View Full Version : Boulder Drama - Where's it at?

10-14-2007, 11:32 PM
One thing I love to do in GS is CvC.

As coming back from a 2 year leave, I've noticed this shit is litterally extinct.

Michaelous has spirit, but he's annoying in his duels.

Always spelled to the teeth, using imbeds'n shit.

Who the hell was governing the duels while I was gone? Rules always have been self spelled unless otherwise stated, Blue Crystals were always accepted as an Okay imbed unless otherwise specified.

He's banned, and now the rock's dead.

Really Missin the old days where we'd all play loaf of fate, dodge the swarm because gemstone is truely so damn boring.

Also - Anyone know if Tillmen posts on these boards? He was an old Boulder Boy.

Miss seein Geosain & Huka startin trouble too.

Anyone ever try to get a CvC War started or would be interested in such?

I've been thinking of a layout where it'd take place and how to Identify who's killable, who's not. We'd all have to be on a private channel because scripts would simply just highlight-unhighlight names that were called out as out of the war, or still in, etc...

Dunno... Just thought i'd spit that out. Startin from scratch sucks when you gotta watch the same damn labels over'n over again. Quickly losin interest over here.

Appreciate the feedback.

10-14-2007, 11:33 PM
Gone. Death got too annoying and people moved on long before. There may be an arena system coming in, however, which might be promising.

10-14-2007, 11:34 PM
Hmm... In addition to the CvC war idea, what if I payed a cleric to do all gem raises with max benefit? I think I could get that arranged.

Warriorbird - Appreciate the quick response. Who was your character in game if you don't mind me askin? perhaps I know you. =P

Also! Anyone know if Buzmalii is the old Burzmali? He says he aint, I say BS because I know Burmali was perma banned for CvC (or along those lines, so maybe I don't know).

10-14-2007, 11:38 PM
The GMs have already put their foot down in re: to clerics/empaths making experience off raising. To prevent that from happening, you'd need to use CHALLENGE, and that's only good for 1 on 1.


10-14-2007, 11:45 PM
Burzmalli hasn't been around for a while.

I play Jacinto when I get bored enough to play.

10-15-2007, 10:30 AM
I was Dyran/Hulkein on the boulder. I miss those days, haha.

10-15-2007, 04:48 PM
Well shit, lets all bring that back!

I'm seriously gonna quit if this game stays like this.

Also - Hulk, You big on boxing?

Floyd said he was gonna retire but he's come'n back!

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Versus Ricky Hatton!

Gonna be a fight to see... Even though Floyd already whooped'm once in a practice bout (To gauge how the fight would go/sell)

10-15-2007, 05:07 PM
i was razzkazz on the boulder
and Solkern

damn I miss those days

10-15-2007, 07:50 PM
doesnt exisist, gemstone sucks, be careful who you piss off, this roads leads to only one place and it's where i'am at now. abandon your search while you still can.

Sean of the Thread
10-15-2007, 07:57 PM
I thought they allowed that player run CVC event as long as there was no raising or healing?

10-15-2007, 08:32 PM
doesnt exisist, gemstone sucks, be careful who you piss off, this roads leads to only one place and it's where i'am at now. abandon your search while you still can.

You got banned because you're a fucking retard. Not because you wanted to duel on the boulder.

10-15-2007, 08:37 PM
The problem is never the Boulder. The problem is being a fuckwit OFF the Boulder.

10-15-2007, 08:39 PM
A "Fallen" server would be nice for stuff like this. I wonder how many people would be interested in something like that if they were ever to implement it.

10-15-2007, 08:40 PM
I don't believe it'll ever happen.

10-15-2007, 08:43 PM
I don't believe it'll ever happen.


10-15-2007, 08:46 PM
Well...it's like this. They'd have to pay for a server for it, server fees, and get a profit out of it. DR: The Fallen's pop declined precipitiously after an early surge. I think Simu's attention right now is pretty much focused on pimping out the Hero Engine.

