View Full Version : Plat auction

09-30-2007, 05:26 AM
Platinum Auction 9/29/2007 through 9/30/2007
GS4-PLATINUM: This information is of interest to GemStone IV Platinum players.
Time: Start time both days: 1pm EST

BREAK - 6pm EST - 1 hour

END - no later than 11pm EST

Location: In front of the bank, heh.

General Info: AUCTION! Not much more to say.

This makes me grumpy.

The Ponzzz
09-30-2007, 11:37 AM
I managed to pull away with a 2x DB ring made of veil iron.

I wanted to stick it out for a throwing weapon or one of the remaining home deeds, but I didn't think I'd have all day today.

09-30-2007, 11:52 AM
Nice job.

Yeah, still grumpy though

09-30-2007, 12:04 PM
I managed to pull away with a 2x DB ring made of veil iron.

I wanted to stick it out for a throwing weapon or one of the remaining home deeds, but I didn't think I'd have all day today.

That was you??

09-30-2007, 02:03 PM
That's why we had no auction. Khaladon wants people in Plat, so they put no auction here, have a few auctions there, and offer free PP transfer and a few free months.

There won't be an auction until well after all Plat specials are over with. They pay 10$ more a month, they are better than us.

The Ponzzz
09-30-2007, 02:19 PM
That's why we had no auction. Khaladon wants people in Plat, so they put no auction here, have a few auctions there, and offer free PP transfer and a few free months.

There won't be an auction until well after all Plat specials are over with. They pay 10$ more a month, they are better than us.


The Ponzzz
09-30-2007, 02:19 PM
That was you??

Yes, I am Dhask

That Jay
10-01-2007, 12:26 AM
some light tan kidskin gloves with tightly laced ivory stitching Faelln 300k enchancive skinning spell

a gold-flanged eonake ridgemace with a suede-wrapped haft Taeghan for 5500 silvers
Not only is this mace holy, over four times enchanted but gives a bonus to mana and stamina recovery.

a gleaming silvery vultite scabbard Sold to Laethia for 550000 silvers,
Self charging blessing scabbard.

a small vellum scroll with scorched edges Sold to Raimi for 200000 silvers
In the Common language, it reads:
This certificate entitles the bearer to one full hour of the Master Artisan Milaro's time. During this session, the skilled master will work his expertise upon both your features and equipment. He will also help you add customized flair (three varieties) to one item. Lastly, Master Milaro will direct his apprentices in the remodeling of your shop, if so desired.

an inlaid pearl grey and ivory dagger Sold to Colm for 913000 silvers
Set into the slightly curved dagger blade are two doves, their diminutive beaks touching just at the tips in the faintest of avian kisses. One bird is grey, cut from a shiny slice of silver nacre, while the other is creamy white, shaped from a soft piece of ivory. An enameled blue scroll curls above them like a banner. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
We will shield you with mighty wings -- from sticks, from swords, from the slings of your enemies.
Lirion says, "Its got an enchanive bonuse to two weapon skill."
Lirion says, "And its a defender."
Lirion says, "Its two times enchanted, but with the skill bonus, is more."

a green straw picnic basket Sold to Jeska for 31000 silvers
makes a picnic lunch once a day.

an oblong red-orange sard medallion Sold to Teekee for 25000 silvers
A single pale band winds its way unevenly through the center of the sard medallion, separating mottled orange stone from that of a deeper, more solid red. The center of the flattened oval has been hollowed out and set with a round of gold that may have once been a coin of some sort, but is now worn smooth with age. A leather cord is wound thrice about the medallion along its short axis and knotted at either side.
enchancive - grants Preservation spell

a crimson vaalin-worked black marble Ivas figurine Sold to Valareina for 2000000 silvers
Lirion says, "This is a self charging lesser shroud item, the old spell."

a flame-shaped fiery crimson ruby talisman Sold to Ravendra for 110000 silvers
Lirion says, "Enhances fire lore."

a dog-eared yellowed parchment Sold to Rodger for 1000000 silvers
In the Common language, it reads:
"This parchment is good for the return of one item from the ether if proof of ownership may be obtained."

a bone and ebonwood entwined wand Sold to Clemm for 30000 silvers
Lirion says, "Disintergrate and pain infliction."

a lindenwood and limestone entwined wand Sold to Desmon for 150000 silvers
Lirion says, "Holy bolt and fire spirit."

an etched dusky grey runestone Sold to Dyan for 1331000 silvers
Lirion says, "Creates a spirit servent, and can once a day perform a mass heal or raise, depending on the caster."

a suit of glossy black scale armor Sold to Lydanis for 400000 silvers
over 4x and crit padded

some sleeveless green velvet robes embellished with crescent-shaped golvern studs Sold to Ephelysse for 1600000 silvers
Some over vultite enchant robes with some crit padding"
"They cast the spell self control just over four times a day."

a gold-flecked lapis lazuli rondelle wound with a long delicate golden chain Sold to Alsal for 55000 silvers,
Call familiar 1x a day

some mithril chain mail Sold to Baelhar for 605000 silvers
"Next item is some enchanted mail, a chain shirt it is. Over vultite enchant."
"With a ton of damage padding"

a faenor-nocked sephwir long bow Sold to Lucee for 660000 silvers
The slender silvery limbs of the sephwir long bow are gracefully curved and bisected by a smooth black horn grip. Tiny chips of hardened bloodwood resin trail outward from the grip along the sephwir limbs, meandering toward the tapered ends like so many crimson flower petals on the wind. Capping the longbow's limbs are a pair of tiny faenor nocks shaped to resemble half-furled leaves.
This bow is over vultite enchant and also highly ensorcelled to help with your aiming."

a weathered oilcloth cloak Sold to Adlai for 1100000 silvers,
Time has not been kind to this cloak. The oilcloth is worn and scuffed, looking as if it had seen a thousand storms in its lifetime. One section of the hem has begun to fray, and the clasp ties are looking much worse for the wear.
"This cloak was made by the chronomages and acts as a gold ring" Costs spirit to use
"A decent amount, noone knows for sure. It is rumored to be based on how spiritual the individual is."

