View Full Version : Attention Teeoncy

12-04-2003, 11:13 PM
You have forced my hand and made me post here tonight after being totally incapable of maintaining a coherent, mature and honest conversation with me in private, a place where myself, the moderators, and most likely you, wanted to keep this entire issue.

For those unaware of this whole mess, I shall apprise you what I know:

Apparently there was a rumor floating about, propagated by Teeoncy’s player that when her IP address, and the address of her other accounts (tenlaughs etc), became under scrutiny, Weedmage Princess, gave said address to me via IM/Email whatever. I have been made aware that this is totally against forum policy on the behalf of Moderators who have access to said information, punished by revokement of their Moderation abilities and most likely a ban as well.

How, you ask, did you find out about this? Here is a conversation you had with Daina:
Lady Daina: Hey lady, you got a minute? :-)
Lady Teeoncy: sure
Lady Daina: I am sitting here trying to decide what to do, I heard a rumor that a mod told you Weedie gave out your IP info?
Lady Daina: I'm not sure which would be worse, if she DID, or if someone made that up and told you! ::flail:: I'd FREAK
Lady Teeoncy: I am not sure
Lady Teeoncy: I had someone very close to me tell me that she was giving it out

Later in the conversation:
Lady Daina: I've nearly left half a dozen times already, you should see how bad StrayRogue used to harass me. Oh my god.
Lady Teeoncy: Mod's should not be doing that...cussing at people instead of giving a simple opinion (if it good or not) makes people not want to go to them
Lady Teeoncy: funny you mention strayrogue lol
Lady Daina: I agree, and most of us *do try*, honestly.
Lady Daina: Was it him that told you?
Lady Daina: I'm really concerned about this.
Lady Teeoncy: You have never been really mean so I will say yes

For those readers out there, I have NEVER, EVER, spoken to Teeoncy on AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, email, U2U, mobile phone, landline phone, regular letter, or with my psychic powers. The ONLY contact I have had that came close to her was via the boards. I posted maybe ten times in the Teeoncy and “family” thread. All in defence of her.

I received one email from her today to check her email address. And nothing else.

Now, getting down to the nitty gritty of it. First, you never once posted in a forum moderated by Weedmage, so, as I understand it, it is impossible for her to have gotten your IP. Secondly, I’ve never ever spoken to Weedmage before tonight.

Thirdly, when I came to ask you of these accusations, you responded as thus:
Lady Teeoncy: Hello
StrayRogue: Hi, I was wondering why you told the moderators of the PC boards that a certain Mod gave me your IP address
Lady Teeoncy: You know what, I have fought over this thing the whole afternoon
Lady Teeoncy: if mods were polite to me I would talk to them
Lady Teeoncy: and sort it all out
Lady Teeoncy: but I am so sick of this
Lady Teeoncy: That I am done with it
StrayRogue: I want to know why you incriminated me, when I had had no prior contact
StrayRogue: Why did you say we were "close"?
Lady Teeoncy: I didnt mean we were close
Lady Teeoncy: that got different
StrayRogue: Lady Teeoncy: I had someone very close to me tell me that she was giving it out
StrayRogue: What did you mean then?
Lady Teeoncy: what you have the whole convo?
Lady Teeoncy: a lot of that convo was private and had nothing to do with you
StrayRogue: Saying I am involved with illegal activity is my buisness
StrayRogue: Now, why did you say it was me?
Lady Teeoncy: let me see the convo
Lady Teeoncy: I want to see how much of it she gave out
StrayRogue: Answer my question please
Lady Teeoncy: NO
Lady Teeoncy: i am very pissed
StrayRogue: You are pissed?
Lady Teeoncy: yes i am
StrayRogue: I have been blamed for something I haven't done
Lady Teeoncy: i have had a terrible night at work
Lady Teeoncy: and i will not deal with this
StrayRogue: I have had to speak to the head mods about this
Lady Teeoncy: especially when you dont treat me with any respect at all
Lady Teeoncy signed off at 02:54:08.

Now, anyone out there please answer me this: Did I, or did I not treat her fair and reasonably in that chat? Did I swear, call her a lying fucking whore and threaten to kill her unborn? No. I wanted the truth as to why me, someone who defended her, was used as a tool to incriminate a moderator.

Teeoncy, reply or don’t. The evidence is damning enough. You lied again, and got caught in it. This time it was more serious.

