View Full Version : Pwnly website - www.whocalled.us

09-25-2007, 03:41 PM
So last night I missed a call on my cell from 626.666.6754. I had no idea who it was, but I was online so I randomly typed the number into google and this website (www.whocalled.us) came up. You can go there and type in any number, and if other people have rec'd calls from the same number you can usually find out who it is that called you.

In this case, it was a nice way to figure out that the call I missed was probably a scam. I called it back after 9pm and the recorded message advised that BofA was trying to get ahold of me, and if I wanted to pay my bill I should go to www.myeasypayment.com. This appears to be a BofA site but I'm pretty sure it's not - not only is BofA not anywhere in the URL but I don't even HAVE one of the account types they claim to service (credit card, loan or lease, federal govn't charge card). If you choose to make a payment they want all kinds of account information.



09-25-2007, 03:55 PM
I've added numbers to whocalled.us in the past. It owns.