View Full Version : Uproar Over "Desperate Housewives" Joke

10-04-2007, 07:19 PM
LYNN ELBER | October 4, 2007 01:07 AM EST | Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — A scene in TV's "Desperate Housewives" that used Philippine medical education for a punchline prompted angry calls from viewers, an online petition demanding an apology and criticism from Philippine officials.

In the season premiere that aired Sunday on ABC, Teri Hatcher's character, Susan, goes in for a medical checkup and is shocked when the doctor suggests she may be going through menopause.

"Listen, Susan, I know for a lot of women the word `menopause'" has negative connotations. You hear `aging,' `brittle bones,' `loss of sexual desire,'" the gynecologist tells her.

"OK, before we go any further, can I check these diplomas? Just to make sure they aren't, like, from some med school in the Philippines?" Susan fires back.

Viewers called the network to complain but the number of callers wasn't available, an ABC spokesman said Wednesday. As of Wednesday evening, more than 30,000 names were attached to an online petition seeking a network apology.

"A statement that devalues Filipinos in healthcare is extremely unfounded, considering the overwhelming presence of Filipinos and Filipino Americans in the medical field," the petition read in part.

ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Co., responded with a statement Wednesday. ABC said it was considering editing the episode.

"The producers of `Desperate Housewives' and ABC Studios offer our sincere apologies for any offense caused by the brief reference in the season premiere. There was no intent to disparage the integrity of any aspect of the medical community in the Philippines," the statement said.

"As leaders in broadcast diversity, we are committed to presenting sensitive and respectful images of all communities featured in our programs," it concluded.

The TV episode even became an international incident, with reports on it topping Philippine news shows and drawing newspaper headlines as officials there registered their displeasure. Filipinos could judge the scene for themselves when it was posted on YouTube.

In Manila, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said he was writing the producers of the show to seek an apology and note the country's "vehement protest." Senior cabinet member Eduardo Ermita told reporters that an apology should be sought "on behalf of our Filipino professionals."

Kevin Nadal, 29, a Filipino-American college lecturer who lives in New York, posted the online petition calling ABC to task for the scene.

"I had to rewind it over and over again to make sure I heard it right," Nadal said in an interview Wednesday. He watched the episode online after hearing about it from a friend.

"I was immediately offended and, really, just hurt. These days, people are supposed to be more sensitive or more aware of what's considered appropriate," he said, adding that he was hearing from people worldwide who were distressed by the scene. He appreciated ABC's apology, he said, but said he also wanted to see the dialogue removed from future airings and DVDs.

Nadal also suggested that the show's producers and ABC executives could make a more substantial gesture than an apology, through scholarships or donations for Filipino and Filipino-Americans and community groups.

Filipinos and other minorities also should be depicted on TV as "prominent, positive role models," Nadal said.


Associated Press writer Oliver Teves in Manila, Philippines contributed to this report.

It's hard to do comedy without pissing someone off.

Dwarven Empath
10-04-2007, 07:38 PM
Yah and hardly anyone made a stink about the film, White Men Can't Jump.

Jeez get over it already.

10-04-2007, 07:47 PM
They missed the joke. It wasn't belittling Filipino doctors, it was pointing out how absurdly easy it is to obtain a foreign degree with enough cash.

I'm also very much opposed to allowing foreign doctors, or any other professional from setting up shop with very few questions asked.

I don't care how much education they have under their belt, or experience, they should have to enter our residency programs after being subject to a battery of med school exams.

10-04-2007, 07:49 PM
Don't they see how they're acting like a bunch of Jews?

Dwarven Empath
10-04-2007, 07:50 PM
hahaha I was gonna say fags, but jews work.

10-04-2007, 08:02 PM
hahaha I was gonna say fags, but jews work.

It was an attempt by Lat to provoke some response from me simply because he knows I'm a Jew.

There are plenty of "Jew" jokes on television ... perpetrate at times by "Jew" producers, writers, actors ... etc. Big deal.

Then again, my explanation of the joke flew right over Lat's head ... this is a common occurrence.

*edited to add*

Does anyone watch this show, or did they watch this episode and remember the scene? I curious about the "ethnicity" of the actor playing doctor.

Dwarven Empath
10-04-2007, 08:04 PM
Didnt know that joke was pointed towards you.

Personal attacks I don't do. But broad ones I'm all for.

10-04-2007, 08:20 PM
They missed the joke. It wasn't belittling Filipino doctors, it was pointing out how absurdly easy it is to obtain a foreign degree with enough cash.

I'm also very much opposed to allowing foreign doctors, or any other professional from setting up shop with very few questions asked.

I don't care how much education they have under their belt, or experience, they should have to enter our residency programs after being subject to a battery of med school exams.

It's absurdly easy to obtain an American degree with enough cash with the intent to be an American doctor (or other professional) and set up shop with few questions asked.

10-04-2007, 08:26 PM
It's absurdly easy to obtain an American degree with enough cash with the intent to be an American doctor (or other professional) and set up shop with few questions asked.

