of the little stuff along with garnets and rubies and TONS of hematite. I have two star garnets from that mine so I was just wondering. ;)

10-23-2007, 07:16 PM
If I wanted a sapphire, I'd hunt Ithizir til their dead, putrid bodies yielded one to me when I searched their bloodied corpses.

10-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Hey folks, Hope everyone is doing well!

I Just returned to the lands a couple of weeks ago, only a couple characters to start, but i really would like to go to EG, well this requires RL money, which i am rather low on at the moment. EG, in my past years, was always the one Pay event i splurged for, and i would love to go again this year especially to see all the fun new stuff that is coming out!

Hopefully, this is the right place to be posting such things and it is of course GS related as i'm trying to pay for a GS event. So, what are my items, you may ask.

Okay, so I sell this fun hobby really - its Sapphire Gravel. Basically its virgin mine gravel thats unsearched and you clean it and find genuine sapphires. The gravel comes from a Mine in Montana which basically produces every color of sapphire (Greens, blues, oranges, clears, purples, violets, yellows, and everything in between. Sapphires come in all colors, and are precious stones like Emeralds and Diamonds, NOT Semi-Precious stones.) AND Rubies, which are really the same mineral as sapphires, but red sapphires are called rubies.

Two pounds of mine rough gravel is shipped for 14 dollars even, since its heavy i ship in flat rate boxes so i will combine shipping (which is 4.60) for as much gravel as you want, and when i have to go up to the next box, i'll just charge that for shipping so you guys dont pay out the nose for shipping.

This is concentrated gravel, meaning big worthless rocks have been removed, but the gravel has NOT been searched through. I pulled out three table spoons to test quality and found a big lavender sapphire almost imediately. Its seriously hours of fun, i thought i'd get bored doing it but i never did. Its just super fun. Kids love it, because they come away with something that could potentially be worth alot of money. Or its a unique idea for a date night with your girl or guy, ya can then have the stones heat treated, cut and set into something special for him or her. Hell, if you find a nice stone, it could sell for quite a bit of money,. This mine recently had a big 17 ct. sapphire come out of it, gem facet quality - the stones are very lovely, and very worth it.

Because none of it has been searched through, i cant promise a stone will be in there - which i don't like. So what i'm doing is pulling a few stones from my own personal collection (from my own obsessive compulsive rock hounding, hehe.) and putting some of my own sapphires in each order just to ensure you get something nice. In other words, its a sure-strike.

I'll send cleaning instructions and some info on how to get your stones heat treated and cut if you want to do it with your orders.

I'll take paypal or Gifts of Adventure. If you have questions feel free to email me at sachiaiko@gmail.com or Instant message me on Sachiaiko for Yahoo AND AIM messangers.

I also have some of these up on ebay, so if you wanna purchase through ebay and up your feedback rating, thats cool too. This is a link to my items:


I do prefer gift of adventure payments over paypal, just cause it will be easier to get the money intime for EG, but paypal will be fine if its all you can do.

Seriously, this is a VERY Fun gift or activity for your kids, or for you to do WITH Your kids. They will light up to find the sapphires! Hell, im 26 and *I* light up to find the sapphires, hehe!

Anyhoot, if you dont want it, but know some one who would love it, send em my way cause i'd really really like to go to EG this year!

Be well folks
AIM: Sachiaiko
Yahoo: Sachiaiko
Email: Sachiaiko@gmail.com

So you're like...selling real life GS for pretend GS?

Sylvan Dreams
10-23-2007, 08:09 PM
So you're like...selling real life GS for pretend GS?

It's a RL mystery box!

10-23-2007, 08:53 PM
I will have to admit, the first time I bought something like this was a big disapointment. BUT, I have bought several lots like these that are being offered and have come across some nice sapph's ( not from this mine, but others overseas). It is deffenatly worth the 14 bucks that's being asked...hell that's what, a six pack of bear and a pack of cig's. Good luck selling your lots and have FUN at EG!!!!. Just wish I could be there but I sold out for the most part.!!

10-23-2007, 08:57 PM
a six pack of bear

among others

10-23-2007, 08:58 PM
...hell that's what, a six pack of bear and a pack of cig's.

Drinking a 6 pack of bear would be hardcore.

The Ponzzz
10-23-2007, 09:04 PM

10-24-2007, 02:41 AM
I thought it was from a mine in Montana... which confused me why she was getting it from Oregon and selling it in Washington. My sawdust only comes from legitimately grown oregon trees! Cut down by manly lumberjacks who eat beef jerky and drink powerthirst from a can! FOUR HUNDRED BABIES!

I buy directly from the mine, in montana, which ships to me here in Washington State.

When i was talking about Oregon, i was talking about a completely different gem type - Oregon Sunstone, which is REALLY fun, pretty rare, and the gravel is incredibly gem-rich. I was just saying i wish i could also sell that stuff too, but that Mine doesn't ship their sunstone gravel the same way that the Montana Mine does, it would cost far to much to resell, though the gems you get in that gravel are huge, and Oregon sunstone can be very rare, and come in Watermelon (Green with red inside), blue, green, red, orange, gold, yellow, and clear. And all colors can come with a sort of "schiller" or sparkle inside which of course makes the gem even more beautiful and valuable. Its a softer stone, and easy to carve, and you get gems huge enough to make LARGE facet stones, but oregon is the only place you can get that stuff and there are only a couple mines. Its helluv fun though. You can walk around out there at the mine, and actually lean down and pick up a stone half the size of your fist, its a very rich mine.

So, was talking about two different things.

10-24-2007, 09:51 AM
For some reason, I am certain that Jim Cramer drinks this.

A coherent post that's actually amusing. Good work Stanley.

1 for 500 isn't bad I guess.

Stanley Burrell
10-24-2007, 10:49 AM
A coherent post that's actually amusing. Good work Stanley.

1 for 500 isn't bad I guess.

Fuck you and your awesome avatar.