a blackened rolaren crown Sold to Baalimun for 250000 silvers,"
"This crown will enable the user to cast the spirit defense spell with their own mana." (103)

a white ora lance Sold to Icias for 350000 silvers,
"Looks like it's blessed in the hands of holy types."
"Better enchant tthan eonake even."
"And it look like it will mess with any spellcasters pretty badly. Interferes with their mana."
"In addition to occasionally blowing out their nerves."

a silver armband etched with faintly glowing turquoise runes Sold to Geshthai for 3500000 silvers,
Around the inside of the silver armband is a spidery inscription reading, "The owner of this armband is entitled to lifetime access to the Chronomages' portals."
Klirn hoarsely says, "Looks like it can be worn, not needed in hand."
Klirn hoarsely says, "And it says owner. I believe the owner can be reset, but only once a month."

a pair of bear hide boots Sold to Larsori for 430000 silvers
"They are sneaking boots. Thrice per day, these boots will allow you to cast the spell of Sneaking."

a suit of gilt rolaren full plate Sold to Carli for 660000 silvers,
Polished black rolaren gleams darkly with subtle undertones of verdigris, its articulated joints gilded with a pattern of scales. The basinet is poised like a serpent set to strike with malachite-framed eye slits to accent the visor and a frill of mail draped to pauldrons over the acid-etched gorget. Detailed ornamentation frames a tri-paneled breastplate, each panel detailing a scene of depravity, and the gauntlets bear the polished glint of claws attached to beveled gadlings. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
"Looks to be roughly five enchants."
"Hm, looks to have a bit of padding in the lining."

a keen-edged faenor battle axe with a sturdy villswood haft Sold to Sadan for 250000 silvers
"Looks to be critically weighted to an advanced degree and just shy of the enchants of vultite."

an ancient glowbark runestaff Sold to Laerion for 350000 silvers,
This strong, straight shaft of glowbark bears only one blemish; a large knot at the top of the staff has been hollowed out. Floating within the hole is a brilliant gold blazestar that slowly rotates laterally. About a third of the length down the shaft is wrapped a worn leather grip.
"This looks to be its natural enchant."
"This appears to be attuned with the element of earth."

some full leather Sold to Snowfairy for 770000 silvers,
6x crit padded

a silver-hued sapphire bracelet Sold to Raevel for 18150 silvers,
"Let's see, this appears to be an item that will cast elemental defense on you whenever rubbed." (silvers unlimited)

a ribbon-covered box Sold to Cede for 250000 silvers
You see a ribbon-covered box with the lid open. The box is encrusted with sequins and bits of ribbon and brightly colored parchment. The inside is lined with bright crimson silk.
"It looks like you put small items into this box and it will produce a pinata out of them."

an elegant sparkling silver tiara set with several fine precious stones Sold to Nasper for 300000 silvers
Intricately intertwined runes have been scribed into the bejeweled tiara, encircling an empty gem setting. With the vacancy so prominently displayed, the bejeweled tiara seems awkwardly incomplete.
"But, depending on the gem, it will then be imbedded with different spells."

a wickedly sharp steel knife with a scrimshawed ivory handle Sold to Selizabeth for 1100000 silvers
"This is a skinning knife, specially balanced to aid in that endeavor."

a silver-inked lodge deed Sold to Brunhilde for 2200000 silvers
This certificate is for the property in Wehnimer's Landing known as Hart Lodge.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
To redeem, the winner (and only the winner, they are not transferable) should mail the landlord at gs4-khaladon@play.net

a lacquered crimson lor runestaff Sold to Fintan for 850000 silvers
"Eight times, it appears."

a thin silver ring set with a polished blue sapphire Sold to Jodinor for 300000 silvers
Bonus to wisdom and mana recovery

a forest green rolaren buckler emblazoned with a howling ivory wolf Sold to Mithogras for 1000000 silvers
It's got five enchants, and will enhance your agility and ability to dodge.

a curled sheet of old papyrus Sold to Oakin for 1000 silvers
You see a curled sheet of old papyrus with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged.
"This scroll requires skill in both reading scrolls and using items."
"It will allow you to cast the spell for a disk twice per day."

a tightly rolled parchment bound with golden leather cord Sold to Gwalmachei for 500000 silvers
"This certificate entitles the holder to one full enchantment added to any non-padded or flared armor by the Master Armorsmith Khorad. Any non-padded or flared armor under 10 enchants will be eligible."

a faded black leather pack decorated with tiny silver coins Sold to Jregory for 390000 silvers
This appears to store coins, in addition to gear.
"Up to 150,000."
"It looks like you do not feel the weight of the stored coins."

a forked rolaren dirk with an elegant black handguard Sold to Myriamie for 550000 silvers
"The dirk is five enchants for attack, and two on defense."

a polished steel mantlet engraved with small runes around the edge Sold to Kantrin for 500000 silvers
"Over five times enchanted." Tower
Unbalance flares

a wavering elemental circlet Sold to Kaliq for 500000 silvers
"This circlet will enhance your elemental lore"
"Air to be exact"

a midnight black visor with a black sword in a circle of silver Sold to Myke for 250000 silvers,
This visor is shaped from a night-black steel. Inset on the forehead of the visor is a black sword in a circle of silver. Ancient runes are etched in a band around the visor. The runes seem to shift and twist slowly over the night-black steel, making it impossible to read what is written there.
"Well it protects."
"Undead some call them."
"It will tell you just how many undead are around you as well. Specific number."

