View Full Version : Official: Voraviel's Farewell

09-20-2007, 11:10 PM
This is a cross-post from the officials Socializing: Farewells and Returns folder, post #1991. Needless to say, i'm heartbroken :(

Well, even though it seems like I'm already gone to most people, it's official now!

While I usually pride myself on the ability to convey thoughts, feelings and the most intrinsic and subtle situations through the infinitely descriptive format of the FIXEDSYS font, I find myself completely at a loss for words as to the sheer amount of awesomeness I've experienced over the years due to everyone I've been in touch with through this deliciously addictive community.

I look back on the times when I was vigorously involved in this little circle of wonderful, and all I can think of, is just how lucky I've been to be apart of it. How lucky I've been to entertain you guys. How lucky I've been to touch and influence the history of a truly unique and fantastic game.

Most of all, I remember how fun it was for me. Just thinking back, after all these years, things still bubble up as if they happened last week.

I remember the first time I merchanted, with Khaladon watching over my shoulder as an annoyed Fithra tried to garner attention to the fact he had a broken down wagon. Full of new shiny wares. To 20 passerbys.

I remember Melissa coming to Lothwyn and I and asking us to muck around with a lead-in storyline to the introduction of the day/night system. I remember the two of us running with the idea of the vishmiir like two crazy bastards high on enthusiasm alone. The late night begging sessions for Brauden to code us something cool - like the worldwide puke sessions! Bahaha. It was so randomly introduced and so tightly constrained in terms of timeline that I'm still amazed we pulled it off.

I remember when we were asked to 'do something big and epic' and the GSS was born. I remember the growing pains that came with that long of a process, but in the end, I like to think we involved people in a grand old story of good and evil. I got to experiment with so many concepts and mess with so many people on a massive scale and a very personal level that it's just a big blur of warm happy thoughts in my mind when I revisit it. I can only hope it's the same for the people who were involved in it!

I remember staying awake at night, tinkering with some new script for a merchant event or something for sorcerers, collaborating with Lothwyn and letting cool ideas float to the surface.

I remember the late night chats with Aelsidhe, her quirky demeanor and her timeless wisdom on all things neat.

I remember our first project as newly hired GMs - Maaghara Tower. I remember Lothwyn coming up to me one day and saying 'Do something to this object' and summarily getting sucked down that hellish gross birthing tube thing.

I remember Taelrand hanging around and just being generally cool and helpful.

I remember being able to code and being able to finally make my wishes come true with mechanics I'd been dying to have.

I remember the late-night tea sessions with Maluverre. Those little talks and idle banter literally crafted my thoughts for the end of the GSS.

I remember Nilven and Lothwyn first discussing the idea of an event that would involve demons in a form players could actually interact with. I remember the raw excitement of being able to work on something I never thought I'd see when I was a player. I remember how I'd hope what we'd build would live up to all the hopes and imaginations of players who'd anticipated such things.

I then remember that I stayed up 72 hours to get them coded.

...and also the many cans of Dr. Pepper that allowed me to stay up that late to finish them.

...AND the ants that liked mostly-empty Dr. Pepper cans.

...that was a BAD morning to wake up to.

I remember Mikos, my FGM 'mentor' back in the days when we had those things, and how he made an area's history seem so tangible that you could breathe it in.

I remember the late night goofing off sessions with Lothwyn, where we'd argue about stupid things and be silly and come up with something amazing somehow.

I remember proposing things to Warden that probably made him lose some hair. :D And he's a fantastic fellow to let me get away with even some of it.

I remember the silliness with Andraste, and the spontaneity in the events we'd run together.

I remember meeting all of the newer generation of GMs and seeing in them all of the enthusiasm I had back when I started. There's some very, very cool people we've got running things now, and I only wish I could be involved with them when they do the awesome/neat/ubersweet things that I know they're gonna do.

But most of all, I remember interacting with you guys. There's this magical moment that we'd achieve together, where you just simply get it and are complete immersed in the situation, the environment, the history and the fabric of the game. Where your passion for creativity synched up with mine and we just had fun.

There's no other game where you can feel that sort of intense joy, excitement, and enthusiasm for sharing something you find neat with people, and having them find it just as neat if not moreso than you do. You guys are the community, and I can never break my addiction to making you guys happy and excited.

