View Full Version : Beaner's Coffee, a racist company?

09-16-2007, 04:14 PM
DETROIT -- A small but growing coffeehouse chain is changing its name amid concern that the moniker meant to celebrate the seed of its main product also is a disparaging term for Hispanics.

Beaner's Coffee, based in East Lansing, Mich., on Friday informed franchisees and employees at its 77 stores in Michigan and eight other states that it would become Biggby Coffee, effective Jan. 31.

"That just doesn't really fall within our mission to have a name that is derogatory," Bob Fish, 44, Beaner's chief executive, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "We felt it was important to do the right thing and change the name."

Fish, who co-founded the company in 1995, said there hasn't been any broad resistance or protests against the name, just people asking if the company knew about the connotation. And inquiries have grown as the company has -- particularly in the southeast U.S., where it has five locations.

Biggby, he said, allows the company to rename without rebranding -- Beaner's logo is a big black 'B' with an orange background.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term was preceded by "bean-eater," a slur against Latin-Americans, particularly Mexicans. The earliest example goes back to 1919, and the first recorded use of beaner as a derogatory term was 1965.

"The concept of referring negatively to Mexicans because of what they eat goes back a long way," said Jesse Sheidlower, an editor at large at Oxford.

"You can offend unintentionally. That beaner has a meaning within the coffee community doesn't matter if it coincidentally is the name of an ethnic slur.

"You don't want to get to the point where it looks embarrassing."

One notorious example is Sambo's, the restaurant chain that crumbled under financial problems and criticism for the stereotypes its name implied in the early 1980s.

The name of the chain, which at its height had 1,200 restaurants in 48 states, wasn't meant to be offensive. Co-owners Sam Battistone and Neil "Bo" Bohnett combined their names to create the restaurant name.

Still, the restaurateurs decorated their dining rooms with drawings from an 1899 children's story called "The Little Black Sambo." Although the setting was India, the drawings eventually transformed Sambo into a stereotype of happy-go-lucky blacks in the American South and the term was a racial stereotype by the 1920s.

By the late 1970s, the Urban League and chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York went to court to ask for an official name change.

Juan Tornoe, an Austin, Texas-based Hispanic marketing consultant, said it's clear to him and should be to anyone that Beaner's name is about coffee, not contempt. But the name change could be a smart move for a company with national aspirations: By 2050, nearly a quarter of the U.S. population will be of Hispanic heritage.

"If you want to get that piece of the pie, you have to cater to them now," Tornoe said. "You have to be sensitive to the things that they hold close to their hearts."

James Maher, an analyst who covers coffee retailing giant Starbucks Corp. for San Francisco-based ThinkEquity Partners LLC, is only vaguely familiar with Beaner's. But he sees the name change as more of a necessity than marketing opportunity.

Maher said Beaner's is one of many regional players in the highly competitive coffee scene operating in the shadow of Starbucks, which has 9,000 U.S. stores and 14,000 globally. It opens a store every three hours on average, he said.

In fact, there is a steep drop between Starbucks and Caribou Coffee Co., which has about 480 stores in the U.S. He said one regional player worth watching is Peet's Coffee & Tea Inc., with 150 shops nationally but most in California.

"It's just been a tough business for somebody to acquire a real good franchise and consistently make money, other than Starbucks and Peet's," Maher said. "In terms of executing and developing a real strong following ... it's very difficult."

Despite its small stature, Fish said Beaner's has bucked the trend: It reported systemwide sales of $22 million last year, and projects more than $30 million this year. The company's growth rate has doubled every two years and it plans to have 300 shops within five years, he said.



Of course the NAACP had to be mentioned in this article.

"By the late 1970s, the Urban League and chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York went to court to ask for an official name change."

09-16-2007, 04:50 PM
Juan Valdez disagrees.

09-16-2007, 05:29 PM
But the name change could be a smart move for a company with national aspirations: By 2050, nearly a quarter of the U.S. population will be of Hispanic heritage.

"If you want to get that piece of the pie, you have to cater to them now," Tornoe said. "You have to be sensitive to the things that they hold close to their hearts."

