View Full Version : PsiNet Loot

09-16-2007, 06:22 PM
Harnessing the collective collecting of PsiNet users, we're beginning to archive and analyze the treasure system, especially as it relates to alchemy drops and other player-valuable items.

Excuse the poor formatting and general visual ugliness:


Quick stats:

Collection has been running for almost 48 hours.

We have so far collected information about 444 distinct creatures, from 453 distinct characters.

42,805 searches have been logged, from which approximately 2.05m silvers have been dropped. 13,793 items have been dropped and recorded, of which 1,780 were distinct.


09-16-2007, 06:23 PM
this thing freakin rocks btw

09-16-2007, 06:24 PM
Very impressive system, senor.

09-16-2007, 06:34 PM


09-16-2007, 07:25 PM
If anyone checked it in the last 5-10 minutes and saw it looking kind of sparse, it's because I wiped it and regenerated it. It should all be back now though.

09-16-2007, 08:40 PM

09-16-2007, 11:47 PM
awesome stuff :)

Haywood J.
09-17-2007, 09:49 AM
Some suggestions, but that's pretty bad ass.

- Can you make it sortable by the column headers
- Add a fourth column with StDev
- Can you add location of the critter? Like wraiths are in a few places, I imagine local makes a difference
- Bundle the guide bandits together
- Group by date / time part? Maybe 4 hours buckets, days of week?
- Perhaps assign a coin value to boxes based on the critter
- Perhaps group the no-treasure mons together as well, with a segment for skin value (can you get that like you get treasures?)

I like numbers :)

09-17-2007, 10:44 AM
Some suggestions, but that's pretty bad ass.

- Can you make it sortable by the column headers

Sure. Soon.

- Add a fourth column with StDev

I'm not a statistics kind of guy, but I don't think I can give a standard deviation for this kind of thing. For silvers, probably, but not for the rest..

- Can you add location of the critter? Like wraiths are in a few places, I imagine local makes a difference

Presently, the PsiNet client as a whole is unaware of location in any meaningful sense. When I am able to distinguish between locations (as is a planned component of a planned upcoming feature) this would be a great idea.

However, I am led to believe by a few sources that the location of identical creatures is not presently affecting treasure. Wraiths in one zone share treasure pool with wraiths in another. I could be wrong though, so this is something I'll have to study.

- Bundle the guide bandits together

What if they're not the same?

- Group by date / time part? Maybe 4 hours buckets, days of week?

I've been regularly looking at the data to find useful periods. I'm currently leaning towards today/7 days/one month, but as it's been running so briefly.. it's hard to say yet.

Some creatures simply are not hunted enough for useful sampling.

- Perhaps assign a coin value to boxes based on the critter
- Perhaps group the no-treasure mons together as well, with a segment for skin value (can you get that like you get treasures?)

This isn't really feasible. PsiNet can watch for the reasonably standard messaging for searches and see what items drop from what creature. However, it's not possible for PsiNet to then track which box came from it and what was in that box at an indeterminate time later when you opened the box-- if you ever did.

As for skin/gem value, the major problem is with trading/racial prejudice altering the value of the gem/skin when it is sold. I know the trading formula and can handle that, but a bias table for every profession for every shop would be a pain I think.

File this, too, under 'at some point'

Someone already pointed out to me that I'm current examining the data wrong. In that it is currently *accurate*, but not usefully so, and doesn't really represent the system in the way that it works. I'm looking into this, so you can expect the current layout to change drastically over the near future.

09-17-2007, 11:49 AM
IMO you dont need to sort all the boxes by specific names. Just count the number of "boxes" dropped by each mob together.

Haywood J.
09-17-2007, 11:59 AM
I mean the StDev for silvers, yes.

By bundling the guide bandits, I just meant a subsection -- they aren't something you'd "hunt", IMO. Also, a giantman burglar to a lvl 10 escort vs. a lvl 100 escort is significantly different.

Same thing for the non-treasure mons -- I was just thinking a section, since they will never generate coin treasure/gem treasure (think pumas, bears, etc), they don't need to be in the stats for treasure.

Cool stuff.

09-17-2007, 05:17 PM
For sure on the boxes. I'm working on it

Dwarven Empath
09-18-2007, 04:45 PM
Player Searches Total Silvers Average silvers
Oddfinger 168 4427 26.35
Delmorte 107 7900 73.83
Oravia 104 5151 49.53
Sihaya 94 0 0.00
Allereli 74 3044 41.14
Medi 72 5042 70.03
Laphrael 68 3249 47.78
Zeui 37 1672 45.19
Zhau 31 0 0.00
Flaare 30 1975 65.83

Silver: 5042

Wow very accurate. and impressive.


09-18-2007, 07:56 PM
Cool tool Jamus, I like it.

09-18-2007, 08:29 PM
How do you get the amount per person to show?

09-19-2007, 05:24 PM

I have updated the creature views to show data more relevant to the way the treasure system is supposed to work.

For each creature you'll see the independent chances they'll drop a gem, box, alchemy item, and other item.

Then, it will show you the distribution of gems, and their likelihood among gems dropped by this creature, and among all searches of this creature.

Same for alchemy items, and somewhat less usefully, for other items.

So you can see easier, for instance, that 12% of hunter trolls drop boxes, and that 20% of them drop gems. When they drop gems, pale yellow heliodors and yellow sapphires drop most often-- each at about 6% of gems that hunter trolls drop, which comes out to 1% of all hunter trolls.

I hid information on box distribution because as far as I can tell the description of a box is completely random.

09-19-2007, 05:37 PM
So if I want a fresh apple donut, I know that I'm best off hunting troll chieftans... I'm totally there.

09-19-2007, 06:05 PM

You don't have the rift gems listed as gems, just FYI.


12-07-2007, 10:54 PM
I just started using Psinet a few days ago. So far I can say it's very helpfull in a lot of ways. Being able to chat across the realms is awesome!

This is slightly off topic for this thread, but what's the command to locate someone and to see their skills (If they are showing them)? I can't figure out what those commands are.

Thanks for the help...and thank you Jamus for a great addition to the game!

12-07-2007, 10:57 PM
Psinet locate [person]
Psinet skills [person]

12-07-2007, 11:55 PM
Psinet locate [person]
Psinet skills [person]

Thank you kindly! :thanx:

12-23-2007, 01:02 PM
How do you see the loot info?