I wish I didn't have to go at this point, but please believe me when I say that I'll always treasure the time I've spent here. And it's all because of you guys. I've spent so many good years in this game, and I can't do anything but thank you for how sincerely awesome you've all been.

Love yas,

~ V, signing out

09-20-2007, 11:12 PM
Is it bad that I have no idea who that is?

09-20-2007, 11:14 PM
Is it bad that I have no idea who that is?

He's Verrath, Bemm, etc. Just a really great guy all around. It's our huge loss.

09-20-2007, 11:14 PM
huge loss to the game, he made some of my favorite things.

09-20-2007, 11:29 PM
Voraviel gone is horrible. He was an amazing GM.

That Jay
09-21-2007, 12:31 AM
Why is this in the complaints folder? Unless the complaint is that he is leaving.

09-21-2007, 12:34 AM
I guess those of us who dont merchant whore just dont care much.

09-21-2007, 12:56 AM
Unless the complaint is that he is leaving.

Good guess.

09-21-2007, 01:54 AM
Even if you don't like merchants...

He was a big part of the GSS. You know, that time it rained blood. (I'm going to get slapped for summarizing it that way...but that's all it was to me)

He coded demons. Crazy, scary demons.

He had good ideas, and he made them come across well.

He hasn't been forefront lately. This is basically just making things official.

09-21-2007, 02:26 AM
Even if you don't like merchants...

He was a big part of the GSS. You know, that time it rained blood. (I'm going to get slapped for summarizing it that way...but that's all it was to me)

He coded demons. Crazy, scary demons.

He had good ideas, and he made them come across well.

The piercing system was his too. I'm not sure if it was ALL him, but I know it was his child.

He hasn't been forefront lately. This is basically just making things official.

He also didn't quit, heh.

09-21-2007, 02:51 AM
In the distance...I can hear Nalfein fashionista's weeping softly behind their fans...

Its really too bad, to be honest. He has done some AMAZING shit for the game.

That Jay
09-21-2007, 02:55 AM
He also didn't quit, heh.

Explain please.

09-21-2007, 02:57 AM
Explain please.

Not much to explain. He didn't quit = he was let go.

That Jay
09-21-2007, 03:03 AM
Not much to explain. He didn't quit = he was let go.

Thats a shame then.

Its a shame it wasn't Andraste.

09-21-2007, 04:54 AM
I only fooled around with the GSS way late in development but what I heard from the players of Licel, Wulfhen, and Mekthros (DA members) was crazy good. The shit V&L had them do in order to bring about a lot of GSS "plot devices," was genius. Even losing both of them (haven't seen them in about a year) was a big hit to the game. :( They both were fantastic and consistent with their RP which made them great to tag along with.

V's departure leaves more than a few question marks as to what the supposed next epic storyline is going to be. As much as the GSS sucked at times, it was rather grand given it's scope.

I can see why they put up the announcement for GM applications.

09-21-2007, 05:21 AM
To be fair I never really paid attention to what he did. Plus I thought he was a she.

Sean of the Thread
09-21-2007, 06:06 AM
Yay more hope that GS dies.

09-21-2007, 07:36 AM
<< Not much to explain. He didn't quit = he was let go. >>

Care to explain why?


09-21-2007, 08:35 AM
Hell of a guy. One of the best GMs ever, squeaky voice and all.

His departure makes me fear that GS Events will never recover.

09-21-2007, 08:50 AM
Le Sigh. And another great one slips away... I feel sad.

Tea & Strumpets
09-21-2007, 09:17 AM
I guess those of us who dont merchant whore just dont care much.

I liked his storylines. He has a good sense of humor and there was lots of carnage.

I thought he was one of the GM's that moved over to Hero's Journey.

09-21-2007, 09:21 AM
...because HJ is going well.....

09-21-2007, 09:25 AM
Yeah. I liked what he did for storylines more than what he did for merchanting... though Fithra and Verrath were both cool.

Stanley Burrell
09-21-2007, 09:57 AM
I never got stupid censer work done by Verrath, that little UB3R EV4L shitstain!!11one

JKz, <3, and :'( to see him go.

Makes me miss Stump :(

09-21-2007, 02:12 PM
<< Not much to explain. He didn't quit = he was let go. >>

Care to explain why?


Sorry, I don't know any more.

09-21-2007, 02:19 PM
Fucking shame. By far one of my top 5 GMs.