Now, calm reserved manner aside, you ever incriminate me again in any such activity, and you will regret it.

I hope this doesn’t ruffle too many feathers upstairs.

12-04-2003, 11:20 PM
This is terrible, but I feel like I'm following a scaled down murder mystery with, "Who did what with whom and WHY!"

If the above is true, I think thats kinda messed up. I'm not even sure how to feel about the shared IM conversations, this web is a bit too tangled for me to sort. Hopefully the lying parties will get rooted out in short order.

12-04-2003, 11:22 PM
The lying party is quite well sorted out, believe me.

Oh, and Stray...my feathers are smooth as glass, hon. ;)

HarmNone thinks you had a right to speak up

12-04-2003, 11:25 PM
I agree Stray. We know the moderators would never give out her IP or that you would in any way be involved. Sounds like Teeoncy simply wanted to crack PC somehow. I'm really sorry she try to incriminate you.

Weedmage Princess
12-04-2003, 11:31 PM
I knew it was all a lie about someone saying that from jump. She was just mad at me, and wanted to get me in the shit. Whatever.

I'll say this though..I owe Cat in the Hat and Leloo an apology regarding her. When she first came here, I thought she was a nice girl..and that you guys were being horrible to her...seems like you guys were right about her all along.

Miss X
12-04-2003, 11:36 PM
omg. I could keep my mouth shut about all the other shit thats been said about you, but when you mess with someone I care about then I cant hold back.
Why did you say you were 'close' to him? Believe me girl if you were close to him you would know he wouldnt make up shit like that. I dont get why you choose to incriminate him, its not like hes made any personal attacks against you. I know him better than anyone who posts here and I KNOW he didnt deserve to be fucked over like that.
We all make mistakes, we've all lied or been bitchy sometimes, but honestly you really are pushing the boundries of insanity. I hope your banned over this because you certainly dont deserve to be posting here and I can bet most people dont wanna be subjected to anymore of your bullshit.

[Edited on 5-12-03 by Miss X]

12-04-2003, 11:41 PM
No moderator has given out any I.P. information.

Furthermore, Lady Teeoncy has decided to be removed as a member of these forums.

While I am unable to force anyone to not discuss this issue any further, I would respectfully request that this issue be considered closed and we move on.

12-04-2003, 11:50 PM
How about a Simpson's " Ha-Ha "

12-05-2003, 01:24 AM
Just wanted to put my two cents in.

We are not worth Sarah's time, and yet she has time to create two alternate names to post under.

We are not worth Sarah's time, yet she has time to create an idiotic and transparent story about moderators giving out her IP.

We are all immature, yet she has been proven to be a big fat liar.

We all need to grow up, yet she does not have the maturity to be honest about one single thing she has said here, nor does she have the maturity to own up to her lies and dishonesty.

I want to say to everyone here, that no matter what disagreement, skirmish or even issue I have with you, you are in no way in "this" category of people.

People like Sarah and Sean are in a class by themselves. Truly delusional, not simply disagreeable.

Let's bid her a farewell, fondly hoping she'll never come back.


[Edited on 12-5-2003 by SpunGirl]

12-05-2003, 08:55 AM
Ok listen to me...

I was thinking i'd post the log but i decided to sleep on it and decide this morning. Well I won't post them, but i'll tell what i'm thinking still (and can prove it with the logs i have)

First of all, Teeoncy, tenlaughs or Sarah U2U me saying she wanted to talk to me, I was cautious and finaly let her on aim. This was just a normal conversation and I wasn't thinking she was either a fool or anything else.

She saids a bit later that she'd love to hear someone with a french accent, hearing someone speaking in french. She mades some allusion to calling me, well i let her.

We talk 1 hour on the phone, it was very normal and even amusing. I was laughing and she got the french notion :)

It's after the problem. (remember that we "knew" each other for hmm, like 6 hours) I never flirted her, never told her i was here for something, She knew I have a girlfriend since a long time AND she told me she quitted her last boyfriend BECAUSE he cheated on him..

Ok, here's her

Ok, what happened. Well first she bitched someone I know she called. I won't tell who that person is, but that person will recognize himself/herself. She bitched you.

