View Full Version : Spell Botches

12-04-2003, 09:40 PM
Standing outside the crypt - not in a sanct

>prep 220
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Major Sanctuary spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A column of flame erupts around you in a brilliant flash, disappearing as fast as it came.
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

220 · Major Sanctuary [MJSANCT]
Duration: 30 seconds per level

Type: Utility

This extremely powerful spell allows the caster to call into being a magical portal leading to a special place of safety. The caster is able to call upon their special relationship with their patron Greater Spirit or Lord of Liabo to provide them with a place of refuge in which they may rest and practice their arts and skills in relative safety.


Nothing about the possibility of a botch. I was able to cast it succesfully the second time I tried. Anyone else have this type of problem?

Miss X
12-04-2003, 09:44 PM
Its always been that way.Ive been stunned by it a few times and Ive seen a couple of people die from it.
I think it might be something to do with the fact that it calls upon a greater spirit or lord of liabo, its a powerfull spell, dont quote me on that however.

12-04-2003, 10:23 PM
There's always been a slight possability of failure with it. I've gotten some minors but that looked like it hurt. Levels and ranks in Major spirit spells play a factor.

12-05-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Nothing about the possibility of a botch. I was able to cast it succesfully the second time I tried. Anyone else have this type of problem?

I botched it with my empath and killed her. Yep yep, great times....

12-05-2003, 04:45 PM
I also have a failure now and then but it's very rare and I don't think I ever got more than a one round stun if that. Major spirit is my strongest circle though.