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View Full Version : 9x fire resistant robes

10-21-2007, 12:28 AM
Got: some misty grey cloth robes to sell... post, PM here or aim at: inxtc. Here's the loresong:

Seems I had way overpriced these after talking to some merchants, lowered MB to 19 mill.

The first thing that strikes you about the robes is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 26,500,000 silvers.

You sense a faint aura of magic around the grey cloth robes. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the robes is as some type of defensive garment.

It has a bonus of +45 from a normal robes, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it is cloth type armor.The grey cloth robes seems to have some sort of unusual protection against damage.

As your song penetrates the grey cloth robes, you determine that it is resistant to fiery attacks.
These are Regyy resistance - not permanant.

MB: 19 mill - or make a bid and we'll talk

10-26-2007, 11:17 PM
BUMP... lowered MB.

10-26-2007, 11:57 PM
I would be willing to trade my 602 horns (no MIU, double mana, chance of curse, unlimited use) for those 9X robes and 20M.


10-27-2007, 09:22 AM
Vivina is pimpin with her new awesome 10x HCP armor. Le crie :( I missed the bid, and had to settle for the 8x. Grr!

10-27-2007, 02:46 PM
Nothing wrong with 8X Shalla, that's what Filswolf has, and a measly 10 DS can be made up in so many other ways it's rediculous, not to mention as a mage, I have never noticed a need for more DS.

Now combat manuever defense, yea, big time.


10-27-2007, 02:51 PM
I have a 5lbs 6x Double with decently crit padding. What is your opinion with comparison to 14 lbs 8x double with hcp, for a physically weak pure?

10-27-2007, 04:38 PM
Might hurt some, but it's still less of a weight difference then most single boxes. I suppose in that regard Filswolf may be better off then your "physically weak pure" as his STR is rather high. Also, the extra crit padding will be alot more benificial to you when it comes to manuevers and your psuedoDux (crit padding).


11-06-2007, 06:02 PM
bump - someone buy these please!

11-09-2007, 07:39 PM
SOLD - thank you and have a nice day :)

11-09-2007, 08:37 PM
does that mean wearing my 4x k-mart brand robes at 97 make me not 1337?