View Full Version : Account for sale

09-28-2007, 04:27 PM
So... for various reasons I activated one of my old accounts and was surprised to find the following:

1100 Premium Points

Level 23 rogue (dwarven male)
Level 19 cleric (giantkin female)
Level 14 rogue (human male)
Along with a couple of level 5 warriors, and a few level 3 characters

All of these characters are just now converting from GS3, and are within their week of "free unlimited fixskills". They're all naked except for the cleric, who's outfitted with some nice feminine fluff and a runestaff. There's no coins to speak of, really (150k or so).

Also on the account (NOT part of the 'free fixskills' stuff):

Level 35 Half-Elven Rogue
Level 18 Giantman Warrior
Level 5 Giantman Paladin

I'm looking for a buyout offer to take over the whole account, as it is. The Rogue, Warrior and Paladin all have good standard gear, nothing extravagant, and no coins to speak of.

Rogue is COL master, trained in sword & board, and a hell of a picker (tripled with lores). He's also a guild member, with about 45 ranks total (primarily gambits and lock mastery)

Warrior is an archer, with some minimal guild training.

Paladin is a new character, so I could try out the class.

Send me your offers, and we'll make this quick. First offer of 200 takes the account and I walk away a happy man. Otherwise, whatever the highest bid I have in my private messages by noon tomorrow (PST) will take everything. Bidding will only be there. I'll be happy to answer any questions as best I can, but things are a bit crazy for me at the moment.