09-21-2007, 03:02 PM
Even the GM's are leaving. Gemstone is dying! Oh noez!

Now, if they can get that cunt Andraste to leave too.

09-21-2007, 03:20 PM
...because HJ is going well.....
They're pimping the shit out of the engine.

09-21-2007, 03:30 PM
*sighs* GSS was amazing. It was the best storyline and the first storyline I ever really got involved in. I can say that I'll miss him, his merchants were great. He was definately one great GM. There is nothing bad I can say about V, nothing at all.

09-21-2007, 04:14 PM
Sorry, I don't know any more.

Then how do you know he was let go in the first place? Or did he just tell you without the reason why?

09-21-2007, 05:26 PM
Then how do you know he was let go in the first place? Or did he just tell you without the reason why?

This is a rarity. I?ve never before heard of a GM who was just let go. Usually there is an underlying reason behind it. Many of the best ones just outright quit when they realized that some free padding/enchanting/alters and 100 bucks a month was less than what they would have earned doing janitorial labor in Mexico in the same number of hours.

I am sure once Heroes Journey launches in 2017, their financial problems will have ended.
Honda fc sport (http://www.honda-wiki.org/wiki/Honda_FC_Sport)

Drunken Durfin
09-21-2007, 06:02 PM
I am sure once Heroes Journey launches in 2017..

That soon?

That Jay
09-21-2007, 06:22 PM
At this point its so late getting to a crowded market of the same stuff that unless it comes with a USB powered latex sheath that squeezes every time you level up, I cannot see it being a hit.

09-21-2007, 06:32 PM
At this point its so late getting to a crowded market of the same stuff that unless it comes with a USB powered latex sheath that squeezes every time you level up, I cannot see it being a hit.

So how would it be a hit for the ladies? As an aside, ew lol

That Jay
09-21-2007, 06:55 PM
The ladies version comes with a pair of remote control electrified nipple clips that give a shock to their MALE companion whenever the lass's character level ups.

09-21-2007, 08:23 PM
Although I know I experienced it in the past, I can't imagine a GS without Voraviel. He did so many things for the game, fleshed out so many details that only added to the depth of the world. Even more than that, I think his most valuable quality (and one sorely lacking in more than a few of the GMs left) is that he had a fucking sense of humor and was always willing to have fun. I never caught him taking himself too seriously; he was always open to suggestions even on his personal pet projects, and never assumed that he would always know what was best for the game in spite of player reaction just because he was a GM and we weren't.

If he was fired and didn't quit, then that makes me all the more grateful that I don't play GS anymore. Who the fuck wants to play a game where GMs who do nothing but good are turned out while problematic power-trippers with many complaint threads dedicated to them remain?

Plus, Voraviel brought Pokemon to GS.

09-21-2007, 09:53 PM
Gotta ask yourself why such a popular GM would leave the game to begin with, be it getting let go or bowing out. By the first line, it truly sounds like what's being conveyed is a general lack of time to commit to the game, especially given the general light-hearted tense of his message.

I'd be willing to bet he can't offer as much time anymore, and thus simply was given a pass out the door. Truly it's a shame, but GMs don't get let go for trivialities.

Stanley Burrell
09-22-2007, 12:52 AM

No why yet?

09-22-2007, 06:36 AM
Eh, just another great staff member leaving. How disappointing.

V was great, both as a player and a GM, it's a big loss for the game.


09-23-2007, 02:24 PM
Voraviel was by far my favorite GM. I never really got the chance to interact with his merchants, but the things he coded gave me the 3 best times I've ever had in game. It is a terrible thing to see him go. He was the coding mastermind behind the mana draining Mandis Crystal, the Mobile Siege Towers, the shrines around Illistim that had to be destroyed for the Miscare'Golab, he took part in segregating areas by level for long drawn-out invasions, he created those obscene demons we fought in Illistim, Solhaven, and the battle for Ta'Ashrim on the Wavedancer, he made it possible not only for archers and ballistas to shoot from siege towers, bolt-wielders as well! Never before have we seen a GM so dedicated to making things more fun for the average player in invasions/wars, and I'm certain, never again will we see another.

And his merchants? Come on... Bemm, Venrath... They were great. The toys that he made were the best. I was so disappointed that I couldn't get a Bemm toy during the Premie festival, but I figured there'd always be a next time... I don't know who Simu thinks they can hire to fill his shoes, because nobody can replace him.