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View Full Version : Wolf Familiar Instrument and 5.5x hcp lightened brig

09-27-2007, 03:00 PM
1. some bagpipes with polished maoral chanters and a velvet-covered bladder - The bagpipes's chanters have been carved of dark polished maoral, and the bladder covered in deep red velvet. Embroidered across the velvet are tiny glittering golden fangs.

Unlimited Bard Familiar - a watchful amber-eyed wolf

As you sing, you sense that the instrument weighs about about 3 pounds and is worth about 2000000 silvers.

As you continue to sing, you sense that the bagpipes is a type of musical instrument, although it has an unusual vibration, almost harmonizing with your melody.

As you continue to sing, you sense that there is something quite unusual about the instrument. It is warm beneath your touch, and responds with increasing vibration to your song, almost as if it were alive.

You sense that the bagpipes is of a time long past. The power contained within sings to you of ancient magic and friendship, loyal companionship and steadfast honor. The instrument grows still warmer beneath your hands, and suddenly, you sense a friendly presence in your mind.

A watchful amber-eyed wolf pads into the area and moves to stand at your side.

2. a suit of rolaren-studded pitch black brigandine - The hardened armor is adorned with an elegant set of burnished leather pauldrons. The blazon on the left pauldron is hidden beneath a black crest. The right pauldron is expertly tooled with a stylized image of a fierce wolf ready to strike.

+27 hcp brig
Lightened to 15 lbs
Scripted pauldrons

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or bubbauno on AIM.


09-27-2007, 03:03 PM
<<As you sing, you sense that the instrument weighs about about 3 pounds and is worth about 2000000 silvers.>>

I'll pay 2m!

10-04-2007, 12:02 AM

10-05-2007, 03:29 PM
Brig sold