a crimson-edged onyx scimitar talisman. Sold to Naubol for 100000 silvers,
"A talisman here that will enhance your abilities."
"You can also store a couple of items in it and it has been zested slightly."
"It will aid your constitution and make you a bit more athletic, adding to your stamina."Fairly large in size yet beautifully crafted for detail, this massive talisman has been fashioned from a piece of flawless polished onyx edged with crimson ora. A brilliant oval-cut ruby serving as the pommel also hides a secret catch that opens the hilt, revealing a small compartment.
"There is a small price to pay however! You will be slightly less influential as people seem to not be overly fond of V'tuul."
Decreases influence

some leather brigandine armor Sold to Shyllia for 532400 silvers,
6x enchanted
"It will help defend against cast spells as well."
"It will add about as much as the self mana guards bracelet."
"It is possible to further enchant the armor."

a polished steel torc encrusted with glistening dragonsbreath sapphires Sold to Zablin for 300000 silvers
"We have a torc here that casts a spell with the users own mana."
"This item is only useable by a master of the order of Voln."
"It is the spell Dauntless from the paladin circle."

some copper-framed half-moon spectacles with an onyx-inset bridge "Sold to Clementia for 175000 silvers,
Imparts knowledge of the Foraging spell

a saw-toothed invar mortuary sword with a skull-shaped bone pommel Sold to Nishima for 1000000 silvers
enchanted one time above invar
I believe the critical weighting in this would be considered masterfull or thereabout
"You can cast the spirit strike spell with it 4 times in a bit over 24 hours."

an enruned witchwood box Sold to Randal for 357500 silvers,
This small box, crafted from witchwood, is lined with black velvet and is just barely large enough to hold a single piece of jewelry. Strange runes are lightly carved into the lid, but their meaning is undecipherable.
In the witchwood box you see an enruned black ora earring.
The black metal is etched with strange, spidery runes.

a mithril skinning knife Sold to Sorak for 5000000 silvers
This knife will allow the wielder to cast the skinning spell with their own mana.

a mithril short sword Sold to Eulogia for 6100000 silvers
acid immolator

a fragment of age-yellowed vellum Sold to Bleh for 2000 silvers
You see a fragment of age-yellowed vellum with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged.
"If you don't know where your friends are, this might help you."

a fluted blue glaes rod Sold to Carmenta for 110000 silvers
The slender piece of glaes is cut along its length with four symmetrical grooves. Each long channel is buffed to a matte finish, in contrast to the rod's overall shiny, almost glassy texture. Two cabochon sapphires serve as caps, their domed surfaces carved with sharp-lined lightning bolts.
(stupid auctioneer made a lot of dumb shocking comments)
It casts major shock and it self charges itself."

a fel-hilted blued steel broadsword Sold to Calynda for 220000 silvers
The blade of this broadsword has a smooth blue-black finish, marked only by a shallow engraving on one side. The engraving depicts the image of a jackal's head, facing the tip of the blade. A sturdy fel hilt is affixed to the end of the blade, bearing the symbol of a crescent moon. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
Less than vultite right now

some ensigiled metal breastplate Sold to Jasmyn for 150000 silvers
Swirling patterns of crimson sigils cover the surface of the metal breastplate?. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
Supposedly it is 6x and changes colors and types of armor
"No padding, but over vultite enchant."
"It does have padding!"

a thin faenor band set with a polished emerald Sold to Daulken for 200000 silvers,
Bonus to logic and intuition

a slender pure white leather glove Sold to Talanvor for 13000000 silvers
The glove is comprised of supple, brilliant white leather, a pearlescent sheen encompassing its surface. Two thin, nearly translucent bands of blue eonake run across the back of the glove, intersecting at its center. A thin pattern of gold ivy leaves encircles the cuff, stamped into the material with a slightly embossed texture.
"This glove creates a bow of pure force."
"This bow, however, will in the short-term hurt your spirit."

a murky green bottle Sold to Drolzen for 198000 silvers
The bottle looks very old, and the glass has a greenish tint. A vaalin plug secured to the side of the bottle by a mithril chain provides a stopper for the slender neck. Inside, a speck of light slowly floats around, drifting to-and-fro like a ship's lantern shining through a thick bank of fog.
(scripted pet)

a perfectly cut violet feystone Sold to Suada for 395000 silvers
Layers of differently colored stone compose this small jewel. The outside layer is an intense, eye-catching purple color. The next layer is speckled with hundreds of tiny vaalin inclusions that glitter like a sea of stars. Further in, the stone becomes slightly reflective when turned properly to the light, producing an opalescent replica of your surroundings when you gaze at the gem. A searingly bright golden luminescence glows at the heart of the exquisitely cut stone.
forehead gem


an imflass katar Sold to Vadiano for 100000 silvers
"Nearly 8x katar."

an ancient glowbark runestaff Sold to Kimkah for 200000 silvers,
This strong, straight shaft of glowbark bears only one blemish; a large knot at the top of the staff has been hollowed out. Floating within the hole is a brilliant green blazestar that slowly rotates laterally. About a third of the length down the shaft is wrapped a worn leather grip.
Lirion says, "More of them in the area, more spells it gains."
One of a set
"Seems its water attuned, major cold."

a gleaming white-enameled rolaren aegis emblazoned with three sable towers Sold to Einian for 500000 silvers,
Lirion says, "An enhansive shield."
Lirion says, "Five times enchanted and grants access to the first spell of the ranger circle."

