12-02-2003, 07:43 PM
Have you ever wondered what a Bo-stick was? A Jo-stick? Is your life incomplete without a collection of Nagimakis? Do you yearn for a Yoribo? Are you keen for a Katana? Do you find Yumis to be yummy? Are you simply starved for a Stave? Come to Wehnimer's Landing this weekend and visit the Erithian Pavilion to sample these, and other items.

12-02-2003, 07:44 PM
guess it is time to break out my new character:


12-02-2003, 07:50 PM
Oh no.......... *sigh* oriental weapons now. I don't mind the weapons, don't get me wrong. It's the anime-style ninjas to follow that turn me off.

I'll check it out anyway I guess, if only to spot the would be ninjas for future avoidance.

12-02-2003, 07:52 PM
Got any good brawling weapons?

12-02-2003, 08:45 PM

Japan doesn't exist in elanthia, leave their damn (crap) weapons alone.

Simu is really really trying ANYTHING to looks appealing.

12-02-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur

Japan doesn't exist in elanthia, leave their damn (crap) weapons alone.

Simu is really really trying ANYTHING to looks appealing.

Yeah! Europe doesn't exist in Elanthia either! Get rid of their weapons too!

But I will give you a bit of the ol' benefit of the doubt when I point out that Simu has declared Erithian culture to be equivalent to Eastern culture on earth, thus the katana.

12-02-2003, 08:57 PM
A sword is universal

A knife is too, so is a suit of metal armor (plate or whatever)

There's NO need to copy earth's history when you got like 100 gms to work for you. It would be easy to invent nations, not just copy past (and changing the names)


12-02-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
A sword is universal

A knife is too, so is a suit of metal armor (plate or whatever)

Flagrantly false. Flagrantly.

Compare, say, a schiavona to a broadsword to a cleaver to a katana. Universal my ass.

12-02-2003, 09:17 PM
A SWORD is universal.

(n.) An offensive weapon, having a long and usually sharp/pointed blade with a cutting edge or edges. It is the general term, including the small sword, rapier, saber, scimiter, and many other varieties.

let's say the average height of a sword is 1 meter (3,3 foot)

So you got a sword. Then you got a short sword (smaler version) the 2 handed version (heavier, longer) etc.

Kopesh swords were heavy and slow because they were made of bronze. Are the kopesh in elanthia slow, heavy and made of bronze? Who would want to fight with such weapon when STEEL is commonly used?

They try to mix ALL types of eras into one, and that makes it weird and franctly stupid.

12-02-2003, 09:33 PM
SUGOI!!! ^_^


12-03-2003, 06:28 AM
OK, keep sword and knife. Get rid of every other name that has been stolen from language and history from across our globe: Scimitar, cutlass, badelaire, kukri, hatchet, falchion, espadon, carp's tongue, flyssa, goliah, katzbalger, machera, palache, schiavona, seax, spadroon, spatha, talon sword, xiphos, bodkin, butcher knife, cinquedea, dirk, misericord, parazonium, pavade, poignard, pugio, scramasax, sgian achlais, sgian dubh, stiletto, bracelet dagger, crescent dagger, fantail dagger, forked dagger, kidney dagger, tanto, kozuka, craquemarte, khopesh, machete, takouba, francisca, sparte, taper, toporok, kaskara, manople, main gauche, bilbo, colichemarde, epee, fleuret, foil, schlager, tuck (tock, tocke), verdun, whip-blade, kilij, palache, sabre, sapara, yataghan, kama, antler sword, braquemar, baselard, chereb, gladius, kris, sica. wakizashi, binnol, goupillon, baculus, club, lisan, periperiu, shillelagh, tambara, truncheon, bulawa, dhara, flanged mace, massuelle, mattina, ox mace, pernat, quadrelle, hoolurge, taavish, korseke, military fork, ranseur, runka, scaling fork, spetum, bardiche, bill, brandestoc, croc, falcastra, falx, fauchard, glaive, godendag, guisarme, half moon, hippe, pole axe, scorpion, scythe, naginata, voulge, nagimaki, contus, jaculum, pelta, shail, spiculum, framea, pike, sarissa, sudis, angon, boar spear, cateia, falarica, gaesum, harpoon, pill, partisan, spontoon, espadon, adze, balestarius, battle-axe, doloire, executioner’s axe, greataxe, kheten, tabar, bisacuta, dacien falx, zweihander, oncin, sabar, blackjack, cestus, hookknife, jackblade, katar, and various others.

OR you can stop being a pretentious French twat, and stop moaning about a game you apparently don't play.

12-03-2003, 06:34 AM
What Stay said. Hoooaaaah

12-03-2003, 06:41 AM
wonder if erithians have tiny dicks too

12-04-2003, 02:13 AM
LoL! :lol:

12-04-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
wonder if erithians have tiny dicks too

OMG OMG OMG I just laughed so hard! :lol: