View Full Version : Marykate and Ashlley

09-30-2007, 10:47 PM
I do NOT know how to edit. But it's still funny. :)

[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some ground cactacae, a tincture of brostheras, the Jherik disk, the Hopdevil disk, a large acorn, some basal moss, a rose-marrow potion, a glass of fine aged whiskey, a glass of fine aged whiskey, a glass of fine aged whiskey, a pint of frothy halfling ale, a small rose, some manna bread, some manna bread, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of wolifrew, a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing golden potion, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of haphip, a rations kit, some ground daggit, a tincture of wolifrew and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Warnik, Crunthor, Laersk, Lord Vladaria, Zibazadekus who is sitting, Ackus who is lying down, Lady Millianne who is kneeling, Valnan who is sitting, Jherik, Cristalia, Hopdevil who is sitting, Palladan, Lord Davydd
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
Millianne murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Millianne gestures.
Millianne's right leg looks better.
Millianne meditates over Crunthor.
Millianne takes Crunthor's right hand damage.
>'Has anyone seen my sister, Marykate?
<b>You ask, "Has anyone seen my sister, Marykate?" </b>
You have been assigned 1 new Combat Maneuver Training Point. You may click here for more information.
Medicatrixrayah just arrived.
Crunthor faces Millianne, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Crunthor opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
<b>>, Marykate [General]: "Me?" </b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Medicatrixrayah murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Medicatrixrayah gestures.
Medicatrixrayah's chest looks better.
Millianne murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Millianne gestures.
Millianne's abdomen looks better.
Vladaria deeply asks, "Are there any healers here?"
Jewelyanna just arrived.
Great Lord Balstraud just went northwest.
Vladaria sighs.
Jewelyanna just went over to an old well.
<b>>think Hey, where's my half of our money? </b>
Millianne nods to Vladaria.
You focus on projecting Your thoughts...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Crunthor faces Medicatrixrayah, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Crunthor opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Medicatrixrayah glances at a glass of fine aged whiskey.
Medicatrixrayah chuckles.
Cudacar just strode in.
Great Lord Hilts just arrived.
<b>>,i really want to start talking about Carl Lagerfeld</b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Millianne murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Cudacar strides away moving southeast.
Millianne concentrates.
Millianne looks a lot better.
<b>>,but i can't</b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Great Lord Hilts just went southwest.
Lord Shonison just went over to an old well.
Nocor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Nocor gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Nocor.
<b>>yell I want my money You insidious harpy! </b>

You start to yell, but take a look around and think better of calling attention to Yourself in such a busy and dangerous place.

>'I want my money You insidious harpy!
<b>You exclaim, "I want my money You insidious harpy!" </b>
Kristen just arrived.

The air thickens and begins to swirl around Nocor.
<b>>, Medicatrixrayah [General]: "For koar's sake I thought I've seen everything until i've seen Marykate and ashlley here!" </b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Kristen just arrived.
Nocor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Nocor gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Nocor.
Nocor just went west.
Medicatrixrayah laughs!
>think I want my money Marykate!
You focus on projecting Your thoughts...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
<b>Medicatrixrayah glances at You. </b>
Kristen just went southwest.
Medicatrixrayah starts chortling.
Medicatrixrayah just went northwest.
Lord Tessidus just arrived.
<b>You giggle. </b>
Speaking in Guildspeak, Millianne softly asks something You don't understand.
Cionis's group just arrived.
Lord Tessidus just went southwest.
Kristen just arrived.
Kristen put a soft tiny iceblossom under some stone benches.
<b>Marykate stares at You. </b>
>think to shenye oh snap!
You focus on projecting Your thoughts...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
<b>Marykate says, "Grow up." </b>
The pale gold sprite stretches and yawns.

>'::Marykate Look at us! We're twins!
<b>Speaking to Marykate, You exclaim, "Look at us! We're twins!" </b>
<b>You strut about. </b>
Corleaf just arrived.
Cionis waves to Marykate.
Crunthor just arrived.
>'::Marykate Let's go shopping! (You're paying)
<b>Speaking to Marykate, You say, "Let's go shopping! (You're paying)" </b>
Cionis just went northwest.
>, Speaking to Marykate, You say, "Let's go shopping! (You're paying)"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.

<b>SEND[Andraste] Let's not perpetuate Marykate and Ashley stuff in Elanthia please :) </b>

Crunthor kneels down.
>, SEND[Andraste] Let's not perpetuate Marykate and Ashley stuff in Elanthia please :)
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Millianne softly asks something You don't understand.
A gentle breeze springs up, and the many branches of the oak tree sway gently, making a soft sighing sound as the wind courses through the leaves.
Vyroki just arrived.
Vyroki just went northwest.
<b>>,i am le cracking up</b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Vyroki just arrived.
Vyroki sits down.
Nymbashin just arrived.
Nymbashin just went southeast.
<b>Marykate says, "Please stop." </b>
Davean's group just arrived.
Laersk just went west.
Zibazadekus stands up.
>, Marykate says, "Please stop."
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Audri just arrived.
Audri just went west.
Davean asks, "Healing, please?"
Lord Tessidus just arrived.
Cyndis just arrived.
Cyndis just went northwest.
Tessidus asks, "Any healing pleas?"
Vigg just opened a fine suede greatcloak.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
[To control the sprite, click on it and select from the list of TELL options.]

The pale gold sprite stretches and yawns.
Millianne meditates over Davean.
Millianne takes Davean's left hand damage.
>'::mary Stop what, sis?
Millianne meditates over Davean.
Millianne takes Davean's left leg damage.
Lurrah just arrived.
<b>Speaking to Marykate, You ask, "Stop what, sis?" </b>
<b>Marykate sighs. </b>
Davean just handed Millianne some coins.
Millianne meditates over Davean.
Nothing happens.
<b>You pout. </b>
Davean faces Millianne, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Davean opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
>':sad ::Mary You're not happy to see me?
<b>Speaking sadly to Marykate, You ask, "You're not happy to see me?" </b>
Davean faces Millianne, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Davean opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Davean faces Millianne, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Davean opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
>, Speaking to Marykate, You ask, "Stop what, sis?"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
<b>>Marykate sighs. </b>
Please rephrase that command.
>, Speaking sadly to Marykate, You ask, "You're not happy to see me?"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
You see a blur out of the corner of Your eye, and Matti suddenly appears.

Cladia just went southwest.
<b>Marykate sighs. </b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Davean's group just went northwest.

>'::Mark Fine. I'll just change my name to Michelle or something
Marykate put a white ora blade in her beaded linen bag.
<b>You say, "Fine. I'll just change my name to Michelle or something." </b>
Allereli asks, "Any healing please?"
Kreek just arrived.
Kreek just went over to an old well.
Nocor nods to Allereli.

Nocor meditates over Allereli.
Nothing happens.
Tessidus smiles at Millianne.
<b>Medicatrixrayah [General]: "When I see Marykate and Ashlley in Paupers I know we really have a Full House." </b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Allereli just handed Nocor some coins.
Allereli says, "Thankee."
Millianne nods to Tessidus.
<b>Marykate gasps. </b>

Crunthor rubs his black pearl pendant, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Crunthor gets an odd look on his face.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
The sprite folds back his wings.
Tellawoe just arrived.
Blah blah blah TSC

Speaking in Guildspeak, Millianne softly asks something You don't understand.
Great Lady Allereli's group just went northwest.
Crunthor removes a monir-hafted golvern morning star from in his enameled sheath.
>, Dragonsinger [Merchant]: "Groan."
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Millianne murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Eymii just went southwest.
<b>The appearance of great calm leaves Marykate as she looks up and glances around. </b>