A Brutality ticket Sold to Marat for 40000 silvers

A Brutality ticket Sold to Eglantine for 30000 silvers

a basket-hilted ora backsword engraved with runes of magic Sold to Eiselrey for 220000 silvers
Lirion says, "Nice backsword, hihtly enchanted, nicely crit weighted, and enhanced to add to ones edged weapons ranks."

a soft leather music case hung with cerulean tassels Sold to Phaedre for 250000 silvers
In the music case you see an ebony-banded white ivory flute.
Bleached, bored, and reinforced with silver chased ebony bands, a long thin piece of white ivory has been fashioned into a flute of unusually fine quality. Polished to a soft shine, the bone instrument is etched with a delicate star motif. This pattern is repeated in minute silver inlaid in the dark ebony bands, where the tiny silver stars sparkle against the wood as true stars gleam in the night sky, driving the darkness away.

a scorched black rolaren sudis Sold to Nhis for 170000 silvers
"A six times enchanted lance with unbalance flares."

a silver-edged ticket. Sold to Vyrshkana for 250000 silvers
You see nothing unusual.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
"This ticket is good for one custom verb."Sold to Vyrshkana for 250000 silvers

A Brutality ticket Sold to Tanora for 36602 silvers

a blackened veil iron buckler with iron-buckled leather straps Sold to Eles for 1000000 silvers
"Its nicely enchanted over vultite, and enhansive, adds a nice bonus to multi opponent combat."

a blank deathmattock Sold to Samarre for 200000 silvers,
4x initially

a battered rolaren pavis spiked with an eonake-tipped vor'taz horn Sold to Petalwing for 30000 silvers
"Sancted, nicely enchanted and spiked offensively."

a red-flecked vaalorn jeddart-axe PASSED
"A disruptive jeddart-axe."
"And well enchanted."

a porcelain priestess figurine Sold to Airantor for 410000 silvers
The elven priestess stands sedately on a base of glistening blue-white snow. Her features are a study in elven delicacy, with her lowered eyes and demure pose. Robes painted the blue of twilight and a golden halo of hair are her only adornments.
"Several times a day of warding sphere."

an exquisitely inked papyrus PASSED
You see an exquisitely inked papyrus with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged.
Arms of the Arkati
Lirion says, "More than once."
Lirion says, "Less than five."
= a day

a weathered long bow inlaid with tiny bloodstones Sold to Jaired for 15000000 silvers
Acid ranger ebow

a suit of fluted golvern plate Sold to Dobbles for 61000 silvers
Gracile lines and fluted surfaces lend an air of regal grandeur in golvern flecked with vaalin-embossed rivets. The sallet, though simple in shape with a ridged visor, is etched with an interwoven pattern that captures the flair of the armor's sleek construction and contrasts with a fauld of four lames bearing rows of geometrically aligned keys. Opalescent vaalin slashes the vambraces and greaves and is inlaid in a flourish across the breastplate.
"This plate is made of golvern, and has a bit more than vultite enchant."
"It also will soften the blows to your body a bit."

a bottle of aged champagne Sold to Zure for 1000 silvers,
The bottle of aged champagne has about 5 glassfulls left.
It's a bottle to treasure, that never seems to be empty."

a grey vultite heater incised with a slit-pupiled eye Sold to Aneya for 350000 silvers,
"This shield is very protective."
"It's also clearly touched by the Grandfather."
"The shield does do one special thing..."
"It can protect against elemental attacks, long as they aren't bolts."
"Sort of like, elemental bias."

a tapered witchwood runestaff decorated with a dangling raven feather headdress from the chest Sold to Rvain for 3740000 silvers
"It's slightly above a vultite enchant."
"It helps you to aim your spells better."
"It helps you to get back mana better after you aim those spells."
"This stick also helps you to have more mana, overall."

a vultite brandestoc inset with spirlaing veins of crystal "Sold to Malaphari for 110000 silvers,"
"It will teach you how to raise the dead."
"It grants you the knowledge of the spell."

a pair of tall rich violet leather boots overlaid with a webwork of golden lace Sold to Lokan for 43000 silvers
"they also help you to dodge and to do those nifty maneuvers in battle."
"They can fit a lockpick or something small in them too,
"I'd say they help more than one training's worth, and less than five, for each ability."

a glossy rune-etched mithglin breastplate Sold to Frezze for 65000 silvers,
"This breastplate allows you to cast Melgorehn's Aura about 4 times a day."
"It's been enchanted typically for mithglin.

a mithril razorpaw Sold to Maqkensey for 12000 silvers,
"This weapon is enchanted above normal mithril, by quite a bit."

a polished oval-cut deathstone ring Sold to Hubris for 4400000 silvers
t-port ring (3 setting)

an acid-pitted mithril morning star with a jet black ironwood handle Sold to Kyzan for 150000 silvers,"
"Very nicely enchanted and has rotating flares."
"This one has three."

a diamond-edged rolaren sai Sold to Starfairy for 30250 silvers,
"Six enchants and its a defender as well."
Defends more than mithril

a pair of dark leather boots Sold to Jenaira for 10000000 silvers
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
DB (more like mein)

some calf-high blue suede boots with polished gold buckles
4x a day Haste self mana

a sachet of dried catnip Sold to Faerlain for 60000 silvers
summons unique cat familiars ?x a day

a celestial blue rolaren hauberk with heavy golden vultite pauldrons "Sold to Kiel for 195000 silvers,
"Have some Hauberk here that is enchanted above vultite level."
"It has an interesting spell imbedded inside it, four times a day."
Spirit Guide.

a silver targe pin PASS
"Here is a pin that will enable someone to use five times per day with the first level of guards."

a brilliant silver pavis pin Sold to Isat for 10000 silvers
"This pin will give the third level of guards"
"Three times a day."

a crystal wolf charm Sold to Ynd for 10000 silvers,
3x Phoen's Strength

some glyph-embossed dark brigandine laced with braided caedera gut Sold to Windermere for 250000 silvers,
"This armor is barely enchanted above ora level."
"But is critcally padded almost to masterfully level."

an enruned witchwood box Sold to Rhaurc for 187000 silvers,
an enruned black ora ring
The black metal is etched with strange, spidery runes.

a wide veil iron band Sold to Ornic for 54798 silvers
DB mithril

a platinum-edged certificate Sold to Oengus for 5000000 silvers
In the Common language, it reads:
"This ticket is good for an enchant added to a non-weighted or flared weapon. Some other weapons may be ineligibile as well due to abilities."
"This certificate is good for the enchantment of a weapon, no weighting allowed, flares are fine."

