View Full Version : Couple of items for someone actively in the market?

10-12-2007, 09:12 AM
6x perfect black steel dagger (+6% DF, +3 AVD)
4x perfect black steel falchion (+6% DF, +3 AVD)
7x somber grey robes
7x jet black leather hauberk (which are actually full leathers)

Looking for prices on the above items, I'm not much of a trader generally speaking and I've been away from it for long enough that I wouldn't even venture a guess.

I've been in plat now for a while and so ultimately this stuff will be sold for silvers and/or traded for item in plat...either that or it'll just rot in my locker or bank account.

Any help would be appreciated, offers are fine too, hint, hint. FWIW, the 6x dagger is on pour 3, so it could be as long as a month before it's 6x (or it could explode, who knows?)


10-12-2007, 05:33 PM
Maybe Mario knows but Plat prices are something that prime players can't really give.

10-12-2007, 05:35 PM
He means he's looking to trade these items, which are in Prime, for items/silvers in Plat.

10-12-2007, 07:00 PM
So if someone is willing, and using the latest plat auction as a barometer, the trade would be something like...

6x steel dagger -> 10x incredibly crit padded enhancive spiked weightless veil iron armor :)

10-13-2007, 11:08 AM
Oops, sorry.

Yes, to clarify, this is what remains of the items that I'm willing to give up IN PRIME.

Ultimately I'm looking for silver prices and/or offers on the above items and what I should get for them. I think I've been playing plat about 5 months now so I really don't have much of an idea what any of it is worth anymore.