Second.. it's after the conversation on the phone, 6 hours after we had first initiate a conversation on aim... she saids those things... In short, she was wanting me badly... (we're still the same day)

The 2 nexts conversations were easily foreseeables. She wanted me to be jealous and manipulated me by saying the guy she wanted was hanging out with her boyfriend, she saids i was disapointing her (like that, out of nowhere) that everyone EVERYONE was mean to her... She wanted to call someone and I wasn't there for her, I wasn't being nice with her (that means flirting her? ah!) and so on.

She set a very clear pattern on me, the only problem is I saw it.

For some details too, she can't post pictures of her since her "dad" removed her camera since he saw just recently the pictures she posted, she cannot take other pictures because of that (he just saw em, not when they were on march 2002 (remember, she posted some on a web site (angelicface.com or so)).

I told her i would be posting the logs to show she has a clear and deep problem, but i won't

She has a problem, something grave, I'll let you draw the conclusion.

P.S. I love speaking on the phone and show my terrible accent :lol:

12-05-2003, 09:11 AM
Yes, she has a very serious problem.

12-05-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
P.S. I love speaking on the phone and show my terrible accent :lol:

Canada sucks, fruitcake.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-05-2003, 10:02 AM
How many threads do we need for this bullshit?

I don't know her at all, and I'm not reading 70 pages of bullshit to figure out why it is that 90% of you feel its necessary to rip on her at every opportunity, but come on. I think the point is made.

Posting "official" conversations through IM's does dick for me.

Kranar: Bill, I'm giving you IP address x.x.x.x
Tayvin: Thanks Kranar, now I'm going to harass everyone with it.

See, I can do it too. And mine is just as 'official', because I have a Mod in there right?

I'll just finish this with, whats with all the I wanna fuck you, fuck me, she's hot, lets harass her next, etc, etc, etc. You people know WAY too much about each others lives apparently, and everyone here is on a triple dose of viagra.

Take a step back and look at your posts.

Edit: took out an unnecessary flame, trying not to be a hypocrit.

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-05-2003, 11:54 AM
Actually, in his first post he asks for 'everyone' to comment. I'm complaining because I'm tired of the 3 or 4 threads, and ANY thread she posts in, going nuclear as people jump her shit.

12-05-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I'm tired of the 3 or 4 threads, and ANY thread she posts in, going nuclear as people jump her shit.

You're not the only one....

The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Now, anyone out there please answer me this: Did I, or did I not treat her fair and reasonably in that chat? Did I swear, call her a lying fucking whore and threaten to kill her unborn? No. I wanted the truth as to why me, someone who defended her, was used as a tool to incriminate a moderator.

Hate to say it but...



The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I knew it was all a lie about someone saying that from jump. She was just mad at me, and wanted to get me in the shit. Whatever.

I'll say this though..I owe Cat in the Hat and Leloo an apology regarding her. When she first came here, I thought she was a nice girl..and that you guys were being horrible to her...seems like you guys were right about her all along.

Ya know... I can totally see sopmeone sticking up for the underdog. And if there werent people like you then what would the world be??

I'm the kind of person that would stick up for Warclaidhm, and I did, at a merchant event where people were talking bad about him in elven. He sold Bindi's rabbit costume for 6m and thats what it took for me to step back and say "Maybe what people say about him is true".

I would be right there by you sticking up for the underdog but I've seen this girl work. Apology accepted now, say you love me :bouncy:


Weedmage Princess
12-05-2003, 12:26 PM
Okay..I don't know exactly who your post was directed at Suppa Hobbit Mage...if it wasn't directed at myself..then disregard the following...

But if it is..I want to say I understand and respect your feelings of being "tired" of the Teeoncy bs...but like you said, you haven't read the things that went on, therefore you are commenting on something you don't know much about.

Firstly, if you had read that thread..or even a good portion of it, you'd see that Daina and CT never got involved..you'd also see that Stray Rogue and myself at one point were DEFENDING her.

If you read the thread, you'd know that she made a serious accusation against Stray Rogue and I. She accused me of giving out her IP to Stray Rogue, and Stray Rogue, being her "close friend" telling her this. None of this is true. The fact is...I never knew Lady Teeoncy's IP because she's never posted with that user name in any folder I moderate. I had it confirmed for me that both her IPs match..so..I didn't even have an IP to give to someone. Secondly, Stray Rogue has never conversed with either myself OR Teeoncy outside of posts here. So he's never spoken to me, nor is he a close friend of hers. All of that is lies. Not just your average, run of the mill he-say she-say bull lies, but malicious lies that could have had my moderator status revoked and both Stray and I banned from the PC. Maybe that means dick to you, and that's cool..but we happen to enjoy the PC and don't want to be banned..so yeah, it's a big deal to us. Also, even if I did have access to her information...I would NEVER give out someone's IP. So her attempt at trashing my credibility, matters...to me atleast.

