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View Full Version : S Class Siegery Set + Unique Repair Case

10-18-2007, 04:28 AM
For those who don't know what Siegery is you can direct your reading here: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Siegery_saved_post

Next on the info list S class. Bemm held three tournaments on the the Wave Dancer runs whereas the winner of each tournament was given a customized S class set. The S Class have stats that exceed any of the other miniatures created and had greater potential. As well I believe there was a Tournament held at the opening of the Siegery place in Ta'Vaalor which another Set or Two was released.

Now for the items:


a sturdy lor siegery case

This pristine case is made from polished and sturdy lor. Rendered in painstaking detail is the image of a terrific battlefield siege encompassing the entire exterior of the container. You can see the shattered remains of a once tall keep and the remaining defenders making a final stand against the oncoming horde. Carved onto the top of the case is the phrase, "The Artistry that is Siegecraft." The interior is divided into twelve tiny compartments, each carefully lined with soft felt.

Close when miniatures need repair inside:
As you close the siegery case, you hear a sharp metallic click followed by a mechanical whirring sound from deep within the case.

Once repair is finished:
The faint, mechanical whirring within your siegery case stops, followed by a soft click.


a dark abyran'ra miniature

A wreath of thirteen black serpents ring the figurine's head, bestowing it a full crown of vipers. Its pale, lidless eyes are devoid of pupils -- merely reflecting with faint hints of color every few moments. Twin pairs of fangs peek out from beneath its thin lips, and the smoothness of its skin fades away into sleek scales below its abdomen, its lower body tapering into a sinuous tail like that of a snake's. Its elongated, spindly fingers end in scythe-like talons that wield a flaming bladed spine.

The dark abyran'ra miniature raises its flaming spine high above its head, sending trails of fire racing through the air in spiraling arcs! With a horrific series of crackles, <target> is lashed repeatedly in a frenzy of blades and flame.

The dark abyran'ra miniature digs its scythe-like talons deeper into its flaming spine, and the spiked bone blades edging it respond by growing sharper and longer.

The dark abyran'ra miniature's body bleeds with a shadowy blackness that seeps across its flesh as it falls to the ground.


a hulking despanal golem miniature

This towering form is made from jagged, animated clusters of pure despanal gems. Dark crimson light reflects in shard-like glimmers within its hollow eye sockets, imparting a malevolent appearance to the otherworldly construct. Its partially clenched bulky fists resemble the halves of a crude iron maiden.

Unleashing an unearthly bellow, the despanal golem miniature charges toward <target> with astonishing speed. The golem clenches its fists and slams the two halves of its tiny iron maiden onto its quarry, rattling it!

The despanal golem miniature stomps its foot into the ground!

The despanal golem miniature clatters to the ground with a loud *whump*


a contorted small iron fortress

This horribly disfigured iron fortress is designed in a truly chaotic fashion. Fancifully decorated passageways lead off to open holes in the outer walls. Heavy defenses in the form of jagged spearheads jutting from the sides and murder holes are placed adjacent to unguarded portcullises. One spire has been wrought to resemble a leering demon.

An cackling lich hurls a feeble captive at the damaged inner keep, who explodes in a spray of gore and is absorbed into the kee, strengthening it.


a tiny lopsided dark tanik cannon

Covered in an equal amount of equally foul smelling gremlins and spit, this miniature cannon is quite long yet can still be carried confidently in two hands. While the origin of such a device appears to be gnomish in nature, the gremlins have taken care to patch it up during its years of abuse in a truly gremlin fashion leaving one misshapen stone wheel standing out from the other solid steel-rimmed wheels.

A wild gremlin straddling the barrel of the cannon barks out orders as the others scurry chaotically loading, unloading, prepping then reloading the cannon again.
In unison, the gremlins purse their mouths and make a pbbflt noises as the cannon fires! <target> is splattered with an unhealthy load of blindingly foul gremlin saliva.

A wild gremlin straddling the barrel of the cannon barks out orders as the others scurry chaotically loading, unloading, prepping then reloading the cannon again.
A goblin squeaks out an "ut oh" right before the dark tanik cannon backfires and crushes the gremlin under a flood of green drool.


an ora-braced twisted bone cannon

The cannon appears to be made made from a multitude of horribly twisted bone fragments. Gnarled and spiraling at strange angles the device appears to be quite grisly in appearance. A rotting lich can be seen leaning heavily on the barrel.

Taking on a renewed vigor, the decaying lich utters a word of power and a thrumming pitch black sphere appears before the cannon and levitates into position.
The cannon launches the black ball at <target>. Upon impact, the ball ruptures and begins breaking off into a series of vicious implosions.

Taking on a renewed vigor, the decaying lich utters a word of power and a thrumming pitch black sphere appears before the cannon and levitates into position.
The bones upon the cannon suddenly burst and splinter into hundreds of tiny hands that rip the black sphere into nothing. The lich shrieks violently and points a finger at the enemy.


a tiny pitch launcher

The blackened iron launcher appears to be surrounded by a variety of flame-shaped effigies, their slick metal surfaces painted in vibrant fiery hues.

Cackling madly, the horde of blazing effigies turn and position the launcher while a single one climbs into the sling.
The blazing effigy is sent soaring through the air in an inelegant spiral and soon flickers out like a match in the wind.

Didn’t have another castle to test the hits on so don’t have this messaging handy.


Yes I'm missing a Soldier from the set thanks to a game crash and I can't seem to get any response back and now that Vora has retired himself from the game I'm doubtful I'll be getting it back.

Right now I'm looking for offers on the Set as a whole. If that proves to not work out I might think about splitting it all up but not entirely sure there.


11-08-2007, 01:04 AM
are these items still up for auction?

11-08-2007, 10:53 AM
Sold em awhile back, still have the case if your interested in that.

11-08-2007, 11:11 PM
how much?