10-15-2007, 09:01 PM
I'd rock a Fallen. Any1 w4nt 2 j0in a GANG?

10-16-2007, 11:51 PM
A "Fallen" server would be nice for stuff like this. I wonder how many people would be interested in something like that if they were ever to implement it.

Gemstone doesn't have enough people for a fun one.

A fallen server in my opinion would have to start everyone out at a certain lvl and maintain that lvl or if someone isn't within 7 levels, you can't attack or be attacked by them.

Gemstone has fucked up so bad right now, I seriously predict an empty server within 2 years.


Mich - Is it perma ban? or how long? Hope it's not perma. Yes you're a retard sometimes and you get carried away with your expensive gear and abuse it.
I don't think you deserved a ban, gemstone really needs a change of action.

I'll be releasing a letter on this in the future.

10-16-2007, 11:57 PM
Write Congress!!!

10-17-2007, 12:24 AM
Gemstone doesn't have enough people for a fun one.

Don't you think that a fallen server might bring some people back? Or even, bring new people in? People that are looking for a type of game like that? (Especially if they advertise it?)

I think it would.

10-17-2007, 12:25 AM
Unfortunately they have the example of DR.

10-17-2007, 01:05 AM
Don't you think that a fallen server might bring some people back? Or even, bring new people in? People that are looking for a type of game like that? (Especially if they advertise it?)

I think it would.

If they advertised it...

shit like I said, wait for the paper.

It's got everything in there man.

I'd unban so many people it'd be ridiculous, and half the people who get banned is just because they shit talk GM's during the process of the GM's regulatin. THey frown upon CvC/PvP in any way shape or fashion, and for those who disagree, just look at the rules you have to abid by just to do conflict.

You kill anyone without their consent (Dunno why the fuck they would after talkin shit) and that person reports, you get a warning. *Am able to provide proof of this on 36 accounts*.

Look at all MMORPG's and really compare it to gemstone.... i'm not gonna go any further with this right now. But yeah I agree whole heartedly.

10-17-2007, 01:16 AM
...paper? Dude, stop taking yourself so seriously. Who are you, and why would anyone give a fuck?

(no offense!)

10-17-2007, 01:25 AM
When you write your letter (to feedback?), will you post it here so we can all read it?

10-17-2007, 01:28 AM
Dude, it's his senior thesis. That shit's gonna get published in a journal.

10-17-2007, 01:45 AM

With that said...I'd really love a Fallen for Gemstone. I feel like the game's lagged way behind others (even in their own genre, DR's PVP support is much better) in what's a major reason that people enjoy online gaming.

They could make the thing 18+ too. Mature audiences...though that might kill some of their customer base.

10-17-2007, 02:35 AM
Rofl! Jacinto just owned me.

hahahahaha that shits hilarious.

Nah i'm not gonna post it to feedback, or post it here. I'm gonna post it on the officals and encourage friends to post it on the officals until my point gets through that this game needs change.

I'll even pay 1-2M per post if people do it (if it comes to that, though I shouldn't have much opposition).

10-17-2007, 02:44 AM
Nah i'm not gonna post it to feedback, or post it here. I'm gonna post it on the officals and encourage friends to post it on the officals until my point gets through that this game needs change.

I'll even pay 1-2M per post if people do it (if it comes to that, though I shouldn't have much opposition).

Shades of "The Society of the Dragon".

I'll post for 2m.

10-17-2007, 09:25 PM
I know it would be hard, but wouldnt it be easier to build a town that is PvP? I know this was a thread a while ago if someone cares to find it and post the link. Just make some ghost town, you could even have a system similar to Plat's portal system to get to the place and there is a restriction to where you can only see characters within some sort of level bracket.

10-17-2007, 09:33 PM
One thing I love to do in GS is CvC.

As coming back from a 2 year leave, I've noticed this shit is litterally extinct.

Michaelous has spirit, but he's annoying in his duels.

Always spelled to the teeth, using imbeds'n shit.

Who the hell was governing the duels while I was gone? Rules always have been self spelled unless otherwise stated, Blue Crystals were always accepted as an Okay imbed unless otherwise specified.