We've both confronted Teeoncy with this, and attempted to get to the bottom of it--in private. Given the situation [and the nasty responses she was giving me], we were exceptionally polite and calm...we got blocked for our troubles (surprise surprise.)

Contrary to what you or anyone else may think...this thread wasn't made with the purpose of bashing Teeoncy...it was to clear our names. If she happens to get bashed or any other misfortune comes her way as a result of it...I don't really give a damn..but that wasn't the intent.

Like I said, I understand and respect your frustrations...Now that you're up to speed on the situation...I'm hoping you're able to understand and respect the reasoning behind THIS particular thread , instead of erroneously bunching it with something else...thanks.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-05-2003, 12:32 PM
My post wasn't regards you Weedmage, or anyone else here specifically. Its about the general Teeoncy hate threads, fuck me threads, dildo threads, and beat me up threads. Teeoncy IN PARTICULAR has been beaten into the ground.

I think I'll just take my toys and go home, because frankly if I wanted to read the things posted here, I could get a mirror image on Klaive's site.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-05-2003, 12:33 PM
With that, go ahead and ban/block my IP, I'd rather be reading something of worth anyway.

12-05-2003, 12:34 PM
Fact is, some people SAID she was tenlaughs and she just prove it herself, you don't need any ip when it's that obvious.

That remind me of notosweet when she was being hacked and stalked.. paranoya.. hmm

The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 12:35 PM
Call me morbid, but I wish you had let her respond to this thread before banning her... Would have been interesting to see what she came up with to say about this.


12-05-2003, 12:35 PM
Here you go, join the club to change that:


PS: Nobody has to talk about Teeoncy anymore. Everyone knows she's a lying psyco bitch. No need to explain any further.

12-05-2003, 12:43 PM
The threads have Teeoncy's name in it. It's very easy to avoid the threads mentioning her by not acccessing them in the first place. This has been very nicely controlled in three threads and it's going to end there. It's not like Lady Voldermort that combs the boards looking for her name to come and say something, regardless of the content of the thread.

Trust me, threads that go on and on about the same people do get tiring. However it gives people the ability to air out their frustrations and deal with their problems. Teeoncy tried to cause problems not only with posters but with mods as well, so some are just trying to clear up the matter.

12-05-2003, 12:46 PM
Ya know, I haven't read all the threads on this person because it was to much trouble and frankly didn't interest me. This one was short so I have read it and think that it (he or she, whatever it is) has accomplished what *it* set out to do. A thread was started to complain about *it* in game, *it* came, *it* disrupted and tried to destroy. If people start quitting over this issue *it* won. Don't let *it* win, the best revenge is just to ignore, *it* feeds on turmoil, good or bad.

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by Myshel]

12-05-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Call me morbid, but I wish you had let her respond to this thread before banning her... Would have been interesting to see what she came up with to say about this.


Oh no I understand. It would have been interesting to see how she could've weasled her way out of this one. :o

Weedie, you shouldn't have felt the need to have to explain yourself like that. Most of us understand what that girl did was a seriously wrong thing and you and Stray should have the right to clear your names.

It's quite obvious what the thread is about considering it has the name Teeoncy in it. So no one is forcing anyone to click on said thread. Tiring to see the name, perhaps but just simply ignore it and you will be okay.

The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 01:08 PM
Chelle... That demon girl turned me on way more than that puffy baby bunny thing does!


12-05-2003, 01:10 PM
As I recall earlier in this thread, Kranar said :

Furthermore, Lady Teeoncy has decided to be removed as a member of these forums.

So she wasnt banned, it seems.

Acolyte Kurili

12-05-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Chelle... That demon girl turned me on way more than that puffy baby bunny thing does!


She is a hottie isnt she!

12-05-2003, 01:25 PM
There. She is back for your viewing pleasure. :D

The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 01:32 PM
::Cheers Chelle::

I cant get my avatars to work LOL

On topic: have all her names been removed or just Lady Teeoncy? tenlaughs and whatever the other one are too?


