View Full Version : Round Two! Clothes, Accessories, and Armor Auction

09-18-2007, 10:01 PM
I am still in need of phat loot coinage for Ebon Gate, and I am quickly running out of locker space. This auction is going to go quite fast so please, if you're going to bid, make it happen. Buy outs work. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

You can bid here, or email me at GimmeDatPony@aol.com or IM me at GimmeDatPony

And away we go!


a pale orchid watered silk gown with a long train that gradually deepens to violet at the hem (n)
mb: 400k

a pale golden silk day gown sashed with a thin silver ribbon at the empire waist (s)
mb: 500k
cb: 500k Katara SOLD

a brocaded cloth-of-silver gown with filigreed vaalin hook closures trailing down the spine (p)
mb: 600k

a saffron silk taffeta gown accented by flourishes of golden vaalin beading on the tiered train (p)
pinworn, matching saffron slippers available
mb: 300k
cb: 300k CanadianLady SOLD

a long glittering bronze silk kirtle with narrow finger-looped sleeves (el)
chestworn, holds a MEDIUM amount
weighs 3 pounds
mb: 500k

a blue silk dress with a sleek periwinkle chiffon underskirt (p)
chestworn, holds small for a couple of items
mb: 60k

a sleeveless charcoal grey gown with a flowing white silk train (p)
chestworn, holds very small for a couple of very small items
mb: 50k

a long-sleeved tawny satin ballgown with a sleek cinnamon dupioni silk watteau train
chestworn, 40k

a silver-laced turquoise satin gown with a rustling lapis dupioni silk underskirt
chestworn, 40k


a tiny dark dreamstone ring (t)
Show: Glittering as though made from a thousand stars, a flawless piece of dreamstone has been crafted into the tiny ring. Etched faintly along the side is a single perfect moonflower in full bloom.
flippable piercing jewelry
mb: 500k

a red-gold elven choker
Show: The choker is formed of two slender red-gold chains. Threaded between the two chains are seven small red-gold shields, each bearing the crest of a different elven House, with the Nalfein crest slightly larger than the others and positioned in front.
mb: 250k

a sparkling silver charm anklet (t)
You see a sparkling silver charm anklet with a small fel spyglass charm, a spotted harbor seal charm, a glittering golden coin charm, an upside-down spider monkey charm, a chubby brown walrus charm, a spouting white whale charm, an iron-banded rum keg charm, a peg-legged parrot charm, a shining yellow sun charm, a maoral shovel charm, a carved birch albatross charm, a winking pirate lass charm, a chubby brown walrus charm, a gleaming blue swordfish charm, a tiny tanik krolvin head charm, a brass and fel compass charm, an opalescent glass seahorse charm, a wave-painted glass disk charm, a carved driftwood squid charm, a puzzled elven shopper charm and a winking pirate lass charm attached. The clasp on the silver charm anklet appears to be open.
mb: 200k

a tawny blonde wig (t)
This expertly crafted wig is made of long, shining locks of tawny blonde hair with subtle caramel undertones.
Changes the hair description in your features.
mb:1 mil

a platinum blonde wig (t)
This expertly crafted wig is made of soft, bouncy curls of bright platinum blonde hair that lightly brush against the nape of the neck.
Changes the hair description in your features.
mb: 1 mil


some gleaming mithglin chain hauberk
It has a bonus of +15 from a normal hauberk, and the way it vibrates in tune with my voice tells me that it is chain armor.
24-27 pounds.
Careful examination indicates the mithglin chain hauberk has a base strength of 79 and a base durability of 545. You also determine the current integrity of the mithglin chain hauberk to be at 100.0%.
mb: 200k

some imflass black augmented chain
It has a bonus of +22 from a normal chain, and the way it vibrates in tune with my voice tells me that it is chain armor.
18 pounds.
Careful examination indicates the black augmented chain has a base strength of 75 and a base durability of 520. You also determine the current integrity of the black augmented chain to be at 100.0%.
mb: 1.1 mil

an ancient rune-etched hauberk
It has a bonus of +20 from a normal hauberk, and the way it vibrates in tune with my voice tells me that it is chain armor.
27 pounds.
Careful examination indicates the rune-etched hauberk has a base strength of 59 and a base durability of 495. You also determine the current integrity of the rune-etched hauberk to be at 100.0%.
mb: 250k

Sylvan Dreams
09-18-2007, 10:11 PM
an ankle-length coppery silk sarong (a)
Show: Fashioned to ride low on the hips, this alluring garment seems to have been made particularly for a petite and curvaceous wearer. The sheer gossamer silk has been dyed a metallic copper and styled to fall in a gentle drape to the ankles. An elaborate knot is tied at the hip and the fabric flows loosely from there, creating an angular opening that extends to the hem.


09-19-2007, 12:57 AM
a saffron silk taffeta gown accented by flourishes of golden vaalin beading on the tiered train
pinworn, matching saffron slippers available
mb: 300k
Bid: 300K

09-19-2007, 01:00 AM
a pair of chandelier earrings suspending an array of reflective metal slivers (n)


Lady Lightning
09-19-2007, 10:15 AM
an ankle-length coppery silk sarong (a)
Show: Fashioned to ride low on the hips, this alluring garment seems to have been made particularly for a petite and curvaceous wearer. The sheer gossamer silk has been dyed a metallic copper and styled to fall in a gentle drape to the ankles. An elaborate knot is tied at the hip and the fabric flows loosely from there, creating an angular opening that extends to the hem.
mb: 500k


09-19-2007, 11:24 AM
Updated! Please include your character names guys. I can never remember.

09-19-2007, 03:34 PM
Lowered a few of the prices. once-twice-last call will be going quicker than usual.

09-20-2007, 05:24 PM
Updated! Things with three-times will probably be sold by late tonight.

Lady Lightning
09-20-2007, 06:34 PM
Eeps. I'm Bellaja who bid the 600k on the sarong, not Syrinia. Sorry bout that. If I need to bid up to 650k I will.

09-20-2007, 07:15 PM
Syrinia had bid 600k on the sarong through email, long before your bid was given to me. I checked the times to make sure before I posted her bid. Anyway I put you down for 650k. Good luck!

09-21-2007, 12:48 AM
Updated!!! Contact me for pick up.

09-21-2007, 01:36 PM
Alrighty! We're done. If anyone else wants any other buy outs just let me know. Everyone who has won something, PLEASE get in touch with me to pick things up. Thanks!