Lol ... I'll cut you a 500k check tonight if you can prove it incredibly easy to obtain a valid US degree and set yourself up as a practicing doctor with all the US credentials by morning.

Those that do so stateside, with stateside degrees could probably convince people looking for back alley service, they're going to find it quite difficult to prove their residency all the way down to their education.

They could set themselves up as lawyers if they could pass the state bar, it would be tougher going proving themselves doctors ... unless they provided "purchased" foreign credentials ... which was the joke.

10-04-2007, 08:34 PM
It'd even be pretty tough for them to become lawyers. Our courts are even pretty different than other common law systems.

10-04-2007, 08:38 PM
It was an attempt by Lat to provoke some response from me simply because he knows I'm a Jew.tbh, I thought that up before I saw your post. I considered changing it out of respect...

...but then I realized that was kind of the whole point.

At any rate: no, neither every post nor this particular post of mine is specifically targeted at you.

10-04-2007, 08:55 PM
Lol ... I'll cut you a 500k check tonight if you can prove it incredibly easy to obtain a valid US degree and set yourself up as a practicing doctor with all the US credentials by morning.

Those that do so stateside, with stateside degrees could probably convince people looking for back alley service, they're going to find it quite difficult to prove their residency all the way down to their education.

They could set themselves up as lawyers if they could pass the state bar, it would be tougher going proving themselves doctors ... unless they provided "purchased" foreign credentials ... which was the joke.

A plaque on the wall can look just as authentic as a real one. Neither of us said valid, or 'US credentialed' in our posts. You just added that qualifer to your latest post.

...it was pointing out how absurdly easy it is to obtain a foreign degree with enough cash.-You

How many people go to the doctor/lawyer/accountant/etc's office and ask to see their credentials, verify their education and proof of passing the bar/boards/etc?

Not many people that I know of.

10-04-2007, 09:07 PM
If you don't care about the credentials of a professional you're essentially hiring ... you're asking for it.

I verified my family practitioner's credentials before taking my children or myself for healthcare.

I have verified every lawyer's credentials before retaining their services.

If the professional has the ability to seriously fuck up my life, my livelihood ... etc, I'm checking credentials.

This isn't the topic of the thread however. The topic of the thread is a joke made by a character on a shitty television program that inferred a devalued degree from the Philippines. Which to me inferred that she wanted to make sure her "physician" didn't purchase his/her degree.

It was a joke, no different than any other racially charged joke on television, on any given channel, at any given time of the day.

10-04-2007, 09:12 PM
If you don't care about the credentials of a professional you're essentially hiring ... you're asking for it.

I verified my family practitioner's credentials before taking my children or myself for healthcare.

I have verified every lawyer's credentials before retaining their services.

If the professional has the ability to seriously fuck up my life, my livelihood ... etc, I'm checking credentials.

This isn't the topic of the thread however. The topic of the thread is a joke made by a character on a shitty television program that inferred a devalued degree from the Philippines. Which to me inferred that she wanted to make sure her "physician" didn't purchase his/her degree.

It was a joke, no different than any other racially charged joke on television, on any given channel, at any given time of the day.

Not everyone is as dilligent as you are.

To stay on topic, I think it inferred that American medicine is the best and all others are inferior.

10-04-2007, 09:14 PM
Not everyone is as dilligent as you are.

To stay on topic, I think it inferred that American medicine is the best and all others are inferior.

That would depend on the ethnicity of the actor playing "doctor" to Hatcher's character.

10-04-2007, 09:36 PM
I don't see how race plays a part in whether the insult is there.

A non-Asian could just as easily get a degree from an Asian medical school.

10-04-2007, 09:40 PM
I don't see how race plays a part in whether the insult is there.

A non-Asian could just as easily get a degree from an Asian medical school.

Again, I don't believe anyone asked the writers to explain the joke ... but I took it as she wanted to make sure her physician didn't buy the degree. I would be doubly suspicious if a non-asian, born in the US, citizen presented a foreign degree.

Which was why I questioned the ethnicity of the actor playing the part of gyno doc.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-04-2007, 09:43 PM
It was a joke. Joke's are not meant to be "politically correct". People need to get the hell over it- every group in the world has been the target of a joke at one point or another, it's not like people watched that and went "OMG FILLIPINO DOCTORS R BAD!One11!"

Just like I'm sure people didn't want Borat and suddenly believe that Jews turn into soul-sucking cockroaches.

10-04-2007, 10:20 PM
Yah and hardly anyone made a stink about the film, White Men Can't Jump.

Jeez get over it already.

That was actually funny, so it got a pass. Black Men Can't Read, however, was completely offensive. White Men Have Small Penises, I was afraid to watch so you'll just have to take PB's word for it.

10-04-2007, 11:25 PM
I think the fact that foreign doctors who've practiced for years have to automatically go through residency all over again is pretty indicative of how a person can't simply just set up shop here with a foreign degree.

Sean of the Thread
10-04-2007, 11:29 PM
I don't know about the Philippines but it's a fact that you can get a Med Degree out of the Sunday paper every week in India.