a Brutality ticket Sold to Tersoul for 8800 silvers

a rolaren targe emblazoned with a silver sickle on a field of green Sold to Lilora for 22000 silvers
"6 times enchanted small shield"
"This shield has been specially enhanced to help in the recovery of spirit."

some dark cloth-of-veniom robes with an upturned yeti hair collar Sold to Areyei for 25000 silvers
"Here we have some 6 times enchanted robes"
"They are padded heavily."
"Padding against critical damage."

an ebon-hued veil iron greatsword Sold to Lysanio for 2000000 silvers,
"This greatsword is enchanted as normal veil iron and a bit higher."
"It has flares that change upon whatever realm you happen to be in."

a rune-etched veil iron band Sold to Dhask for 4500000 silvers,
DB ora

some rugged hiking boots Sold to Earedsil for 2000000 silvers
"These boots will help tremendously with evading creatures attacks!"
"They also will help with stalking and hiding!"
"They will help you become more agile as well."

a deep-hooded camouflage greatcloak Sold to Maliesue for 110000 silvers
feature hider

a curling sheet of vellum Sold to Perrcie for 600000 silvers
You see a curling sheet of vellum with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged.
3x a day Transference

a Brutality ticket Sold to Cadsuane for 30000 silvers,

some leather brigandine armor inset with small polished emeralds Sold to Airdrie for 200000 silvers,
"Resistant to magic to about two times."


a light blue sapphire bracelet Sold to Bjorgi for 50000 silvers,
"Wear it, have permanent light blues."

some rolaren double chain. PASSED
"This is self mana Thurfels Ward."
"The rest is as it appears."

a glaes claidhmore Going to Thenjhar for 4000000 silvers.

a white ora morning star PASSED
"mana interfering" flares

a scarred vruul hide bound book Sold to Kormis for 4500000 silvers
"Scroll combining book, need i say more."

some padded faenor-studded leathers Sold to Fiti for 10000 silvers
"Cuir armor." Exceptionally crit padded modestly enchanted

a tightly rolled parchment bound with silver cord Sold to Artz for 10000 silvers,
In the Common language, it reads:
This certificate entitles the holder to one full enchantment added to any non-padded or flared armor by the Master Armorsmith Khorad. Any non-padded or flared armor under 10 enchants will be eligible.

a dark green spidersilk cloak embroidered around the hem with a soaring white dragon Sold to Skeyelar for 2000000 silvers,
Strange cloak, big, light, deep, and casts spirit guide once a day."

a small emerald earring Sold to Varostin for 10000 silvers
self-charging Self Control (several times a day)

a gold-edged ticket Sold to Athias for 1000000 silvers
In the Common language, it reads:
"This ticket is good for a custom spell prep phrase."

some sleek black golvern scale mail adorned with pale green moonstones Sold to Hazeruth for 3300000 silvers
Self mana mobility.
Rest of it doesnt really matter, but its once enchanted over vultite."

a small conquest wheel PASSED
You see a small wheel which lays on a wooden plaque and contains dozens of curious icons. A large arrow fixed to the plaque points to the ONE GOLD BAR icon.

a crimson eahnor badelaire with an ornate gold-tipped crosspiece Sold to Etika for 10000 silvers,
"Fairly nice, higher enchant that any wizard can do."

a Brutality ticket Sold to Xelos for 20 silvers

an amber-inlaid mesille short bow PASSED
You see nothing unusual besides a small opening along the grip.
"Highly enchanted and fully unlocked wand bow."

a haon-hilted blued steel broadsword Sold to Saebra for 20000 silvers
The blade of this broadsword has a smooth blue-black finish, marked only by a shallow engraving on one side. The engraving depicts a tiny sword, with a glinting silver blade, as a result of the finish being marred by the etching. A sturdy haon hilt is affixed to the end of the blade, bearing the symbol of a crescent moon. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
"Seems to be controlled by otherworld forces."

an ora augmented breastplate Sold to Connarr for 10000 silvers,
"The breastplate is self mana with the first ranger spell, and two and a half times ora enchant."

a nicked rolaren langsax with a braided feather totem on the hilt
"Hmm, nice longsword, nicely enchanted, critically weighted, and add to boatload of dodge."

a scorched and knotted fireleaf runestaff Sold to Ceriben for 300000 silvers,
"Creates a firey rune."
"Its enchanted more than any wizard can currently as well."

a thin-bladed vaalorn sparte with a sapphire-inset pommel Sold to Takesian for 10000 silvers
"Permablessed handaxe."

a carved rosewood mandolin Sold to Jhery for 10000 silvers,
The mandolin is formed of smoothly carved rosewood, fashioned with a graceful neck and gently rounded body. The thin silk frets stretch up the neck, which ends with a pegbox decorated with tiny opalescent abalone pegs. The exquisite visage of a beautiful young elven woman has been lovingly carved upon the instrument, her curling hair twining around the mandolin's softly rounded back.
"This is an artifact, master class and has a great deal of lore to it."

a jade green leather helm stamped with a stylized black rose Sold to Wiv for 90000 silvers
The helm is well worn from years of use and combat. Runes have been inscribed upon the helm in a form unrecognizable today. Sinister dark eyes upon the helm look through you almost as if they could peer through your clothing. The feeling is eerie.

a rough iron orb Sold to Caithris for 100000 silvers,
Intricately intertwined runes have been scribed into the iron orb, encircling an empty gem setting. With the vacancy so prominently displayed, the iron orb seems awkwardly incomplete.
"Probably the most powerful of the gem eaters."
"Depending on the gem, cast skinning, heal, and elemental barrier."

