View Full Version : Sears WTF - Supporting the troops

09-24-2007, 03:01 PM
Just got this email, thought I would share:

Thought I would pass on something good for a change. (The “I” below is not me, but I agree with this attitude. . .)

Subject: Sears - of all companies
I know I needed this reminder since Sears isn't always my first choice. Amazing when you think of how long the war has lasted and they haven't withdrawn from their commitment. Could we each buy at least one thing at Sears this year?

How does Sears treat its employees who are called up for military duty? By law, they are required to hold their jobs open and available, but nothing more. Usually, people take a big pay cut and lose benefits as a result of being called up.

Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and maintaining all benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all called up reservist employees for up to two years.

I submit that Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen and should be recognized for its contribution. I suggest we all shop at Sears, and be sure to find a manager to tell them why we are there so the company gets the positive reinforcement it well deserves.

Pass it on.

Decided to check this before I sent it forward. So I sent the following e-mail to the Sears Customer Service Department:

I received this e-mail and I would like to know if it is true. If it is, the Internet may have just become one very good source of advertisement for your company. I know I would go out of my way to buy products from Sears instead of another store for a like item, even if it's cheaper at that store.

This is their answer to my e-mail:

Dear Customer:

Thank you for contacting Sears.The information is factual. We appreciate your positive feedback.

Sears regards service to our country as one of greatest sacrifices our young men and women can make. We are happy to do our part to lessen the burden they bear at this time.

Bill Thorn
Sears Customer Care
webcenter@sears.com (webcenter@sears.com)

Please pass this on to all your friends. Sears needs to be recognized for this outstanding contribution and we need to show them as Americans, we do appreciate what they are doing for our military!!!

It's Verified ! By Snopes.com (http://snopes.com/) at:
http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/sears.asp (http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/sears.asp) (shows the entire >>> article)

Stanley Burrell
09-24-2007, 03:04 PM
...If you don't Fwd: this attachment to at least twelve people, your cat will be run over and your laptop smashed to bits...

Sean of the Thread
09-24-2007, 03:09 PM
Sears always rocks... love their tools.

09-24-2007, 03:11 PM
You love tools period

Yea, kickass for Sears. I never even realized this and worked for Sears around 2 years in undergrad.

Sean of the Thread
09-24-2007, 03:16 PM
Oh yeah your mom loves tools more.

Seriously craftsman ftw.

09-24-2007, 03:33 PM
I just spent about $1000 redoing my garage... all Craftsman from Sears. Glad I spent money with a company with some good ol' American values.

09-24-2007, 03:40 PM
Sears FTW

Craftsman FTW

Nice to see a company stepping up.

Sean of the Thread
09-24-2007, 04:47 PM
Seriously I haven't had a complaint with a Craftsman tool ever. I broke a wrench once but that was my fault.

*Oh broke the handle of screwdriver too... using it as a pry bar.

09-24-2007, 04:50 PM
My (significantly-smaller-than-Sears) company does that, too!

Sean of the Thread
09-24-2007, 04:59 PM

09-24-2007, 05:25 PM
Craftsman tools set the bar for free tool replacement if it breaks.

09-24-2007, 07:20 PM
Aw crap... I just realized I did "WTF" not "FTW" ... Celephais FTL...

Stanley Burrell
09-24-2007, 07:24 PM
Aw crap... I just realized I did "WTF" not "FTW" ... Celephais FTL...

Sure you're not just LTF?

I know I am...

09-25-2007, 05:42 PM
Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and maintaining all benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all called up reservist employees for up to two years.

According to snopes and the link provided it's 60 months/5 years.

I've never had a complaint about Sears, one of the few merchandisers out there worth a damn, but I've never been able to force myself to buy crapsman tools. Snap-on, replacing broken tools well before Sears, all the way.

It will be interesting to see how long they maintain the policy since they're now K-mart's bitches.

09-25-2007, 05:51 PM
Aw crap... I just realized I did "WTF" not "FTW" ... Celephais FTL...

ROFL...I have been wondering whether that was what you meant.

09-25-2007, 06:02 PM
I was never a fan of Crap-On tools, especially the thin-edged (bevelled) wrenches.

Both companies have a history dating back to the 1920's. And both offer lifetime warranties on their tools. The only real difference I saw, aside from aesthetics was that Snap-On vans delivered whereas you had to go to Sears for Craftsman.

09-25-2007, 07:17 PM
Wasn't Sears the company that got hit by a HUGE lawsuit for firing all their senior managers who were over 40?

I'm way to lazy to look it up, but I'm fairly certain they are. Not to mention...their customer service sucks dick.

09-25-2007, 07:26 PM
I just spent about $1000 redoing my garage... all Craftsman from Sears. Glad I spent money with a company with some good ol' American values.

You know Craftsman tools are made in China right?



Sean of the Thread
09-25-2007, 09:39 PM
They are now sadly.

Good ol' American Values = Capitalism.

Not that I'm opposed........ I have an epic project in the works that's gonna me uber rich. It is all based in teh U. S. OF. A. tho. Would actually cost more to have it based anywhere else..

09-25-2007, 10:49 PM
Stanley made Craftsman tools up until about 1994. Now its Danaher tools (MatCo).


09-25-2007, 11:07 PM
Sears won't warranty crafstman tools for mechanics, which, among many other reasons, is why my toolbox is full of Snap On tools. The biggest other reason is that craftsman tools are pretty sloppilly manufactured, their metric wrenches have a .1-2mm variance in them, so they just don't fit well. For tools that see use around the house they're great, but for someone who makes a living with tools they just don't cut it.

As for their support for reservist employees who are called up to active duty, I applaud that. I wish more companies would follow suit.

09-25-2007, 11:08 PM
I just spent about $1000 redoing my garage... all Craftsman from Sears. Glad I spent money with a company with some good ol' American values.

I'll admit it you caught me off guard. I expected something more like "HAHA FUCK SEARS I BUY TOOLS AT WALMART BECAUSE THEY'RE CHEAPER"

I am semi-impressed.

09-25-2007, 11:15 PM
I'll admit it you caught me off guard. I expected something more like "HAHA FUCK SEARS I BUY TOOLS AT WALMART BECAUSE THEY'RE CHEAPER"

I am semi-impressed.

Wow.. I impressed Apathy. My day is now complete. Really.

Way to snag the Dumb Shit award of the day in the last hour.

09-25-2007, 11:19 PM
Sears won't warranty crafstman tools for mechanics, which, among many other reasons, is why my toolbox is full of Snap On tools. The biggest other reason is that craftsman tools are pretty sloppilly manufactured, their metric wrenches have a .1-2mm variance in them, so they just don't fit well. For tools that see use around the house they're great, but for someone who makes a living with tools they just don't cut it.

As for their support for reservist employees who are called up to active duty, I applaud that. I wish more companies would follow suit.

I've never compared Craftsman to Snap-On with a micrometer. Next time I visit my Dad I'll do some comparisons in his shop.

Thats very interesting about the tolerance values being off. Closer tolerances = more refined millwork = higher costs/prices. I can definately see the cause and effect if thats the case.

09-25-2007, 11:48 PM
Wow.. I impressed Apathy. My day is now complete. Really.

Way to snag the Dumb Shit award of the day in the last hour.
