View Full Version : 4x HCP Altered Brig, 4x HCW Altered Pike.

10-13-2007, 11:32 PM
Description: Some Raven Blue Fitted Mithril Scale-mail

Show: This expertly crafted suit consists of front and back sections of raven blue mithril scales that form a short dress. Each section is designed to cinch snugly to the wearer by the diagonal lacings that run down each side. Long slender sleeves and protective leggings are fastened to the scale-mail in the same fashion. Hammered into the left breast of the armor is a plate of blackened mithril bearing the image of a raven rising above sapphire glaes flames. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Price: 11M Flat. - OR - $135 ($110 + $25.00 W.U. Fee.)

- +17 Defensive Bonus.
- Brig. Armor.
- Heavily Padded Against Critical Blows.
- Crafted out of Mithril.
- Weighs 21 Lbs.
- 49/325 Forging.

Description: A Barbed Rolaren Awl Pike

Show: Silvery rolaren threads weave their way up the shaft of the pike, intersecting to form geometric patterns. The pattern continues onto the head of the pike, as fine etchings in the sharp metal. Imbedded in the base of the shaft, a single, flawless dragonsbreath sapphire rests, disfusing ambient light in a watery gleam.

Price: 12M Flat. - OR - $120 ($110 + $25.00 W.U. Fee.)

- +20 Offensive Bonus.
- Awl-pike base.
- Heavily weighted to deliver critical blows.
- Crafted out of Rolaren.
- Weighs 7lbs.
- 80/225 Forging.

Please send all offers to DevonGreene04@hotmail.com

Cash is accepted only via Western Union. Unless you know someone in texas with a paypal account who wouldn't just mind being my gateway. Really don't like Paypal.

Um... thats about it. Been fun playin.

10-14-2007, 07:48 AM
Western Union sucks my penis off my body.

10-14-2007, 08:57 AM
Your not going to sell a damn thing only accepting WU.

Thought I'd inform you.

10-14-2007, 09:06 AM
Will you give the item to someone first if they buy it and then let them Western Union you the money?

If so, then maybe that would work.

10-14-2007, 04:39 PM
Yeah I wouldn't mind that long as one of my friends could vouch for'm...

And OMG is that Augie with the tart cutter? Do you still have that damn thing? I've been gone so long.

And Jesus Christ, is W.U. that easy to scam people? The last time I did a W.U. with a client for a lvling job I had to give them my SSN, Full name and address, and the location i'd be picking it up at.

W.U. simply doesn't work like you just send the crap to my bank account, I have to pick it up at a store that will have cameras and they finger print you too. Very aware of how this ish goes.

But yes, i'd be willing to let you hold onto the item before its transfered. Assuming you got credibility.

Were you interested in any of my pieces Augie? :P

10-14-2007, 04:42 PM
Frankly, anyone buying would be better off buying silver from someone else and then giving you silver for your items.

A slew of people have been selling for $10 or $11 per million lately. Western Union sucks donkey balls.

10-14-2007, 04:55 PM
there ya go!

I like that. Go buy from "Sergey" or someone else, give me the silvers IG for items.

as far as people tryin to buy silvers from me... We'll work this out.

10-20-2007, 03:10 AM
Bump Bump Bump! Items I still have.

10-22-2007, 05:39 AM
Bumpedy Bump Bump!

Armor Sold!

Weapon Sold!

Thank you all for your interests.