>'::Marykate Remember back when we used to pretend to be the same person?
<b>Speaking to Marykate, You ask, "Remember back when we used to pretend to be the same person?" </b>
>, Speaking to Marykate, You ask, "Remember back when we used to pretend to be the same person?"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Drung just arrived.
>, The appearance of great calm leaves Marykate as she looks up and glances around.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
<b>Marykate says, "Please leave me alone." </b>
Millianne meditates over Nocor.
Millianne takes Nocor's right eye damage.
Nocor murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Tellawoe just went west.
Crimsoneve just arrived.
>'::Marykate Did You stop eating again? You're not Yourself
<b>Speaking to Marykate, You say, "Did You stop eating again? You're not Yourself." </b>
>, Speaking to Marykate, You say, "Did You stop eating again? You're not Yourself."
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
Crimsoneve deeply asks, "Anyone healing?"
Ashlley just appeared.
You feel Yourself being pulled away...
<b> [Consultation Lounge] </b>
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
>, [Consultation Lounge]
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
You feel the mind of Jayvn touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
<b>You gasp. </b>
<b>You gaze in wonder at Your surroundings. </b>
Low thunder rumbles off in the distance, getting closer with each clap. As it appears to crash overhead, a sudden lightning bolt stabs at the ground with a mighty *BOOM*! As Your vision clears, You see GameMaster Andraste standing there.
You feel the mind of Kiowa touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
>, Low thunder rumbles off in the distance, getting closer with each clap. As it appears to crash overhead, a sudden lightning bolt stabs at the ground with a mighty *BOOM*! As Your vision clears, You see GameMaster Andraste standing there.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
<b>Andraste says, "Good evening Ashlley." </b>
You feel the mind of Jayvn touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
<b>You exclaim, "Hi!" </b>
You feel the mind of Malaekai touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
>'Is this rehab?
<b>You ask, "Is this rehab?" </b>
>, You ask, "Is this rehab?"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
<b>Andraste asks, "So, what part of my instructions to steer clear of any Marykate and Ashley references was unclear?" </b>
You feel the mind of Wariquan touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
You feel the mind of Kizun touch Yours, calling the memory of Your location as You last saw it. You offer no resistance.
>, Andraste asks, "So, what part of my instructions to steer clear of any Marykate and Ashley references was unclear?"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
>'It's just rp!
<b>You exclaim, "It's just rp!" </b>
<b>You let out a cheer! </b>
>, You exclaim, "It's just rp!"
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
>, You let out a cheer!
You focus on transmitting Your thought.
<b>Andraste glances at You. </b>
You focus on transmitting Your thought.

************************************************** **************

Please read the policy file at this time by typing POLICY and the page number that You wish to read. Once You have finished reading all of the policies, a GameMaster will return to answer any questions You may have.

************************************************** **************

>, Please read the policy file at this time by typing POLICY and the page number that You wish to read. Once You have finished reading all of the policies, a GameMaster will return to answer any questions You may have.
You focus on transmitting Your thought.

Your next unread page is page 1.
<b>Andraste says, "How about You think on that a bit more while reading policy, especially section 3." </b>
You are currently tasked with reading the POLICY file, please click POLICY 1.
<b>Andraste winks at You. </b>
<b>Andraste waves. </b>
A bolt of lightning strikes the ground outside, followed by a clap of rumbling thunder. A nearby wall distorts and the fabric of space appears to tear as Andraste gracefully slips through the opening.

GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names

The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.

- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable. (Klan, Towelhead)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmi Pihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, St. Peter, Gandhi)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Famous Out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buck Rogers, Chewy Bacca)
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Garbage names. (xxbdgscy , yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Phrases. (Ima toasteroven, Worldsgreatest Treeclimber)
- Names with titles in them. (Knight Blackness, Mistress Bombshell)
- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)

There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.

If You were sent to re-create Your name, but feel Your name is acceptable, and You wish to appeal, You must file the appeal in writing to feedback@simutronics.com. Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of Your appeal.

If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.

>report But she has my money!
>report I can't afford Prada as a paladin!

09-30-2007, 10:55 PM
OMG! The other day I had just raised a body at VOLN and I saw Marykate run through from the temple there. I whispered OOC to someone that I was just waiting for Ashley to run through any minute!

Some Rogue
09-30-2007, 11:53 PM
Heh, Marykate started in Vaalor. She seemed like a generally new player when I was talking to her.

Sylvan Dreams
10-01-2007, 08:44 AM
From your log, it doesn't look like she was a willing participant in your "fun", in which case, that really wasn't cool.

10-01-2007, 09:05 AM
From your log, it doesn't look like she was a willing participant in your "fun", in which case, that really wasn't cool.
Ditto. Not seeing the funny in this.

10-01-2007, 09:06 AM
Sorry dawg, as much as I like Eoghain's RP...that was FUBAR'd. I think MK's been around a while and you came off as a serious NewB.

10-01-2007, 12:09 PM
From your log, it doesn't look like she was a willing participant in your "fun", in which case, that really wasn't cool.

It was retarded. Whether she went along with it or not, it was crap, it was OOC and highly retarded.

10-01-2007, 12:31 PM
In comedy, you fail.

10-01-2007, 12:36 PM
It was retarded. Whether she went along with it or not, it was crap, it was OOC and highly retarded.
Agreed, infact if she went along with it it would be twice as stupid.

10-01-2007, 05:11 PM
I didn't know it was against policy to be OOC.

Sean of the Thread
10-01-2007, 06:20 PM

10-01-2007, 07:21 PM
Looks to me like you were finding a way to harass an innocent player. Her name may be funny to you but it didn't give you the right to disrupt other players and her especially. If others didn't know she wasn't in on it you may have hurt her reputation as well with that little prank.