This quote made me kind of angry, not that hispanics are taking over the US population, whatever, that's fine, but to say you need to "cater to them now" like it's some kind of threat is ridiculous. As racial heritage is becoming more and more mixed I think we should be more able to drop this ridiculous over-sensitivity.

I hate shit like this.

09-16-2007, 05:35 PM
Fuckit their coffee is disgusting anyway, close the place down.


09-16-2007, 05:39 PM
This quote made me kind of angry, not that hispanics are taking over the US population, whatever, that's fine, but to say you need to "cater to them now" like it's some kind of threat is ridiculous. As racial heritage is becoming more and more mixed I think we should be more able to drop this ridiculous over-sensitivity.

I hate shit like this.

I agree.

If the name turns out to be offensive, then that's a reason to change it.

If the name turns out to be offensive and you are changing it because that may become a large portion of your customers in the future, that's lip service.

09-16-2007, 05:56 PM
I hereby demand that Cracker Barrel change it's name. Seconded?

09-16-2007, 06:56 PM
Damnit, I'm gonna have to come up with a new name for that chocolate factory I was planning on building.

People are too sensitive.

09-16-2007, 08:37 PM
I hereby demand that Cracker Barrel change it's name. Seconded?


Stanley Burrell
09-16-2007, 09:08 PM


09-16-2007, 09:18 PM

I'm from California need I say more?

09-16-2007, 10:26 PM
I once coached a basketball team named SCAB

Seven crackers and a Beaner.

09-16-2007, 10:59 PM
Sorry, the Washington Redskins have to change their name too.
Cleveland Indians....
Atlanta Braves (that tomahawk chop shit's gotta go)

They're even picking up the momentum in Australia.

FOOTY greats Kevin Sheedy and Michael Long are leading a call for racist Victorian place names to be consigned to history's waste basket.

Sheedy, Long and pop singer Deni Hines have joined a powerful lobby of Aboriginal leaders who denounce the names as offensive relics of Australia's colonial past. Offending place names in Victoria include Mt Niggerhead, The Niggerheads, Niggerhead Aquaduct, Niggerhead Creek and Massacre Bay -- where hundreds of Aborigines were slaughtered in the 1800s.

Road names include Blackboy Lane, Black Charlie Track, Nigra St and Black Fellah Camp Rd.

The lobby is calling for the Bracks Government, which first looked at the issue of racist place names in 2000, to rid the state of the names immediately.

"These names are not needed," Sheedy said yesterday.

"Let's get rid of them and move on in life. They are offensive. There's been bridge-building for 200 years and we've got to get smarter and better now."

Michael Long said: "Anyone would have to agree the word Niggerhead is derogatory."

Deni Hines described the names as "just wrong".

"Names such as Mt Niggerhead have got to go. Massacre Bay, too," Hines said.

"I don't feel nice when I hear them -- I'm blown away that they still exist.

"I'm not sure how aware people are of these names, but I hope people become aware and I hope there is a change because it shouldn't be like this."

Koori Heritage Trust chief Jason Eades said the names were relics of the past.
"They do not belong in a modern, progressive society," Mr Eades said.

"Just because something was acceptable a long time ago, that does not make it right. They are derogatory terms with negative connotations."

Wurundjeri senior elder Prof Joy Wandin-Murphy said culturally appropriate names should be chosen.

And Brian Morley, a presenter on Melbourne's indigenous radio station, 3KND, said: "There is no reason why these places and roads cannot be renamed so they don't upset people." http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,,21358677-662,00.html

09-16-2007, 11:29 PM
I don't think niggerhead is derogatory... :rofl:

09-17-2007, 05:50 AM
Cracker Barrel only serves old, white folk, southern food... The name still fits.

09-17-2007, 05:06 PM
Sorry, the Washington Redskins have to change their name too.
Cleveland Indians....
Atlanta Braves (that tomahawk chop shit's gotta go)

They're even picking up the momentum in Australia.

Oohhh one of our local high schools mascot is the Redskins. They have been under fire from several state groups about having it changed for over 10 years. F* THAT!

Carl Spackler
09-17-2007, 05:26 PM
Shit I drive by the original beaners every day.... fuck them for caving in... and fuck my mcdonalds for having half it's sign in spanish... i'm closer to french canadians than I am spanish speaking countries.... sorry a little angry about this