He's banned, and now the rock's dead.

Really Missin the old days where we'd all play loaf of fate, dodge the swarm because gemstone is truely so damn boring.

Also - Anyone know if Tillmen posts on these boards? He was an old Boulder Boy.

Miss seein Geosain & Huka startin trouble too.

Anyone ever try to get a CvC War started or would be interested in such?

I've been thinking of a layout where it'd take place and how to Identify who's killable, who's not. We'd all have to be on a private channel because scripts would simply just highlight-unhighlight names that were called out as out of the war, or still in, etc...

Dunno... Just thought i'd spit that out. Startin from scratch sucks when you gotta watch the same damn labels over'n over again. Quickly losin interest over here.

Appreciate the feedback.

Who are you? And no Burzmalli doesn't play. He was permabanned like you said.

10-17-2007, 09:55 PM
I know it would be hard, but wouldnt it be easier to build a town that is PvP? I know this was a thread a while ago if someone cares to find it and post the link. Just make some ghost town, you could even have a system similar to Plat's portal system to get to the place and there is a restriction to where you can only see characters within some sort of level bracket.

While this may seem like an awesome idea (and I support it...), it seems this may provide a lot more problems OUTSIDE the PvP area than in it. Character A has conflict with Character B INSIDE the area... they take it outside the area and both turn into a couple of whiny HMCs. Way too much trouble.

10-17-2007, 10:17 PM
While this may seem like an awesome idea (and I support it...), it seems this may provide a lot more problems OUTSIDE the PvP area than in it. Character A has conflict with Character B INSIDE the area... they take it outside the area and both turn into a couple of whiny HMCs. Way too much trouble.

So to make things fun, before enterting this CvC land you get a new name or title? PSINET has their own titles and it just goes to show that people like this game so much that they even re-create the small effects that people seem to like in game without simu doing it.

Nothing too Obsurd but maybe something related to your in game raceproffesion?

Mine would be...
EX: Just makin shit up of course

A Ta'Nalfein Watcher has arrived to join the fight!

Also here: Ta'Nalfein Watcher <Nickname/newname>

Ya follow?

I get your point though, and that has been a big problem in the past.

People take the Boulder Drama off the rock and in town... and personally I like it, i'd hope it'd be like that.

Boulder Drama isn't just competition, we're all lookin to stir up trouble becuz this game is so damn boring.

Take the classic me Vs. Methais & Morgynn in the past.

We killed eachother allll overrrr Elanthia, from The Landing to Teras, to wherever.

And if you aren't getting who I am, I'm Icedraggon (His shadow atleast. I played alot when Mike (the original sellout) wasn't.)

I've gone by a ton of other aliases since then but no biggy.

10-17-2007, 10:29 PM
While this may seem like an awesome idea (and I support it...), it seems this may provide a lot more problems OUTSIDE the PvP area than in it. Character A has conflict with Character B INSIDE the area... they take it outside the area and both turn into a couple of whiny HMCs. Way too much trouble.

Simu should make a duplicate of Darkstone or something and when you walk into it it's a huge pvp free for all. And if you die, you can rez anytime you want healed and with full stats after like 10 seconds or something, and nobody loses deeds or gets death's sting or anything like that. And call it Quakestone Castle.

10-17-2007, 11:04 PM
I doubt they'll code much extra for it. I think the free for all nature'd be the big selling point. Maybe they could start people out autoleveled to a certain point, however, and advance people post cap exp style.

10-17-2007, 11:25 PM
I doubt they'll code much extra for it. I think the free for all nature'd be the big selling point. Maybe they could start people out autoleveled to a certain point, however, and advance people post cap exp style.

You could do that, but you really need to keep all the lvl's at say.. say 40 trains.

And maybe they could have what you learn in regular realms EXP contribute to the "war zone" EXP for your character.

Because if someones lvl 100, he's always gonna dominate, and the lower lvls aint gonna be able to come up and it'll make things difficult.