12-05-2003, 01:49 PM
Just Lady Teeoncy.

12-05-2003, 02:55 PM
Well, as ive said, im trying to be completely objective, and you are very right, Stray, you were being VERY reasonable. Given, she was quite pissed that night, there was no reason for her to get pissed at you.


The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Just Lady Teeoncy.

Wouldnt the shit shes caused with the mods alone be enough to get her banned? ya know, aside from the lying and the impersonating other people shes done.


[Edited on 12-5-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

The Cat In The Hat
12-05-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Just Lady Teeoncy.

Wouldnt the shit shes caused with the mods alone be enough to get *her banned? ya know, aside from the lying and the impersonating other people shes done.


*Edited to replace THE DUMB BITCH with *her because well... im trying to listen to the mods =)

12-05-2003, 03:12 PM
This topic should probably just be closed.

12-05-2003, 03:13 PM
She wasn't banned, she just requested the Lady Teeoncy be removed. I'm guessing she didn't mention the other ones, so they're still good for her to use. She was never banned, and since it was nothing more than accusations that could never be proven, she didn't do anything wrong other than cause people to have to run around and get the facts from each other. That's just IMO though.

12-05-2003, 03:34 PM
Still though it is possible she could have gotten Weedie in a lot of trouble if someone believed her. Luckily, no one in their right mind would believe her, but that isn't the point.

She accused someone of a serious thing and that shouldn't be brushed off so lightly. In the least, I feel it should've suspended her other posting names for a few weeks.

I mean I doubt many here will forgive her for that especially if she doesn't even apologize. So if she posts here using tenlaughs, all its going to do is cause people to spit at her and what she says, now.

However, I have a feeling she won't be back (hopefully) and that is for the best, especially if she doesn't publically apologize to Weedie and Stray.

12-05-2003, 03:56 PM
While Weedie was the one accused of the serious offense, she did accuse other mods of far more minor ones as well. Not to mention Stray.

Acolyte Kurili

12-05-2003, 04:07 PM
Oh I totally agree with you, Chelle. But she took it upon herself to remove herself from the boards, so I would leave it like that for now. Again, that's just my opinion on the matter. However if she came back and continued this behavior, I would encourage a suspension. I'm not fond with her at all for coming to me and lying about mods giving out information that I know fully well they wouldn't give. However I'm very thankful that we have such a great team who are mature enough to deal with this rationally and be able to talk to each other to sort the matters out. It makes handling situations such as this that much easier.

12-06-2003, 10:54 AM
I posted here for one reason Hobbit, because she didnt have the balls or the maturity to talk to me away from these boards. Beyond here, I have no respite or form of retaliation to some crazed lunatic making wild accusations. If you don't like it, don't fucking read it.

The Cat In The Hat
12-06-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I posted here for one reason Hobbit, because she didnt have the balls or the maturity to talk to me away from these boards. Beyond here, I have no respite or form of retaliation to some crazed lunatic making wild accusations. If you don't like it, don't fucking read it.

I feel for ya Stray. Welcome to the club!
What she did was typical Sarah (Teeoncy too).


12-07-2003, 12:15 AM
All I have to add is that I have absolutely no respect for someone who lies about what happened, lies about what was said, lies and tries to incriminate someone innocent, lies, lies, lies.

Truth be told, this thread... any thread about her, she could have simply ended it all by telling the truth about one thing she was confronted with, or even apologizing when one of her lies was exposed.

12-07-2003, 12:19 AM
Caramia you have a good point. One truly heartfelt apology would have been nice. Instead for everything she did she gave a reason why she was right and we were wrong or why it didn't matter cause she had a life and we didn't. An apology would have been nice...

12-07-2003, 01:40 AM
Between phone calls from X and Chadj, Miss Sarah sure has her hands full.

If my MINOR CHILD were receiving phone calls from people she knew from the internet, and if the internet was making her lock herself in her room crying, I would rip the computer out of the wall immediately.

Where the hell are her parents?


12-07-2003, 10:03 AM
She's 18, she has her majority, she can (i'll quote her) "could have sex with a 70 year old!"

12-07-2003, 10:32 AM

The Cat In The Hat
12-07-2003, 12:28 PM
You should release tapes of that phone conversation like that fat chick did to Clinton!