a tarnished imflass hauberk PASSED
The triple-linked imflass rings are dark with tarnish. Quilted black padding shows through disjointed gaps left by missing links, and a steel claw pauldron clenches its talons into the right shoulder. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
"They are almost 6 times enchanted"
"And heavily padded against criticals"

a golvern chain hauberk PASSED
"5 times enchanted and a tad very heavily padded with criticals"

a Brutality ticket Sold to Aradhul for 20 silvers

a talon-fringed leather tube Sold to Treh for 25000 silvers,
Crafted from aged and blackened leather, the claw-like tube is very small -- the leather is time-worn and rubbed shiny in many places. A banding of alternating obsidian and wyrwood rings circles its center, and discreet runes have been stamped into its body. Talons dangle from the wickedly curved ends. The leather of the cylinder appears strained, as if containing far more weight than its size would imply.
Surrounded by some swirling mist is a steel war hammer.

an emerald disk-shaped medallion on an intricate mithril link chain Sold to Anatae for 250000 silvers,
"This medallion grants knowledge of a spell from the great elemental circle."

a tiny black rolaren talisman Sold to Aanod for 300000 silvers
"It will allow the user to use the spell sprit guide."
"3 times a day"

an old chisel Sold to Brigit for 15400000 silvers
"This item will allow you to improve the quality of your own gems."

a razern throwing hammer decorated with blue and white cocktarice feathers Sold to Pain for 12100001 silvers
3x returning hammer "Just about mastfully crit weighted"

a razor-edged eonake throwing axe Sold to Borax for 50000 silvers
"This one is above vultite enchant"
"And only heavily crit weighted."

a chert-capped obsidian rod PASSED
"A rod that casts the wizard spell minor acid."
"It recharges itself everyday"
"25 charges."

a black rapture cloak Sold to Caden for 3850000 silvers
The black rapture cloak is not just black, it appears to absorb all light that comes near it leaving it nondescript and indiscernible.
(THAT rapture cloak)

a Brutality ticket Sold to Barbosa for 133310 silvers,

a wyrwood rattle Sold to Denil for 1000000 silvers,
The rattle has been finely crafted from a single branch of thick dark wyrwood. It is no more than eight inches in length. Small holes have been carved into one end while a shrunken aishan skull adorns the base of the rattle's handle. The menacing stare upon the aishan's face makes it evident that a live one would be a fearsome opponent.
"Hrrm, sorcerous illusion for your demon."
"The illusion has an indefinite duration."
"And the rattle requires some magic item use training."

a long-bladed black vultite troll-claw PASSED
"Five enchants..."
"Masterfully weighted to inflict more critical wounds"

an engraved imflass aegis with a center-set crimson mithril spike PASSED
6x +, spiked, 1.5 spell defense

an ivy-bound faded parchment Sold to Mirrami for 50000 silvers
You see an ivy-bound faded parchment with edges that are sharply defined and a dim glow highlights something written upon it. The writing, although faded is just clear enough to make out what it says. You sense that the magic is fully charged.
"This fine parchment confers upon the wielder thrice per day the ability to cast Self Control."

a perfect scarlet despanal PASSED
In hue, the crimson shade of this hard stone precisely matches the color of freshly spilled blood. Delicate golden veins wind over its opaque surface, sparkling softly whenever the light touches them -- and sparkling in shadow as well, possessed by some inner radiance that becomes visible only when the stone is protected from exterior illumination. Most striking about the stone, however, is the exquisite quality of its cut.

an ivory-bound property deed "Sold to Rullyn for 100000 silvers,"
This deed is for the property in Wehnimer's Landing known as BayVigil Riverboat.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
To redeem, the winner (and only the winner, they are not transferable) should mail the landlord at gs4-khaladon@play.net.

a clenched fist medallion "Sold to Junsea for 50000 silvers"
"This medallion has quite a number of charges...moreso than a giftbox item, and confers upon the wearer the ability to cast Strength."

a rune-incised rolaren breastplate emblazoned with a fallen black keep on a field of scarlet Sold to Marius for 400000 silvers,
"The fine rolaren breastplate is four time enchanted and heavily padded against critical blows."

a Brutality ticket Sold to Shinxuga for 50000 silvers,

a platinum-edged certificate Sold to Harnen for 50000 silvers
In the Common language, it reads:
"This ticket is good for an enchant added to a non-weighted or flared weapon. Some other weapons may be ineligibile as well due to abilities."

an ora-hilted glaes falchion Sold to Vro for 8000000 silvers
"Hrrm, thrice enchanted, heavily critical weighted, self-mana elemental wave falchion."

a neatly inked sheet Sold to Kennyrran for 70000 silvers,
In the Common language, it reads:
This certificate is good for THREE customized actions to be added to any one existing item. The nature and scope will be discussed with the winner.

a rune-etched ora wristguard "Sold to Anthalse for 1000000 silvers,
"twice enchanted defense item"

a Brutality ticket Sold to Oublie for 1500000 silvers

a jackal-headed dark illthorn staff Sold to Ngifyd for 70000 silvers,
"This staff is blessed of the god Sheru, hence, the jackal head. It will help a follower show their devotion by transporting them to a place sacred to that fiend."

a petrified piece of cheese Sold to Kivrin for 5000 silvers
summons unique mice familiar

a faenor claidhmore Sold to Courdelaine for 5000 silvers,
Skillfully crafted of deep grey faenor, the claidhmore shows clear signs of expert elven craftsmanship. Polished silver quillions tipped with an intricate knot design slant downward, away from the vruul-skin leather grip. Etched along the length of the blade are the words, "Myth Breaker."
"This claidhmore is faenor, and slightly above ora in how strong it hits."

a small silver case Sold to Philistine for 120000 silvers
The small, round case is formed of gleaming silver, strands. On one edge of the case, a tiny arrow sits atop a small stem. Surrounding the stem are various engravings. The arrow is currently pointing at the image of an Elf profiled against a bright sun.

a balanced rolaren war hammer with a suede-wrapped haft PASSED
"This hammer is made of rolaren. It's seven times enchanted."

