View Full Version : Law class, what should I do?

The Ponzzz
09-16-2007, 05:10 PM
My job offered me full tuition reinburstment ASAP, so I took it and now doing full time school online to fix up my current degree and transfer to a four year school. So I took a business law class due to it being good for my major and I didn't realize it was going to be less business, more law... I can't drop the class at this point, so I'm just wondering what I should do about my professor's poor choice in wording for the online tests...

We have quizzes every week and tests every other week. This is week two and I noticed the class average dropped from a 54 to a 45. So I go into the quiz and test today and the quiz is 5 questions, test is 20. The questions were very poorly worded and could go either way for answers due to words like, "Sometimes, Generally, In some cases." I passed the test with an 80, but got a 40 for the quiz... We can see the class average for every assignment and the class average (47 students, 35 took it already) was 50 for the quiz, 30 for the test...

Is there anything I can do about this, it's obviously effecting others...

Oh, btw, I hate fucking law.

09-16-2007, 05:14 PM
Just don't be the guy who fucks the curve and you'll all be good.

09-16-2007, 05:14 PM
Bring it up to the professor. Ask for help from the professor for the folks with even more issues. Ask people here if you need help.

The Ponzzz
09-16-2007, 05:27 PM
There is no curve, :(

And I'll do just that. I'll start posting and IMing you Conan, :)

09-16-2007, 05:37 PM
Ha. I don't know THAT much business law so far. I'm learning how to be lawyerly though. I fully intend to pass you off to people who know more.