Wait... let me get a bucket first... God you didnt ya know... breathe heavy with her did you?!


12-07-2003, 02:21 PM
You know, you are just as vulgar, and disgusting..so is that somehow better?


12-07-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
You should release tapes of that phone conversation like that fat chick did to Clinton!

Wait... let me get a bucket first... God you didnt ya know... breathe heavy with her did you?!


My heart beat is normaly at 50-60, so i'm not easy to reach the "heavy breath" phase.

Ahh you mean if i did a cybersex phone with her, be precise please.

I got some logs, wanna see em? (will do that outside of here)

12-07-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
She's 18, she has her majority, she can (i'll quote her) "could have sex with a 70 year old!"

I doubt she's 18. If she is, that would mean she's:

A) been playing GS for 10 years, or
B) lying about her dad getting her an account when she was 10.

A seems improbable, and we know she was lying about B just because we're not THAT fucking stupid. Based on her attitude and demeanor on these boards, as well as some things I've seen that aren't on the boards, I'm guessing 14-16.


The Cat In The Hat
12-07-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur

Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
You should release tapes of that phone conversation like that fat chick did to Clinton!

Wait... let me get a bucket first... God you didnt ya know... breathe heavy with her did you?!


My heart beat is normaly at 50-60, so i'm not easy to reach the "heavy breath" phase.

Ahh you mean if i did a cybersex phone with her, be precise please.

I got some logs, wanna see em? (will do that outside of here)

I was kidding! I thought the release tapes part of that post would have made that clear but I guess it didnt.

Just teasing! :smilegrin:


12-07-2003, 09:33 PM
But of course, I am just playing the game you set, my friend.

That being said, I bring the shovel, you the effort.

See that hill over there? let's bury the thread there and put as an epitaph:

Ignorance killed her

12-07-2003, 09:46 PM
In any case I bet the logs are some funny shit, to say the least.

12-07-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I doubt she's 18. If she is, that would mean she's:

A) been playing GS for 10 years, or
B) lying about her dad getting her an account when she was 10.

No offense..., but did you forget how to count?



12-07-2003, 11:57 PM
Er. 8 is what I meant.

I sometimes DO forget how to count. No offense taken.


12-08-2003, 12:34 AM
Yet another lame thread started to flame someone who has fallen out of the PC in-crowd.


12-08-2003, 12:38 AM
Maybe you can start a club.


12-08-2003, 12:44 AM
Maybe you can play in a busy intersection.

12-08-2003, 12:46 AM
Sorry, but only a half-wit like you would enjoy that. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I know you were just trying to be helpful in your own way.


12-08-2003, 12:46 AM
Maybe you two are not very fond of the other..

For christmas, i'll ask santa claus (aka "pere noel) to bring you some peace

12-08-2003, 12:47 AM
LoL, you wound me, Spunmoron.


btw, did you lose weight or something?


then STFU about atheana. thanks.


[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Halfsilver]

12-08-2003, 01:37 AM
OK, Halfsilver, if you'd read the thread from the beginning, you may notice it is not "Yet another lame thread started to flame someone who has fallen out of the PC in-crowd."

Furthermore, I went back through the folder and did not see Spun mention Atheana even once. So what's all this about this time?

Acolyte Kurili

12-08-2003, 01:41 AM
He's just in some kind of blind rage, fucking with threads all over the place.

It's sad, really.


12-08-2003, 02:15 AM
I doubt she's 18. If she is, that would mean she's:

A) been playing GS for 10 years, or
B) lying about her dad getting her an account when she was 10.

On the contrary, my guess is she is 40.

Think outside the box.. no way is she a teenager.

Weedmage Princess
12-08-2003, 02:20 AM
Kurili..you're asking Halfsilver to read the thread from the beginning so he knows what the hell he's talking about. That's not going to cut it with him. Talking out of his ass is his specialty.

12-08-2003, 02:29 AM
But...I do try sometimes, Weedie.


Acolyte Kurili

Weedmage Princess
12-08-2003, 02:35 AM
warn Kurili shitty ass team obsession..hehe

::slaps her wrist:: back on topic...now what was the topic? Teeoncy? Oh shit I don't wanna talk about that.. :::wanders off:::

12-08-2003, 02:43 AM
::follows Weedie off, chanting 'Bills, Bills, Bills' in a barely audible voice::

Acolyte Kurili