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View Full Version : FS: 7x, HCP, 12 lbs torso chain - some patterned sylvan mail

10-03-2007, 02:00 AM
Some patterned sylvan mail:

Interlocking rings of mithril grace the armor with both strength and flexibility, a light sheen gleaming across its surface. Sylvan craftsmanship is evident in the unity of form and purpose, as irregular patterns of leaves are delineated by gold rings among the majority of green ones. On the upper left breast, a stylized triangular fox's head is picked out in a similar pattern of green and gold, surrounded by a suggestion of silver briars. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

+35, Heavily crit padded. Torso chain. 13lbs (base of 25 on torso chain). Lightened about 8 times (per Nuadjha's original post) Also has tier two armor zests:

You buff the links of your sylvan mail until they gleam.

You shrug your shoulders and tug on your sylvan mail, smoothing the links.

You bend, stretch, and twist, making sure your sylvan mail is properly fitted for battle.

You carefully remove your sylvan mail, inspecting the links for wear.

You don your sylvan mail, settling its weight comfortably.

It's made of mithril, as well.

Summary of benefits:

1) Against mail, most weapons don't hit as hard and do less damage when they do hit compared to scale.
2) You can control your spell hinderance and your armor coverage.
3) Takes only 10 ranks above brig.
4) VERY lightweight.
5) Good enchant, great padding, nice zests.

MB: 40m
BO: 50m