a blood red ruby bracelet Sold to Auvreaian for 1000 silvers,
You see a blood red ruby bracelet with flecks of glaes. The ruby is glowing.
"This bracelet will suck the life from you, literally. It'll give it back though in the form of healing later on."

a n'ecare hide-covered vultite target shield inset with a slender steel spike Sold to Pasev for 10000 silvers
"This shield will randomly puncture stuff when you slam up against it. It's made of vultite, but is higher than that, by quite a bit."
"I'd say it's nine times enchanted."

a ragged dark suede pack patched with tanned thrak hide PASSED
"This pack will fit snugly on your back while you're climbing, and will make you feel stronger while you do so."
+5 str/+10 climb

a hooked vultite boning knife PASSED
jerky maker
"It will aid you about 15 percent in skinning."

a shining white ora katar Sold to Hepzibah for 5000 silvers,
Etched with ancient runes, this katar looks as old as time itself, yet glows in an inner blue light.
Suddenly, the rest of the world seems to wash away. You find yourself kneeling in a bare room before an imposing figure that appears battle-ready in worn black chainmail topped by a white surcoat with a pure white shield slung over his shoulder. As quickly as the vision comes, it recedes, and you are left wondering if you ever saw it at all.
2-7x cycler. Helps to locate undead

a kakore-hafted kelyn spikestar inscribed with angular runes PASSED
"This is of vultite enchant, nicely weighted to do more damage."
"Not critical damage, the other kind."
"I'd say it does a heavy amount of damage."
"Almost incredible."

some blue-streaked silver imflass platemail. PASSED
"This full plate will allow you to cast elemental bias 4 times a day. It's also damage padded."
"It's enchanted like normal imflass."

a blank deathaxe PASSED
"This deathaxe is normally vultite, but once you pick your preferred foe, you will always be able to attack that type of critter with a 3x bonus above normal."

some ceremonial rolaren arm greaves decorated with black diamond studs Sold to Avra for 55000 silvers
"These greaves will allow you to cast strength 4 times a day. They also are heavily critically padded on your arms."

a golden Brutality ticket Sold to Crumbles for 34000 silvers

a perfect scarlet despanal Sold to Laelanna for 1000 silvers
In hue, the crimson shade of this hard stone precisely matches the color of freshly spilled blood. Delicate golden veins wind over its opaque surface, sparkling softly whenever the light touches them -- and sparkling in shadow as well, possessed by some inner radiance that becomes visible only when the stone is protected from exterior illumination. Most striking about the stone, however, is the exquisite quality of its cut.
forehead gem

a faded property deed Sold to Somman for 60500 silvers
This deed is for the property in Pinefar known as Talon Redoubt.
In the Common language, it reads:
To redeem, the winner (and only the winner, they are not transferable) should mail the landlord at gs4-khaladon@play.net.

some rugged crocodile hide armor painted with a large golden key Sold to Maryssa for 10000 silvers,
"This armor is 5 times enchanted and will allow you to cast the spell Bravery."
"This armor is self-mana usage. No limit per day on uses."

a golden Brutality ticket PASSED

a jewel-adorned ebonwood enshai PASSED
master quality Erithian instrument

a glossy mithril skewer PASSED
"A rapier here that has been enchanted to the equivelant of vultite."
"It also has defender abilities"
"About the same level as glaes"

a gold-edged ticket. PASSED
In the Common language, it reads:
"This ticket is good for a custom spell prep phrase."

a gold-inked certificate PASSED
This certificate is good for THREE verbs to be added to any one existing item. The nature and scope will be discussed with the winner.

a rough dark grey whetstone PASSED
"This whetstone will allow you to sharpen your own unweighted and unflared weapon."

an orb-inset haon talisman Sold to Nilandia for 10000 silvers,
"You will feel closer to any divine being you may worship with it in your possession."

some ragged minotaur hide leathers stamped with a partially open treasure chest PASSED
"Here are some 6 times enchant double leather armor."
"They happen to cast the spell disarm enhance with the users own mana."

a brightly polished copper wand tipped with a shard of yellow crystal PASSED
"This wand does a couple of things. Casts tremors and a unique cone type spell."
"It is self charging"

a faenor-inlaid illthorn runestaff Sold to Roslyn for 50000 silvers,
"Seven enchant runestaff there!"

a shining white ora cutlass PASSED
Etched with ancient runes, this cutlass looks as old as time itself, yet glows in an inner blue light.
Suddenly, the rest of the world seems to wash away. You find yourself kneeling in a bare room before an imposing figure that appears battle-ready in worn black chainmail topped by a white surcoat with a pure white shield slung over his shoulder. As quickly as the vision comes, it recedes, and you are left wondering if you ever saw it at all.
2-7x cycling Voln weapon
"Will locate the nearest cursed and tell you where they are ."
"Will also let you know how many undead are nearby"

a stone-covered silver box PASSED
"This here is a treasure box!"
"Once per day this box will turn a smooth stone into a diamond."

an engraved imflass aegis with a center-set crimson mithril spike Sold to Fjalar for 10000 silvers
6x+ & spiked, adds almost ora to magical defenses

a battered rolaren helmet crested with a bristly strip of horsehair Sold to Canto for 10000 silvers
"The helmet is very heavily crit padded and aids in the recovery of stamina"

a plumed dark ora helmet inscribed with runes of power Sold to Ero for 10000 silvers
"This Helmet is decently crit padded and will let you throw out four elemental waves per day"

In storage:
A red and white checkered kite shield
Some silver half-plate adorned with a coiled ebon adder
A rune-inscribed vultite tiger-claw with broad brass finger loops
A pale golden hazelwood bracer
A rolaren main gauche
A pale scrap of parchment
An eonake maul
An ebony vaalorn shield emblazoned with a crimson griffin rampant

Items currently in the chest:
A glyph-etched vultite aegis polished to a mirror-like sheen
An ancient glowbark runestaff
An ancient glowbark runestaff
A slender brushed silver telescope chased with chaotic whorls of greenish gold
Some dusty grey leather breastplate



Myke a blank deathpike
Tersoul a ruic long bow
Shinxuga a silver-hued sapphire bracelet
Crumbles a thin obsidian ring
Somman a solid silver armband encrusted with crushed dragon's tear rubies
Oengus a shining white ora maul
Oublie a faded house deed
Tanora some enruned vrrael skin bracers
Eulogia some full leather
Barbosa some fingerless black gloves
Rodger a polished suit of vultite plate

Passed item:
an amber-inlaid mesille short bow
You see nothing unusual besides a small opening along the grip.

