View Full Version : RANGERING 101

12-03-2003, 06:45 AM
Have all the changes to rangering gotten you more lost than being in a city? Would you like to put your feet back on a firmer path? Join the rangers of the Elanthian Explorers' Society as we try to explain the intricacies of finding your way in a brave new world. We will be meeting as follows:

In Ta'Vaalor at 7pm elven on the 5th of Eorgaen, in the Garden of the Ancients.

In Icemule Trace at 3pm elven on the 6th of Eorgaen, at the entrance to the fletcher's shop.

In Wehnimer's Landing at 5pm elven on the 7th of Eorgaen, at the Armor Museum.

We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please see Dresdena or Argaine, or email Dresdena at dresdena@rangerexpress.net.