10-01-2007, 12:46 AM

too bad plat sucks

10-01-2007, 12:55 AM
Fun items.

10-01-2007, 02:12 AM
Yeh, I guess an auction only for Plat does have some advantages for Khal.. just not for me.

10-01-2007, 07:36 AM
Huzzah for my warrior getting a troll-heart item. Sah-weet.

10-01-2007, 07:44 AM
5k for a +8 faenor claid. What a steal.

10-01-2007, 08:46 AM
There was another auction back in the day that had an enchanted claid go for cheapo.. it actually might have been a faenor.

10-01-2007, 11:31 AM
Remarkable difference in silver costs between Prime and Plat. Looked like the high end stuff went for 15 million tops.

10-01-2007, 12:18 PM
heh deeds for 100k or less? now thats a deal. interesting that RP oriented items, didnt not outsell the combat gear isnt it.

10-01-2007, 12:20 PM
Wish I hadn't missed it. I logged in sunday night after work (about 9ish) and the arch was already closed.

10-01-2007, 12:52 PM
I was amazed at some of the items that went for so cheap. However, as someone else stated, the silvers economy is much, much different in Plat than it is in Prime. People mostly trade each other for items in Plat, rather than flat out sell. That way the items still get circulation between the population.

10-01-2007, 01:15 PM
Cool stuff, almost makes me want to play plat. Too bad the price is outrageous.

10-01-2007, 01:18 PM
If you already pay for premium, Plat really isn't that big of a jump - 10 bucks.

10-01-2007, 01:25 PM
I dont pay for premium either.

10-01-2007, 01:57 PM
If you already pay for premium, Plat really isn't that big of a jump - 10 bucks.

I hear this sometimes... but, who wants to split there time between two games?

Its one or the other in my mind, and if you go plat it means your paying even more money, for a smaller population. With harsher rules. They still have droppage on death right?

I don't see how you can have better RP in plat, than prime. Especially when ever place is more than likely a ghost town, beyond the few gathering spots.

Quite frankly I think they need to separate Plat into another account, and charge a smaller fee. They shouldn't be raping you because you want strict RP.

Or at least give the option of a 'plat only' account. I am sure some people like being able to play both prime and plat.

But the only way I would play plat is if I was paying for a basic account, for that one game.

For $50 you would think you could get access to ALL the Simutronics games. I mean why not? What would it hurt?

10-01-2007, 02:58 PM
Pretty much my point in the end. If I was serious about Platinum I don't want to pay for Prime.

10-01-2007, 03:27 PM
Yeah Id probably pay for it if I didnt have to pay from prime as well, im playing one or the other, not both. I have a hard enough time focusing on one char in prime.

The Ponzzz
10-01-2007, 03:49 PM
Re: Paying for Prime with Plat

I understand that fight people have about the way the package plan works for Plat, but as a person who does play both games still, I'm happy I get to choose.

In prime, I would say that I've hit my level goal for most my characters. So I log in to mess around in PRO/MHOs, buy and sell items, manage my shop and do events. Not a whole lot of time is spent there, but that option is still available for me.

In Plat, I spend most my time these days with my main character and do enjoy it over there. Joining just for the role play is going to set people up for failure. If you enjoy what you do in prime, chances are, you will have a hard time adjusting in plat. The small numbers frighten people to no end. I beat these horse every time the subject comes up, but Platinum is unique in what it offers. I don't mind paying $49.95 a month to enjoy any game. If I wasn't doing it with GS, I'd most likely be playing a new MMO every 6 months along with burning through 2 console games a month.

And as Jay posted, you can see the economy differences in the game. The items that were sold were EG left overs and items that never made it into Plat pre-plat days. And due to the economy, buying just because the item is uber will not have tons of benefits here. Where in prime, pulling away with something you don't like can maybe work you 40-70mil so you can buy something you do like.

If you played GS pre-AOL days, then you remember the small population and the game was still fun (though the game wasn't as big). Plat's not going to be for everyone, and even with no 90 day trial, you can still request a 30 day one.

10-01-2007, 04:10 PM
WTB: /level 20 for plat. I hate starting from scratch.

10-01-2007, 05:18 PM
Heh. I don't know if you were serious or not, Anebriated, but character sales don't happen in Plat.

10-01-2007, 05:39 PM
:dies laughing:

10-01-2007, 05:59 PM
/level is something from DAoC where you can just auto level a char to 20 so you skip the beginning levels. It has nothing to do with actually buying.

10-01-2007, 08:29 PM
so....the excuse for not having an auction this year at Ebons was it takes too much dev time to make the items.


The Ponzzz
10-01-2007, 09:05 PM
None of the items there were made. They were left over that did not get released in Platinum due to not enough active accounts to attend last years EG.

The other items were item that platinum has never seen the light of day due to their released before Platinum existed. They were merely copied over from prime and then either altered slightly or simple attributes were altered.

10-01-2007, 09:36 PM
None of the items there were made. They were left over that did not get released in Platinum due to not enough active accounts to attend last years EG.

The other items were item that platinum has never seen the light of day due to their released before Platinum existed. They were merely copied over from prime and then either altered slightly or simple attributes were altered.

See bold. It shouldn't take a dev more than a 10 minutes to contribute an item.

If they didn't want to have an auction for whatever reason, say that. Bullshit "not enough time!" excuses are just annoying.